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In this paper, the theme of the other will be examined and it will be argued that it is important to differentiate between two distinct types of other--the 'exotic' other which is distant and very different from the subject, and the 'familiar' other which is closer to the subject. The dynamic relationship between these two others will be investigated, and emphasis will be given to the process through which the exotic other tends to subjugate the familiar other. This relationship will then be discussed in its various applied forms, in the contexts of clinical practice and socio-political dimensions. In particular, a new reading of Jung's approach to the 'primitive' will be developed, based on the subjugation of the 'familiar' other by the 'exotic' other. A similar line of investigation will be followed to examine the concept of psychological trauma. In addition, Freud's 'narcissism of minor differences' and Bion's distinction between 'narcissism' and 'socialism' will be considered in the light of this differentiation between these two others.  相似文献   

Soritic thinking based on reasoning that is involved in the sorites paradox plays a crucial role in some forms of weakness of will. Such soritic reasoning leads to failures of behavior, but cannot be shown to be irrational by standard means. Thus weakness of will appears to be rational, whereas strength of will is irrational when viewed soritically. The puzzle is how to undermine weakness of will and expose it as irrational. Even though such weakness of will is not moral, moral-type reasoning involving the principle of equality can be brought to bear. Weakness of will can also be seen to be analogous to free-rider problems and the prisoner's dilemma.  相似文献   

The future evolution of intelligence is likely to move them in the direction of measuring multiple aspects of ability. Tasks will be less abstract and closer to the life experiences of the individual. Parallel tests will be available in a variety of languages and dialects. The metric will change from the present formula to a separate score for each measured ability, normed in relation to a variety of cultural and lignuistic backgrounds. The dominance of environment will be firmly established and the “constancy” issue will be burried. The scores will be used for short-term predictions and decisions, related especially to schooling, and the idea of making “life” predictions or sorting children according to long-term “tracks” will fade. Will we still call them intelligence tests?  相似文献   

Clinical child psychologists in primary care settings are often asked to evaluate children with suspected attention and learning problems. This paper will review some of the methods and assessments available to child psychologists to enable them to perform this task. Some problems with current practice will be described and some of the newer techniques will be introduced. A research-based understanding of areas of chronic impairment of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) will be discussed, and a new approach to the assessment of both executive functions and attention will be explored. This paper will primarily explore assessment in the primary care setting.  相似文献   


This paper will explore different uses of the term reflexivity in qualitative research. After discussing the foundational role of phenomenology and hermeneutics in the practices of reflexivity, this paper will present four methodological approaches to reflexivity. Distinctions will be made between personal reflexivity, interpersonal reflexivity, methodological reflexivity, and contextual reflexivity, and examples of research from each perspective will be presented. It will be argued that integration of these perspectives is possible thanks to their common foundation in phenomenology and henneneutics, and an example of such integration in practice will be provided.  相似文献   

John L. Horn 《Intelligence》1979,3(3):229-239
On the assumption that an understanding of the past provides a guide to the future, analyses are directed at explicating major trends of the last 25 years in the scientific study of intellectual abilities. Five major trends are identified. These suggest that in the future several kinds of tests will be used to measure several kinds of basic processes of intelligence; there will be a corresponding decrease in concern to measure a single attribute of general intelligence. There will be emphasis in measuring complex learned capacities of a kind that characterizes adult thinking, in contrast to tests desinged for school children. Test items will be presented through the computer, on TV screens, and in ways that permit the individuals' responses to determine which items will follow; responses, including time to respond, will be gathered in the computer and there converted to scores.  相似文献   

This article will address the development and expression of rage between a four-year old girl and her parents as well as its manifestation in a therapy session. Intrapsychic and interpersonal causes of rage will be postulated for the child and the parents. The mutual experience of rage, which is shared and contributed to by the child and the parents, will be examined. Attention will also be given to the transferential aspects of the patient's rage and the countertransferential aspects of the therapist's rage reactions. Finally, strategies for neutralizing rage will be discussed.  相似文献   

