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本研究提出一个有调节的中介模型,揭示了心理资本"怎样"影响大学生职业决策困难及这种影响在不同个体中是否存在差异。采用心理资本量表、职业决策自我效能感量表、社会技能量表和职业决策困难量表对730名大学生进行研究。研究显示:(1)职业决策自我效能感部分中介了心理资本与大学生职业决策困难的关系;(2)社会技能调节了心理资本通过职业决策自我效能感影响大学生职业决策困难的中介过程的前半路径和后半路径。研究结论对促进大学生成功就业具有重要的理论与实证价值。  相似文献   

影响职业决策自我效能的因素及干预研究述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
职业决策自我效能指个体对自己完成择业相关任务所需能力的信心程度。自从Betz和Taylor提出职业决策自我效能,该概念已引发了职业心理学中众多的理论和实证研究。文章总结了影响职业决策自我效能的因素及其干预措施。影响职业决策自我效能因素可概括为个体因素、家庭因素、学校因素三方面,干预措施依据不同的理论,主要有归因训练、团体干预、职业决策训练、认知重构、计算机职业指导系统等  相似文献   

贪婪是人性的重要特点之一,也是哲学、经济学等领域经常讨论的话题.本文首先梳理了贪婪的概念,并将问题聚焦在对于物质的贪婪上.然后总结了贪婪的特点,并提出贪婪的定义.接着阐述了情境因素如何影响个体对贪婪的态度,以及贪婪动机如何影响自利行为.贪婪决策是个体决定是否做出贪婪行为的心理过程,受到自我意识和情绪的影响.贪婪决策过程模型整合了控制性、自动化两类加工方式,阐释了自利倾向与道德自觉相互作用的机制.本文对以上内容逐次进行讨论,并提出了未来研究的方向.  相似文献   

信息过少容易使人成为井底之蛙, 不利于做出高质量的决策; 那拥有更多信息是否就能做出更高质量、有远见的决策呢?已有研究发现海量信息导致注意资源稀缺, 注意资源对跨期决策至关重要, 但海量信息如何影响跨期决策的内在机制尚不明确。本研究基于注意资源的理论视角提出:海量信息加剧注意资源的稀缺, 一方面当前信息捕获过多注意资源, 导致指向未来的注意资源减少, 造成模拟未来不清晰、预测未来不准确, 意图形成减少; 另一方面增加对时间紧迫性的关注, 减少为长远未来做计划的意愿, 导致在跨期权衡中更偏好近期选项。长期导向的特质可以使个体将注意聚焦于长远收益, 做出更有远见的决策。研究结果将科学地解释海量信息影响跨期决策的内在机制, 并为进一步探讨助推海量信息环境下有远见的跨期决策提供理论与实证依据。  相似文献   

处于自我损耗状态时, 个体在意愿上偏好即时利益和目标, 并且会做出许多非理性决策行为。在梳理自我损耗对行为决策的影响基础上, 指出自我损耗降低决策理性的注意机制和执行机制:一方面, 损耗使个体注意力更容易为即时利益所捕获, 进而重视短期利益而忽视长远利益, 即降低个体关注未来的能力; 另一方面, 损耗导致个体缺少计划性和行为实施的执行力, 即降低个体坚守未来的能力。此外, 损耗对决策理性的影响存在个体和情境两个方面的重要边界。未来可结合眼动技术验证损耗降低决策理性的注意机制, 进一步探究潜在边界条件以及寻找助推理性决策的方法。  相似文献   

本研究基于生涯发展理论探讨了主动性人格与大学生职业决策困难的关系,以及职业生涯探索与职业成熟度的中介效应。以接受了专业培训的心理学专业研究生为主试,采用主动性人格量表、职业生涯探索量表、职业成熟度量表和大学生职业决策困难量表对647名大学生进行研究。结果显示:主动性人格影响大学生职业决策困难的路径有四条,(1)主动性人格对大学生职业决策困难具有直接负向预测作用;(2)职业生涯探索在主动性人格与大学生职业决策困难之间起中介作用;(3)职业成熟度在主动性人格与大学生职业决策困难之间起中介作用;(4)职业生涯探索和职业成熟度在主动性人格与大学生职业决策困难之间起链式中介作用。因此,主动性人格不仅会直接影响大学生职业决策困难,还会通过职业生涯探索与职业成熟度间接影响大学生职业决策困难。  相似文献   

