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The three experiments presented in the paper examine visual prior entry (determining which of two stimuli appeared first) and prior exit (determining which of two stimuli disappeared first) effects with a temporal order judgment (TOJ) task. In addition to using onset and offset targets, the preceding cues also consisted of either onset or offset stimuli. Typical, and equivalent, prior entry effects were found when either onset or offset cues preceded the onset targets. Unexpectedly large prior exit effects where found with the offset targets, with offset cues producing greater capture effects than onset cues. These findings are consistent with the notion that more attention is allocated to searching the visual field when targets are more difficult to find. In addition, the results indicate that attentional control settings may be more likely to occur with more difficult searches. In addition, these findings demonstrate that TOJ tasks provide extremely precise measures of the allocation of attention and are very sensitive to a range of task manipulations.  相似文献   

Social science research and theory about familial orientations and reproductive ideals have largely neglected males' attitudes. Drawing on demographic and status attainment perspectives, this study applies a model of processes underlying marriage and family timing to longitudinal data on 288 young adult males from the Southern Youth Study. Several posited influences of family of origin factors, significant others, and adolescent status and familial aspirations on marital timing and early family growth are assessed.Development of this report was sponsored in part by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and contributes both to TAES Project H-2811 and to USDA (CSRS) Regional Research Project S-81, and in part by the Maxwell Policy Center on Aging and the All-University Gerontology Center, Syracuse University through Title IV-C Grant #90-A-1054101 from the Administration on Aging, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Information for analysis was obtained by pooling data collected under grants provided by the Agricultural Experiment Stations of Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Texas. Appreciation is expressed to John Womack, Paul D. Mader, and G. David Curry for their advice at various stages of this research.  相似文献   

艾娟 《心理科学进展》2016,24(9):1478-1484
影响群体道歉有效性的因素是多方面的。对侵犯群体而言, 有效的群体道歉需要在言语表达中包含承认错误、承担责任、表达懊悔、做出承诺等内容, 需要讲究群体道歉的行为策略, 同时还应该关注道歉的内部动机对语言表达与行为方式的影响。对受害群体来讲, 侵犯群体道歉的有效性在于道歉本身缓解了其愤怒情绪, 满足了其自尊和期望等心理需求, 同时还要受到他们对道歉真诚性知觉程度的影响。除此之外, 群体道歉还会受到群际关系质量、冲突程度、文化信念等外部因素的影响。在今后的研究中, 应该继续尝试整合群体道歉的过程机制, 丰富群体道歉有效性的考察指标, 发挥道歉在社会生活领域中的积极作用。  相似文献   

This paper presents data from a small-scale longitudinal study that examines the importance of life-stress events in early and late childhood for later attainment and behavioral disturbance. The study sample consists of 59 children, all of whom when first contacted lived in families with low incomes, of low social status, and little education. Therefore, all of the children can be considered disadvantaged, and the influence of life stress events can be assessed uncontaminated by differences in socio-economic status. At age 9 years, 21 of these children were assessed as disturbed, whereas 38 were not. The results presented suggest that life stress events in early childhood: (1) are of little importance in explaining variations in the behavior of either group of children; and (2) help to explain variations in the attainment of the disturbed, but not the other children. However, life-stress events in late childhood are (1) of considerable importance in explaining variations in the behavior of both the disturbed and other children; but (2) of little importance in explaining variations in the attainments of either group of children. The findings are discussed with reference to child, parent, and other factors that may act to protect vulnerable children against life event stress.  相似文献   

Herlitz  Anders 《Philosophia》2020,48(1):431-431
Philosophia - There is a mistake in the definition of the covering criterion on page 6.  相似文献   

