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峨眉山与巴蜀佛教是中国佛教的一枝奇葩。佛教传入蜀地,始于东晋,至唐宋时期已臻鼎盛。史载仅成都就有寺院数十座,如大圣慈寺听高僧知玄讲经的“黑白众日计万许人”,以佛教题材为内容的寺内壁画达31000米。我国历史上第一部采用印刷术刻造的佛教大藏经——“开宝藏”也在成都完成。盛行巴蜀大地的佛教文化,还孕育出乐山大佛和大足石刻等举世闻名的佛教艺术珍品,丰富了中国佛教艺术的宝库。十世纪后,四川境内藏区开始流行藏传佛教,出现了集藏民族文  相似文献   

山西省繁峙县冶山寺壁画作为中国古代现存寺观壁画中少有的水陆壁画之一,具有重要的历史价值和艺术价值。目前,国内学者对山西省繁峙县冶山寺壁画绘制年代的断定存在一定的争议。而对壁画绘制年代的断定是进行后续研究的基础,如果断代有误,则会给之后的研究工作造成方向上的误导。从冶山寺壁画的地仗层、绘画层,重绘痕迹以及人物服饰几个方面对五台山冶山寺壁画的绘制年代进行了探讨。  相似文献   

山西寺观壁画数量庞大,分布广泛,蕴含大量丰富的社会历史、文化艺术信息,为中国古代寺观壁画研究提供了多维角度和图像支撑。文章通过对山西寺观壁画艺术特点的梳理,追寻更加科学的方法,为其进行传承、保护、修缮等实践工作提供学术基础。  相似文献   

本文紧贴《历代名画记》记两京外州寺观壁画一节中对敬爱寺的原文描述,从研究意义着手分析,对敬爱寺的壁画部分进行归纳整理,由此扩展到唐朝时代背景下张彦远在艺术史学上取得的巨大成就。  相似文献   

岳全 《佛教文化》2023,(1):90-93
我国的传统壁画大致可以分为三类:寺观壁画、石窟壁画和墓室壁画。其中寺观壁画这一艺术形式主要是以佛寺、道观等宗教殿宇为载体,其内容也多为与宗教相关的佛道造像、传说故事、图案装饰等。现存的寺观壁画主要为明清时期,多位于我国的北方地区,南方地区极少。香严寺壁画因其寺院的地理位置、壁画表现形式、表现内容的独特性,从而颇具研究价值。  相似文献   

永乐宫壁画是元代寺观壁画艺术的杰作,其以高超的艺术手法、宏伟的独特风格、绝妙的构图技巧,成为中国古代壁画中不朽的篇章。从它的艺术风格中,我们能够体会到元代民间绘画精湛的艺术特色。永乐宫壁画集历代壁画之大成,继承大唐风格,沿袭唐代正统派的绘画传统,为我们进一步了解元代画风,破译唐代壁画以及窥探民间寺观绘画提供了有价值的摹本。文章重点对永乐宫壁画的背景、构图、造型、线描、设色、风格进行梳理,解读元代寺观壁画的发展,窥探元代民间绘画的特点,诠释元代绘画独特之风。  相似文献   

李玉福 《五台山研究》2021,(2):33-37,45
现存五台山寺庙壁画内容丰富,涵盖了唐、宋、金、元、明、清、民国等七个朝代.其中佛光寺东大殿唐代壁画是现存内地寺庙壁画中的孤品,南禅寺元代壁画、岩山寺文殊殿金代壁画、公主寺大雄殿壁画、佛光寺文殊殿明代壁画、三圣寺清代壁画等又为同时期壁画中的佼佼者,具有一定的典范意义.五台山寺庙壁画文化渊源深厚,蕴含着鲜明的本土化审美趋向...  相似文献   

金延林 《世界宗教文化》2015,(2):148-150,2,159
观音像在我国佛教造像中的所占比重极大,而且多为寺院壁画。现存的中国古代观音壁画绝大多数是以勾勒精细、赋彩浓丽的表现形式出现。水墨这一绘画形式,作为唐代以后文入画的惯常绘画手法极少出现在寺观壁画中。丛林寺二十四幅水墨观音壁画,无论在表现题材、形式和手法还是在画面结构等方面,都大异于传统的寺院壁画。作者突破此类壁画常规的表现手法,使用了纯水墨勾勒、点、染;在题材选择和画面布局上也是匠心独运,从技法到图式无不表现出典型的文人画特点。  相似文献   

很多年前我来到永乐宫写生,如今故地重游,很有一些感触. 永乐宫壁画是我国现存最宏伟的道教壁画之一,体现了中国古代艺术的卓越成就.在技法上不但承继了唐宋以后流行的"吴带当风"的传统,也兼容了元代的绘画特点,使得整个壁画内涵极为丰富,是研究中国美术和当时社会生活的生动材料.这是当年我在写生的时候,导师和书本上对永乐宫壁画的讲解.  相似文献   

