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Distinctions are made between defensive, expressive, and affiliative conformity. Although all forms of conformity play significant roles in the shaping of identity, both for good and for ill, their negative influence has received most of the attention in contemporary psychoanalytic thought. A treatment history is presented here to illustrate the constructive possibilities sometimes realized through expression of affiliative conformity.  相似文献   

Forty male inmates from an adult correctional training centre participated in a 2 × 2 factorial design with subject correctness-incorrectness and group agreement-disagreement constituting the classification factors. A modified Asch procedure was used to manipulate a S's prior experience of correctness and agreement (Part 1) and to assess subsequent conformity to 3 male confederates (Part 2). The female experimenter served as the source of reinforcement and group correctness. Ss responded to a (two part) 26 verbal and perceptual item scale, including 11 conformity items. Subject correctness and group agreement interacted, for perceptual items only, so that subjects who were more competent than the group or equally incompetent to the group conformed less than those who were less competent than the group, who in turn conformed less than those who were equally competent to the group, where both the subjects and the group were correct. Subjects conformed more to difficult verbal items than to perceptual items, and unsuspicious subjects conformed more than suspicious subjects. Both relative competence, mediating the effects of prior experience, and the situational factor of reinforcement affect conformity to perceptual tasks.  相似文献   

目的:从众可分成两种,即信息性从众行为和规范性从众,探讨它们两者之间的区别。方法:通过瑞文智力测验为材料创造了这两种从众情境,观察大学生被试在两种实验条件下的行为差异。结果:信息性从众和社会规范性从众两者之间存在显著差异(Z=-3.183,P=0.001)。结论:大学生被试的信息性从众行为多于社会规范性从众行为,两者存在统计学上的显著性差异。  相似文献   

A previous study by Dion and Dion (1975) revealed that highly defensive individuals were less likely to report having experienced romantic love than less defensive persons. The hypothesis that this finding might reflect differential reactions to interpersonal intimacy was directly examined in the present study using a self-disclosure paradigm. To assess subjects' defensiveness, undergraduate women first completed the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale. In a second session, subjects were exposed to high and low disclosing targets of the same and opposite sex and chose discussion topics for each target. On intimacy of self-disclosure, a “reciprocity effect” occurred: subjects chose more intimate topics for high vs low-disclosing targets. However, highly defensive women gave a less favorable self-presentation to male vs female targets. They also expressed less liking for high compared to low intimate targets and males vs females than less defensive subjects. The implications of these results for heterosexual attraction were discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship of job satisfaction and organizational and religious commitment among full time workers at Akra University (a pseudonym) based on a number of demographic factors. Analysis of variance using the Games-Howell procedure revealed that workers who were older than age 46 years had higher job satisfaction and organizational and religious commitment than younger employees. It was also noted that workers holding doctoral degrees had higher levels of job satisfaction and religious commitment than individuals with a high school diploma only. It was evident that the longer employees stayed at this institution, the higher the levels of organizational commitment and extrinsic job satisfaction, and administrators and sector managers had higher levels of intrinsic job satisfaction and religious commitment than those in other occupational areas.  相似文献   

Commitment, choice and self-control   总被引:51,自引:39,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
When offered a choice (Choice Y) between a small immediate reward (2-sec exposure to grain) and a large reward (4-sec exposure to grain) delayed by 4 sec, pigeons invariably preferred the small, immediate reward. However, when offered a choice (Choice X) between a delay of T seconds followed by Choice Y and a delay of T seconds followed by restriction to the large delayed reward only, the pigeon's choice depended on T. When T was small, the pigeons chose the alternative leading to Choice Y (and then chose the small, immediate reward). When T was large, the pigeons chose the alternative leading to the large delayed reward only. The reversal of preference as T increases is predicted by several recent models for choice between various amounts and delays of reward. The preference for the large delayed alternative with long durations of T parallels everyday instances of advance commitment to a given course of action. Such commitment may be seen as a prototype for self-control.  相似文献   

Subjects evaluated three stimulus persons on several rating scales who were either 10%, 50%, or 90% similar to themselves in attitudes Subjects were divided into low, moderate, and high self-esteem groups on the basis of an earlier Q sort The results showed a strong positive relation between perceived similarity and positive attribution for each of the dependent variables, including liking, sophisticated, intelligent, sincere, happy, and a social distance scale A negative relation was obtained for two undesirable traits, arrogant and cynical Self-esteem interacted with similarity on several of the measures The difference between self-esteem groups was largely restricted to highly dissimilar stimulus persons Moderate esteem subjects were more favorable toward dissimilar persons than either of the other two groups, and the high and low groups tended to resemble each other more than either group resembled the moderate esteem group These results were discussed in terms of the relation between self-esteem and adjustment, and in terms of McGuire's (1968) theory that predicts a nonmonotonic relation between self-esteem and attitudes.  相似文献   

The effect of interpersonal evaluations (e.g., judging a person's intelligence) on attraction toward an anonymous person (person-one) was investigated. The study was conducted to assess attraction in five interpersonal relationships in which evaluations commonly occur. Attraction of subjects toward person-one was greater for positive than for negative evaluations when person-one evaluated either the subjects or himself, when a second anonymous person evaluated person-one and the attitudes of person-one were similar to those of the subjects, and when the second person evaluated both person-one and the subjects. When person-one evaluated the subjects, attraction toward person-one was found predictable using the Byrne-Rhamey rule.  相似文献   

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