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随着以用户间交互为特征的Web 2.0理念的深入发展,顾客期望借助互联网参与到价值的生产与创造过程中,以期通过自我潜能发挥和自我价值展示寻求获得一种有别于享乐型快乐感的实现型快乐感.以往顾客参与研究大多关注其经济利益、如何管理、影响因素、获得的实际利益,而对于顾客参与过程中的心理机制和参与后的心理收获研究不多.本研究以互联网为背景,从顾客视角出发,科学采用实验、实证等多种方法,并尝试采用生理仪器(如多导仪、脑电核磁共振仪等)采集顾客行为和生理的客观数据,利用自我决定理论对顾客参与过程的心理反应和参与后的心理收获进行系统探讨,构建顾客参与过程的心理动态模型.  相似文献   

处于自我损耗状态时, 个体在意愿上偏好即时利益和目标, 并且会做出许多非理性决策行为。在梳理自我损耗对行为决策的影响基础上, 指出自我损耗降低决策理性的注意机制和执行机制:一方面, 损耗使个体注意力更容易为即时利益所捕获, 进而重视短期利益而忽视长远利益, 即降低个体关注未来的能力; 另一方面, 损耗导致个体缺少计划性和行为实施的执行力, 即降低个体坚守未来的能力。此外, 损耗对决策理性的影响存在个体和情境两个方面的重要边界。未来可结合眼动技术验证损耗降低决策理性的注意机制, 进一步探究潜在边界条件以及寻找助推理性决策的方法。  相似文献   

欺骗判断与欺骗行为中自我控制的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欺骗判断与欺骗行为有着不同的心理机制, 正确认识二者之间的关系有助于增强人际间的信任和团队的长远利益。采用行为学实验从两种视角下考察自我控制对欺骗的影响。实验1采用材料评定的方法考察了识别他人自我控制能力状况对欺骗判断的影响, 结果发现对比高自我控制能力的人, 被试更倾向于认为低自我控制能力的人更有可能为了自己的利益产生欺骗行为和欺骗倾向。实验2采用颜色Stroop任务考察了识别他人自我控制资源衰竭状况对欺骗判断的影响, 结果发现当识别他人自我控制资源衰竭时, 在评价他人为自己利益去欺骗、为他人利益去欺骗以及在特定情境中欺骗倾向上, 没有发现任何显著的主效应或交互作用。实验3采用视觉−感知任务来考察不同水平的自我控制能力对欺骗行为的影响, 结果发现, 对比高自我控制组, 低自我控制组有更多的欺骗行为和欺骗倾向。实验4采用颜色Stroop任务和视觉−感知任务来考察自我控制资源对欺骗行为的影响, 结果发现, 对比控制组, 自我控制资源衰竭组有更多的欺骗行为和欺骗倾向。这些研究结果表明, 在进行欺骗判断时, 相比自我控制资源状况, 个体会优先识别他人的自我控制能力水平来判断其是否具有欺骗动机或欺骗倾向。在欺骗行为中, 高自我控制能力的个体, 能够更好地抑制自私动机, 更多的考虑长远利益, 出于自身利益去欺骗的可能性会更小; 自我控制资源充足的个体, 更有可能会经得住诱惑, 自私自利的欺骗行为发生的可能性也会更小。  相似文献   

从网络环境的视角来看, 同一性实验是指青少年以互联网为媒介, 通过自我表征和自我探索来构建同一性的一系列行为。网上交际的优越性、青少年的人格特征、同一性状态和动机等因素促使青少年进行同一性实验。青少年在参与同步聊天、社交网站和网络游戏的过程中实现同一性实验, 并对其同一性发展产生重要影响。未来的研究应关注网络环境差异和社会比较对青少年同一性实验影响的同时, 还应通过追踪研究和跨文化研究等, 探索同一性实验的深层机制。  相似文献   

绿色消费具有道德属性, 消费者既有可能是为了建构道德身份, 实现自我保护或自我提升(自我导向), 也有可能是源于内在的道德信念, 实现对环境的关心(环境导向)。基于身份建构的绿色消费会导致行为不稳定、甚至撒谎和盗窃等, 其心理机制是道德自我调节; 基于环境关心的绿色消费则与之相反, 它植根于更广泛的道德联想网络, 与节俭、自我控制等紧密相关, 道德认同机制在其中发挥作用。那么, 究竟是身份建构还是环境关心呢?在阐述调节因素基础上, 我们构建了基于个体生活方式的绿色消费模型, 从个体差异的视角回答了该问题。未来研究需要从理论和实践上进一步展开。  相似文献   

