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恩斯特·布洛赫的报告:<马克思,直路,具体的乌托邦>不仅是一部关于马克思的纪念报告,也是一部创造性的马克思主义文献.在这份报告中,布洛赫高度评价了马克思哲学一政治思想的丰功伟绩,实事求是地指出了他的哲学一政治思想中的某些"实质性缺陷",批判了斯大林主义的"奴役性实践",划清了前苏东"官僚主义的马克思主义"与"现实的人道主义"的原则界限.根据布洛赫的评估,随着历史的发展和时代的变迁,马克思哲学一政治思想中的个别结论已不再有效,但是,马克思的基本思想,特别是"辩证法思想"、"异化理论"、"现实的人道主义理念"等依然有效.  相似文献   

In the face of contemporary critiques of dystopia as engendering political hopelessness and apathy, this article explores the instability of the category of itself. Bringing together work by the German jurist and political philosopher, Carl Schmitt, and the American ex-patriot poet, H.D., I show that each engages in thought experiments that might be taken as dystopic, but just as easily as utopic – and hence, as refusing the sharp contrast on which these generic distinctions are made. Schmitt and H.D. also bring into play issues central to the work of the contemporary U.S. poet, Susan Howe, with which I close. Howe’s poetry and essays, particularly in The Nonconformist Memorial, lead me to posit the usefulness of the idea of atopia, a thinking of the past, present, and future in which the alpha privative points to a more radical kind of “no place” than that first posited by Thomas More’s utopia. At the center of my argument is the idea that literature – and other works of the imagination – may be the necessary non-place, or place without the limitations of place, for thinking pasts and futures that are literally uninhabitable (as much as I may try, I can’t actually live in a book) – and yet whose psychic, imaginative, intellectual, and affective existence is vital for human life.  相似文献   

十九世纪德国的宗教批判是思想史上的重大事件,这一事件中的两个重大转折点分别由马克思和尼采来完成.马克思把宗教批判推向了现实的政治经济学批判,以期人的自由解放;而尼采则把对基督教的批判扩展到了整个现代西方的价值体系.对比两人的宗教批判,则又可以呈现欧洲人文精神之内在张力和诸多可能性.  相似文献   

Studies in East European Thought -  相似文献   

For different feminist theorists, housework and child rearing are viewed in very different ways. I argue that Marx gives us the categories that allow us to see why housework and child care can be both a paradigm of unalienated labor and also involve the greatest oppression. In developing this argument, a distinction is made between alienation and oppression and the conditions are discussed under which unalienated housework can become oppressive or can become alienated.  相似文献   

Marx, like many of his contemporaries, uncritically assumed that humanity develops from primitive beginnings to ever more perfect stages. In his theory of human development he measured progress by two main standards: the decrease of all forms of dependence, and the increase of universality in man's relations to nature and to his fellow man. In our century, not only have new structures of power and dependence emerged, but successive movements have also been generated to restore the more ordered and limited relationships of the past. If belief in progress is nowadays no longer self-evident, such a state of affairs can help us reflect on the conditions necessary to realize the values which determined Marx's categorical imperative, or his insistence that we overthrow all relations by which man is made a debased and enslaved being. One of these conditions is the voluntary limitation of our needs: the need to use material goods without regard for others, the need to build up or maintain security even at the cost of violence, and the need to restrict the circle of those with whom we identify to our own particular culture, race, class or ways of thinking and acting.  相似文献   

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