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When two masked targets are presented in a rapid sequence, correct identification of the first hinders identification of the second. This attentional blink (AB) is thought to be the result of capacity limitations in visual information processing. Neuropsychological and neuroimaging evidence implicated the right hemisphere as the source of this processing limitation. We investigated this idea by testing a split-brain patient (JW) in a modified AB task. The targets were presented in the same visual field (VF), and thereby to the same hemisphere, or in different VFs. We observed evidence of an AB both when the targets were presented to the same hemisphere and when the targets were presented to different hemispheres. However, the AB was more severe when the second target was presented to the RH. Our results are consistent with the notion that the right hemisphere plays a critical, but not unique, role in limited-capacity visual processing.  相似文献   

This study examined hemispheric asymmetry for concurrent processing of object and spatial information. Participants viewed two successive stimuli, each of which consisted of two digits and two pictures that were randomly located and judged them as identical or different. A sample stimulus was presented in a central visual field, followed by a matching stimulus presented briefly in a left or right visual field. The matching stimuli were different from the sample stimuli with respect to the object (digit or picture) or spatial (locations or distances of items) aspect. No visual field asymmetry was found in the detection of object change. However, a left visual field advantage was found in the detection of spatial change. This result can be explained by the double filtering by frequency theory of Ivry and Robertson, who asserted that the left hemisphere has a bias for processing information contained in relatively high spatial frequencies whereas the right hemisphere has a bias for processing information contained in relatively low spatial frequencies. Based upon this evidence, the importance of interhemispheric integration for visual scene perception is discussed.  相似文献   

Three experiments have tested for the existence of laterality effects in iconic storage by employing a Sperling partial-report paradigm and lateralized presentations of alphabetical or pattern material. Even though an overall laterality effect was found in favor of the right visual field for the alphabetical material and in favor of the left visual field for the pattern material, the amount and time decay of partial-report advantage was similar in the two visual fields. These results indicate that hemispheric asymmetries occur beyond the iconic stage of visual information processing.  相似文献   

Using a lexical decision task, the authors investigated whether brain asymmetries in the detection of emotionally negative semantic associations arise only at a perceptually discriminative stage at which lexical analysis is accurate or can already be found at crude and incomplete levels of perceptual representation at which word-nonword discrimination is based solely on guessing. Emotionally negative and neutral items were presented near perceptual threshold in the left and right visual hemifields. Word-nonword discrimination performance as well as the bias to classify a stimulus as a "word" (whether or not it actually is a word) were assessed for a normal, horizontal stimulus presentation format (Experiment 1) and for an unusual, vertical presentation format (Experiment 2). Results show that while the two hemispheres are equally able to detect affective semantic associations at a prelexical processing stage (both experiments), the right hemisphere is superior at a postlexical, perceptually discriminative stage (Experiment 2). Moreover, the findings suggest that only an unusual, nonoverlearned stimulus presentation format allows adequate assessment of the right hemisphere's lexical-semantic skills.  相似文献   

The effect of sentence context on the processing of different aspects of meaning of unambiguous nouns by the two cerebral hemispheres was examined. Participants performed a lexical decision task on target words following two primes, an unambiguous noun preceded by an incomplete sentence. Priming sentences were consistent with either the dominant or the subordinate aspect of meaning of their final unambiguous word. Short and long SOAs were used. A principal finding of this study was that, when compared to unrelated aspects of meaning, for both the short and the long SOAs, the dominant and subordinate aspects of meaning of the unambiguous words were activated regardless of context in both hemispheres. However, the activation of the subordinate aspect of meaning of unambiguous words appears to be more sensitive to sentential context, especially when the unambiguous word is being processed by the left hemisphere.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that the right hemisphere (RH) has a unique role in maintaining activation of metaphoric single word meanings. The present study investigated hemispheric asymmetries in comprehending metaphoric word meanings within a sentence context. Participants were presented with incomplete priming sentences followed by (literally) true, false, or metaphoric lateralized target words and were asked to decide whether each sentence is literally true or false. Results showed that responses to metaphoric sentences were slower and less accurate than to false sentences when target words were presented to the right visual field (RVF)-LH as well as to the left visual field (LVF)-RH. This suggests that the understanding of lexical metaphors within a sentence context involves LH as well as RH processing mechanisms and that the role of each hemisphere in processing nonliteral language is flexible and may depend on the linguistic task at hand.  相似文献   

Previous research has indicated that the right hemisphere (RH) exhibits priming for nonassociated category members, but that the left hemisphere (LH) does not (Chiarello et al., 1990; Chiarello & Richards, 1992). Subsequent research has shown that time course is an important factor, but what other variables might influence the priming of nonassociated semantic category members? We hypothesized that repeated stimulation of the same semantic category would produce priming within the LH. Previous studies have used few exemplars from a given semantic category and thus have not tested this idea. Our prediction was that the LH would show priming after an adequate number of category instances had been processed. Based on previous research, we predicted no change in the priming observed in the RH over trial block. Priming was obtained in the RH, but it diminished as category repetition increased. In contrast, priming was not significant in the LH, indicating that category repetition does not induce maintenance of category members within the LH.  相似文献   