组织政治是工作场所不可回避的客观现象,新员工是否拥有充足的自我信念来有效应对组织政治是他们快速融入组织并且提升职业竞争力的关键所在。因此,将以组织社会化的交互视角为框架,来探讨新员工政治自我效能的作用机制和动态演化过程。首先,通过质性方法对政治自我效能进行概念界定,依照严谨的心理测量方法进行量表开发与信度、区分效度检验,并构建诺莫网络来检验其构念属性;其次,构建动态演化模型,来分析新员工政治自我效能如何随着他们在组织社会化过程中的政治学习而不断进行动态演化,以及在此过程中员工个人的政治意愿和学习导向又会产生何种影响;再次,建立多层级互动模型,系统地剖析在组织社会化阶段新员工与领导、同事之间的互动过程中,新员工政治自我效能如何通过匹配路径和关系路径对工作绩效产生影响。  相似文献   

工作场所不文明行为与职场排斥间的螺旋效应模型可用道德排除理论和情感事件理论解释。根据道德排除理论遭受工作场所不文明行为会导致受害者与实施者心理距离增加, 进而对实施者实施职场排斥; 从旁观者视角来看, 目睹工作场所不文明行为会影响旁观者的道义公正感和互动公平感进而表现出对实施者的职场排斥, 且该中介过程受到利他性的调节。同样, 基于情感事件理论, 遭受职场排斥会导致职场排斥受害者的消极情绪水平增加促使其成为工作场所不文明行为的实施者。  相似文献   

This article will describe the development of family therapy in Norway. First, this article will review the main theoretical influences on Norwegian family therapy, followed by a discussion about its international influence in the field. The second section of this article will address psychiatric health care, family counselling, and how systemic thinking and systemic practice have spread to other areas in the fields of health, social work, and pedagogy. Particularly, a special emphasis will be placed on child protection work in Norway. Then, the family therapy union and Norwegian and Scandinavian congresses will be presented. This article will then describe family therapy education and research in Norway. Finally, future developments in the field will be discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper I ask what implicit attitudes tell us about our freedom. I analyze the relation between the literature on implicit attitudes and an important subcategory of theories of free will—self-disclosure accounts. If one is committed to such a theory, I suggest one may have to move to a more social conceptualization of the capacity for freedom. I will work out this argument in five sections. In the first section, I discuss the specific theories of free will that are central to this paper. In the second section, I will show that implicit-bias research raises questions about people’s capacities to exercise (these specific understandings of) free will. In the third section, I will consider how an individual may overcome these failures and argue that the individual ability for self-regulation is significantly limited. One could stop here and conclude that free will is a limited capacity. But I argue that this conclusion would be too hastily drawn. I will instead continue to ask what would be required for free will. By discussing how failures of free will are due to social structures and may be therefore repaired by changing social structures in section 4, I will arrive at an alternative conclusion about the capacity for free will in section 5.  相似文献   

In this paper it will be shown that a certain class of constrained latent class models may be interpreted as a special case of nonparametric multidimensional item response models. The parameters of this latent class model will be estimated using an application of the Gibbs sampler. It will be illustrated that the Gibbs sampler is an excellent tool if inequality constraints have to be taken into consideration when making inferences. Model fit will be investigated using posterior predictive checks. Checks for manifest monotonicity, the agreement between the observed and expected conditional association structure, marginal local homogeneity, and the number of latent classes will be presented.This paper is supported by grant S40-645 of the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).  相似文献   

Michi Fu 《Women & Therapy》2015,38(3-4):279-294
This article describes cultural responsiveness training, with a particular emphasis to working with white students. Training methods, which have been effective in examining issues of power and privilege, will be described. Excerpts from previous trainees’ correspondences will be shared to demonstrate how they may have been influenced by such exercises. I will share how reflections of this work have helped to shape who I am. Recommendations for others who wish to pursue cultural sensitivity training will be offered.  相似文献   

How can the systems approach and the related tools and techniques be used to improve the training of employment counselors? This article is intended to provide a tentative answer to that question. First, a conventional model for training counselors will be evaluated. Second, a systems-based model will be described. Finally, some advantages and limitations of the proposed model will be examined.  相似文献   

Ruth Ayaß 《Human Studies》2017,40(4):519-542
This paper will discuss the correlation between the world of everyday life, finite provinces of meaning, and religion. To this end, the paper will start out by explaining Schutz’ considerations on “paramount reality” of the world of everyday life as well as the theory of “multiple realities” and “finite provinces of meaning”. Schutz’ considerations will then be elaborated upon and taken a step further in a discussion of the various ‘realnesses’ of the multiple realities. Special attention will be paid to a finite province of meaning only mentioned in passing by Schutz: religion. The paper will first analyze the special features of religion as a finite province of meaning and highlight the correlation it enters with the world of everyday life. Subsequently, hereafter and paradise conceptions will be described as “ultimate provinces of meaning,” and it will be shown how their realnesses connect to the world of everyday life. Finally, the “fundamental anxiety” will be studied as the motor of the relevance structures of the world of everyday life, the finite provinces of meaning as well as the hereafter conceptions.  相似文献   

