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正佛教在中国的传播历史悠久,自汉代至今已经发展出汉传佛教、藏传佛教与南传佛教三大支系,且他们各自分化出许多宗派,其中蕴含了大量的心理学理论与现象,梁漱溟先生曾称佛教为"心理主义"。目前,佛教是中国本土心理学研究最深,也是成果数量最多的宗教。中国佛教心理学,尤其注重对佛理内涵的挖掘,并对其加以心理学诠释或实际验证。此外,正念、慈心禅之心理训练方式,获得了广泛的关注与应用。总体而言,本土佛教心理学研究,仍在不断构  相似文献   

“禅”全称“禅那”,意是“静虑”、“思维修”、“摄念”等。在印度,主要指坐禅冥想的实修功夫。到了中国后,主要表现为一种独特的思维方式和生命体验。禅宗是中国佛教八大宗派之一,胡适说:“禅宗是一种运动。是中国思想史、中国宗教史、佛教史上一个很伟大的运动,可以说是中国佛教的一个革新运动,也可以说是中国佛教的革命运动”。其旨在通过禅的修行,直指人心,见性成佛。南怀瑾先生说:  相似文献   

慈悲冥想是一类旨在培养对自己和他人无条件的善意与同情的冥想练习方法, 主要包括慈心禅和怜悯禅修。诸多研究表明, 慈悲冥想可以促进练习者的利他行为。就影响机制而言, 慈悲冥想可能是通过增强对他人不幸的共情反应, 促进情绪的有效调控和提高亲社会动机来影响练习者的利他行为。未来的研究需选择更具生态效度的利他行为测量方法, 深入挖掘慈悲冥想影响利他行为的动态神经加工过程, 并尝试将慈悲冥想应用于临床群体。  相似文献   

释慧林 《佛教文化》2013,(1):118-120
有人来问我:什么是禅?这不难回答。禅就是真如妙心,禅就是诸法实相.禅就是清净心、平等心、平常心,就是看破放下,就是自在解脱。但是,我又轻声地问自己,你真的懂禅吗?究竟什么是禅?说到中国佛教的禅,我们最先想到的就是《六祖坛经》。在两千多年的中国佛教当中,只有这样一部中国人自己记述的佛教典籍,被称之为“经”。作为这样一部珍贵的佛教文献,《六祖坛经》为我们展现了公元七、八世纪,中国禅宗史上,一幕幕波澜壮阔的历史画卷。透过五祖弘忍、六祖惠能、北宗神秀、菏泽神会、青原行思等众多祖师的身影,我们或许可以从中领略到“禅”的身影,或许可以从这样一部《六祖坛经》中,找到我们谜题的答案——究竟什么是禅。  相似文献   

许潇 《宗教学研究》2016,(1):124-128
说一切有部禅数学作为第一种系统性传入中国的佛教典籍,在修(禅定)和学(佛学)两个方面对中国佛教产生影响。后来的中国佛教,不论是对禅的定义,还是对修禅的次第等都基本没有变化,有很多方法都直接沿袭了禅数学的方法。而在义学方面,禅数学的影响更既深且远。禅数学的传入第一次把佛教的蕴、处、界等基本的名相概念介绍到中国,把佛教的话语体系和致思模式传入中国。中国佛教学者对佛性问题的禅数学、毗昙学阐发,成为中国佛性思想的萌芽,为涅槃学的流行提供了思想准备,大大推动了涅槃学的传播和发展,深刻地影响了后世的佛性思想。  相似文献   

澳门佛教作为中国佛教的一个不可或缺的组成部分,它的历史必然与中国佛教特别是岭南佛教的历史有着千丝万缕的联系。岭南佛门的一些传统特点,如遗民情结、儒释合一、禅净双修、外学盛行等,都对澳门佛教产生了直接或间接的影响,至今还可以在澳门佛教的历史与现实中寻出端倪。澳门佛教在历史上曾出现过两次高潮,而这两次高潮的出现,皆与中国内地的局势息息相关。澳门佛教的主要宗派是禅宗和净土宗,倡导禅净合一、禅净双修是澳门佛教的主要特点。  相似文献   

晚明佛教承续宋代以来禅净合流的历史趋势,盛行把禅宗参究工夫与净土持名念佛法门相结合的参究念佛禅,表现出从参究念佛论到摄禅归净论的思想转向。这一思想取向,既是明末禅学复兴的重要内容,同时也是晚明禅净合流的主要特色。与此同时,晚明丛林还存着从摄教归净到消禅归净的思想转向。从参究念佛到摄禅归净,从摄教归净到消禅归净,二大思想取向在客观上进一步使晚明佛教走向对净土信仰的全面皈依,并藉此而实现禅、教、净三者的真正合流.从而不仅体现出一种中国佛教从智慧走向信仰的思想特点,而且还使晚明佛教呈现出一种普世性的思想内容。  相似文献   

