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对高校大学生心理健康教育教师队伍构建的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大学生是年龄、经历、文化程度都比较接近的特殊社会群体,其心理健康问题越来越受到社会和学校的关注。目前我国高等学校急需构建一支相对稳定的专兼职结合的大学生心理健康教师队伍,来帮助大学生提高心理健康水平,促进其人格的和谐发展,增强社会适应能力。该文就高校心理健康教育师资队伍的构建提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

采用EyelinkⅡ眼动仪为工具,考察在移动窗口条件下不同工作记忆容量读者的阅读差异。实验为5(窗口大小:1个字、3个字、5个字、7个字、4×25个字)×2(工作记忆容量:高、低)混合设计。结果表明:随着窗口大小的增加,阅读时间、注视次数、眼跳次数显著减少,阅读速度显著加快,眼跳幅度显著增加。与低工作记忆容量被试相比,高工作记忆容量被试能够更好地整合文章信息,进行更有效的阅读。  相似文献   

We evaluated the effectiveness, generality, and social validity of a modified version of a competency-based self-control package developed by Stevenson and Fantuzzo (1984). Three underachieving fifth-grade students were trained to use this intervention to increase their arithmetic proficiency. Results indicated that the intervention produced improved arithmetic performance. Moreover, all possible classes of generalization were evidenced for the participants. Social validity data showed that the children's arithmetic performance either surpassed or approached the mean performance of their higher achieving classmates. Additionally, teachers reported that the intervention was effective, appropriate for classroom use, and easy to implement.  相似文献   

大学生考期应激的特征及原因分析   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
张智君  霍燕 《心理学报》2001,34(2):155-159
旨在研究考期应激的表现特征,并探讨其产生的原因和影响因素。以问卷方法测量了261名在校大学生。结果发现47.89%的被试有不同程度的考期应激症状,其中以睡眠症状为最典型的特征。考期应激症状很少受性别、专业、年级、是否担任班干部和个性倾向等因素的影响,且具有较明显的时间特征。诱发考期应激的主要因素有:考生“对考试目的的认知”、“对考试内容的认知”及“生恬和学习环境”等。结论为,考期应激是一种大学生中较普遍且具有多重原因的应激现象。  相似文献   

大学生场依存性─-独立性认知方式分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
对二十一个学科专业1526名大学生的场依存性─-独立性认知方式进行调查所获得的新近常模资料表明:大学生场依存性─-独立性个体差异的群体分布是正态性的,其总体平均水平以《认知方式图形测验》成绩作指标为13.7(s为4.6)。在此基础上,对文献所报道的影响场依存性─-独立性发展水平的两个因素作了进一步的研究分析,发现,大学生场依存性─-独立性的性别差异非常接近显著水平;专业分化是不依赖于性别因素而导致大学生场依存性─-独立性水平显著不同的主要因素.  相似文献   

大学生SCL-90测试结果的研究   总被引:89,自引:1,他引:88  
采用SCL-90临床症状自评量表,对随机抽取的安徽大学1-4年级200名学生进行测试,结果表明:大学生心理健康总体水平低于全国成人常模;生源于城市和农村的大学生相比,总体差异不显著;生源于应届高中毕业生和历届高中毕业的大学生相比,在恐怖和精神病性两因子上,前者的均分显著高于后者;男女大学生相比,女大学生在抑郁和恐怖两个因子上的均分显著高于男大学生。  相似文献   

放松训练和腹式呼吸对应激的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
探讨腹式呼吸和放松训练对应激引起的T波幅度降低和心率升高的对抗作用。被试为 3组 38名女大学生。结果表明 :(1)放松训练和腹式呼吸均能显著促进T波幅度升高和对抗应激时T波幅度的降低 ,但腹式呼吸的效果优于放松训练。 (2 )应激会引起心率的显著上升和T波幅度的显著降低。 (3)心率不是测量放松训练和腹式呼吸效果的敏感指标。结论 :腹式呼吸和放松训练可以有效地缓解心血管系统的应激反应  相似文献   

We taught 4 students with profound multiple disabilities to use a microswitch communication system to request a change in recreational stimuli during social interactions with nondisabled peers. In Study 1, we conducted a preference assessment across a range of stimuli for each student. The most and least preferred stimuli were incorporated into microswitch communication system training in Study 2. During the second study, 3 of the 4 students (a) learned to use the microswitch communication system to control stimulus presentation, (b) more clearly differentiated their time among stimuli, and (c) increased their level of general alertness. Study 3 extended the use of the microswitch communication system to social interactions with nondisabled peers. Two students were more engaged in interactions when they chose when to change stimuli; 1 student was more alert when a peer chose when to change activities; a 4th student showed an undifferentiated pattern. The outcomes of the investigation are discussed in terms of the effects of controlling stimulus presentation on the behavior of students with profound multiple disabilities and the stability of preference hierarchies over time.  相似文献   