社会两难是个人利益与集体利益冲突的情景。在这种情景下,合作选择强调个体是通过分享使集体利益最大化,而非个人利益最大化。"自我控制"、"信任"与"内疚厌恶"被用来阐述两难情境下合作选择的机制。而神经层面的研究也发现,合作选择主要涉及以背外侧前额叶皮层为主的执行控制脑区、以腹内侧前额叶为主的情绪调节脑区,以及包括纹状体、伏隔核和眶额叶等在内的奖赏相关脑区。未来研究需从完善研究方法和内容、深化内在机制以及整合合作决策的神经机制等几个方面着手。  相似文献   

采用3(欺骗类型:纯利他、自我受益-他人受益、自我受损-他人受益)×2(社会距离:朋友、陌生人) 2(任务类型:基线水平、利他欺骗)混合实验设计考察社会距离对利他性欺骗的影响。结果发现,当利他性欺骗不损害自身利益(纯利他、自我受益-他人受益)时,不论社会距离远近,个体都会为了他人获益而进行利他性欺骗;而当利他性欺骗损害自身利益(自我受损-他人受益)时,不论社会距离远近,个体都没有为使他人获益而进行利他性欺骗。上述结果表明,在进行利他性欺骗决策时,个体优先考虑自身利益;在不影响自身利益情境下,会为他人(包括陌生人)获益进行利他性欺骗。本研究有助于理解以往该领域中研究结论不一致的原因,可为现实情境中不诚实行为的干预提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

自我控制是个体为了达成具有长远利益的目标而有意识控制自身冲动行为的能力。双系统模型提出自我控制系统包含冲动系统与控制系统, 该理论适用于分析罪犯低自我控制的内部结构。罪犯冲动系统中充满极易激活的犯罪相关行为图式, 而控制系统却不足以生成抑制冲动行为的策略。未来可基于双系统模型, 整合已有研究深入考察罪犯自我控制系统的内部运作机制, 以及该模型在罪犯心理矫治中的实际应用, 而犯罪易感青少年群体则需要特别关注。  相似文献   

环境问题的加剧使得人们广泛关注如何保护人类赖以生存的生态环境。消费者在环保事业中扮演着举足轻重的角色。虽然,国内外已有一些关于绿色消费的研究,但是,对绿色消费心理机制的探究还不够系统和深入。借助社会认知视角下的道德认同理论探讨影响消费者绿色消费的心理机制,主要包括三方面的内容:(1)探索道德认同与绿色消费的中间机制,以及这一中间机制发挥作用的边界条件;(2)考察调节道德认同与绿色消费关系的变量;(3)检验道德认同表征与道德认同内化对绿色消费影响有何差异。基于社会认知视角下道德认同理论探讨绿色消费心理机制不仅可以丰富和发展道德认同和绿色消费相关理论体系,而且为政府和企业如何引导消费者的绿色消费提供了切实可行的建议。  相似文献   

自我-品牌联结(self-brand connections,简称SBC)是指消费者使用品牌构建、强化以及表达个体性或社会性自我的程度.自我-品牌联结形成机制包括两种,消费者认同的视角阐述了消费者会根据自我认同的不同纬度,构建出一系列从个体性到群体性再到更加普遍的民族层面上的品牌联结;品牌意义传播的视角流动性地阐述了自我-品牌联结形成的三个阶段.自我-品牌联结的影响效应是指品牌联结会对品牌关系形成积极、正性的影响,但该效应的发挥会受到诸多因素的调节.未来研究应关注自我-品牌联结的文化心理、自我心理以及我国消费者民族品牌联结的培育机制等问题.  相似文献   