戴晓云 《佛教文化》2010,(3):116-120
<正> 公主寺位于山西繁峙县公主村,寺内水陆殿保留有大量明代弘治年间的水陆画壁画,是迄今艺术性较高,保存较完整的明代水陆壁画精品。本文就公主寺水陆壁画人物造型及图像做一探究,并结合汉传佛教水陆法会仪文《天地冥阳水陆仪文》对其进行具体的图象分析与释读。从我国汉传佛教水陆壁画的仪轨和绘画风格来看,公主寺水陆壁画属于北水陆系统,其北水陆仪轨与水陆壁画的艺术风格特色,  相似文献   

Picture naming.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
W R Glaser 《Cognition》1992,42(1-3):61-105
Picture naming has become an important experimental paradigm in cognitive psychology. To name a picture can be considered an elementary process in the use of language. Thus, its chronometric analysis elucidates cognitive structures and processes that underlie speaking. Essentially, these analyses compare picture naming with reading, picture categorizing, and word categorizing. Furthermore, techniques of double stimulation such as the paradigms of priming and of Stroop-like interference are used. In this article, recent results obtained with these methods are reviewed and discussed with regard to five hypotheses about the cognitive structures that are involved in picture naming. Beside the older hypotheses of internal coding systems with only verbal or only pictorial format, the hypotheses of an internal dual code with a pictorial and a verbal component, of a common abstract code with logogen and pictogen subsystems, and the so-called lexical hypothesis are discussed. The latter postulates two main components: an abstract semantic memory which, nevertheless, also subserves picture processing, and a lexicon that carries out the huge amount of word processing without semantic interpretation that is necessary in hearing, reading, speaking and writing.  相似文献   

Picture memory experiments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Richard A. Jensen 《Dialog》2004,43(4):297-303
Abstract :  We live today in a highly visual culture. Therefore, the author asserts that the use of visual images in preaching is an appropriate response of the church to the challenge of communicating the gospel in our pervasively visualized world. In making this argument, the author reviews the uses of art in the church's historical life, sets forth three theological assumptions that can ground such practice and urges a complementarity of words and images in homiletical practice. Words alone can be used to exclude people (e.g. doubters and heretics) from the embrace of the gospel. Images alone can be so all-inclusive in their meaning that they lead to superstition and idolatry. Words and images used together can communicate a holistic gospel to holistic hearers.  相似文献   

采用眼动方法,在图-图干扰范式中探讨了干扰图的频率和语义类型对语义判断的影响。结果发现:(1)语义一致性的主效应显著,与目标图语义一致的干扰图获得的注视时间长于与目标图语义不一致的干扰图,证实了语义干扰效应的存在,与Dell的交互激活模型相吻合。(2)干扰图命名的词汇频率主效应不显著,未发现显著的频率效应,对词汇选择竞争假设提出质疑。  相似文献   

The magazine picture collage, an occupational therapy evaluation technique, was chosen for use in a pre-placement teaching clinic with second year occupational therapy students. The collage technique was selected because it was suitable for administrating in a group setting; because it was especially congruent with the developmental and educational needs of the students at that precise stage; and because it was one of the few tools of psychosocial occupational therapy with an adequate body of introductory literature to support its further use and development. Subjective evaluation of the magazine picture collage teaching clinic seemed to indicate that the collage fulfilled the goals of the clinic. Goals included increased awareness of nonverbal communication and projection, understanding of manifestations of mental illness, understanding of students' personal values, understanding of real differences and similarities between students and clients, understanding of the therapist leadership role, and assessment of different frames of reference.  相似文献   

Much of what we need to plan for our survival is already known, but what we know, how we know, and who knows is divided up between disciplines. Thus much of the problem of ensuring our survival is a matter of learning across the disciplines. We identify four modes through which we bring disciplinary knowledge together: the unity of science, integrated assessment, heuristic models, and distributed learning networks. Although none of them are perfect, we can learn how to put our knowledge together across the disciplines much better than we do.  相似文献   

双语和双言对图片命名和分类的不对称影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张积家  张凤玲 《心理学报》2010,42(4):452-466
采用普通话-英语双语者、粤语-普通话双言者和普通话单言者为被试, 比较他们图片命名与图片分类的成绩。结果表明, 普通话-英语双语者用优势语言命名图片的反应时比普通话单语者显著长, 错误率显著高。在第4次和第5次重复呈现图片时, 普通话-英语双语者与普通话单语者的命名反应差异不显著。普通话-英语双语者与普通话单语者对图片分类的反应差异不显著。这表明, 双语影响图片命名却不影响图片分类。粤语-普通话双言者对图片命名和图片分类的反应模式和普通话-英语双语者一致, 表明粤语-普通话双言和普通话-英语双语有类似的认知机制。普通话和粤语是作为两种语言储存在粤语-普通话双言者的头脑中的。  相似文献   

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