Recent computational models describing the contribution of the cerebral hemispheres to visual imagery have suggested an exclusive capacity of the left hemisphere to generate multipart images. A brief review of relevant findings indicates that the evidence presented in support of this suggestion is not entirely compelling; this prompted a reexamination of this issue in a lateral tachistoscopic study on normal adults. Sixteen subjects participated in two experiments in which they had to decide whether or not a lowercase letter contained a segment extending above or below the main body of the letter. This decision was made directly on lowercase letters in one experiment (perceptual task) and on their generated images in the other experiment (imagery task). The quality of the letters (clear or blurred) and the retinal eccentricity of stimulus presentation (small or large) were orthogonally manipulated. The perceptual task yielded no main effect of visual field but a significant interaction of visual field and letter quality. By contrast, the imagery task resulted in a left visual-field superiority but no interaction involving the visual fields--a departure from predictions based on current models of visual imagery. In addition, the pattern of results in the imagery task corresponded to that obtained with blurred letters in the perceptual task, suggesting limitations in spatial resolution of visual images. Implications of these results for models of cerebral lateralization and visual imagery are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent data have shown that parallel processing by the cerebral hemispheres can expand the capacity of visual working memory for spatial locations (J. F. Delvenne, 2005) and attentional tracking (G. A. Alvarez & P. Cavanagh, 2005). Evidence that parallel processing by the cerebral hemispheres can improve item identification has remained elusive. The authors used a novel variant of the attentional blink paradigm to show that the attentional blink is reduced if targets are divided between the hemispheres rather than directed to a single hemisphere. Parallel processing by the cerebral hemispheres can thus expand the capacity of processes involved in item identification. The authors also show that prior engagement of the attentional system may compromise the processing of items directed to the right visual field. This pseudoextinction may explain the failures of previous attempts to demonstrate that parallel processing can improve item identification (J. F. Delvenne, 2005; S. J. Luck, S. A. Hillyard, G. R. Mangun, & M. S. Gazzaniga, 1989).  相似文献   

This study investigates the rules by which the component features of faces are combined when presented in the left or the right visual field, and it examines the validity of the analytic-holistic processing dichotomy, using concepts elaborated by Garner (1978, 1981) to specify stimulus properties and models of similarity relations as performance criteria. Latency measures of dissimilarity, obtained for the two visual fields, among a set of eight faces varying on three dimensions of two levels each, were fitted to the dominance metric model, the feature-matching model, the city-block distance metric model, and the Euclidean distance metric model. In addition to a right-visual-field superiority in different responses, a maximum likelihood estimation procedure showed that, for each subject and each visual field, the Euclidean model provided the best fit of the data, suggesting that the faces were compared in terms of their overall similarity. Moreover, the spatial representations of the results revealed interactions among the component facial features in the processing of faces. Taken together, these two findings indicate that faces initially projected to the right or to the left hemisphere were not processed analytically but in terms of their gestalt.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate discourse representation in the two cerebral hemispheres as a function of reading skill. We used a lateralized visual-field procedure to compare left hemisphere (LH) and right hemisphere (RH) sensitivity to different discourse relations in readers with varying skill levels. In Experiment 1, we investigated two levels of discourse representation in memory: (a) the propositional representation and (b) the discourse model. We found that all readers were sensitive to propositional relations in the LH. In contrast, sensitivity to propositional relations in the RH increased as a function of reading skill. In addition, reading skill was positively related to topic relations in the LH, whereas it was negatively in the RH. In Experiment 2, we investigated propositional relations of different distances and again found that all readers were sensitive to propositional relations in the LH, whereas sensitivity to propositional relations in the RH was negatively related to reading skill. In general, reading skill appears to be associated with left-lateralized discourse representations.  相似文献   

Readers construct at least two interrelated representations when they comprehend a text: (a) a representation of the explicit ideas in a text and the relations among them (i.e., a propositional representation) and (b) a representation of the context or situation to which a text refers (i.e., a discourse model). In a recent study, found evidence that readers' representations were structured according to propositional relations, but only in the left hemisphere. Both hemispheres, however, appeared to represent contextually relevant semantic information. The goal in the current study was to examine further the organization of explicit text concepts in the two hemispheres. We used an item-priming-in-recognition paradigm in combination with a lateralized visual-field manipulation. We found evidence for a propositionally structured representation in the left hemisphere, that is, priming effects that reflected the linear distance between primes and targets in the propositional structure of passages. We also found that the right hemisphere represented explicit text concepts, but we found no evidence that these concepts were organized structurally. In a second experiment, we found our item priming effects reflected the representation of text information in memory and did not reflect lexical-semantic priming at test.  相似文献   