Burnout is a significant threat to physical and mental health and is the result of individual vulnerability and an organizational culture with high performance expectations, chronic work overload and blurred borders between work and leisure. The phases of burnout will first be defined and the various types of risk factors for burnout as well as the corresponding interactions will be differentiated. In addition to the individual risk factors this article will present in particular the organization-linked risk factors. The general risk factors which occur with rapidly changing rates and high flexibility demands in many modern working environments will first be discussed. From these, particular organization-linked risk factors will be distinguished which are dependent on the respective type of organization. The interaction of particular types of organization with different personality styles results in different forms of burnout. When such an interaction is known individuals who are susceptible to organization-linked burnout can be recognized more easily and the organizational culture can be influenced. Finally, reflections on the prevention and treatment of burnout at the individual and organizational level will be presented.  相似文献   

Chinese Responses to Modernization: A Psychological Analysis   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
In the last one hundred plus years, China, under the impact of modernization, has undergone the most significant change in the past 5,000 years. Modernization is a continuous process of protest and change. At each stage of modernization, outcomes may be regarded as the result of complex strategies and responses to those demands. This paper will address the strategies and responses that Chinese have adopted in their attempt to deal with the pressure and challenge of modernization. As a background to understanding these strategies and responses, the following four perspectives will be delineated. First, my perspective is mainly at the micro level, but I will occasionally shift to the macro level when needed. Second, my analyses will largely rely on results from empirical research. They will be supplemented by daily-life observations and appropriate conceptual or theoretical analyses. Third, Chinese intellectuals have been playing a guiding role of enlightenment, criticism, and promotion and their responses have been influential in formulating, directing, or channeling the views of the general public. A comprehensive analysis of relevant ideologies and strategies endorsed by Chinese intellectuals will be provided. Finally, the analysis of Chinese responses to modernization will be based upon the relevant literature from all the three major Chinese societies (Taiwan, Hong Kong, and mainland China). In addition, this paper will clarify the basic modes and specific mechanisms of adaptation to drastic environmental changes. They will be applied as conceptual tools for the analysis of Chinese intellectuals' ideological responses to modernization and psychological processes involved in accommodating cognitive and behavioral changes in their daily lives.  相似文献   

This literature review seeks to evaluate previous studies on the topic of the home/school connection and its role in enhancing students’ academic achievement and narrowing the academic achievement gap. The ecological systems theory framework will facilitate the discussion of the importance of the home/school connection phenomenon. Perspectives pivotal to parental involvement and their interconnectedness with academic achievement and the academic achievement gap will be explored using a synthesis of prior research. The barriers impeding this partnership and strategies for removing them will be examined. Additionally, non-traditional solutions to the academic achievement gap such as individual faith will be addressed. Finally, implications of the home/school connection particularly for Christian educators will be presented.  相似文献   

Conclusion We may be experiencing the last gasps of a once brilliant culture that is worn out and dying. Indeed, it seems to have a subconscious death wish, but the end is nowhere in sight. We may have to spend a little more time in this transitional period before the dominant sensate culture is balanced by a culture that will not disavow sensory truth, but that will rediscover the truth of faith with God as the center. Then and only then will the new day come to birth. Call it Idealistic (Sorokin) or the Age of Aquarius, or whatever you will; it will be a time of spiritual perception and a time when destructive aggression will be changed to creative assertion for the good of all mankind.  相似文献   

In the Laws (which Plato calls his "second-best society") Plato asserts that the best attainable form of society will combine the better features of autocracy and democracy. The democracy will be one where aidos ("respect") will be a prominent feature, as will be the rule of laws underpinned by the belief that God, not man, is the measure of all things. Unlike in the Republic, the accumulation of wealth and property will be the right of all citizens, including rulers. But it will operate under strict limits: a maximum of four quanta of property will be allowed by any citizen, while a minimum of one (which will provide a good life though perhaps not a rich one) will be guaranteed. The affinity of such a view with that of John Rawls is striking. The article ends with a brief interview between the reader and Plato, in which some of the above issues are discussed.  相似文献   

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