肖永明 《法音》2006,(6):26-28,29-33
“中国佛教的特质在于禅”,这是太虚大师的论断,现在也可以说是一种共许共识。但是,什么才是禅的特质?就云里雾里,众说纷纭,莫衷一是了。流弊所及,当代中国纷纭出现的各种“禅”,呈现出一种泛化而又神秘化的趋势。一方面,似乎什么都是禅,禅泛化到了生活的方方面面,另一方面,禅又似乎什么都不是,禅神秘到了无人能“会”的境地。如此泛化而又神秘化,不仅禅将不禅,而且会危及整个中国佛教的慧命赓续。现在,对于禅,是到了歧路问津、抉择源流、追本还原的时候了。一、关于禅的渊源释迦拈花,迦叶微笑,这是通常所谓禅传承之始,但这只是后来禅宗的一…  相似文献   

瑜伽在我心里是一门富有哲理的艺术——一门可触及灵魂与肢体的艺术,同时还可归入医学健身范畴。在现代社会快节奏的生活中,越来越多的人已经把瑜伽作为生活中的减压方式,开始尝试着从不同角度接近瑜伽、学习瑜伽。我作为一名佛教信仰者,瑜伽已成为我的日常修行方式之一。瑜伽中的冥想,即是禅  相似文献   

佛教禅定作为一种佛家认知宇宙实相及自我意识的研究方法与操作技术,为中国人文主义心理学研究提供了一种觉知自我意识的极有效方法。本文从心理学方法论角度出发,结合佛教禅定的内证实践,系统阐述了禅定过程中的研究对象(识蕴)、研究方法(止观)等诸方面的内容和特点。佛教禅定的心理学方法论研究是有别于其他文化形态方法论研究的一种独特证知方法,是对西方心理学方法论研究的一种补充与超越。  相似文献   

The relationship between positive emotions and implicit racial prejudice is unclear. Interventions using positive emotions to reduce racial bias have been found wanting, while other research shows that positive affect can sometimes exacerbate implicit prejudice. Nevertheless, loving-kindness meditation (LKM) has shown some promise as a method of reducing bias despite increasing a broad range of positive emotions. A randomised control trial (n = 69) showed that a short-term induction of LKM decreased automatic processing, increased controlled processing, and was sufficient to reduce implicit prejudice towards the target’s racial group but not towards a group untargeted by the meditation. Furthermore, the reduction in bias was shown to be mediated by other-regarding positive emotions alongside increased control and decreased automaticity on the IAT. Non-other-regarding positive emotions conversely showed no correlation with bias. The study is the first to show that a short-term positive emotional induction can reduce racial prejudice, and aids the understanding of how positive emotions functionally differentiate in affecting bias.  相似文献   

Mindfulness meditation yields beneficial effects on the processing of emotions. However, it is still unclear whether the focus of attention during meditation influences these effects. In the present study we aimed at comparing the effects of breathing meditation and emotion-focused meditation on the immediate and delayed processing of negative and positive emotions. The study included 65 adult novice meditators who were exposed to positively and negatively valenced film clips. Participants were randomly assigned to three conditions. While watching the films at t1, they were asked to mindfully focus on their breath (condition 1), on emotions (condition 2), or on nothing in particular (condition 3). Ten minutes later at t2, comparable film clips were shown but all participants watched them without taking up a mindful attitude. Dependent measures were emotional states at t1 and t2. Participants of both meditation conditions particularly showed a more preferable delayed emotional reaction to negative stimuli than participants of the control condition. Breathing meditation and emotion-focused meditation may constitute effective emotion regulation strategies to deal with negatively valenced emotional states.  相似文献   

正念冥想对情绪的调节作用:理论与神经机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正念冥想可调节个体的负性情绪、促进个体正性情绪,对于心身疾病具有显著的干预效用.正念冥想的再感知模型、正念应对模型、推动性上升螺旋模型以及正念情绪调节模型都强调了正念冥想对情绪的调节作用.认知神经科学的研究发现,正念冥想可促进左侧前额叶脑区激活增强,涉及的脑区主要包括背外侧前额叶皮层(DLPFC)和背内侧前额叶皮层(DMPFC).研究者进一步发现,正念特质是通过改善前额叶对边缘系统反应的调节来实现对情绪的调节作用.而且,这种调节作用还有可能体现为通过冥想训练分离联结在一起的两种自我参照神经机制,从而加强体验性神经机制.另外,研究者还发现,正念冥想训练还可以改变与情绪加工相关的大脑结构.进一步澄清冥想训练与大脑偏侧化的关系和不同类型被试之间的比较研究将成为该领域日后研究的重点.  相似文献   

