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从道德存在论看 ,道德是普遍性与特殊性的统一 ;地域性与历史性的统一。从道德价值论看 ,道德是相对性与绝对性的统一 ;多元性与一元性的统一。从道德认识论看 ,道德是客观性与主观性的统一 ;群体性与个体性的统一。从道德实现论看 ,道德是他律性与自律性的统一 ;现实性与理想性的统一。  相似文献   

本文从珠江三角洲的道德实践中抽象出社会主义市场经济的五对道德范畴 ,即合理利己与利他精神的统一 ,自主意识与集体意识的统一 ,勇于竞争与乐于和谐的统一 ,公平正直与勤奋务实的统一 ,胸怀广阔与爱国主义的统一。这五个层次的道德范畴依次从个人与他人、与集体、与人际环境、与利益环境 ,与国家关系上展开 ,是一个五层次相整合的基本的道德范畴框架 ,是共产主义道德的初级阶段。  相似文献   

社会主义荣辱观是国家伦理与个体道德的统一,把“八荣八耻”的荣辱观转化成每一个体自觉的道德认知与情感体验,是荣辱观教育的关键。荣辱观教育有其辩证性内涵,在教育目标上,它是培养“道德人”与“能力人”的统一;在教育内容上,它是一元价值内容与多元实践方式的统一;在教育原则上,它是道德理性设计与道德情感供给的统一;在教育方法上,它是荣辱价值引导与主体生活体验的统一。  相似文献   

话语理解中的道德准则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文是语言伦理学理论建设的一个方面 ,它着重探讨了公众言语交际行为中话语理解的道德秩序 ,提出并阐述了“言境统一”、“言实统一”、“言人统一”、“言行统一”和“言德统一”等五项话语理解的道德公约 ,确立了公众话语理解道德秩序的雏形。  相似文献   

论道德内化的心理机制及其特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
所谓道德内化,是指个体在后天的社会生活和实践中,经过一定方式的社会学习,接受社会的道德教化,将社会的道德原则、规范和要求转化为其自身的道德需要,形成其自身稳定的道德人格特质和道德行为反应模式的过程。道德内化的心理机制是道德主体的自我意识,它一般由“由我是什么”、“我应当成为什么”和“我必须成为什么”三个逻辑环节组成。道德内化具有他律性和自律性相统一、平衡性和失衡性相统一、共同性和差异性相统一、阶段性和整体性相统一等特点。  相似文献   

先秦儒家伦理将认识论与道德修养论结合起来,强调道德认知与道德践行统一,以及道德情感、意志在由道德认知向道德践行转化过程中的重要作用,从而形成了内涵丰富、富有特色的知行统一思想,对后世产生了很大的影响。我们应该批判地继承其合理的、有价值的因素,为建设社会主义道德文明服务。  相似文献   

道德包含着道德意识和道德活动两个方面,它具有知行统一的特点。首先,无产阶级衡量人们道德水平之高低,一贯坚持知和行统一的观点。一个道德高尚的人,不仅要有坚强的道德信念,而且还要自觉地把他的道德意识表现在一系列的道德行为中,表现在他的生产、工作和学习等具体活动中。也就是说,只有知和行相一致,并且符合共产主义道德要求的时候,人们才承认他是一个有共产主义道德的人。  相似文献   

常人道德是道德生活中一种普遍而经常存在的道德行为类型和道德境界层次。它既不是道德上超凡脱俗的圣贤或先进的“君子”,也不是见利忘义、损人利己的“小人”,而是处于二者之间的“中人”之性和“常人”之德。“常人道德”的特征主要体现为:第一,其行为特征既非应当,也非失当,而表现为正当。第二,其价值观是义利兼顾的;第三,其人己观是人我两利的;第四,其行为动机是追求权利与义务的对等统一。常人道德的存在是一种道德生活的常态真实存在。常人道德的义利统一、人己两利、权利与义务相统一是现代伦理精神的集中体现。常人道德是道德的中间层次与境界。研究常人道德并给予道德上的正面价值评价的意义在于有利于克服我们过去的那种善恶两极的对立道德思维方式,有利于真正实现权利与义务相统一的现代道德精神,有利于当代道德研究面向生活和民众,从而有利于建立与社会主义市场经济相适应的新道德观。  相似文献   

老龄道德资源是老龄道德品质及老龄道德文化成果的总称。老龄道德资源的代际传承是道德辐射与道德内化的统一。其伦理效力在于促进年轻一代的道德社会化,并通过道德资源的资本转化,推动实物资本增值。  相似文献   

市场经济既是法制经济又是道德经济,在社会主义市场经济建设中,同时要加强道德建设,这已为理论界所共识。然而,集体主义道德能否与社会主义市场经济相统一,倘若可以统一,两者通过哪些渠道衔接起来?集体主义道德在作用于市场经济中,又怎样适应市场经济的特点,在思想内容上重  相似文献   

孟子倡导促进社会和睦的道德观念,并从理论基础、理想人格、修养方法等方面提出了一套比较完整的道德修养体系,对后世影响深远。梳理与借鉴孟子的道德修养论,对于建立和完善现代道德修养理论,促进社会主义的道德进步和人格健全,无疑具有最直接的现实价值。  相似文献   

陈独秀在“五四”新文化运动中倡导的伦理革命在其思想理论体系中占有独特地位 ,对其伦理革命的思想进行评析 ,能够为我们今天的道德建设提供许多有益的启示。  相似文献   