The present study extends previous research on interests–personality relations by comparing recent models of vocational interests (using the Personal Globe Inventory; PGI, Tracey, 2002) and personality (using the HEXACO-PI-R; Ashton, Lee, & de Vries, 2014) with each other. First, the structure of the Spherical representation was adequately replicated in a Dutch sample (N = 656). Second, in so far as comparisons were possible, the relations between interests and personality were found to be congruent with previous findings. Third, Prestige interests, the defining feature of the Spherical representation, were related, albeit weakly, to Openness to Experience and to Extraversion. Last of all, Honesty–Humility and Openness to Experience were related to profile elevation in interest scores. All results were obtained for normative and ipsatized scales, revealing several meaningful differences in interests–personality relations depending on the type of interest scoring procedure.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that children's understanding of self‐presentational behaviour—behaviour designed to shape social evaluation—is a function of both cognitive and motivational variables. Furthermore, the motivational factors involved are likely to reflect individual differences in the salience of concerns about social evaluation. The present research represents a first effort to determine whether measures of such differences are indeed associated with the understanding of self‐presentational behaviour. In a first experiment, a teacher rating measure of self‐monitoring was found to be positively associated with the understanding of self‐presentational motives. In a second experiment, a more narrowly specified self‐report measure of public self‐consciousness was found to have a similar association with the understanding of self‐presentation, with no such association found for private self‐consciousness. These preliminary results make it clear that our formulations of development in social cognition must indeed include a consideration of individual differences in motivational orientations. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In an experimental study, we investigated how decisions in social dilemmas are affected by the valence of outcomes that are at stake. Prospect theory states that individuals are risk-averse when outcomes are framed as gains, and risk-seeking when outcomes are framed as losses. On the basis of this framework, previous research on social dilemmas has addressed the question of whether people are more cooperative in the negative domain than in the positive domain, but this research has led to inconsistent results. A possible explanation for this is that in many social dilemmas it is unclear whether cooperation or defection is the risky choice. In the current paper, we compare the well-studied prisoner’s dilemma with the less studied chicken game. Whereas in the prisoner’s dilemma it is unclear what constitutes the risky option, in the chicken game the risky option is quite clear. Consistent with predictions, we found in the chicken game more defection in the loss frame than in the gain frame, but no difference between the gain and loss frame in the prisoner’s dilemma. Moreover, choices were predicted by risk attitude in the chicken game, but not in the prisoner’s dilemma.  相似文献   


Knowledge justice provides a conceptual framework to apply principles of social justice in environments of competing interests regarding science. Both knowledge and its making can be seen as a good to be distributed, including all voices for whom the science will matter. In this framework, knowledge production is shared among a broader constituency of knowers representing both local and cosmopolitan voices. The problem of knowledge injustice can be seen in the U.S. government’s recent attempt to secure scientific knowledge about H5N1 or avian bird flu virus. The censorship produced a global debate between scientists and policy-makers over how to balance the nation-state’s desire for security with the life science’s tradition of open and shared research. This conundrum, known as the dual-use dilemma, obscures larger questions that lie outside of expert-centered domains—namely the concerns of many communities in the Global South struggling with the impact of the virus in their daily lives. An example of such counter-expertise is that of the backyard poultry farmer whose ways of knowing are foreign to science and policy experts who frame the ways in which knowledge about H5N1 should be developed, controlled, and used. While the H5N1 debate illuminated competing positions regarding knowledge production between powerful elites, it ignored the social justice inequities produced by the dual-use dilemma. The concept of knowledge justice provides a way of thinking about science that can include locally situated counter-expertise, disrupting the dual-use dilemma produced by competing dominant priorities of security and public health.  相似文献   

This research proposes a framework to explore green consumption behavior from the perspective of the anxiety of death and individual social responsibility. Research data are collected from a sample of 280 consumers in Taipei, Taiwan. The findings reveal that consumers' anxiety of death affects consumers' green purchase attitude and then ultimately green purchase intention through the mediating variables of environmental concern and pro‐environmental behavior. On a similar line, individual social responsibility is found to act as a precursor in increasing consumer's concern for the environment and, eventually, green purchase attitude and intention. Mastery is found to invigorate the effect of death anxiety on green concern and pro‐environmental behavior, while it enervates the relationship between individual social responsibility and environmental concern.  相似文献   

