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In a recent paper (1981), Keren and Baggen proposed two new models for alphanumeric confusion data, based on Tversky’s (1977) feature model of similarity, and compared them with Luce’s (1963) biased choice model. On the basis of their data, they concluded that, although the choice model fit slightly better, their models were to be preferred on grounds of parsimony and interpretability. It is shown here that both of these models are special cases of the Luce model, so that the general Luce model will necessarily fit better. This leads to considerable reinterpretation of Keren and Baggen’s conclusions. Finally, better methods of estimating parameters and evaluating goodness-of-fit are suggested, taking advantage of this relation between the models.  相似文献   

A commentary on a case of a man who is left a "high quad" (ventilator dependant as well as quadriplegic) after an accident discusses the following: The right of patients who sustain catastrophic injuries to choose to discontinue life-sustaining treatment, The role of capacity assessment in treatment decisions and in ethics consultations, The role of advance directives (ADs) for such patients if they lack capacity, Whether a do-not-resuscitate or do-not-attempt-resuscitation order should be seen as "a medical order" or an advance directive, Some hints about what might be intended when a patient refers to the criterion of having a "meaningful life."  相似文献   

An experiment was designed to account for intention-behavior discrepancies by applying the theory of planned behavior to contingent valuation. College students (N = 160) voted in hypothetical and real payment referenda to contribute $8 to a scholarship fund. Overestimates of willingness to pay in the hypothetical referendum could not be attributed to moderately favorable latent dispositions. Instead, this hypothetical bias was explained by activation of more favorable beliefs and attitudes in the context of a hypothetical rather than a real referendum. A corrective entreaty was found to eliminate this bias by bringing beliefs, attitudes, and intentions in line with those in the real payment situation. As a result, the theory of planned behavior produced more accurate prediction of real payment when participants were exposed to the corrective entreaty.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to extend judgment research by investigating properties of information processing models utilized in a financial judgment situation. Forty-seven graduate business school students estimated percentage changes in the prices of 50 securities. An important element of the research design is the availability of an objective, readily determinable “environmental” processing model. Dimensions of cognitive processing considered here include the accuracy and reliability of judgments, linear versus nonlinear processing, interjudge agreement, and self-insight into weighting and combining of information cues. The results are compared with evidence from other areas of applied psychology. Individual and aggregated (“nominal group”) judgment models were generated. Aggregation models depict processing representative of the set of subjects, and diversification out of individual biases and errors is possible. Statistically significant levels of judgment accuracy are reported here. Moderate agreement among the subjects was noted, and a linear model did not explain a large percentage of the variance in judgments. A significant degree of self-insight into the relative weighting of cues by subjects is indicated. The aggregation models outperformed the “average” individual within the respective groups of subjects.  相似文献   

Procurement of organs from non-heart-beating cadaver donors raises concerns. Standards for optimal patient care during withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy are evolving and continue to be debated and studied. Consensus on specific procedures and methods has not been attained, however, and protocols for the procurement of organs from patients following the withdrawal of life-sustaining therapies may compromise the evolving standards and harm the patient and the attendant family. In addition, there is little evidence to suggest that such protocols will significantly increase the number of organs procured. "Non-heart-beating cadaver" protocols that do not give comprehensive attention to optimal patient/family care at the time of withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy ought not to be endorsed.  相似文献   

We identify two biases in the traditional use of Bundesen’s Theory of Visual Attention (TVA) and show that they can be substantially reduced by introducing trial-by-trial variability in the model. We analyze whole and partial report data from a comprehensive empirical study with 347 participants and elaborate on Bayesian model selection theory for quantifying the advantage of trial-by-trial generalization in general. The analysis provides strong evidence of trial-by-trial variation in both the VSTM capacity parameter and perceptual threshold parameter of TVA. On average, the VSTM capacity bias was found to be at least half an item, while the perceptual threshold parameter was found to be underestimated by about 2 ms.  相似文献   

The anticruelty policy is a best-interests test for treatment plans including decisions to forgo life-sustaining therapy for certain incompetent patients. In connection with specific proposed therapy, the policy requires no reference to the patient's unknowable values, subjective experiences, or quality of life. The decision to undertake a treatment plan derives from the caregiver's knowledge of burdens and benefits of that treatment when used in caring for the competent or for those incompetents capable of growth or repair. The caregiver should weigh the potentially cruel effects of treatment against the likelihood of reducing suffering or encumbrance with the treatment. The terms "burden" and "benefit," in fact, are replaced by the terms "cruelty" and "beneficence," as the relevant opposing outcomes that must be weighed. Thus, the anticruelty policy shifts our scrutiny from experiences of the patient that we cannot evaluate to the proposed actions of the competent decision makers and caregivers. Notably, it is a protreatment policy when the goals of medicine are attainable; and it is an anticruelty policy when they are not. The policy does evaluate the world of the patient to the extent that it requires a judgment based upon external appearances about patient pleasure or happiness in living. It presumes to universalize larger societal values about cruelty, beneficence, compassionate concern for the helpless, and certain rights of individuals. And it presumes to universalize on the patient's behalf specific medical values about hopeless injury, timely death, the goals of medicine, and cruelty, which should remain open to societal discussion and revision. The presented definition of hopeless injury does not require brain death, coma, or persistent vegetative state. Specifically, the policy holds that death is timely for a patient with hopeless injury, and that prevention of death for such patients is not a goal of medicine but a cruelty.  相似文献   

This article presents research findings concerning the relationship of patient positive regard to the outcome of time-limited, short-term group therapy for psychiatric outpatients with complicated grief. The Social Relations Model (SOREMO) of David Kenny was used to investigate this relationship. While the patient's ratings of positive regard of others in the group, known as the Perceiver Effect, accounted for the most variation of the patients' ratings, the other patients' rating of the patient's positive regard, known as the Target Effect, was directly related to favorable change. In addition, a simpler method was used to calculate variables that were analogous to the Perceiver Effect and Target Effect variables of the SOREMO. These variables yielded similar outcome findings. Because of limitations and difficulties associated with learning and using the SOREMO, the simpler method represents a more feasible choice for group therapists who are primarily clinicians or group therapists who wish to collect a small amount of data on an ongoing basis. Even experienced group therapy researchers are likely to find the SOREMO program challenging to use.  相似文献   

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