Studies of patients with category-specific semantic deficits suggest that the right and left cerebral hemispheres may be differently involved in the processing of living and nonliving domains concepts. In this study, we investigate whether there are hemisphere differences in the semantic processing of these domains in healthy volunteers. Based on the neuropsychological findings, we predicted a disadvantage for nonliving compared to living concepts in the right hemisphere. Our prediction was supported, in that semantic decisions to nonliving concepts were significantly slower and more error-prone when presented to the right hemisphere. In contrast there were no hemisphere differences for living concepts. These findings are consistent with either differential representation or processing of concepts across right and left hemispheres. However, we also found a disadvantage for nonliving things compared to living things in the left hemisphere, which is not consistent with a simple representation account. We discuss these findings in terms of qualitatively different semantic processing in right and left hemispheres within the framework of a distributed model of conceptual representation.  相似文献   

Two experiments explored repetition priming benefits in the left and right cerebral hemispheres. In both experiments, a lateralized lexical decision task was employed using repeated target stimuli. In the first experiment, all targets were repeated in the same visual field, and in the second experiment the visual field of presentation was switched following repetition. Both experiments demonstrated hemispheric specialization for the task (a RVF advantage for word identification) and hemispheric interaction for word processing (lexicality priming from contralateral distracters). In the first experiment, words were identified more quickly and accurately following repetition, with repetition facilitating faster but fewer correct responses for non-words. Complex interactions between visual field of first and second presentation in the second experiment indicate asymmetric interhemispheric repetition priming effects. These results provide a broad picture of hemispheric asymmetries in word processing and of complex interaction between the hemispheres during word recognition.  相似文献   

Two nonverbal tasks (Nebes' Figural Unification Test and Arc-Circle Matching Task) were given to 10 aphasic patients and 10 normal controls. Observations in split-brain patients have shown that the right hemisphere performs almost normally on these tasks while the left hemisphere fails completely. Left and right hand performances of aphasics and controls were compared with those of split-brain patients as reported in the literature. In the Figural Unification Test the aphasics' left hand performance was significantly poorer than that of split-brain patients. This is interpreted as an effect of left hemispheric interference with right hemispheric nonverbal performance. The lack of a similar impairment of left hand performance in the Arc-Circle Matching Task suggests that this interference is only provoked by tasks which, due to the possible verbalization of stimulus material, tend to stimulate left hemispheric activity.  相似文献   

To assess the ability of the disconnected cerebral hemispheres to recognize images of the self, a split-brain patient (an individual who underwent complete cerebral commissurotomy to relieve intractable epilepsy) was tested using morphed self-face images presented to one visual hemifield (projecting to one hemisphere) at a time while making "self/other" judgments. The performance of the right and left hemispheres of this patient as assessed by a signal detection method was not significantly different, though a measure of bias did reveal hemispheric differences. The right and left hemispheres of this patient independently and equally possessed the ability to self-recognize, but only the right hemisphere could successfully recognize familiar others. This supports a modular concept of self-recognition and other-recognition, separately present in each cerebral hemisphere.  相似文献   

The current study manipulated the visual field and the number of senses of the first character in Chinese disyllabic compounds to investigate how the related senses (polysemy) of the constituted character in the compounds were represented and processed in the two hemispheres. The ERP results in experiment 1 revealed crossover patterns in the left hemisphere (LH) and the right hemisphere (RH). The sense facilitation in the LH was in favor of the assumption of single-entry representation for senses. However, the patterns in the RH yielded two possible interpretations: (1) the nature of hemispheric processing in dealing with sublexical sense ambiguity; (2) the semantic activation from the separate-entry representation for senses. To clarify these possibilities, experiment 2 was designed to push participants to a deeper level of lexical processing by the word class judgment. The results revealed the sense facilitation effect in the RH. In sum, the current study was in support of the single-entry account for related senses and demonstrated that two hemispheres processed sublexical sense ambiguity in a complementary way.  相似文献   

Two experiments tested the limiting case of a multiple resources approach to resource allocation in information processing. In this framework, the left and right hemispheres are assumed to have separate, limited-capacity pools of undifferentiated resources that are not mutually accessible, so that tasks can overlap in their demand for these resources either completely, partially, or not at all. We tested all three degrees of overlap in demand for left hemisphere supplies, using dual-task methodology in which subjects were induced to pay different amounts of attention to each task. Experiment 1 compared complete and partial overlap by combining a verbal memory load with a task in which subjects named nonsense syllables briefly presented to either the left or right visual field (LVF and RVF, respectively). Experiment 2 compared complete versus no overlap by using the same verbal memory load combined with a laterally presented same-different judgment task that did not require a spoken response. Decrements from single-task performance were always more severe when the visual field task stimulus was presented to the RVF. Further, subjects in Experiment 1 were able to trade performance between tasks on both LVF and RVF trials because there was always at least some overlap in left hemisphere demand. In Experiment 2, performance trade-offs were observed on RVF (complete overlap) trials, but not on LVF trials, where no overlap in demand existed. These results contradict a single-capacity model, but they support the idea that the hemispheres' resource supplies are independent and have implications for both cerebral specialization and divided attention issues.  相似文献   

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