Peer tutoring—academic instruction given by a student to a same-aged classmate—can be a cost-effective way of providing needed instruction in the typical classroom where one teacher must deal with many students of varying ability levels. This study evaluated an instructional package as a training method for increasing the use of selected tutoring behaviors by peer tutors. Nine male students, aged 7 to 9 years, from a learning disabilities resource room served as subjects; four subjects served as tutors, four as students, and one as a generalization student who was assigned to all tutors during generalization testing. Subjects were assigned to tutor-student pairs based on their performances on a pretest of the 220 Dolch Basic Sight Words, with the subjects scoring highest on the pretest serving as tutors. Each tutor worked with his assigned student throughout the study, except for pre- and posttest sessions with the generalization student. During daily sessions, tutors trained their students to recognize sight words using 10 flash cards, each with 1 of the Dolch words printed on it. Training was conducted with all four tutors in a group and was evaluated using a multiple baseline design across three classes of tutoring behaviors: Preparation Behaviors, Prompting Behaviors, and Praising Behaviors. Training consisted of: (a) verbal instructions on how to perform the tutoring behaviors; (b) charts illustrating the appropriate tutoring behaviors with stick figures; (c) role playing with each tutor with the experimenter playing the part of the student and giving feedback and verbal reinforcement to the tutor for performance of the appropriate tutoring behaviors; and (d) verbal testing of each tutor by asking him to state orally the behaviors he was to perform. Training sessions took approximately 30 minutes for each of the 3 classes of tutoring behaviors. Results showed an increased use of tutoring behaviors by tutors as a function of the instructional package. Increases in tutoring behaviors were also observed during postintervention generalization testing of tutors instructing their regular student in new subject matter (math). Data taken from pre-, mid-, and postintervention testing of the 220 Dolch Words showed an increase of identifiable sight words by both students and tutors after completing the peer tutoring program. This study demonstrates that a simple tutor training package can be employed to teach young, special education students to serve as effective tutors for their peers. In addition, the academic gains evidenced by the subjects lend positive support to the effectiveness of peer tutoring programs and specifically to the research of Dineen, Clark, and Risley (Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1977, 10 , 231–238) which demonstrated the educational benefits of tutoring incurred by the tutor as well as by the student.  相似文献   

大学生的压力与心理健康   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27  
李虹  林崇德 《心理学报》2003,35(2):222-230
目的是探讨大学校园压力对大学生心理健康的影响。其意义在于根据压力与心理健康的不同关系,有的放矢地制定干预策略,使大学生在压力之下仍然能够保持心理健康。大学校园压力被定义为学习压力,个人压力和消极生活事件,并由相应的量表所测量。心理健康被定义为:一般健康状况和自尊,也由相应的量表所测量。研究问题是:(1)大学校园压力对大学生的心理健康是否有负面影响?(2)学习压力对大学生的心理健康是否有负面影响?(3)个人压力对大学生的心理健康是否有负面影响?(4)消极生活事件对大学生的心理健康是否有负面影响?同时建立了4个相应的理论假设。研究所采用的是横断和相关设计原则,并采用回溯性调查问卷方法对来自北京市3所高校的788名大学生进行了研究。研究结果证明了全部4个理论假设。研究结论是:大学校园压力对大学生的心理健康有负面影响,而与心理问题呈正相关  相似文献   

伍棠棣 《心理学报》1980,13(3):20-24
一九七八年五月在杭州召开了全国心理学专业学术会议。为了适应教学上的迫切需要,教育部高等教育司副司长肖岩同志在会上组织部分高等师范院校的代表讨论协作编写高等师范院校公共必修课《心理学》教材的问题,要求新编教材必须在马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想的指导下,紧密联系实际,加强基础理论知识,正确吸取国内外科学研究的成果,注意反映教育战线的新成就,努力做到比原有的教材有所提高,为在实现四个现代化的新长征中,全面贯彻党的教育方针,提高教育质量,多出人材,早出人材服务。经讨论初步确定了编写的原则,组织了编写的力量,安排了工作的日程并提出了一些有关教学计划的建议。  相似文献   

This study assessed the impact of choice making on the serious problem behaviors of 3 students with severe autism and/or mental retardation. In the context of within-subject reversal designs, the results showed consistently reduced levels of problem behaviors (e.g., aggression) when the students were given opportunities to make choices among instructional tasks and reinforcers. Additional data showed no systematic differences in the rate of correct responding between the two conditions. The results are discussed in relation to the continuing search for effective, nonintrusive solutions to the occurrence of serious problem behavior.  相似文献   

This study presents an empirical test of the effects of trainee choice of training on subsequent motivation and learning. 207 trainees were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: (a) no choice of training; (b) choice of training–but choice not received; (c) choice of training–with choice received. A pilot study was used to create a unique training context whereby trainees could be differentiated on the three conditions of choice, while all ultimately received the identical training module. Results indicated that, after controlling for cognitive ability, those trainees having a choice of training did have greater motivation to learn, provided they were ultimately given the training of their choice. On the other hand, trainees allowed to choose but whose choice was not the training module subsequently delivered were less motivated and learned less than those not asked to participate in the choice of training at all. These findings suggest that, in an organizational training context, there may be some "perils of participation." Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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