It has been consistently demonstrated that fear-relevant images capture attention preferentially over fear-irrelevant images. Current theory suggests that this faster processing could be mediated by an evolved module that allows certain stimulus features to attract attention automatically, prior to the detailed processing of the image. The present research investigated whether simplified images of fear-relevant stimuli would produce interference with target detection in a visual search task. In Experiment 1, silhouettes and degraded silhouettes of fear-relevant animals produced more interference than did the fear-irrelevant images. Experiment 2, compared the effects of fear-relevant and fear-irrelevant distracters and confirmed that the interference produced by fear-relevant distracters was not an effect of novelty. Experiment 3 suggested that fear-relevant stimuli produced interference regardless of whether participants were instructed as to the content of the images. The three experiments indicate that even very simplistic images of fear-relevant animals can divert attention.  相似文献   

It has been consistently demonstrated that fear-relevant images capture attention preferentially over fear-irrelevant images. Current theory suggests that this faster processing could be mediated by an evolved module that allows certain stimulus features to attract attention automatically, prior to the detailed processing of the image. The present research investigated whether simplified images of fear-relevant stimuli would produce interference with target detection in a visual search task. In Experiment 1, silhouettes and degraded silhouettes of fear-relevant animals produced more interference than did the fear-irrelevant images. Experiment 2, compared the effects of fear-relevant and fear-irrelevant distracters and confirmed that the interference produced by fear-relevant distracters was not an effect of novelty. Experiment 3 suggested that fear-relevant stimuli produced interference regardless of whether participants were instructed as to the content of the images. The three experiments indicate that even very simplistic images of fear-relevant animals can divert attention.  相似文献   

Research findings differ as to whether choosing a risky option is an efficient strategy for decision makers seeking to avoid responsibility for potential failures. A risky choice may leave the final outcome to chance factors, but the decision maker can still be held responsible for choosing risk. Further, it is unclear whether a risky choice is a responsible choice. The present article investigates the putative relationship between risk‐taking and responsibility by drawing a distinction between being responsible for the outcome (R1) versus acting responsibly (R2). Four experiments were performed, in which participants were presented with scenarios describing decision makers facing a choice between a risky (uncertain) option and a riskless (certain) option, framed in terms of losses or equivalent gains. The results showed that decision makers who chose the risky alternative were judged to have acted in a less responsible manner (R2), while still being held equally responsible for the outcome (R1), unless they were ignorant of the risks involved. Choosing risk did not absolve decision makers from blame, despite being less causal and less in control than those who chose the riskless option. Risky decision makers were also judged to be more personally involved. The dissociation between R1 and R2 ratings confirms earlier findings and serves to clarify an alleged relationship between risky choices and responsibility aversion. Framing effects for own choices were found in both scenarios. In contrast, responsibility ratings were only slightly affected by frame. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In an investigation of the exploration stage of single counselling sessions with 26 anxious female volunteer clients and 13 female doctoral student therapists, no overall association was found between client narrative processing modes and subsequent therapist verbal response modes. There was evidence in a third of the sample for an association between therapist response modes and subsequent client narrative modes, such that clients used more internal than external or reflexive narrative processing modes when therapists used open questions about feelings and reflections of feelings. Client and therapist helpfulness ratings did not differ for different therapist response modes or client narrative process modes. Hence, overall results suggested that all four therapist response modes (open questions about thoughts, open questions about feelings, restatements, reflections of feelings) are effective during the exploration stage.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that timing in tapping utilizes event timing; a clock-like process, whereas timing in circle drawing is emergent. Three experiments examined timing in tapping and circle drawing by the dominant and non-dominant hand. Participants were right-hand dominant college aged males and females. The relationship between variance and the square of the timed interval (the Weber fraction), thought to capture clock-like timekeeping processes, was compared. Furthermore, timing variance was decomposed into a clock and a motor component. The slopes for timing were different for dominant hand tapping and circle drawing, but equal for non-dominant and dominant hand tapping. Negative lag one covariance, consistent with motor implementation variability, was found for non-dominant but not for dominant hand circle drawing (Experiment 1). Practice did not influence this relation (Experiment 2). A significant correlation for clock variability was found between non-dominant hand circle drawing and tapping (Experiment 3). Collectively, these findings indicate that event timing is shareable across hands while emergent timing is specific to an effector. Emergent timing does not appear to be obligatory for the non-dominant hand in circle drawing. We suggest that the use of emergent timing might depend upon the extensive practice experienced by a person's dominant hand.  相似文献   

