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对威胁敏感是人类在应对外部环境过程中不断发展的生存技能。威胁敏感性的研究主要存在两种取向:生理取向以敏感性强化理论为基础, 将行为抑制系统的敏感性界定为威胁敏感性, 量化为个体应对威胁时的生理、情绪和行为反应水平; 认知取向以信息加工的认知风格理论为基础, 将个体在对威胁信息加工过程中的敏感性偏向定义为威胁警觉, 量化为威胁刺激呈现前后的预期水平和探测水平。未来研究还需进一步整合和界定威胁敏感性的概念内涵, 验证各测量指标之间的关系, 拓展不同种类威胁敏感性的研究方法。  相似文献   

张静  田录梅  张文新 《心理科学进展》2012,20(12):1991-2000
社会能力是心理学领域中一个经典的研究问题,但是至今仍没有统一的概念和理论模型.总结以往的有关研究,可以归纳出社会能力概念的几个取向,如技能取向、结果取向、综合取向等.在这些概念取向尤其是综合取向的指导之下,研究者也提出了一些比较有代表性的理论模型,如成分模型、过程模型和棱柱模型等.该文对这些概念取向和理论模型进行了综述并尝试提出了社会能力的整合观点,但关于社会能力的概念和理论模型尚需进一步完善,其文化差异问题也尚需未来研究的关注.  相似文献   

控制理论:诠释毕生发展的新视点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
控制发展理论的基本概念包括初级控制与次级控制。初级控制指的是指向外部环境的行为和改变环境以适应个体需求的企图:次级控制的目标是指向个体自身,目的是将初级控制的丧失最小化、维持并提高当前的初级控制水平。次级控制一方面帮助个体应对初级控制的失败,另一方面通过选择功能提高初级控制水平。与次级控制相比,初级控制对个体发展的适应性机是居首位的。该详细阐述了两种控制的含义、维度模式及其相互作用,并从毕生发展的角度讨论了控制的发展特点。  相似文献   

许文涛  汪凤炎 《心理科学》2022,45(4):778-784
智慧与自我超越的关系紧密虽毋庸置疑,但基于智慧理论取向的不同,其关系模式存在三种观点:自我超越是智慧表现的影响因素;自我超越是智慧的一个方面或子类型;自我超越是智慧心理过程的核心。三种观点的分歧源自智慧定义取向的不同,在各自的理论体系中都有其合理性。以自我超越式的智慧自我为核心的智慧自我-人格-表现纵深模型整合了现有智慧与自我超越关系的多种观点,在发现每种观点更适宜的解释水平及其背后意义的同时,为进一步探究智慧多层内涵提供了可能研究方向。  相似文献   

评价中心是一种高保真度的情境模拟,它被设计用来在多种与工作相关的活动中测量多项维度.30年来的大量研究发现,评价中心具备良好的内容效度和效标关联效度,但构想效度却始终不理想,评价中心评分反映的总是由活动而非预先设想的维度带来的效应.这一评价中心“构想效度谜题”吸引了大量研究关注,并逐步形成了维度中心取向、活动中心取向及交互作用取向三种主要观点,分别主张控制各种误差因素以改善维度测量、放弃维度而转向活动或任务以及关注维度与活动的共同作用.未来研究应在传统的维度中心取向之外给予活动中心取向足够重视,并重点发展交互作用取向.  相似文献   

非伦理行为是指员工违反被广泛接受的道德或社会规范的行为,然而其操作性定义之间存在明显差异,现有文献很大程度上忽略了各操作性定义之间的差异,导致相关文献的分歧和混乱,从而限制了非伦理行为研究的发展。本文通过对非伦理行为文献的系统梳理和归纳总结,指明了非伦理行为操作性定义在概念内涵、研究维度和研究层次上的演化过程,并对该过程进行整合与评析。最后,文章对非伦理行为操作性定义的未来研究做出了展望。  相似文献   

归因取向理论建构及实证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尝试用一种新的视角—— 取向研究视角, 对以往归因理论进行整合研究, 建构一种与社会情境结合更紧密, 更具概括性的归因取向理论。归因取向理论的假设建构模型包括四种归因取向维度:社会取向, 个人取向, 积极取向和消极取向。根据理论模型编制归因取向量表, 以1301名被试为研究对象, 运用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析方法对该理论模型进行实证研究。结果证明了该理论建构的存在, 理论建构中各维度的因素负荷和拟合指数良好, 归因取向量表具有良好的信度和建构效度。检验归因取向维度和8个社会心理变量的关系, 证明了四种归因取向维度具有概括性、普遍性、稳定性和评估有效性特征。  相似文献   

