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采用JD-R模型探讨了职业胜任力在工作要求-资源模型中的作用。结果表明:(1)职业胜任力弱化了工作要求和情感衰竭之间的正向关系;(2)职业胜任力正向影响工作投入;(3)职业胜任力在工作资源与工作投入之间起中介作用。本研究启示可通过提升员工的职业胜任力,促进员工的工作投入并缓解职业倦怠。  相似文献   

工作特征是指与工作相关的因素或属性, 它对工作者的身心健康有重要影响。通过对比研究发现, 虽然要求-控制模型(Demand-Control Model, 简称DC模型)将工作特征分为相对具体的工作要求、工作控制和社会支持, 工作要求-资源模型(Job Demands-Resources Model, 简称JD-R模型)则将工作特征划分为更为概括的工作要求和工作资源两个维度, 但是它们关注的结果变量都包含个体身心健康和组织工作绩效, 都强调了工作特征对工作者的影响。在今后的研究中, 应深入探讨不同职业中起关键作用的工作特征和不同资源与要求组合的作用, 进一步研究工作特征模型对不同特点个体和我国民众群体的适用性, 并尝试将研究成果应用于工作再设计的实践, 以促进工作者的职业健康。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨个体资源对JD-R模型与工作倦怠关系的中介作用。元分析和结构方程建模的研究表明,工作要求直接影响情绪衰竭和去人性化;工作资源直接影响去人性化,而它对情绪衰竭和个人成就感降低的影响则完全是通过个体资源的中介作用来实现的。因此将个体资源纳人JD-R模型的理论框架具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

心理脱离是指非工作时间内个体在时空和心理两个层面均从工作中脱离出来, 不被工作相关问题所干扰, 并停止对工作的思考。主流研究认为心理脱离对工作投入具有正向影响, 但也有研究发现两者为负向关系。不同研究结果的矛盾是由于未区分心理脱离状态和心理脱离行为、下班时间和工作间歇心理脱离, 或是由于心理脱离程度差异造成, 或是两者间存在方向相反的作用机制, 或受其他变量的调节?目前的研究尚未给出一个整合的解释。因此, 本研究提出应区分心理脱离行为和心理脱离状态, 先综合采用质性与定量分析检验各自的内涵, 在此基础上依据工作要求?资源模型(Job Demands-Resources Model, 简称JD-R模型)构建一个综合模型, 采用经验取样法和情景实验法, 分别考察下班时间和工作间歇中的心理脱离行为和心理脱离状态对工作投入的影响及机制, 并考察任务紧急性和职业使命感等任务和个体特征的调节作用。预期对以往的矛盾结论给予一个整合的理论解释, 并提出相关的心理脱离管理对策, 以提升员工心理脱离状态, 从而促进其工作投入。  相似文献   

工作压力与社会支持对安全绩效的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
工作压力对安全绩效的影响虽然已经引起学者们的关注, 但迄今为止相关的实证研究却比较少见。本项目将以工作要求-控制-社会支持模型为理论基础, 探索工作压力和社会支持对安全绩效的影响。具体将探讨不同压力源(挑战型压力源和沮丧型的压力源)、安全控制、社会支持(主管支持和同事支持)和群体示范性规范对安全绩效的影响, 以及上述变量之间可能存在的交互作用。研究拟结合访谈、问卷和实验室模拟等方法对上述变量间进行相关和因果关系的探讨。研究结果一方面可拓展安全绩效研究的理论; 另一方面为安全管理实践提供理论依据, 对组织环境下个体与组织安全绩效的改善有积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

作为一种引导员工主动改变工作的行为, 工作重塑干预成为近年来组织行为学领域研究的重要主题。基于现有研究成果, 系统梳理了工作重塑干预的概念和分类。依据角色-资源接近-回避模型, 归纳和提炼了工作干预的影响效果, 在此基础上, 借鉴AMO理论, 分别从重塑能力(Ability)、重塑动机(Motivation)和重塑机会(Opportunity)层面, 构建了个体和组织交互情境下的工作重塑干预内在影响机制, 进而提出了一个整合性的理论分析框架, 为当前开展工作重塑干预的相关研究提供一定的借鉴和参考。未来研究应更多关注基于中国情境的工作重塑干预影响因素及作用机制。  相似文献   

