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Recovery from hemialexia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hemialexia is believed to be caused by the lesion of the splenium of the corpus callosum. However, no previous reports conclusively demonstrated that the hemialexic had the splenial lesion. A right-handed male with hemialexia who was presumed to have the splenium sectioned for a partial removal of a pineal tumor was examined with magnetic resonance imaging. The sagittal and coronal imagings clearly showed that his splenium was not present. The hemialexic had partially recovered at 9 years after the onset. The patient was 76% correct in Japanese phonogram words and 92% correct in ideogram words in an interfield same-different judgment, that is, judging whether 2 one-letter words, one in the left hemifield and the other in the right, were the same or different. Consequently, the possible mechanism for the recovery is that the transfer of visual word information from the right hemisphere to the left has been partially achieved by commissural fibers other than those of the splenium. Information from phonogram words in the right hemisphere is probably less transferred to the left hemisphere than that from ideogram words. The results also suggested that when the transfer of word information in the right hemisphere to the left is interfered with, the left hemisphere tends to mistake the same pair of words for the different pair.  相似文献   

Prevailing models of associative learning can all account for multitrial overshadowing. However, they fail to account for one-trial overshadowing, which is ordinarily explained in terms of distraction of the subject by the more salient of two simultaneously trained cues from the less salient cue, which interferes with associative acquisition. In the present study, we demonstrate that recovery from overshadowing can be obtained through two techniques that have previously been found to restore responding to overshadowed cues in multitrial training situations. Specifically, recovery from one-trial overshadowing was obtained by extinguishing the overshadowing stimulus and also by administering a posttraining reminder treatment consisting of brief exposure to the overshadowed cue. The similarity of these observations to those in multitrial overshadowing suggests that one-trial and multitrial overshadowing arise from a common underlying mechanism and further augments the view that all cue competition is due (at least in part) to a failure to express acquired information, rather than to a failure to learn.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates and analyzes spontaneous recovery of stimulus control following both forward and backward blocking in a conditioned suppression preparation with rats. Experiment 1 found, in first-order conditioning, robust forward blocking and an attenuation of it following a retention interval. Experiment 2 showed, in sensory preconditioning, recovery of responding following both forward and backward blocking. Also, the results of this experiment indicated that response recovery to the blocked stimulus cannot be explained by an impaired status of the blocking stimulus after a retention interval. Experiment 3, also in sensory preconditioning, suggested that spontaneous recovery following both forward and backward blocking in Experiment 2 was due to impaired associative activation of the blocking stimulus' representation during testing with the blocked stimulus. Although no contemporary model of associative learning can explain these results, a modification of R. R. Miller and L. D. Matzel's (1988) comparator hypothesis is proposed to do so.  相似文献   

Sensory information must be processed selectively in order to represent the world and guide behavior. How does such selection occur? Here we consider two alternative classes of selection mechanisms: In blocking, unattended stimuli are blocked entirely from access to downstream processes, and in attenuation, unattended stimuli are reduced in strength but if strong enough can still access downstream processes. Existing evidence as to whether blocking or attenuation is a more accurate model of human performance is mixed. Capitalizing on a general distinction between blocking and attenuation-blocking cannot be overcome by strong stimuli, whereas attenuation can-we measured how attention interacted with the strength of stimuli in two spatial selection paradigms, spatial filtering and spatial monitoring. The evidence was consistent with blocking for the filtering paradigm and with attenuation for the monitoring paradigm. This approach provides a general measure of the fate of unattended stimuli.  相似文献   

Over the past ten years, increasing attention has been given by both employers and researchers to the psychological problems which can be experienced by first-line disaster workers. These developments are briefly charted. Following a discussion of the nature of psychological trauma, the role of the professional counsellor is explored in connection with (a) preparing rescue and emergency staff for working in a disaster situation, (b) supporting them at the scene of a disaster, and (c) providing psychological assistance in the days and weeks after a disaster. Attention is then turned to the kind of preparation and self-management that might be called for in the counsellors who offer such support.  相似文献   