该研究尝试用一种新的视角一取向研究视角,对以往情绪理论进行整合研究,建构一种与社会情境结合更紧密,更具概括性的情绪取向理论.情绪取向理论的假设建构模型包括四个维度:理性取向、感性取向、积极取向和消极取向.根据理论模型编制情绪取向量表,以779名被试为研究对象,运用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析方法对该理论模型进行实证研究.结果证明了该理论建构的存在,理论建构中各维度的因素负荷和拟合指数良好,情绪取向量表具有良好的信度和建构效度.  相似文献   

个体化过程是当代儿童青少年发展与教育研究中的重要课题。然而,由于该研究领域处于持续发展变化之中,目前研究者关于个体化概念的看法存在着诸多分歧。文章从个体化理论及概念涵义的发展、个体化测量及操作性定义的发展两个角度对目前研究中的个体化概念进行了分析和总结,在此基础上对现有概念进行了整合:个体化是个体在认知与情感等领域中,在逐渐形成亲子联结的新形式的同时,不断发展独立自主品质的过程。文章还对个体化与相关概念之间的关系进行了辨析。  相似文献   

不同年龄城乡青少年价值取向的多方法复合式分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本研究采用多方法、多特征的新思路,以4种测量方法分析不同亚文化背景下424名青少年的集体──个体价值取向(collectivism-individualismvalueorientation)的特点及其发展变化趋势,试图在价值取向的理论构思和研究方法论两方面作新的探索。结果表明:(1)不同年龄段、不同地区的被试,其集体──个体价值取向存在着显著差异;(2)4种测量方法之间结果的相关非常显著,多方法复合式分析具有聚合效度;(3)在集体──个体价值取向方向上,我国被试更倾向集体。本研究在方法学上和交叉文化差异研究中都有其积极意义,为进一步研究提供了依据。  相似文献   

本研究以281名老年人为研究对象,探讨了城市变迁中的老年人居住地情感认同、领悟社会支持和控制感的关系。研究使用居住地情感认同问卷、领悟社会支持问卷和控制感问卷为研究工具,采用每次间隔6个月,共3次的纵向追踪设计。结果发现:老年人的居住地情感认同可以正向预测领悟社会支持,老年人的领悟社会支持可以正向预测控制感,老年人的领悟社会支持在居住地情感认同和控制感之间起纵向中介作用。本研究结果揭示了城市老年居民的居住地情感认同对控制感的影响机制,也对提升城市老年居民的控制感具有一定的实践意义。  相似文献   

People consistently believe that negative events are less likely to happen to them than to others. Research suggests a relationship between this optimistic bias and perceived control such that the greater control people perceive over future events, the greater their optimistic bias. We conducted a meta-analysis of 27 independent samples to quantify the size of this relationship and examine what variables moderated the relationship. Greater perceived control was significantly related to greater optimistic bias, but this relationship was moderated by participant nationality, student status, risk status, and the type of optimistic bias measure used. We discuss the findings in the context of primary versus secondary control.  相似文献   

Fifty-three older workers (M = 57.2) enrolled in a preretirement training program were administered a battery of measures designed to further evaluate the role that locus of control plays in determining attitudes toward work and retirement. Results suggested that perceived control related to work commitment. The extent of the relationship between perceived control and attitudes toward retirement, however, was mediated by sex, level of education, and self-rated health. Consistent with previous research, perceived control related to measures of adjustment.  相似文献   

Perceived job autonomy has been recognized as a central tenet of work design, leading to a range of positive outcomes. Still, scholars have rightfully questioned its predictive role for several outcomes, including turnover intention as the two have been found to be virtually unrelated. In line with calls for more complex research on the predictive role of perceived job autonomy on employee outcomes, the purpose of this study was to investigate whether the relationship between perceived job autonomy and turnover intention may be prone to contextual influences. Two cross-sectional surveys among 680 Norwegian employees from different public service organizations showed that the relationship between perceived job autonomy and turnover intention was moderated by perceived supervisor support. In support of our hypothesis, the form of the moderations revealed that perceived job autonomy was negatively related to turnover intention only for employees reporting high levels of perceived supervisor support. Implications for practice and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

