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智慧是个体在其人生经历中习得的一种德才一体的综合心理素质, 是成功老龄化的重要标志和毕生发展的理想终点。研究发现, 三维智慧量表、自我评估智慧量表、成人自我超越问卷等自陈式测量和柏林智慧范式、智慧推理等表现式测量对老年人智慧评估具有良好性能; 老年人智慧发展受到开放性、自我反思、情绪调节、人格成长等内在因素以及受教育程度、关键生活经历、社会环境等外在因素的交互影响; 毕生发展的智慧为老年人带来更高主观幸福感、生活满意度以及更少社会疏离感、孤独感和抑郁。未来应该开发多测度、整合的老年人智慧测评工具; 深入揭示老年人智慧的预测因素、影响后效及其内部作用机制; 进一步探索社区养老服务中老年人智慧的干预与培育策略。  相似文献   

情绪智力、组织公平和组织公民行为关系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
俞彬彬  钟建安 《心理科学》2008,31(2):475-478
本研究采用相关分析和多元回归分析方法检验了组织中个体情绪智力、组织公平与组织公民行为的关系.通过情绪智力量表、组织公平感量表、中国组织公民行为量表对企业中288个样本进行结构化问卷调查,结果表明:组织公平感与组织公民行为有显著的正相关;情绪智力与组织公民行为有显著的正相关;情绪智力对组织公平感和组织公民行为的关系起到一定程度的缓冲作用.  相似文献   

以55名大学生为被试,采用内隐联想测验(IAT)和单类内隐联想测验(SC-IAT)测量被试对智慧的内隐认知.实验1中,被试对人慧者与良好道德人文素质属性词联结以及物慧者与良好智力思维素质属性词联结的反应速度更快,表明大学生存在人慧者更具备良好道德人文素质和物慧者更具备良好智力思维素质的内隐认知取向;实验2中,被试对智慧者与良好德智属性词联结比愚蠢者与良好德智属性词联结的反应速度更快,表明大学生存在智慧者更兼备良好道德人文素质与良好智力思维素质的内隐认知取向.两项实验中,被试智慧内隐认知效应的性别与专业差异显著.综合两项实验表明,智慧是良好道德人文素质与良好智力思维素质的有机结合;学习与经验影响大学生对智慧的内隐认知.  相似文献   

中小学生创造性倾向、智力及学业成绩的相关研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本研究采用威廉斯创造性倾向量表和瑞文标准推理测验,结合中小学生语文、数学成绩,对524名中小学生进行创造性倾向、智力和学业成绩的相关研究.研究发现:(1)中小学生创造性倾向从小学到初中都处于发展阶段,高中以后基本趋于稳定,中小学生的智力一直处于发展增长趋势;(2)小学生的语文、数学成绩与创造性倾向总分有显著相关,初中生的数学成绩与创造性倾向总分以及四项行为特质都有显著相关,小学、初中和高中学生的语文、数学成绩与智力有显著相关;(3)小学中、低分段语文成绩和低分段数学成绩与其创造性倾向有显著相关,初中学生的语文成绩只有高分段与创造性倾向有显著相关,小学和高中语、数成绩三个分段学生的学业成绩跟智力显著相关.  相似文献   

情绪智力研究的现状及发展趋势   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
李国瑞  何小蕾 《心理科学》2003,26(5):917-918
自从 1990年心理学家梅耶和萨拉维 (Mayer&Salovey)首次提出“情绪智力”的概念后 ,情绪智力的研究受到广泛重视 ,其重点是情绪智力理论模型和量表的开发研究。至今已有 7本情绪智力专著出版 ,情绪智力量表已有近十个版本。本文简要介绍目前占主导地位的情绪智力模型以及基于这些模型所开发的情绪智力量表。1 “情绪智力”模型1.1 梅耶和萨拉维 (Mayer&Salovey) 1990模型1990年梅耶和萨拉维首次提出“情绪智力”的概念 ,指出情绪智力应包括区分和调节自己与他人的情绪 ,以及运用情绪信息引导思维的能力。其中区分自己与他人的情绪包括两…  相似文献   

思维风格测验在大学生中的初步应用   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
武欣  张厚粲 《心理科学》1999,22(4):293-297
本文介绍了斯腾伯格的心理自我管理理论并使用斯腾伯格所编制的思维风格问卷对大学生的思维风格进行了测量,比较了思维风格在性别、文理科、地域等方面的个体差异,得出了中国大学生在思维风格方面的一些特点;研究了思维风格与一般智力的关系,发现思维风格与智力相关很低,说明思维风格是一种独立于智力的特质;同时对思维风格量表的信、效度及量表的结构进行了探讨。  相似文献   