Two studies are described that investigated a proposed distinction between deservingness and entitlement. Deservingness was assumed to relate to the evaluative structure of actions and their contingent outcomes and entitlement to an external framework involving rights, rules and social norms. Study 1 investigated reactions to scenarios in which a student running for election in a national student organization exerted either high or low effort, was either eligible or ineligible for election by virtue of age, and was either elected or not elected. Study 2 investigated reactions to a scenario in which a stimulus person suffering from an illness had to decide how much money to leave in a will to a son, nephew, or friend who provided him with either help or limited help. In both studies, student participants (n = 134 in Study 1, n = 236 in Study 2) completed ratings of deservingness and entitlement, as well as other measures. Results of both studies supported the distinction between deservingness and entitlement. Whether an outcome was deserved depended on amount of effort in Study 1 and on amount of help in Study 2. Results are also reported for other justice variables and for reported affect in Study 1, and for the amount allocated in the will in Study 2. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

M J Keck  B Pentz 《Perception》1977,6(6):719-725
Short-term adaptation to moving sinusoidal gratings results in a motion aftereffect which decays in time. The time decay of the motion aftereffect has been measured psychophysically, and it is found to depend on (i) the spontaneous recovery from the adapted state, and (ii) the contrast of the test grating. We have measured the decays for various test conditions. An extrapolation of the measurements allows us to obtain a decay which represents the time course of the spontaneous recovery of the direction-sensitive mechanisms.  相似文献   

Medication- and symptom-free recovery has been the author’s experience since March 2006. Details of 127 potentially therapeutic lifestyle activities were explored using a structured reflective analysis. These activities were divided into twelve communities: family, arts, romance, etc. Perceived therapeutic effects are noted. Also included is the author’s method for weaning from psychiatric medication very slowly, plus personal details of success.  相似文献   

Concussion is a highly prevalent injury in contact and collision sports that has historically been poorly understood. An influx of sport-concussion research in recent years has led to a dramatic improvement in our understanding of the injury’s defining characteristics and natural history of recovery. In this review, we discuss the current state of knowledge regarding the characteristic features of concussion and typical acute course of recovery, with an emphasis on the aspects of functioning most commonly assessed by clinicians and researchers (e.g., symptoms, cognitive deficits, postural stability). While prototypical clinical recovery is becoming better understood, questions remain regarding what factors (e.g., injury severity, demographic variables, history of prior concussions, psychological factors) may explain individual variability in recovery. Although research concerning individual differences in response to concussion is relatively new, and in many cases limited methodologically, we discuss the evidence about several potential moderators of concussion recovery and point out areas for future research. Finally, we describe how increased knowledge about the negative effects of and recovery following concussion has been translated into clinical guidelines for managing concussed athletes.  相似文献   

Research demonstrates that contingent and appropriate maternal responsiveness to infant requests and bids for attention leads to better language outcomes. Research also indicates that infants who are less distracted by irrelevant competing stimulation and attend efficiently to audiovisual social events (e.g., faces and voices) show better language outcomes. However, few studies have assessed relations between maternal responsiveness, infant attention to faces and voices, and distractibility, and how together these factors lead to early language outcomes. A newly developed audiovisual protocol, the Multisensory Attention Assessment Protocol (MAAP; Bahrick et al., 2018), allows researchers to examine individual differences in attention to faces and voices and distractibility, and to assess relations with other variables. At 12 months, infants (n = 79) in an ongoing longitudinal study participated in the MAAP to assess intersensory matching of synchronous faces and voices and attention to an irrelevant competing visual distractor event. They also were observed in a brief play interaction to assess infant bids for attention and maternal responsiveness (accept, redirect, or ignore). At 18 months, receptive and expressive language were assessed using the Mullen Scales of Early Learning. Several noteworthy findings emerged: 1) mothers were generally responsive, accepting 74% and redirecting 14% of infant bids, 2) infants who had a greater number of their bids redirected by mothers, and who had better intersensory matching of synchronous faces and voices, showed less attention to the distractor, and 3) infants who showed less attention to the distractor had better receptive language. Findings demonstrate that maternal redirecting of infant attention by mothers who are generally responsive may promote better infant attentional control (lower distractibility) which in turn predicts better receptive language in toddlers.  相似文献   

A counsellor describes her trauma accompanying an accidental physical injury, and the course of psychological recovery during the following 6 weeks. The style of self-analysis which was used during this period reflects the transpersonal approach, using imagery and the intuitive function to increase self-awareness, with moments of therapeutic insight ('release' experiences) at the landmarks en route to a healthy state of re-integration. The implications of the whole experience are discussed in terms both of post-traumatic stress and of personal growth.  相似文献   