邓昕才  何山  吕萍  周星  叶一娇  孟洪林  孔雨柔 《心理学报》2021,53(10):1146-1160
以往研究证实了职场排斥会对员工组织内诸多方面产生危害, 然而关于职场排斥向组织外部特别是家庭领域的溢出效应还知之甚少。本研究基于资源保存理论构建了一个有调节的中介效应模型, 探讨职场排斥对员工家庭贬损和家庭满意度的溢出效应和具体机制, 研究结果表明:(1)职场排斥对员工家庭贬损有显著正向作用, 对家庭满意度有显著负向作用; (2)工作压力中介了职场排斥与家庭贬损和家庭满意度的关系; (3)员工归属需求调节了职场排斥对工作压力的影响, 同时调节了工作压力在职场排斥与家庭贬损、家庭满意度之间的中介效应; (4)员工工作家庭区隔偏好调节了工作压力对家庭贬损和家庭满意度的作用, 并且调节了职场排斥通过工作压力对家庭贬损和家庭满意度的中介效应。  相似文献   

基于工作要求-资源理论, 本研究探讨了两种社交媒体使用目的对员工工作绩效影响的内部作用机制, 进而分析两种社交媒体使用目的对员工工作绩效的影响效果。通过369份“领导者-下属”匹配数据, 研究发现:(1)基于工作、社交的社交媒体使用均促进员工工作绩效; (2)基于工作、社交的社交媒体使用均通过工作投入影响工作绩效, 基于社交的社交媒体使用还通过关系冲突影响工作绩效; (3)社交媒体的工作使用和社交使用对员工工作绩效的影响存在相互替代关系。本研究结果不仅从理论上拓展了社交媒体使用的研究视角, 为后续研究提供新的理论框架, 同时通过比较分析为组织管理社交媒体使用提供了新思路。  相似文献   

基于资源保存理论和不确定管理理论, 采用日记研究法收集81个样本10个工作日的数据, 从静态和动态两个视角, 通过明晰挑战性工作要求的不同属性(每日水平、平均水平、日间变动、波动变化), 全面检验了挑战性工作要求对工作-家庭增益的影响。研究结果表明:(1)在静态模型中, 挑战性工作要求通过工作专注度(增益路径)和放松(损耗路径)作用于工作-家庭增益, 且在个体间的平均水平模型中, 放松的中介作用更为显著; (2)在动态模型中, 挑战性工作要求的日间变动和波动变化, 均通过减少员工工作专注度和放松, 进而降低工作-家庭增益。最后, 本研究讨论了管理者应重视挑战性工作要求的双刃剑作用等实践启示。  相似文献   

幸福体验是国内外学者与管理实践者关注的重要问题,文章基于工作要求-资源模型和资源保存理论,通过分阶段收集834名在职工作人群样本,构建并检验了"工作影响员工幸福体验的双路径模型"。研究发现:(1)工作要求通过工作-家庭冲突的完全中介作用,负向影响员工幸福体验的资源损耗路径;(2)工作资源通过工作-家庭促进的部分中介作用,正向影响员工幸福体验的资源增益路径;(3)工作资源中的上司支持缓冲工作要求对工作-家庭冲突的正向影响;(4)工作要求和工作资源交互影响员工幸福体验,高要求高资源的工作组合下,员工的幸福体验水平最高。研究从理论上揭示了工作影响员工幸福体验的内在心理机制,提出工作资源作为"利之刃"和工作要求作为"伤之刃"共同影响员工幸福体验的"双刃效应"。这些研究发现对于管理实践如何提升员工幸福体验也提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

Workplace bullying is a severe workplace stressor that affects both employees and organizations. Despite a wealth of research of the prevalence of workplace bullying and its correlates, little research has been done on the process of bullying. In a qualitative study, based on the grounded theory approach, we examine the role of psychosocial safety climate (PSC) in influencing employees’ coping strategies and ultimately the escalation of bullying. Interviews were conducted with 20 Malaysian workers from various organizational settings, who also completed a 12-item PSC scale. The analysis revealed that coping strategies took the form of a modified exit-voice-loyalty-neglect (EVLN) model, whereby acquiescence replaced loyalty in the matrix. In turn, five escalation patterns of bullying were identified, linked to the coping options used by employees. We found that employees tended to voice in high PSC contexts, which led to swift resolution of bullying. In low PSC contexts, employees tended to neglect or acquiesce before exiting the organization because the bullying remained unresolved, which was revealed in four different trajectories of escalation without resolution. These results emphasize the influence of the organizational climate for psychosocial safety in shaping the coping options available to bullied workers, and the likely success of these strategies.  相似文献   