Green consumption has been developing into a booming trend due to alarming environmental problems. This study examines the relationship between the consumers' digital literacy and green consumption behavior and explores two different mechanisms based on social cognitive theory and self-regulatory theory. The cognition-based mechanism includes self-efficacy and outcome expectation; the affect-based mechanism includes anticipated pride and anticipated guilt. In addition, we investigate how green product availability moderates the relationships between four mediators and green consumption behavior. Across two studies, the results indicate that the consumers' digital literacy influences green consumption behavior through self-efficacy, outcome expectation, anticipated pride, and anticipated guilt. Moreover, green product availability boosts the effects of self-efficacy and anticipated pride on green consumption behavior. Our research has theoretical contributions to understanding the formation of green consumption behavior. It also provides practical implications for how to effectively guide and promote green consumption behavior.  相似文献   

In the current article, we investigate the influence of self-construal level on procedural fairness effects, that is, the finding that fair versus unfair procedures influence people’s evaluations of their relation with decision-making authorities. In two experiments, we manipulated self-construal level by activating the individual self (“I”) or the social self (“We”), and we induced a control condition. Furthermore, we manipulated procedural fairness by granting versus denying participants an opportunity to voice their opinion in a decision-making process. Results consistently revealed stronger procedural fairness effects if the individual self is activated than if the social self is activated. It is concluded that sometimes the individual self, rather than the social self, constitutes the psychological basis for procedural fairness effects.  相似文献   

Research on the construction of self and of others has indicated that the way that individuals construe themselves and others exerts an important influence on their cognition, emotion, and even behavior. The present study extends this line of research to mixed-motive situations in which short-term individual and long-term collective interests are at odds. In addition, this study associates the importance of context interdependence, and specifically its interaction with independent self-construal, with an individual's cooperative behavior. We used a priming task to manipulate the level of self-construal and also manipulated the degree of interdependent context by giving participants a chance to assign rewards either to their group members or to themselves alone. The results showed that when participants received interdependent (as opposed to independent) self-construal priming, they consistently contributed highly, regardless of context manipulation. In contrast, those primed with an independent self-construal contributed less in the investment game, but only when placed in a context where group members were encouraged to think about their individual (versus mutual) fate. In this situation they contributed the least to the group in the game. These findings indicate that independent self-construal in a low interdependence context produces the most competitive behavior. The results also showed that how participants felt about their interaction with other group members mediated the effect of context interdependence on cooperative behavior, and possibly that was especially the case for independent self-construal. The results demonstrate that the self can be contextualized and embedded in the social contexts and symbolic systems within which people live.  相似文献   

Young men’s errors in sexual perception have been linked to sexual coercion. The current investigation sought to explicate the perceptual and decisional sources of these social perception errors, as well as their link to risk for sexual violence. General Recognition Theory (GRT; [Ashby, F. G., & Townsend, J. T. (1986). Varieties of perceptual independence. Psychological Review, 93, 154-179]) was used to estimate participants’ ability to discriminate between affective cues and clothing style cues and to measure illusory correlations between men’s perception of women’s clothing style and sexual interest. High-risk men were less sensitive to the distinction between women’s friendly and sexual interest cues relative to other men. In addition, they were more likely to perceive an illusory correlation between women’s diagnostic sexual interest cues (e.g., facial affect) and non-diagnostic cues (e.g., provocative clothing), which increases the probability that high-risk men will misperceive friendly women as intending to communicate sexual interest. The results provide information about the degree of risk conferred by individual differences in perceptual processing of women’s interest cues, and also illustrate how translational scientists might adapt GRT to examine research questions about individual differences in social perception.  相似文献   

A social dilemma is a situation in which members of a group or organization are faced with a conflict between two choices: maximize personal interests (defection) or maximize collective interests (cooperation). It is generally more profitable to defect, but if all do so, all are worse off than if all choose to cooperate. Previous research indicate that criticality and uncertainty affect the likelihood of cooperation. The more a member perceives that her choice is critical (has a significant impact on the outcome), the greater the likelihood of cooperation; conversely, the greater the uncertainty about the outcome, the lower the likelihood of cooperation. A sequential social dilemma paradigm was developed to manipulate criticality and uncertainty systematically. Using college students as subjects, two experiments were conducted. In both experiments (based on four- and six-person groups), criticality interacted with uncertainty: When criticality was high, cooperation decreased with uncertainty; but when criticality was low, there was a slight increase of cooperation rates with uncertainty. Several hypotheses are proposed to explain these results.  相似文献   

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