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徐晶 《心理学探新》2011,31(3):214-218
文章结合心理保健,对老子《道德经》的精髓"道法自然"进行现代阐释,探索符合当代国人的道法自然的心理保健观。文章主要探索了道法自然心理保健观的原则,方法及研究意义。道法自然的心理保健观的基本原则是"无为"、"不争"、"守弱",由此延伸出道法自然心理保健观的基本方法"致虚守静","抱一"。道法自然心理保健观的研究意义在于它不仅适合中国人内道外儒的民族性格,还能使个体有效应对当前复杂多变的环境。  相似文献   

纪丽君  吴莹  杨宜音 《心理学报》2023,55(3):421-434
时间知觉是社会结构和文化传统的映射,具有深刻的社会文化意涵。本文聚焦时间知觉广度这一概念,探讨中国人的时间知觉广度及其对自我连续性和社会变化观等心理过程的影响。通过综合讨论诸多实验发现提出,中国人具有较大的时间知觉广度,包括具有显著的过去取向和未来取向。较大的时间知觉广度提升了中国人跨时间的自我连续性,并且影响着中国人看待世事变化的变化观,这些特点又进一步影响到其它心理过程,例如对苦难和幸福的解读,在股票市场中的决策等。在一定程度上,这些特点可能是中国人在应对不确定性和重大危机时表现出更强的心理韧性和复原力的心理基础。本研究还指出中国人时间知觉广度具有独特的文化意义,包括整体性思维、过去现在未来互嵌互动和双向延展、与自我连续性和社会结构相关联以及具有道德属性等。基于此,本研究提出了时间知觉广度的文化心理比较模型,并分析了时间知觉广度对自我同一性和文化同一性的影响结果。希望本文能为进一步研究“中国人应对历史危机的心理特征与行为表现”提供科学依据。  相似文献   

周琰 《美与时代》2006,(6):20-21
中国传统文化经过“五四”、“文革”颠覆性的冲击和涤荡,强烈地动摇了中国人的道德观、信仰观。上世纪末,汹涌而来的滚滚“韩流”激起了国人对传统文化的再认识和对和谐社会、和谐家庭生活的向往。“韩流”得到中国人的青睐,是中国传统文化以一种特殊的方式重新回归中国社会的侧面反映,认可“韩流”作品、崇尚“韩流”是中国人对自己传统文化的一种深深的致意。  相似文献   

文化与人格研究中的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“文化与人格”包含着“文化中的人格”和“人格中的文化”两个命题。当今人格与文化研究中存在几个问题:人格特质的跨文化普遍性问题;人格与文化研究中的文化问题;人格与文化的作用机制问题。要解决这些问题:1.将主位研究与客位研究结合起来;2.将文化看作动态的过程;3.考虑到文化与人格之间起作用的中间机制;4.加强人格心理学与其它学科的联系。  相似文献   

在直观现象的背后隐藏着一种支配人们行为和意识的传统法文化心理定势,这是一种独特的东方法文化心理折射。本文从文化心理的角度剖析了中国传统法律文化心理,对解释社会现象、了解国人法律心理有着独特的意义。  相似文献   

编制适用于我国成年人使用的应对风格量表。通过对应对风格研究的文献分析,将应对风格量表确定为注重问题的应对策略和注重情绪的应对策略两个维度,编写项目43个,通过对410和379人的大学生样本的两次预测分析,形成由33个项目的正式量表。通过对467人的成年人样本和来自大学生的三组样本的实测,考察量表的各项心理测量学指标。结果表明,应对风格量表具有较好的内部一致性信度和重测信度,也具有较好的结构效度、内容效度、聚合效度和效标效度。中国成年人应对风格量表具有可靠的心理测量学特征,可以被用于中国成年人应对风格的评估  相似文献   

文化心理学的基本内涵辨析   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:27  
由于文化心理学刚刚兴起,概念尚未十分清晰,不同的学者对之有不同的看法。不过,不同学者看法中也有一些共同之处。他们基本上都认为文化心理学研究的是意义;心理与文化相互建构;文化心理学的研究方法与主流心理学不同,主要采用客位研究策略。综合各家之言和文化心理学的基本特点,可以把文化心理学界定为研究文化心理或文化行为的具有边缘或交叉性质的独立学科。  相似文献   

半个多世纪以来, 史无前例的快速社会变迁对中国文化和中国人的心理与行为产生了广泛而深远的影响。现有研究探讨了中国人在十多个方面的心理和行为变化, 包括文化价值、人格特征、自我建构、人际信任、幸福感、情绪、动机、关系、心理健康以及其他社会态度和行为等。总体上, 这些研究勾画出了半个世纪以来中国人心理变化的总体倾向:(1)与现代社会相适应的个体主义价值和心理行为日益盛行; (2)传统社会所强调的集体主义价值虽日渐衰落, 但其部分仍在当代社会主流价值中占有一席之地; (3)多元文化共存将是当下和未来中国社会的重要特征。一些具体的变化还包括:中国人的一般信任在下降、幸福感先下降但近年来有上升的迹象、心理健康总体水平上升但是不同社会群体升降不一致、总体的负性情绪在增加、性观念更为开放和包容等。未来的研究应在广度(内容、领域)和深度(原因、机制和过程)上对现有研究进行拓展, 努力建构能同时解释心理和行为变化一般规律及中国人的变化独特性的理论。  相似文献   