We constructed a model of workplace psychosocial safety climate (PSC) to explain the origins of job demands and resources, worker psychological health, and employee engagement. PSC refers to policies, practices, and procedures for the protection of worker psychological health and safety. Using the job demands–resources framework, we hypothesized that PSC as an upstream organizational resource influenced largely by senior management, would precede the work context (i.e., job demands and resources) and would in turn predict psychological health and work engagement via mediation and moderation pathways. We operationalized PSC at the school level and tested meso‐mediational models using two‐level (longitudinal) hierarchical linear modelling in a sample of Australian education workers (N = 209–288). Data were repeated measures separated by 12 months, nested within 18 schools. PSC predicted change in individual psychological health problems (psychological distress, emotional exhaustion) through its relationship with individual job demands (work pressure and emotional demands). PSC moderated the relationship between emotional demands and emotional exhaustion. PSC predicted change in employee engagement, through its relationship with skill discretion. The results show that the PSC construct is a key upstream component of work stress theory and a logical intervention site for work stress intervention.  相似文献   

Understanding perceptions of safety and comfort (PSC) while walking or cycling is essential to accommodating and encouraging active travel, but current measures of PSC, primarily surveys, suffer from validity and reliability issues. Physiological markers of stress like electrodermal activity and heart rate variability have been proposed as alternative, objective measures of PSC. This paper presents a literature summary and conceptual framework examining the use of physiological stress markers during walking and cycling. The existing studies of active traveller stress markers report inconsistent findings and account for limited controls. We propose a comprehensive conceptual framework to describe the array of dynamic stimuli experienced during active travel, with complex appraisals and multidimensional stress responses that feedback to travel behaviour and stimuli exposure, and culminate in a set of physiological outcomes triggered by activation of the autonomic nervous system – all moderated by numerous personal and trip-related factors. The key challenge of inferring traffic-related fear or discomfort from physiological markers measured on-road is potential confounding effects of: (1) non-traffic factors that induce or modify stress responses, (2) traffic factors that induce stress responses not associated with safety or comfort, and (3) personal and environmental factors that directly influence physiological measurements outside of a stress response. No physiological stress marker has yet been shown to be reliable for on-road active travellers, particularly not for inter-subject comparisons. Physiological markers have the potential to provide high-resolution, objective information about pedestrian and cyclist PSC, but further research, particularly controlled experiments, and more precise study framing are needed to ensure validity and address moderating and confounding factors.  相似文献   

Bullying at work has profound effects on both the individual and organization. We aimed to determine if organizational psychosocial safety climate (PSC; a climate specific to worker psychological health) could reduce workplace bullying and associated psychological health problems (i.e., distress, emotional exhaustion, depression) if specific procedures were implemented (PSC enactment). We theorized that the PSC enactment mechanism works via psychosocial processes such as bullying mistreatment climate (anti-bullying procedures), work design (procedures reduce stress through work redesign), and conflict resolution (procedures to resolve conflict). We used two-wave national longitudinal interview data from 1,062 Australian employees (Australian Workplace Barometer project) and structural equation modelling to explore relationships over 4 years. PSC Time 1 predicted enacted PSC and reduced bullying 4 years later. PSC Time 1 was indirectly negatively related to poor psychological health Time 2 through enacted PSC and bullying. Bullying Time 1 also gave rise to procedures which in turn reduced bullying Time 2. Our findings suggest a multi-component approach to prevent or reduce bullying. Procedures (to reduce psychosocial hazards) that emerge in a high PSC context are more comprehensive than those triggered by bullying (reactive procedures), and can therefore be more effective in reducing worker mistreatment. Building PSC and a strong climate for psychological health, and enacting PSC is fundamental to bullying prevention.  相似文献   