Decentering has been proposed as a potential mechanism of mindfulness-based interventions but has received limited empirical examination to date in experimental studies comparing mindfulness meditation to active comparison conditions. In the present study, we compared the immediate effects of mindful breathing (MB) to two alternative stress-management techniques: progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) and loving-kindness meditation (LKM) to test whether decentering is unique to mindfulness meditation or common across approaches. Novice meditators (190 female undergraduates) were randomly assigned to complete one of three 15-min stress-management exercises (MB, PMR, or LKM) presented by audio recording. Immediately after the exercise, participants completed measures of decentering, frequency of repetitive thoughts during the exercise, and degree of negative reaction to thoughts. As predicted, participants in the MB condition reported greater decentering relative to the other two conditions. The association between frequency of repetitive thought and negative reactions to thoughts was relatively weaker in the MB condition than in the PMR and LKM conditions, in which these two variables were strongly and positively correlated. Consistent with the construct of decentering, the relative independence between these two variables in the MB condition suggests that mindful breathing may help to reduce reactivity to repetitive thoughts. Taken together, results help to provide further evidence of decentering as a potential mechanism that distinguishes mindfulness practice from other credible stress-management approaches.  相似文献   

冥想与创造性的关系正逐渐被关注,澄清冥想练习对创造性思维的影响效果和作用机制对个体创新潜能的培养与提升具有重要意义。不同冥想类型对创造性思维的影响具有特异性,专注冥想主要通过注意聚焦和提升自上而下的执行控制能力来对聚合思维产生积极影响;正念冥想引起的离焦的注意状态,以及对认知灵活性和积极情绪的促进,有助于发散思维。未来应加强不同冥想类型与创造性思维的整合研究,探讨冥想影响创造性思维的脑机制,以及冥想与其他干预训练对创造性思维的不同作用机制等。  相似文献   

This research focuses on the salesperson’s ability to perceive emotions in the buyer–seller interaction. Drawing on the emotional ability literature, the authors develop hypotheses within a conceptual framework of salespeople’s ability to perceive the emotions of customers, and examine how this ability influences the relationships between selling behaviors and performance. Findings indicated that the ability to accurately appraise the emotions of others moderated the practice of adaptive selling and customer-oriented selling on performance. Further analyses revealed that while high perceiving ability has beneficial effects on selling, low perceiving ability not only limits the use of customer-oriented selling but also has a negative impact on sales performance. Both self-reported and supervisor-reported measures of selling performance were used, along with a performance-based measure of emotional perceiving ability. Implications are discussed along with directions for future research.  相似文献   

The research on work‐related antecedents of workplace incivility (WI) is well‐established, yet relatively less attention has been paid to non‐work‐related experiences as key antecedents to employees’ incivility at work. Drawing upon the incivility spiraling framework and spillover theory, we use a moderated‐mediation model to investigate the impact of employees’ experience of family incivility on their behavioral WI through the mediation of negative emotions and the moderation of self‐efficacy for emotional regulation (SEER). The multisource field data also demonstrate general support for the hypothesized relationships. Findings revealed that negative emotions carry the spiraling effect from family incivility to WI. In addition, SEER moderated the positive direct relationship of experienced family incivility and negative emotions, and indirect association with behavioral WI. These findings have implications for theory and management alike, further suggesting directions for future research.  相似文献   

Cross-sectional studies have found that demands to express positive emotions have more desirable associations with service providers' well-being and service quality than demands to suppress negative emotions. Despite their potential importance, emotional labour research has not clarified the nature of these differences yet. The present experimental study aimed to investigate the causal effects of demands to suppress negative emotions, demands to express positive emotions, and their interaction in a simulated service interaction. In total, 101 participants were instructed to play the role of a service employee, who had to interact with a dissatisfied and uncivil customer. Participants were randomly given information that the organization expected them to (1) express genuinely felt emotions, (2) suppress negative emotions, (3) express positive emotions, or (4) suppress negative emotions and express positive emotions. Results confirmed that demands to suppress negative emotions decreased well-being, whereas demands to express positive emotions led to a better service quality. Moreover, service quality was only increased if demands to express positive emotions were not supplemented by demands to suppress negative emotions. These findings suggest that not only demands to express positive emotions can reduce the cost/benefit ratio of emotional labour, but also organizations should avoid imposing demands to suppress negative emotions.  相似文献   

B. L. Fredrickson's (1998, 2001) broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions asserts that people's daily experiences of positive emotions compound over time to build a variety of consequential personal resources. The authors tested this build hypothesis in a field experiment with working adults (n = 139), half of whom were randomly-assigned to begin a practice of loving-kindness meditation. Results showed that this meditation practice produced increases over time in daily experiences of positive emotions, which, in turn, produced increases in a wide range of personal resources (e.g., increased mindfulness, purpose in life, social support, decreased illness symptoms). In turn, these increments in personal resources predicted increased life satisfaction and reduced depressive symptoms. Discussion centers on how positive emotions are the mechanism of change for the type of mind-training practice studied here and how loving-kindness meditation is an intervention strategy that produces positive emotions in a way that outpaces the hedonic treadmill effect.  相似文献   

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