中国心理测量近二十年发展的述评与思考   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
朱腊梅  王小晔 《心理科学》2000,23(2):223-226
心理测量近年来取得了突破性进展,同时被广泛应用于社会生活许多领域.目前,(1)国内修订的智力量表主要集中在韦克斯勒智力量表及瑞文测验上.(2)在各种功能的量表中,以智力、人格测验量表发展得较为完善.(3)应用于教育领域的学习能力测验量表在能力量表中占的比重较大.(4)随着人们对心理健康的重视,用于心理发展和心理治疗效果诊断的临床医学量表日渐增多.(5)儿童心理量表发展很快.(6)国内自编测验的形式绝大部分是问卷形式、文字形式.量表可按其深度分成三个层次,中国心理测验要想取得国际影响力,必须在编制有深度的、本土化的量表上下功夫.  相似文献   

<正>一、情绪智力观及其对教育目标的影响(一)传统智力观及其教育影响智力这个词大家并不陌生,它是我们能力结构的重要组成部分,了解人的智力水平对教育领域具有重要的意义。我国古代的“左手画圆,右手画方”就有智力测验的性质。而可量化的智力研究最早可以追溯到1905年,法国心理学家比奈和其助手西蒙编制了比奈-西蒙智力量表。这个测验侧重语言和数理逻辑能力的测量,是时在学校教育中也倾向于培养这两种能力,而在这样的教育目标下培养出的主流精英往往以高学历、高分数为荣。  相似文献   

大学生情绪智力特征的研究   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
张进辅  徐小燕 《心理科学》2004,27(2):293-296
本研究采用自编的大学生情绪智力量表.对重庆地区801名本科大学生情绪智力的特征进行了调查和分析。结果表明:大学生情绪智力量表具有较高的信度、效度,能够较客观地测量大学生的情绪智力的结构性特点;大学生的情绪智力总体上表现出积极的趋势,但其结构内部的发展不平衡,情绪的意识因素的发展高于情绪的行为因素;大学生的情绪智力存在显著的性别差异、一定的专业差异和一定的年级差异。  相似文献   

儿童适应行为量表的编制与标准化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
自从道尔(E.Doll)在本世纪30年代编制出第一个标准化的适应行为量表以来,适应行为的评定已成为儿童心理评估的一项十分重要的内容.在特殊教育领域,适应行为量表已被许多国家和地区广泛应用于智力落后(简称MR)儿童的诊断与评估中,并在智力落后儿童的教育和训练中发挥越来越重要的作用.然而,在我国,适应行为量表的研究和应用才刚刚起步,这与我国特殊教育的发展是不相适应的,因此,开展有关方面的研究以便更好地为教育实践服务是很有必要的.  相似文献   

智慧的德才一体理论将智慧定义为个体在其智力与知识的基础上,经由经验与练习习得的一种德才一体的综合心理素质,主张智慧在本质上是良好品德与聪明才智的合金。基于智慧德才一体理论智慧结构的构想,通过实证方法探析中国文化中的智慧结构,结果表明:智慧是一个多层次、多维度的结构,由二阶二因素一阶六因素构成,两个二阶因素分别是聪明才智与良好品德,六个一阶因素分别是:中常智力、创造思维、渊博知识以及善良动机、善良效果、善良手段。六个因素相辅相成,互为补充。  相似文献   

许文涛  汪凤炎 《心理科学》2022,45(4):778-784
智慧与自我超越的关系紧密虽毋庸置疑,但基于智慧理论取向的不同,其关系模式存在三种观点:自我超越是智慧表现的影响因素;自我超越是智慧的一个方面或子类型;自我超越是智慧心理过程的核心。三种观点的分歧源自智慧定义取向的不同,在各自的理论体系中都有其合理性。以自我超越式的智慧自我为核心的智慧自我-人格-表现纵深模型整合了现有智慧与自我超越关系的多种观点,在发现每种观点更适宜的解释水平及其背后意义的同时,为进一步探究智慧多层内涵提供了可能研究方向。  相似文献   

