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Effects of faking on a sentence completion test. of ego development, explored in five experiments, partially confirmed the developmental hypothesis that persons can lower their ego level test scores but not increase them. When faking high on retest, subjects scores either stayed the same or increased by about a half step. Only intensive study of ego development seemed genuinely to increase scores. When faking a bad impression or a low ego level, subjects' scores decreased, typically to the pre-Conformist level. Unexpectedly, attempts to make a good impression lowered high scores, especially for women, Because the test is susceptible to factors which can artificially lower scores, careful planning and evaluation of testing conditions must accompany test use.  相似文献   

Interrater and internal consistency reliability of Loevinger's sentence completion test of ego development is examined within a psychology clinic population consisting of relatively pure types of neurotic, psychotic, and character disordered groups. Reliability study of the instrument suggests it is generalizable across populations, thusly supporting the reasonableness of further research with the test in clinical contexts.  相似文献   

Studied the reliability of the Washington University Sentence Completion Test by giving 51 9th graders and 26 college students the test twice, a week apart. For 9th graders the design included a test-retest group and two groups given half of the test at each session. Although test-retest correlations were high for the 9th graders, retest scores dropped significantly. With college students (a) test-retest correlations through positive and significant were lower, (b) retest scores did not change systematically, and (c) percentage agreement between test and retest scores was high. Discrepant results were related to motivational set and variance in test scores. Split-half correlations and internal consistency coefficients were high. Likelihood of lower retest scores makes problematic the use of this test for short term pretest-posttest studies seeking to stimulate ego development.  相似文献   

In an investigation of the effects of stem structure and direction set on sentence completion responses, 160 undergraduate males were randomly assigned to one of four conditions: Rotter ISB with "feelings" instructions, Rotter ISB with "speed" instructions, Sacks SCT with "feelings" instructions, Sacks SCT with "speed" instructions. Eight clinical judges derived hypotheses from the completed protocols; two judges evaluated each protocol. Interjudge reliability was measured by Pearson product-moment correlations and percents of agreement. There was a significant effect for amount of stem structure; the structured Sacks SCT stems yielded more clinical hypotheses. Structured stems also elicited significantly more feeling words. No significant effect was found for instructional set, nor was there a significant relationship between stem structure or instruction set and the numbers of words in completions.  相似文献   

This study presents two sets of analyses designed to evaluate the relation between a 12-item form of the Washington University Sentence Completion Test of ego development (Short Form; SCT-S) and socioeconomic status (SES). The subjects were a large national random sample of adolescent and young adult men and women who were stratified into three artificial age cohorts. The first set of hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that SES accounted for 8% to 13% of the variance in SCT-S scores. Incremental validity of the SCT-S in predicting social attitudes, beyond that predicted by SES, was generally supported for authoritarian aggression and partially supported in predicting masculine sex role expectations. Findings suggest that research on ego development with subjects over age 18 might use level of education as a rough index of SES. For younger subjects, parental factors and education are both important. This study also provides revised age-specific national norms for the SCT-S.  相似文献   

A study of six Broca's aphasics is reported. The task was to complete sentence frames with a missing word whose type was systematically varied by syntactic form class (nouns, verbs, prepositions, and particles) and the number of lexical options appropriate to any given instance. The primary aim was to contrast syntactic type (content vs. function words) and level of sentential constraint as ways of determining whether there was a central syntactic component to the language deficit. There was a significant effect for word type and an interaction between word type and level of constraint. These results are discussed as supporting a syntactic interpretation of the deficit.  相似文献   

We report three sentence completion experiments in which we manipulate the emotional dimension of the nouns in a complex noun phrase (NP) that precedes a relative clause (RC), as in the classic ambiguity in Someone shot the servant of the actress who was on the balcony. The aim was to see whether nouns such as orgy or genocide affect the well-established preference of Spanish to adjoin the relative clause high in the tree (to servant instead of actress in the example above). We manipulated the valence and arousal of the lexical entities residing in the NP. Our results indicate that (a) the inclusion of either pleasant or unpleasant words induces changes in the usual NP1 preference found in Spanish; (b) the effects of high-arousal words are especially clear, in that they pull RC adjunction towards the NP where they are located, be it the NP1 or the NP2; and (c) in the context of sentence production, these kinds of words seem intense enough to promote changes in (and even reverse) a solid syntactic bias. We discuss these findings in the light of existing theories of syntactic ambiguity resolution.  相似文献   

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