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李晨 《五台山研究》2023,(4):22-27+33
佛教典籍的“舍”(upeks.ā)具有多种含义,说一切有部主要有三种情况,分别是受舍、行舍、舍无量。参考梵、巴、汉文的相关文献,对这三种“舍”的契经源头,及说一切有部阿毗达磨中的定义和争议,进行梳理和解读,从而归纳出三种“舍”的含义特征,并揭示说一切有部在此概念上与其他部派不同的立场。  相似文献   

Kosslyn认为人类的空间关系加工系统分为类别空间关系加工子系统和数量空间关系加工子系统,这两个子系统不仅存在功能上的分离,并且存在大脑神经水平的分离,这种神经水平的分离表现为两种空间关系加工的大脑半球偏向,即类别空间关系加工的左半球偏向与数量空间关系加工的右半球偏向。对两种空间关系加工的研究,涉及的领域从低水平的空间知觉,至表象、记忆、语言、行动及物体识别等,涉及的研究方法包括半视野速示法,神经网络模拟,PET, fMRI, ERP, rTMS,脑损伤病人的研究及比较动物研究。综合现有研究,虽然大多数研究中得到的脑半球偏向为两种加工子系统在神经水平的分离提供了证据,但不同研究中脑半球偏向的获得是相当不稳定的,并且受到研究方法因素的影响。尽管造成神经水平的分离似乎与大脑左右半球对具有不同感受野特征的神经元输出的偏向有一定的关系,但这仍需要进一步的研究证据  相似文献   

《中论》和《顺正理论》,分别是中观派与说一切有部的代表作。两派都认为,佛所说的因缘观是非一非异、非生非灭的。基于这样的因缘观,中观派认为一切法本性是空的,而有部却认为一切法是实有的。而两者差异的根本,在于是否认为生相是实有的。在《顺正理论》看来,生相是在外缘摄助下启动的“无障胜因”,它是果法的直接内因。它推动果法从未来世进入现在世,从而成为与原有外缘相分离的缘已生法,即外缘与果法有“非一”的关系。但从没有外缘果法不能产生的角度来说,两者有“非异”的关系。相反,由于中观派不承认作为中间环节的生相实有,所以因与果是直接的相互系属的关系。由于系属故相待,所以因果本性皆空。但与《顺正理论》比较后可知,《中论》实际上只指出了因果的一、异关系不能成立,却没有进一步很好地解决因与果的非一、非异关系,所以才对因缘法作了本性是空的价值判断。  相似文献   

汪志坚 《世界哲学》2023,(1):124-133
从思想传记的角度看,对康德哲学的反思塑造了罗尔斯政治哲学的形成、转向和终局。学界对罗尔斯和康德思想渊源论题主要有“貌合神离说”和“近而远之说”两种观点,前者认为罗尔斯前期对其正义理论的康德式阐释是基于对康德的误读,后者认为罗尔斯后期政治理论致力于疏离康德学说。借鉴学界对康德实践哲学的新近研究会发现,“貌合神离说”误解了康德的道德心理学,而“近而远之说”则误解了康德法权论与其伦理学的关系。澄清这些误解之后会发现,罗尔斯和康德的思想实际上是一种渐近关系,即“行合趋同”。  相似文献   

为了解决业力及其相续之疑难,经量部中被称为"先代轨范师"的一类论师基于经量部种子说提出了"色心互熏说"。通过对经部此"色心互熏说"的梳理和解析,认为此说乃是基于说一切有部及经量部两派思想而提出,并用世亲及后期唯识对此说的评辨探究这一理论的缺陷。  相似文献   

在文化的“古今中西”之争问题上,不同于“全盘西化派”,也不同于“东方文化派”,张岱年系统阐发了“综合创造”的文化主张。早在20世纪30年代,张岱年就明确地提出了“综合创造”的文化观。“综合创造”的文化观既反对全盘西化,也反对复古,认为在文化问题上,正确的态度是把中国固有的卓越的文化遗产同西洋文化有价值的精良的贡献融合为一,进行一种创造的综合。[1]从理论上说,“综合创造”的文化观不能回避一个前提性的问题,那就是,文化的综合创造何以可能?张岱年在批判全盘西化论及东方文化派的文化主张的基础上,对这一问题做出了自己的回答…  相似文献   

大脑功能理论有史以来就分为两派:一派认为脑思维是整体脑的统一功能;一派认为大脑功能是区域分工的,后一派在20世纪占统治地位。[第一段]  相似文献   

评梁漱溟的东西文化观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁漱溟的东西文化观是以“意欲”为原点,以“意欲”的“路向”为纵横轴线构建起其文化哲学体系的。梁漱溟所阐述的“文化三路向”说和“世界文化三期重现”说,试图从人类历史发展的角度比较中国、印度和西方三大文化体系的异同问题,以期指明中国文化未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