李抗  汪凤炎 《心理科学》2018,(6):1524-1529
随着文化心理学的兴起,如何深化中国文化与心理学的联系,促进其对心理学的贡献成为了重要问题。在这方面,以梁漱溟、熊十力和冯友兰为代表的现代新儒家进行了开拓性的研究。他们在批判性接纳科学心理观的基础上,主张心理是多层次的存在,强调了心理的自觉性、能动性、生成性、道德性等内涵。新儒家的心理观既能启发本土学者妥善解决中国文化与心理的关系,又能推动建立一种既关注大脑生理机制与心理机制又蕴含本土内涵的综合心理观。  相似文献   

吕小康  汪新建 《心理学报》2012,44(2):276-284
意象思维是中国人的传统思维模式, 它通过观物取象和取象比类的方式认知世界、推演联系。这种思维模式塑造了中国人特有的身心不分而非两分的身体观、疾病观和治疗观。在中国人的观念中, 身体不仅仅是一具生理躯体, 还具有气、阴阳、五行等本土概念所体现的弥合物质与精神、联结生理与心理的模糊性与开放性。人们在表达疾病感觉时通常不分生理与心理, 任何一方面出现不适感觉即可认为自己生病, 在面对心理医生时也倾向于同时报告躯体状况与心理感觉, 从而使得临床报告出现较高的躯体化报告率。这正是文化心理影响疾病表达的体现。这也使得疾病不仅是一种医学现象, 也是一种文化现象; 医学不仅需要生理知识, 也需要人文知识。  相似文献   

The predominant ethical framework for addressing reproductive decisions in the maternal-fetal relationship is respect for the woman's autonomy. However, when a pregnant schizophrenic woman lacks such autonomy, healthcare providers try to both protect her and respect her preferences. By delineating etic (objective) and emic (subjective) perspectives on vulnerability, I argue that options which balance both perspectives are preferable and that acting on etic perspectives to the exclusion of emic considerations is rarely justified. In negotiating perspectives, we balance the etic commitment to protect the vulnerable patient and her fetus from harm with the emic concern to empower a decisionally incapacitated woman. Equilibrium is best achieved by nurturing interdependent relationships that empower and protect the vulnerable woman. The analysis points to the need for better social support for mentally ill patients.  相似文献   

Cross-cultural research can make contributions to theory development by identifying groups of people who seem not to behave according to established theories and by increasing the range of independent variables available for study in any one culture. A major methodological orientation to such studies, developed over the last 10 years, is the emic-etic distinction. An emic analysis documents valid principles that describe behavior in any one culture, taking into account what the people themselves value as meaningful and important. The goal of an etic analysis is to make generalizations across cultures that take into account all human behavior. Examples of these approaches are given from studies on ingroup-outgroup relations in Greece and the United States; and studies on the need for achievement and its relation to the need for affiliation. A specific method to document emic and etic principles is presented which involves the development of core items to measure concerns in all cultures under study, and culture-specific items which are designed to measure concerns in one culture that may not be appropriate for all cultures under study. The techniques of back-translation and decentering are related to the emic-etic approach, as are the techniques developed by Triandis which involve the development of research instruments within each culture and the use of factor analysis. The most general approach, applicable to all comparative studies, is the plausible rival hypothesis analysis which forces the research to examine each and every potential explanation for any data set. The suggestion is made that the future of cross-cultural research will depend on its contribution to theory in general psychology, and methods (such as those presented here) will only be a means to the major goal of discovering important, central facts about human behavior.  相似文献   


The predominant ethical framework for addressing reproductive decisions in the maternal–fetal relationship is respect for the woman's autonomy. However, when a pregnant schizophrenic woman lacks such autonomy, healthcare providers try to both protect her and respect her preferences. By delineating etic (objective) and emic (subjective) perspectives on vulnerability, I argue that options which balance both perspectives are preferable and that acting on etic perspectives to the exclusion of emic considerations is rarely justified. In negotiating perspectives, we balance the etic commitment to protect the vulnerable patient and her fetus from harm with the emic concern to empower a decisionally incapacitated woman. Equilibrium is best achieved by nurturing interdependent relationships that empower and protect the vulnerable woman. The analysis points to the need for better social support for mentally ill patients.  相似文献   