基于社会信息加工理论视角,通过对816名员工与其直接上级进行两时间点配对取样,探讨包容型氛围感知对员工建言的影响,以及心理安全感与惰性感知在两者关系中的作用机制。研究结果表明:员工包容型氛围感知对其建言行为起到促进作用,并通过心理安全感与惰性感知间接影响建言行为。研究结果不仅从理论上丰富与拓展了包容型氛围的效应研究,同时对实务界管理员工建言有一定的实践启示。  相似文献   

褚福磊  王蕊 《心理科学》2019,(2):365-371
运用自我评价理论视角,并采用两阶段追踪调查问卷方法收集数据,探讨了资质过剩感与亲组织不道德行为的关系以及心理特权和谦卑型领导在两者关系中的作用机制。实证分析结果表明:资质过剩感显著正向影响心理特权,心理特权在资质过剩感与亲组织不道德行为之间起到中介作用,谦卑型领导显著负向调节资质过剩感与心理特权的关系。研究对管理实践有一定的启示,丰富了资质过剩感和亲组织不道德行为理论。  相似文献   

The aim of the present studies was to investigate the relationship between primary and secondary control and the use of superstitious strategies under conditions of uncertainty and stress. In the first study, 78 participants completed a chance‐determined card‐guessing task in which they were permitted to use a psychic's card selections instead of making their own card selections. Participants' use of a superstitious strategy (a psychic's selections) increased significantly with the perceived likelihood of failure, regardless of belief in psychic ability. A second study (N= 102) replicated these findings using a skill task. Overall, these data suggest that as the need to control outcomes becomes increasingly salient, the use of superstitious strategies may represent attempts at secondary control.  相似文献   

IntroductionChanges within the teaching profession have been blamed for the high levels of stress reported by teachers. In recent decades, Italian schools have been characterised by continuous change, as a result of profound transitions that have affected political, social and economic development.ObjectiveThis paper investigated the relationship between occupational stress, job satisfaction and physical health in Italian teachers. Specifically, our aim is to study the role of job satisfaction as a possible mediation role between work stressors and its effects on teachers’ physical health (physical symptoms). In addition, we were interested in studying the direct effects of work stressors on the hypothetical outcomes (physical symptoms).MethodData were collected via a questionnaire from a sample of 565 teachers working in different upper secondary schools in Italy. The booklet filled by the teachers consisted of 32 items that measure perceived occupational difficulties, job satisfaction and physical symptoms.ResultsThe results showed that workload, perception of work environment, teachers’ perceptions of senior management and attitude towards change are specific perceived occupational difficulties of the Italian teachers involved in our research. In particular, workload and attitude towards change have significant direct effects on physical symptoms, and indirect effects on physical symptoms through job satisfaction. Also, job satisfaction decreases physical symptoms.ConclusionThe results suggest important implications for stress prevention in teachers. In fact, the level of stress and its consequences can be reduced and prevented through an accurate identification of its sources, with a positive effect on individual and organisational health.  相似文献   

Extensive research has linked youth depression symptoms to low levels of perceived control, using measures that reflect primary control (i.e., influencing objective conditions to make them fit one’s wishes). We hypothesized that depressive symptoms are also linked to low levels of secondary control (i.e., influencing the psychological impact of objective conditions by adjusting oneself to fit them). To test the hypothesis, we developed the Secondary Control Scale for Children (SCSC), examined its psychometrics, and used it to assess the secondary control-depression symptomatology association. In a large adolescent sample, the SCSC showed factorial integrity, internal consistency, test-retest stability, convergent and discriminant validity, and accounted for more than 40% of the variance in depression symptoms. Consistent with evidence on risk and gender, depression symptoms were more strongly associated with secondary control in girls and primary control in boys. Assessing secondary control may help us understand youth depression vulnerability in girls and boys.  相似文献   

In this article we present a temporal model for understanding the relations between perceived control and posttraumatic distress. Although perceived control generally is seen as adaptive, a review of the research using a temporal framework reveals that the relations between different types of control and distress vary greatly. Specifically, present and future control tend to be associated with better adjustment and fewer posttraumatic stress disoorder (PTSD) symptoms, whereas past control tends to be unrelated to distress or associated with more distress. Following this review, we outline an agenda for future research on past, future, and present control and posttraumatic distress using our temporal framework and discuss general methodological issues that need to be addressed in future research.  相似文献   

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