Wisdom and emotional intelligence are increasingly popular topics among happiness scholars. Despite their conceptual overlap, no empirical research has examined their interrelations and incremental predictive validities. The aims of this study were (a) to investigate associations between multidimensional conceptualizations of self-reported wisdom (Ardelt in Res Aging 25(3):275–324, 2003, 2004) and emotional intelligence (Davies et al. in J Pers Soc Psychol 75:989–1015, 1998) and (b) to examine the joint effects of self-reported wisdom and emotional intelligence on dimensions of happiness (life satisfaction as well as positive and negative affect). Data were provided by two samples: 175 university students and 400 online workers. Correlations between a composite wisdom score, a composite emotional intelligence score, and happiness facets were positive and moderate in size. Regression analyses showed that the effects of composite wisdom on life satisfaction and positive affect (but not negative affect) became weaker and non-significant when composite emotional intelligence was controlled. Additional analyses including three dimensions of the self-reported wisdom (cognitive, reflective, and affective wisdom) and four dimensions of emotional intelligence (self- and others-emotions appraisal, use and regulation of emotion) revealed a more differentiated pattern of results. Implications for future research on wisdom and happiness are discussed.  相似文献   

Self-Reported Wisdom and Happiness: An Empirical Investigation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Possible tensions between wisdom and happiness have been extensively debated in philosophy. Some regard wisdom as the ??supreme part of happiness??, whereas other think that a more accurate and wiser view on reality might reduce happiness. Analyzing a Dutch internet survey of 7037 respondents, we discovered that wisdom and happiness were modestly positively related. Wisdom, measured with the Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale (3D-WS), explained 9.2% of the variation in hedonic happiness. The correlation with the reflective dimension of wisdom was the strongest. In addition, wisdom was more important for happiness among adults with only an elementary education. Our results suggest that happiness and wisdom do not conflict.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Wisdom has intrigued both scholars and laypersons since antiquity. On the one hand, its seemingly ethereal yet obvious qualities are timeless and universal. On the other hand, these same qualities are evolving and responsive to historical and cultural change. Novel societal and personal dilemmas emerge over time, and the ways and means to deal with recurring dilemmas are revisited and updated with prudence. Building on philosophical analyses of the role of theoretical and practical wisdom in good conduct and judgment about life matters, psychologists have begun to apply scientific methods to questions about the nature, function, and ontogeny of wisdom. We outline these research directions and focus on the Berlin Wisdom Paradigm, which was one of the first attempts to bring wisdom into the laboratory. Future research on wisdom would profit from interdisciplinary collaboration and creative application of new methods drawn from developmental, social, and cognitive psychology.  相似文献   

A self-report Adjective Check List (ACL) Practical Wisdom Scale (PWS) and external ratings of Transcendent Wisdom (TWR), based on subjects' examples of personally important wisdom, were used to study the personality correlates and life implications of two types of wisdom among participants in their 50s in a longitudinal study of women. High scorers on both the PWS and the TWR were cognitively complex, perceptive, insightful, and healthily self-directed. Only the PWS was associated with social initiative and leadership, empathy, and generativity. Only the TWR correlated with openness to experience, intuition, and creativity. ACL data from young adulthood were used to show that both the women and their spouses increased on the PWS from early to mature adulthood. For women, we demonstrated how occupation (psychotherapy) and traumatic life events (divorce) contributed to these agerelated gains.  相似文献   

Creativity refers to the potential to produce novel ideas that are task-appropriate and high in quality. Creativity in a societal context is best understood in terms of a dialectical relation to intelligence and wisdom. In particular, intelligence forms the thesis of such a dialectic. Intelligence largely is used to advance existing societal agendas. Creativity forms the antithesis of the dialectic, questioning and often opposing societal agendas, as well as proposing new ones. Wisdom forms the synthesis of the dialectic, balancing the old with the new. Wise people recognize the need to balance intelligence with creativity to achieve both stability and change within a societal context.  相似文献   

Wisdom has played a key role in the attempt to understand the positive nature of human behavior since the time of Aristotle. In the past decade, psychology and related fields have experienced an expanding interest in the empirical and theoretical pursuit of wisdom. The relational dimension of wisdom has received less attention, although it may be viewed as embedded in the practice of all couple therapists. This article integrates previous work on resilience and positive functioning in committed partnerships and proposes relational wisdom to be a master virtue of relationship development, one that can be cultivated across the lifespan of the partnership. The aspects of relational wisdom such as self‐reflection, attunement to self and other, balancing conflicting partner aims, the interpretation of rules and principles in light of the uniqueness of each situation and the capacity to learn from experience point to couples therapy as an ideal context for such skill building. Wisdom is built through dialog and the resulting individual and couple stories can serve as touchstones to what is most precious and vital in the relationship as well as guides for action through challenges and conflict. A clinical case is described to illustrate selected aspects of relational wisdom and implications for therapeutic practice.  相似文献   

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