职业妥协是职业决策中的一个重要概念,关系着个体职业发展和社会就业的稳定。为了充分了解职业妥协和有效促进就业。首先,介绍了职业妥协的概念、测量;其次,总结了职业妥协的影响因素,并基于差异理论、目标设定理论、社会认知职业理论和人-环境匹配理论解释了职业妥协的实施效果,汇总了实施效果的边界条件;最后从职业妥协对职业行为的影响、个体职业生涯态度、家庭代际支持和上下级匹配与职业妥协的关系几个方面对未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

预先承诺作为一种有效的自我控制策略,主要通过提前排除那些在未来决策中可能会诱使个体做出冲动决策的选项,以达到降低决策冲动性的目的。预先承诺调控跨期决策主要是通过侧额极皮层(LFPC)、背外侧前额叶(DLPFC)、腹内侧前额叶(vmPFC)、后顶叶皮层(PPC)等脑区的共同激活,在自我控制、价值估算、特质冲动性、惩罚敏感度等心理变量的影响下发挥作用。本研究分别从认知机制和神经基础两个方面提出预先承诺降低冲动决策的整合模型,为干预和降低个体决策冲动性提供理论借鉴。未来研究可进一步探究预先承诺调控跨期决策的心理与神经机制,并加强预先承诺在决策领域的应用研究。  相似文献   

何嘉梅  金磊 《心理科学进展》2021,29(8):1410-1419
目标对决策的影响过程包含了明晰目标的决策过程和在目标的动机作用下完成后续决策任务的过程。目标是个体期望实现的多个未来结果相互之间竞争动机作用的结果。依据对未来结果的渴望性和可行性等特征的认知, 个体抉择出某个未来结果作为自己的目标, 使其具有了动机作用。在明晰目标的过程中, 解释水平、自我控制的人格特质和成功经验都会产生重要影响。在明确了目标以后, 目标通过改变个体对有利于目标实现的决策备择方案的态度和选择性注意来影响个体的决策。未来研究可以从目标的意识程度对决策负面结果的影响, 对决策的心理过程进行直接测量等角度来探讨目标对决策的影响。  相似文献   

为探究情绪与职业数量对不同职业生涯延迟满足个体职业决策过程的可能潜在影响,分别对40名高、低职业生涯延迟满足倾向的大学生被试诱发正、负性情绪并完成信息板技术模拟的职业决策任务。结果显示:1)高延迟满足个体的搜索深度和搜索模式显著大于低延迟满足个体;2)不同延迟满足的个体在正性情绪或低职业数量条件下都表现出更好的搜索深度和搜索模式;3)在不同情绪及职业数量条件下,高延迟满足个体在不同职业属性间的搜索更多。职业生涯延迟满足倾向作为与未来规划密切联系的概念,揭示了个体职业生涯规划对其职业决策过程可能存在的影响。  相似文献   

为探讨大学生职业决策困难与主动性人格、职业自我效能、职业使命感的关系,采用职业决策困难问卷、主动性人格量表、职业自我效能量表、拥有使命量表对321名大学生进行调查。结果表明:(1)主动性人格、职业自我效能、拥有使命两两之间呈极其显著的正相关;(2)主动性人格、职业自我效能、拥有使命与职业决策困难之间呈极其显著的负相关;(3)职业自我效能、拥有使命在主动性人格与职业决策困难之间具有完全中介作用。以上结果对于降低大学生的职业决策困难具有重要价值。  相似文献   

This study examines the role of personality traits, core self‐evaluation, and emotional intelligence (EI) in career decision‐making difficulties. Italian university students (N= 232) responded to questions on the Big Five Questionnaire, Core Self‐Evaluation Scale, Bar‐On Emotional Quotient Inventory, and Career Decision‐Making Difficulties Questionnaire. It was found that EI adds significant incremental variance compared with personality traits and core self‐evaluation in predicting career decision‐making difficulties. The results draw attention to the unique role of EI in career decision‐making difficulties, offering new research opportunities and intervention possibilities.  相似文献   