On the basis of theoretical assumptions regarding resource gain and loss (S. E. Hobfoll, 1998), the authors used a longitudinal study to examine effects of vacation on well-being and performance-related outcomes. University employees (N = 221) completed measures of well-being (health complaints and burnout) and performance-related outcomes (self-reported task performance and effort expenditure) 1 week before and 2 days and 2 weeks after vacation and measures of workload 2 days after vacation. Specific vacation experiences (positive and negative work reflection, relaxation, mastery experience, and nonwork hassles) were assessed during vacation. Results showed changes in well-being and self-reported effort expenditure from before to after vacation, revealing vacation effects and partial fade-out effects. In addition, vacation experiences and workload significantly predicted some of the outcomes. The authors discuss applicability of the theoretical approach in the context of vacation and fade-out effects, implications for future research on recovery processes, and practical implications.  相似文献   

The current investigation examined the form and magnitude of the relationship between political skill and two intrapersonal worker reactions—job satisfaction and job tension. Political skill was hypothesized to demonstrate an inverted U-shaped nonlinear relationship with job satisfaction and a U-shaped relationship with job tension. Data from three separate studies supported the hypothesized relationships. Specifically, moderate levels of political skill were associated with higher levels of job satisfaction (Studies 1-3) and lower levels of job tension (Studies 1 and 2). Conversely, in comparison to more moderate levels, higher and lower levels of political skill were adversely related to these outcomes. Implications, strengths and limitations, and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

《Cognitive behaviour therapy》2013,42(3-4):131-154

This article reviews the literature about research on recovery from addictive behaviours without treatment (also called spontaneous recovery, spontaneous remission or natural recovery). The review focuses on natural recovery from problematic use of alcohol, drug, tobacco and food. It includes results of empirical work, factors for termination of the addictive behaviour and interpretations of the process of natural recovery. There seems to be some common factors related to quitting drug, alcohol, tobacco and food abuse without treatment. Some subjects have managed to quit alcohol and become moderate drinkers. Research on this topic might have implications for prevention and treatment.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to examine the accuracy of 3-D shape recovery from deforming-contour displays. The displays simulated silhouettes of ellipsoids rotating about a vertical axis. Subjects judged the horizontal cross-section of the ellipsoids. The shape of the ellipsoid, the position of the axis of rotation, and the type of projection were manipulated in Experiment 1. The results indicated relatively accurate shape recovery when the major axis of the ellipsoid was small. In Experiment 2, the shape of the ellipsoid and the velocity and curvature of the contour were manipulated. When the rate of deformation of curvature was decreased, more eccentric shapes were reported. In Experiment 3, the shape of the object and the amount of simulated rotation were manipulated. Subjects made both shape and extent of rotation judgments. The results showed that eccentricity of shape responses could be accurately predicted from rotation responses, suggesting that the recovery of 3-D shape from smooth, deforming contours is dependent on the perceived extent of rotation.  相似文献   

Most theoretical accounts of backward blocking place heavy stress on the necessity of the target cue having been trained in compound with the competing cue to produce a decrement in responding. Yet, other evidence suggests that a similar reduction in responding to the target cue can be observed when the outcome is later paired with a novel cue never trained in compound with the target cue (interference between cues trained apart). The present experiment shows that pairing another nonassociated cue with the same outcome may be sufficient to produce a decremental effect on the target cue, but the presence of a within-compound association between the target and the competing cue adds to this effect. Thus, both interference between cues trained apart and within-compound associations independently contribute to backward blocking.  相似文献   

Most theoretical accounts of backward blocking place heavy stress on the necessity of the target cue having been trained in compound with the competing cue to produce a decrement in responding. Yet, other evidence suggests that a similar reduction in responding to the target cue can be observed when the outcome is later paired with a novel cue never trained in compound with the target cue (interference between cues trained apart). The present experiment shows that pairing another nonassociated cue with the same outcome may be sufficient to produce a decremental effect on the target cue, but the presence of a within-compound association between the target and the competing cue adds to this effect. Thus, both interference between cues trained apart and within-compound associations independently contribute to backward blocking.  相似文献   

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