关于中国传统文化与现代经济发展,有两种截然不同的观点:一种观点认为,两者是相容的,中国传统文化对于现代经济发展能够起到积极作用;另一种观点认为,两者是相斥的,中国传统文化阻碍着现代经济的发展。两种观点均有理论的说明,但依其论述,主要依据还是历史史实。“相容说”依据的史实是,受中国传统文化影响极深的某些东亚国家或地区,在其社会以这种传统文化为主导文化的背景下,取得了现代经济高速成长的令世人瞩目的业绩。“相容说”依此认为,中国传统文化与现代经济发展并非悻行,“西化论”是错误的。“相斥说”依据的史实是…  相似文献   

以人为本派认为对董仲舒的“天”无需敬畏,要依靠人类自身的力量,开发自然,造福人类,这是符合无神论科学观的《科学与无神论》今年第二期,发表张明星《敬畏与否之争》一文,文中谈到近一时期,笃信“敬畏大自然”的一派人士和认为“无须敬畏大自然”的一派人士互相争执,言辞很激烈,都有意无意地指责对方是“伪科学”而自己是代表真正的科学,叫人一时不知如何是好。该文作者建议:两派论争前是不是先弄清概念更有意义一些?该文作者将敬畏与否两派的观点概括为:前者是“热爱自然派”;后者是“以人为本派”。我认为两派既然是势不两立,那么主张热…  相似文献   

Preference for previously seen, unfamiliar objects reflects a memory bias on affective judgment, known as the “mere exposure effect” (MEE). Here, we investigated the effect of time, post-exposure sleep, and the brain hemisphere solicited on preference generalization toward objects viewed in different perspectives. When presented in the right visual field (RVF), which promotes preferential processing in the left hemisphere, same and mirrored exemplars were preferred immediately after exposure. MEE generalized to much dissimilar views after three nights of sleep. Conversely, object presentation in the left visual field (LVF), promoting right hemisphere processing, elicited a MEE for same views immediately after exposure, then for mirror views after sleep. Most importantly, sleep deprivation during the first post-exposure night, although followed by two recovery nights, extinguished MEE for all views in the LVF but not in the RVF. Besides demonstrating that post-exposure time and sleep facilitate the generalization process by which we integrate various representations of an object, our results suggest that mostly in the right hemisphere, sleep may be mandatory to consolidate the memory bias underlying affective preference. These interhemispheric differences tentatively call for a reappraisal of the role of cerebral asymmetries in wake- and sleep-dependent processes of memory consolidation.  相似文献   

负数的空间表征机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用快速数字大小分类范式,每次试验呈现一个数字,要求被试快速判断即时呈现的数字大于或小于-5(或5),探讨负数在心理数字线上的表征方向问题。实验一将负数(-1~-9)和正数(1~9)分两组分别呈现;实验二将正负数混合呈现,仅对负数进行反应。结果表明,负数按照其绝对值大小表征在心理数字线上,绝对值小的负数表征在心理数字线的左侧,绝对值大的负数表征在心理数字线的右侧。该结果支持系统进化论假说  相似文献   

Little research has investigated functional relations among attention, interpretation, and memory biases in depressed samples. The present study tested the indirect effect of attention bias on memory through interpretation bias as an intervening variable in a mixed sample of non-depressed and subclinically depressed individuals. Subclinically depressed and non-depressed individuals completed a spatial cueing task (to measure attention bias), followed by a scrambled sentences test (to measure interpretation bias), and an incidental free recall task (to measure memory bias). Bias-corrected bootstrapping yielded evidence for the hypothesised indirect effect model, in that an emotional bias in attention is related to a congruent bias in interpretative choices which are in turn reflected in memory. These findings extend previous research and provide further support for the combined cognitive bias hypothesis in depression. Theoretical and clinical implications of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