This study focused on examining the persistent aspects of career decision-making difficulties, using the Emotional and Personality-related Career decision-making Difficulties scale (EPCD; [Saka, N., Gati, I., & Kelly, K.R. (in press). Emotional and personality-related aspects of career decision-making difficulties. Journal of Career Assessment]). The contribution of four personality measures—general indecisiveness, self-esteem, trait anxiety, and identity status—to the prediction of persistent career decision-making difficulties was tested on 747 students, using a longitudinal design. Results indicated that individuals with high EPCD scores at the beginning of the academic school year had less confidence in their choice and were less close to making a decision about the major into which they wanted to be admitted at the end of the year. The moderate correlations between the EPCD score and the four personality measures supported the validity of the EPCD. Implications for counseling and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study focused on examining the persistent aspects of career decision-making difficulties, using the Emotional and Personality-related Career decision-making Difficulties scale (EPCD; [Saka, N., Gati, I., & Kelly, K.R. (in press). Emotional and personality-related aspects of career decision-making difficulties. Journal of Career Assessment]). The contribution of four personality measures—general indecisiveness, self-esteem, trait anxiety, and identity status—to the prediction of persistent career decision-making difficulties was tested on 747 students, using a longitudinal design. Results indicated that individuals with high EPCD scores at the beginning of the academic school year had less confidence in their choice and were less close to making a decision about the major into which they wanted to be admitted at the end of the year. The moderate correlations between the EPCD score and the four personality measures supported the validity of the EPCD. Implications for counseling and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The Career Decision Ambiguity Tolerance Scale (CDAT) measures individual evaluations of and responses to ambiguity encountered in career decision making. It was developed and initially validated through two studies of college students. An exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis consistently showed a three-factor structure for career decision ambiguity tolerance, consisting of preference, tolerance, and aversion. In addition to support for construct validity and subscale reliabilities, the findings also support the scale's incremental validity in predicting career indecision, career decision-making self-efficacy, and career adaptability over and beyond general ambiguity tolerance. The theoretical meaning and practical application of the CDAT were discussed along with its limitations and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate the relation between final year high school students’ career decision-making self-efficacy and attachment styles. The research group consisted of 808 final year students selected at random and receiving high school education in the province of Trabzon, Turkey in the 2013–2014 academic years. Participants completed a Personal Data Form prepared by the researchers, the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale in order to measure career decision-making self-efficacy, the Relationship Scales Questionnaire and the BEM Gender role Inventory. Results showed that career decision making efficacy was significantly correlated with the secure and fearful and attachment styles, and career decision making self-efficacy varied according to gender roles. Subjects with masculine and feminine gender roles had greater career decision making self-efficacy than those with indeterminate roles, and those with androgynous roles had greater career making self-efficacy than those with masculine, feminine or indeterminate gender roles.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of CHOICES in improving the career decision making of university students through the utilization of the two instruments, (a) the Career Decision Scale and (b) the Occupational Scale of the Assessment of Career Decision Making, is examined. This experimental research involved 136 university students who were assigned to either an experimental or control group. Results indicated that CHOICES improved career decision making as measured by both instruments. No differences were found between its effectiveness with males and females.  相似文献   

高三学生生涯未决的类型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
生涯未决是生涯决策研究的一个重要问题。本文通过生涯决策困难和职业认同等测量工具调查了300名高中生,试图探讨生涯未决的类型。采用聚类分析,结果发现了5类未决类型:不知所措型、犹豫不决型、不良信念型、动机不足型、应对良好型。对总体决策困难和职业认同的差异检验证实了这五种类型。  相似文献   

This study examined the effectiveness of group‐based career counseling using the Career Interest Profile (CIP). The study used an experimental design involving 2 groups of Italian university students: an experimental group (42 participants) who received narrative career counseling and a control group (47 participants) who did not. Results indicated more specific life and occupational goals after the intervention among members of the experimental group in addition to a decrease in career decision‐making difficulties and an increase in career decision‐making self‐efficacy, thus suggesting the value of group‐based career counseling on the basis of the principles embodied in the CIP.  相似文献   

该研究以一所综合类大学的305名大学生为被试, 采用问卷法考察了大学生主动性人格、职业决策自我效能感与职业生涯探索的关系。结果表明:(1)大学生的主动性人格与职业决策自我效能感、职业生涯探索的各维度呈显著正相关;(2)大学生的主动性人格显著正向预测其职业生涯探索;(3)职业决策自我效能感在主动性人格对职业生涯探索的影响中起中介作用。其中, 自我评价、制定计划在主动性人格与环境探索的关系间起完全中介作用;自我评价、收集信息和选择目标在主动性人格与自我探索的关系间起完全中介作用;自我评价和收集信息在主动性人格与目的探索的关系间起部分中介作用;自我评价和制定计划在主动性人格与信息探索的关系间起部分中介的作用。  相似文献   

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