青少年道德判断能力的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
德国道德心理学家林德提出“道德行为与发展的双面理论”,并设计了著名的“道德判断测验”,在20多年的研究中取得了很多重要成果。我们以中文版的“道德判断测验”为测量工具,以724名12-27岁青少年学生为被试进行实证研究,研究结果表明:学生的C分数随年级提高而有所提高,但不同年级之间有一定波动,说明学校教育有助于提高学生的道德判断能力,但存在不稳定因素。男女生C分数不存在显著差异,学校内部各年级之间也不存在显著差异,不同性质的学生之间不存在显著差异;  相似文献   

以45位本科生和硕士研究生为对象, 采用日常德性的视角, 考察高校学生在日常生活中亲历的道德困境, 重点探讨个人日常道德困境的内容, 以及他们对个人日常道德困境的解读和处理。结果表明(1)个人日常道德困境多数不同于假设性的公正取向的道德困境。人们对各类个人日常道德困境的解读和阐释存在个体差异。道德内容主要取决于人们所强调的问题。(2)人们所主张的有助于处理日常道德困境的策略与他们在生活中实际采用的策略是有差异的。在真实的道德选择和决定中, 会有更多利己和实用的考虑。此外, 人们对道德行为的判断多倚重对行为后果(特别是伤害性后果)的考虑。  相似文献   

Schok et al. (2011) concluded that military veterans with “suspicious minds” are at risk for posttraumatic stress disorder. The authors recommended that negative appraisals of peacekeeping missions are prevented or changed to positive appraisals. In developing their argument, they misrepresented previous Dutch research as adopting a “psychopathological perspective.” This commentary criticizes the medicalization of posttraumatic stress responses that tends to ignore contextual factors and moral issues at stake. Also, the implicit assumptions of a “positive psychology” of posttraumatic stress in military veterans are discussed. Results on the process of attributing meaning are presented and related to the differences in theoretical perspective. A contextualized psychology that appreciates human diversity without prejudice and that stimulates moral and cultural sensitivity is advocated.  相似文献   

We created paired moral dilemmas with minimal contrasts in wording, a research strategy that has been advocated as a way to empirically establish principles operative in a domain-specific moral psychology. However, the candidate "principles" we tested were not derived from work in moral philosophy, but rather from work in the areas of consumer choice and risk perception. Participants were paradoxically less likely to choose an action that sacrifices one life to save others when they were asked to provide more reasons for doing so (Experiment 1), and their willingness to sacrifice lives depended not only on how many lives would be saved, but on the number of lives at risk (Experiment 2). The latter effect was also found in a within-subjects design (Experiment 3). These findings suggest caution in the use of artificial dilemmas as a key testbed for revealing principled bases for moral judgment.  相似文献   

In the field of character education role-modelling is advocated as an important pedagogical strategy. It is supposed that students learn from ‘significant others’ who exemplify important virtues and values. However, in these strategies it is not clear what and how students precisely can and should learn from exemplars and how the following of exemplars relates to the educational aim of ‘becoming a self.’ In this article, it is argued that modelling is only a relevant pedagogical strategy if moral exemplars are somehow related to life in its full extent, including its moral complexities and ambiguities. Understanding moral exemplarity demands not only the reappropriation of an Aristotelian conception of emulation but also an understanding of the typical modern relocation of moral exemplarity in the fullness of life, importantly originating from what Charles Taylor calls the Protestant ‘affirmation of ordinary life.’ In addition, a distinction is introduced between ‘role exemplarity’ and ‘existential exemplarity.’ Based on this distinction it is argued that emulation should not be limited to learning from role models, but should also include something that runs deeper, to the depth of our own subjectivity or self.  相似文献   

One important issue in moral psychology concerns the proper characterisation of the folk understanding of the relationship between harmful transgressions and moral transgressions. Psychologist Elliot Turiel and associates have claimed with a broad range of supporting evidence that harmful transgressions are understood as transgressions that are authority independent and general in scope which, according to them, characterises these transgressions as moral transgressions. Recently many researchers questioned the position advocated by the Turiel tradition with some new evidence. We entered this debate proposing an original, deflationary view in which perceptions of basic-rights violation and injustice are fundamental for the folk understanding of harmful transgressions as moral transgressions in Turiel's sense. In this article we elaborate and refine our deflationary view, while reviewing the debate, addressing various criticisms raised against our perspective, showing how our perspective explains the existent evidence, and suggesting new lines of inquiry.  相似文献   

Philosophers have mostly advocated that advance directives should bear the same authority, with regard to refusal of life-extending treatment, as a patient's contemporaneous consent or refusal. Such authors typically support this position through a theory of persistent personal identity. I agree that the loss of mental competence does not render someone a moral stranger to their prior goal but argue that equating advance direction with consent is to ignore the capacity of nonpersons to attribute and withhold moral value. A distinction should be drawn between advance directives that seek to pursue deeply held goals and those that express contempt for the mentally incompetent.  相似文献   

A summary of the influence of positivistic philosophy and empiricism on the field of psychology is followed by a critique of the empirical method. The dialectic process is advocated as an alternative method of inquiry. The main advantage of the dialectic method is that it is open to any logical argument, including empirical hypotheses, but unlike empiricism, it does not automatically reject arguments that are not based on observable data. Evolutionary and moral psychology are discussed as examples of important fields of study that could benefit from types of arguments that frequently do not conform to the empirical standards of systematic observation and falsifiability of hypotheses. A dialectic method is shown to be a suitable perspective for those fields of research, because it allows for logical arguments that are not empirical and because it fosters a functionalist perspective, which is indispensable for both evolutionary and moral theories. It is suggested that all psychologists may gain from adopting a dialectic approach, rather than restricting themselves to empirical arguments alone.  相似文献   

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