采用元分析方法对道歉的信任修复效果进行探讨。通过中英文献检索,共有18篇文献36个独立样本符合元分析标准(N=4731)。元分析的结果表明,道歉在信任修复中起到一定促进作用,呈中等效应量(d=0.44)。调节效应检验发现,信任违背类型的调节作用显著,相比于诚实型信任违背,道歉对能力型信任违背有较好的修复效果。此外,控制组设置对道歉的信任修复效果具有显著的调节作用,以沉默为控制组的信任修复效果优于以否认为控制组的信任修复效果。信任类型、道歉所包含的成分以及测量工具的调节作用均不显著。  相似文献   

We tested whether intergroup apology effectiveness increases when the apology is collective autonomy supportive (i.e., victimized group members are told they have the choice to accept or reject the apology). In Experiment 1, university students who received a collective autonomy supportive (compared to a collective autonomy unsupportive or basic) apology for derogatory remarks made by a rival university perceived the apology as more empathic. This, in turn, heightened intergroup forgiveness. Experiment 2 replicated and extended this effect in the context of the friendly fire killing of Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan by the United States. Canadians in the collective autonomy supportive condition felt more empowered and were less critical of the apology. Sequential mediation analyses revealed that collective autonomy support had an indirect effect on intergroup forgiveness through empowerment and empathic support of the apology. Findings suggest the apology–forgiveness link strengthens when the victimized group's collective autonomy is explicitly acknowledged.  相似文献   

基于管理认知视角,系统深入地探讨了环境不确定性情境对领导有效性的影响机制。具体地,通过质性和量化方法相结合,首先基于意义建构理论(Sense-Making Theory)探寻领导者对于环境不确定情境的感知和解读过程;其次从管理认知视角探讨环境不确定性如何通过高层领导者的管理认知影响战略选择进而作用于领导有效性的过程和路径;最后基于权变思想探讨环境不确定性、组织文化、组织类型情境如何共同作用于领导有效性。研究结果在理论上将克服过去领导情境理论研究不足,打通微观和宏观的视角昭示环境不确定性情境对领导有效性的影响过程和作用路径,揭示其背后深层作用机理。实践方面将为领导者如何有效应对不确定性以及具体领导实践提供重要依据。  相似文献   

Successful interception relies on the use of perceptual information to accurately guide an efficient movement strategy that allows performers to be placed at the right place at the right time. Although previous studies have highlighted the differences in the timing and coordination of movement that underpin interceptive expertise, very little is known about how these movement patterns are adapted when intercepting targets that follow a curvilinear flight-path. The aim of this study was to examine how curvilinear ball-trajectories influence movement patterns when intercepting a fast-moving target. Movement timing and coordination was examined when four groups of cricket batters, who differed in their skill level and/or age, hit targets that followed straight or curvilinear flight-paths. The results revealed that when compared to hitting straight trials, (i) mixing straight with curvilinear trials altered movement coordination and when the ball was hit, (ii) curvilinear trajectories reduced interceptive performance and significantly delayed the timing of all kinematic moments, but there were (iii) larger decrease in performance when the ball swung away from (rather than in towards) the performer. Movement coordination differed between skill but not age groups, suggesting that skill-appropriate movement patterns that are apparent in adults may have fully emerged by late adolescence.  相似文献   

B Roscoe  T L Kruger 《Adolescence》1990,25(97):39-48
Approximately 300 late adolescents were surveyed to assess their knowledge of AIDS, and to determine if and how their sexual behavior had changed as a result. Findings suggested that late adolescents were quite knowledgeable regarding AIDS and its transmission; however, only about one-third had altered their sexual behavior as a result of fear of the disease. Findings are discussed in terms of the need for AIDS education, and recommendations are presented.  相似文献   

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