在日常工作中, 安全动机是员工保持安全行为的重要决定因素。安全动机对安全绩效的影响虽然已引起研究者的关注, 但相关的实证研究缺少清晰的理论界定和有效的测量工具。本项目拟在安全绩效模型的基础上, 借鉴自我决定理论对动机的分类, 将安全动机的类型进行扩展, 并在多层次模型中探讨安全动机在变革型领导、个体特征和安全绩效之间的中介作用, 以及在中国管理背景下可能存在的边界条件。研究将结合访谈、问卷和情境实验等方法对上述变量间关系进行相关和因果关系的探讨。本项目将自我决定理论与安全绩效模型相结合, 可以为安全研究的动机理论发展做出贡献; 研究结果亦可为安全管理实践提供评价工具和有效指导。  相似文献   

Discrepancies often exist among different informants' (e.g., parents, children, teachers) ratings of child psychopathology. Informant discrepancies have an impact on the assessment, classification, and treatment of childhood psychopathology. Empirical work has identified informant characteristics that may influence informant discrepancies. Limitations of previous work include inconsistent measurement of informant discrepancies and, perhaps most importantly, the absence of a theoretical framework to guide research. In this article, the authors present a theoretical framework (the Attribution Bias Context Model) to guide research and theory examining informant discrepancies in the clinic setting. Needed directions for future research and theory include theoretically driven attention to conceptualizing informant discrepancies across informant pairs (e.g., parent-teacher, mother-father, parent-child, teacher-child) as well as developing experimental approaches to decrease informant discrepancies in the clinic setting.  相似文献   

Screening for psychosocial problems is an effective way to identify children who need further evaluation, and many brief, psychometrically strong measures exist for this purpose. More research is needed, however, about the performance of these measures in special populations who are familiar to primary care settings. The purpose of this study was to examine and compare maternal ratings on the Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC) between low-income, urban mothers who had suffered intimate partner violence (IPV) in the past year (n = 23) and a demographically-matched comparison group of mothers (n = 23). Victims of violence rated their children as having significantly more problems in a number of categories (Total PSC Score, Externalizing, and Internalizing) than did mothers in the comparison group. The PSC shows promise as an adequate screening tool for psychosocial problems in the children of women who have suffered IPV, but more research is needed.  相似文献   

刻板印象内容模型(SCM)提出了热情与能力社会认知维度, 这两个维度之间存在着特殊的补偿效应。补偿效应是在比较两个基本维度的情境下, 为了区分两个社会目标, 通过热情与能力之间的补偿使社会目标形成反差的一种倾向。其心理机制可能通过对比效应、系统公正理论或混合印象预期理论来解释。可以通过直接和间接的方法来测量补偿效应。补偿效应包括单维补偿和双维补偿两种基本类型, 其中单维补偿又可分为能力补偿热情以及热情补偿能力两种。补偿效应的研究仍处于起步阶段, 其理论研究和实际应用研究仍需要进一步深化和扩展。  相似文献   

Interpretation of existing theory and research on met expectations is problematic due to ambiguous conceptualization of the met expectations hypothesis and limitations imposed by the measurement strategies typically employed in this domain (i.e. difference scores and direct retrospective measures). In this longitudinal study, we sought to overcome these problems by using an alternative methodology to conduct a more comprehensive test of the met expectations hypothesis based on Warr's (1987) Vitamin Model and on research in related fields (e.g. person–environment fit). Polynomial regression and response surface analyses were used to examine how employee satisfaction is related to unmet, met, and exceeded expectations concerning two distinct types of inducements analogous to vitamins A (skill development opportunities) and E (support, compensation). Respondents included 342 limited term employees. Consistent with previous research, our results indicated that unmet expectations of any sort were associated with decreased satisfaction. However, contrary to common interpretations of the extant literature, our results also indicated that met expectations were not always associated with high levels of satisfaction and that exceeded expectations were, in the case of skill development, negatively associated with satisfaction. These findings suggest a need to broaden existing met expectations theory and to refine common organizational practices.  相似文献   

The economic and social barriers to the academic and social success of many African American children remain in place as the new millennium begins. These realities provide impetus for developing community-based partnership education programs designed to self-empower African American children for academic and social success under any socioeconomic conditions that exist in their lives. Progress toward effective program development, however, has been hindered by a dearth of culturally sensitive theories and research. The Research-Based Model Partnership Education Program (Model Program) is an effective, community-based, university-school-community partnership education program for self-empowering African American children for success. The formative and summative research of the Model Program is described in hopes of advancing theory and research for meeting the academic and social needs of low-income African American children.  相似文献   

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