曲佳晨  贡喆 《心理科学进展》2021,29(12):2236-2245
信任水平是否存在性别差异, 学界观点莫衷一是。一派研究者持信任水平性别差异观, 其中风险偏好理论被用于佐证男性信任水平更高的观点, 女性在亲社会领域的优势则为女性具备更高信任水平提供支持; 另有一派研究者以性别相似性假设为依据, 持信任水平无性别差异观。两派观点及其理论基础虽得到一定程度支持, 但还有待从研究范式、东西方文化差异等角度阐明其合理性。未来研究可在合理运用信任测量方法的基础上, 澄清信任动态变化过程中的性别特征, 深化两性信任差异的神经生理机制研究, 从而更好地揭示信任水平的性别差异问题。  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that left neglect patients are impaired when they have to orient their attention leftward relative to a standard in numerical comparison tasks. This finding has been accounted for by the idea that numerical magnitudes are represented along a spatial continuum oriented from left to right with small magnitudes on the left and large magnitudes on the right. Similarly, it has been proposed that duration could be represented along a mental time line that shares the properties of the number continuum. By comparing directly duration and numerosity processing, this study investigates whether or not the performance of neglect patients supports the hypothesis of a mental time line. Twenty‐two right brain‐damaged patients (11 with and 11 without left neglect), as well as 11 age‐matched healthy controls, had to judge whether a single dot presented visually lasted shorter or longer than 500 ms and whether a sequence of flashed dots was smaller or larger than 5. Digit spans were also assessed to measure verbal working memory capacities. In duration comparison, no spatial‐duration bias was found in neglect patients. Moreover, a significant correlation between verbal working memory and duration performance was observed in right brain‐damaged patients, irrespective of the presence or absence of neglect. In numerical comparison, only neglect patients showed an enhanced distance effect for numerical magnitude smaller than the standard. These results do not support the hypothesis of the existence of a mental continuum oriented from left to right for duration. We discuss an alternative account to explain the duration impairment observed in right brain‐damaged patients.  相似文献   

Two opposing views have been proposed to explain how people distinguish genuine causes from spurious ones: the power view and the covariational view. This paper notes two phenomena that challenge both views. First, even when 1) there is no innate specific causal knowledge about a regularity (so that the power view does not apply) and 2) covariation cannot be computed while controlling for alternative causes (so that the covariation view should not apply), people are still able to systematically judge whether a regularity is causal. Second, when an alternative cause explains the effect, a spurious cause is judged to be spurious with greater confidence than otherwise (in both cases, no causal mechanism underlies the spurious cause). To fill the gap left by the traditional views, this paper proposes a new integration of these views. According to the coherence hypothesis, although a genuine cause and a spurious one may both covary with an effect in a way that does not imply causality at some level of abstraction, the categories to which these candidate causes belong covary with the effect differently at a more abstract level: one covariation implies causality; the other does not. Given this superordinate knowledge, the causal judgments of a reasoner who seeks to explain as much as possible with as few causal rules as possible will exhibit the properties that challenge the traditional views. Two experiments tested and supported the coherence hypothesis. Both experiments involved candidate causes that covary with an effect without implying causality at some level, manipulating whether covariation that implies causality has been acquired at a more abstract level. The experiments differed on whether an alternative cause explains the effect.  相似文献   

Abstract: The present study was designed to evaluate the integration hypothesis and the response bias hypothesis for explaining the fragility of children's eyewitness memory, by varying the plausibility of postevent information and the strength of response bias in recognition tests. Preschool children were told a story in which a boy named Ken saw a housebreaker stealing various objects and the postevent information was also incorporated into the story. The first recognition test was administered immediately following the presentation of an interpolated story, and the second recognition test was administered 10 weeks later. The results indicated that high-plausibility objects tended to be recognized as the stolen objects in the second recognition test, and that recognition accuracy was higher for a new-distractor condition than for a misleading-distractor condition. These findings were interpreted as suggesting that the memory representation of the story might be changed through the integration processes and/or rendered inaccessible in terms of the response bias.  相似文献   

为探明手动作流畅性和情感材料呈现空间在不同利手者左右空间情感偏好中的关系,本研究将情绪Stroop范式和眼动测量相结合,通过反应速度和眼动数据将动作流畅性和空间情感注意偏向相分离,并考察其交互作用。结果发现右利手个体的反应速度存在优势手效应,不同利手者在使用左手时表现出对优势手同侧空间的内隐情感偏好,表明右利手个体的反应速度存在优势手流畅性的主导作用,手动作流畅性和内隐空间情感偏好的作用可以分离。  相似文献   

People often use external reminders to help remember delayed intentions. This is a form of “cognitive offloading”. Individuals sometimes offload more often than would be optimal (Gilbert et al., 2020). This bias has been linked to participants’ erroneous metacognitive underconfidence in their memory abilities. However, underconfidence is unlikely to fully explain the bias. An additional, previously-untested factor that may contribute to the offloading bias is a preference to avoid cognitive effort associated with remembering internally. The present Registered Report examined evidence for this hypothesis. One group of participants received payment contingent on their performance of the task (hypothesised to increase cognitive effort, and therefore reduce the bias towards offloading); another group received a flat payment for taking part, as in the earlier experiment. The offloading bias was significantly reduced (but not eliminated) in the rewarded group, suggesting that a preference to avoid cognitive effort influences cognitive offloading.  相似文献   

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