社会心理学有着社会学和心理学两种取向。虽然多数时候相对独立发展, 但两者都对现代化带来的社会转型和变迁非常关注。社会学家从社会或社会结构的变化和人的变化两个方面对社会转型进行了大量研究, 前者主要涉及城市(镇)化、社会阶层、社会流动性、家庭结构等, 后者主要涉及中国体验、社会心态、群体心理、组织心理等。总体上, 现有研究显示, 现代社会个体主义上升, 同时许多传统集体主义价值在日渐式微。和心理学取向的研究相比, 社会学取向的研究具有这些特点:倾向于采用本位概念、质性研究方法, 特别关注中观群体心理, 关注政治和政策影响, 更具历史宏观视野等, 这些都是心理学取向的社会心理学家需要学习和借鉴的地方。期待两种取向的社会心理学家在未来的研究中能有更多的合作, 共同促进对转型过程中的中国和中国人的理解。  相似文献   

Decisions are made by individuals in all societies. Reasons for decisions are difficult to locate, yet configure cultural thinking. While taking decisions people can be culture objective and culture subjective at the same time. Methods in research focus on the universal features or etic, and culture specific features or emic, of the construct of decision making. In the methods used to research decision making lie several answers to the question of how people make decisions. Isolating features of the emic of decision making can be useful in tracing pathways to its etic. The unity of cultural individualism and collectivism steer thinking processes of individuals. As a cognitive undertaking decision making experiences the effects of the larger culture, but the domains of decision making determine in what manner and to what extent these effects will be manifest. Decision making is at once subjective and unconscious, culturally guided and idiosyncratically steered, self-oriented and other-related, situationally derived and universally operationalized.  相似文献   

When refugee families leave their country of origin, they may also leave behind their culture and support systems but not their abilities to overcome the emerging adversities. This article addresses issues concerning the process of refugee families' ‘acculturation’ and adaptation to their new setting in Greek society. It attempts to develop culture‐sensitive approaches to family therapy based on narrative perspectives and inspired by Pike's ‘‐emic and ‐etic’ distinction. It discusses the innovative methods developed by the therapeutic team of the Greek Council for Refugees which included the use of ‘cultural therapeutic mediators’ and others in an endeavour to access the overlapping systems of refugee families in more effective ways.  相似文献   

We review recent developments in the study of culture and personality measurement. Three approaches are described: an etic approach that focuses on establishing measurement equivalence in imported measures of personality, an emic (indigenous) approach that studies personality in specific cultures, and a combined emic-etic approach to personality. We propose the latter approach as a way of combining the methodological rigor of the etic approach and the cultural sensitivity of the emic approach. The combined approach is illustrated by two examples: the first with origins in Chinese culture and the second in South Africa. The article ends with a discussion of the theoretical and practical implications of the combined emic-etic approach for the study of culture and personality and for psychology as a science.  相似文献   

Responses of individuals to traumatic events are varied. Traumatic events can lead to positive transformations that are known as posttraumatic growth (PTG). Most of the empirical studies of PTG have been addressed from a Western perspective. Theoretically, the concept appears to be cross-culturally valid, but there has been a fundamental deficiency in operationalizing the concept in regard to cultures that are non-Western. Cultural elements play an important role in influencing the behavior of individuals in the aftermath of trauma. Hence, it is important to conceptualize and measure PTG in the framework of the culture to which the individual belongs. The effects of culture come from both the immediate culture (proximal) and the broader (distal) sources that impact the nature of rumination, cognitive strategies, and the process of growth. This paper addresses various cross-cultural challenges to the construct PTG such as emic versus etic perspectives on PTG, proximate and distal influences of culture on PTG, specific cultural influences on rumination, cognitive strategies, and growth, cultural bias inherent in theories of PTG, and measurement issues of PTG across cultures.  相似文献   

《中国人个性测量表CPAI-2》是一套本土化发展而成的个性量表,涵盖包括中国文化独有以及在大多数文化共有的性格维度。该文认为结合文化特定与文化共通的研究方法能全面地反映心理现实,亦能加深我们对跨文化心理学的理解。该研究分析了CPAI-2常模的几个子组别,以展示在同一文化之内,性格特质的差异及连续性。性别及年龄组别间的平均分差异均符合相应的社化过程及人生发展阶段所预期的结果。而中国香港及中国不同地区在平均分的差异上则没有特定的模式。文化内及跨文化的差异展示了个人性格差异的连续性,以及文化特定与文化共通概念的相互关系。  相似文献   

系统合理化理论认为, 人们会自然地将其所在的社会系统感知为公平合理的, 这一倾向即系统合理化。而系统合理化形成之原因, 一直是该领域理论和研究关注的重点。为此, 研究者先后提出了三种解释思路。认知失调视角认为, 系统合理化之所以产生是因为个体想要缓解因系统无法满足他们的需求而产生的焦虑。补偿性控制视角认为, 系统合理化源于个体自身控制感的缺乏。社会认知视角则认为人们固有的认知倾向特别是对于社会经济差异的内归因倾向是造成系统合理化的根源。未来可以考虑在同一个研究中包含来自于不同理论视角的解释变量, 借鉴相近领域的发现探索其他可能存在的系统合理化的形成机制, 探究中国文化特有的系统合理化的来源, 同时对积极的合理化与消极的合理化作出区分, 并在此基础上针对社会现实问题加强应用研究的开展。  相似文献   

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