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儿童心理折叠能力的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
施建农  周林  查子秀  徐凡 《心理学报》1997,30(2):160-165
本研究主要考察儿童心理折叠能力的发展。结果表明:(1)一般情况下,学生的心理折叠能力随年级(年龄)的上升而提高;(2)智力高的学生的心理折叠能力显著高于常态学生,而且,智力与年级之间存在较强的交互作用说明,智力是影响心理折叠能力发展的主要因素;(3)在本文所涉及的条件下,就总体而言,男生的心理折叠成绩高于女生。但这种性别差异主要不是来自常态组,而来自超常组;(4)不同被试组儿童的心理折叠能力具有不定全一致的发展曲线。  相似文献   

军用能力倾向测验是为军事需要服务的能力倾向测验,它有独立的产生和发展过程并在整个能力倾向测验领域起关键作用。在特殊能力倾向的效度研究,能力理论的验证,发现新的能力和测验手段上的创新等方面均有重要贡献。  相似文献   

Deux groupes d'enfants aborigènes australiens (âge 8–15 ans) subissent les épreuves mises au point pour L'étude de la conservation de la quantité, du poids, du volume, de la longueur, de la surface et du nombre. Les résultats montrent que les enfants aborigènes réussissent ces problèmes à des âges plus élevés que les enfants européens et que dans certains cas, la notion de conservation n'est pas atteinte. On constate également des différences significatives chez les enfants aborigènes selon qu'ils sont de souche pure ou non. Les résultats confirment dans L'ensemble la théorie des stades de développement, mais on observe que L'ordre des stades dont L'invariance est postulée par Piaget et Inhelder présente quelques variations. L'A. commente ces résultats et évoque les différents facteurs qui peuvent être responsables du retard observé dans le développement des enfants aborigènes.  相似文献   

Perception de la profondeur picturak chez les enfants ghanéens. — Une étude de la perception de la profondeur picturale chez 122 enfants ghanéens, fréquentant I'école primaire et âgés de 5 à 10 ans, a apporté les résultats suivants : — 1. l'identification correcte des représentations picturales des objets croît progressivement avec l'âge; ce qu'on peut interpréter comme un effet de l'expérience croissante avec les objets représentés. — 2. Les représentations picturales impliquant des abstractions, comme les lignes d'horizon ou les bords de route vues en perspective, sont fréquemment mal identifiées, quelque soit l'âge. Elles sont perçues bidimensionnellement et communément identifiées comme des objets, à qui est souvent attribuée une fonction d'utilité par rapport aux autres composantes du dessin. — 3. Un seul enfant donne des preuves constantes d'une perception tridimensionnelle. Les réponses des autres sujets suggèrent une perception bidimensionnelle. l'A. pense que la familiarité, culturellement déterminée, avec un matériel pictural est d'une importance critique pour le développement de la perception par les enfants de la profondeur picturale. — 4. Une analyse des explications relatives aux relations causales entre les é1éments picturaux suggère I'existence d'un schème commun de pensée, quelque soit l'âge. Ce schème est comparable à la “ pensée égocentrique ” telle que la conçoit Piaget, à condition qu'un contexte culturellement familier puisse entraîner différents schèmes de pensée.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of an intensive training program on the toothbrushing skills of three preschool children, using both performance measures and outcome (plaque level) indicators. Toothbrushing was broken into 16 steps that involved actual manipulation of the brush in the mouth. Correct brushing included four criteria: (a) appropriate angle of bristles, (b) appropriate motion of brush, (c) appropriate tooth surface, and (d) minimum duration of brushing. Training included instructions, a three-phase modeling procedure, physical guidance, and reinforcement. Results of a multiple baseline design across subjects showed that the children completed an average of 8.6% of the steps prior to training, as compared with an average of 95.8% of the steps following training. Plaque levels decreased from an average of 58% during baseline to 24.6% after training. Follow-up measures revealed that 86.6% of the steps were maintained. The study demonstrated that the effectiveness of the procedures in teaching very young children a complex motor skill that is essential to their future health.  相似文献   

The present study was primarily concerned with the communication skill development of physically handicapped children. Since these children often are denied contact with peers because of their disabilities, it was suggested that they may be unable to develop the perspective-taking ability necessary for adapting communication to a specific listener. It was also suggested that the increased contact provided by moving the handicapped into regular public school classrooms may help alleviate this problem. First-, third-, and sixth-grade children, handicapped and nonhandicapped, with and without the others in their classes, were tested on their listener-adaptation abilities in general and their adaptation to handicapped children, using pictures as stimuli for messages. The results support the hypothesis that handicapped children are deficient in listener adaptation. Classroom association with “normals” seems to improve this, but does not raise them to the level of their nonhandicapped peers. Nonhandicapped children are unable to adapt to handicapped children, and contact with the handicapped does not seem to improve this situation. Being in an integrated class seems to have some positive effects on handicapped children and few effects on the nonhandicapped.  相似文献   

Published research employing the Hudson Test is critically examined, leading to the conclusion that differences in methods and procedures make direct comparisons of the outcome of different studies inappropriate. Some limitations of the test itself are pointed out, in particular the ignoring of chance expectations, failure to exclude the operation of response sets, and ambiguities about the scoring. Tentative generalizations emerging from previous research are summarized, and the object of the study is to verify them. A newly developed test of three-dimensional perception is described, which also consists of pictures but requires less reliance upon verbal instructions. Samples of 60 Scottish and 60 Ghanaian primary school children in classes 2, 4 and 6 were tested with both the Hudson and the new test. While results still indicated a significant cultural difference in the performance on both tests, Ghanaian children experienced much less difficulty with the new test and the gap between them and Scottish children was relatively small as compared with the Hudson Test result. It is concluded that measured ability to perceive pictorial depth is in considerable part a function of the specific method used for assessment, and that African shortcomings with regard to this ability have probably been exaggerated in the past.  相似文献   

一 儿童在入学后,經过教学的影响,不但逐漸掌握了一些知識,而且在掌握方式上也发生着变化,这点在思維活动的特点上表現得特别明显。在学前儿童的心理活动中,占主导地位的是感性认識,如果說感性认識也包合着低級思維,即所謂具体的、形象的思維,那么到学龄期,儿童开始能从对事物的外部現象的认識逐漸过渡到对事物內部联系的认識,即所謂抽象的、邏輯的思維。这一变化影响着儿童整个心理活动,使之发生一些质变。儿童  相似文献   

在教学过程中,比較起着重要的作用。因为要使学生正确认識每一个事物,正确理解每一个科学概念,就需要了解各个事物的本貭,而要正确认識事物的本貭,不但需要找出事物的共同点,也要找出事物的不同点。毛主席曾指出:“对于物貭的每一种运动形式,必須注意它和其他各种运动形式的共同点。但是尤其重要的,成为我們认識事物的基础的东西,则是必須注意它的特殊点,就是說,注意它和其他运动形式的貭的区别。只有注  相似文献   

研究不同年龄儿童音乐欣赏后的情绪判断及想象,结果表明:儿童对喜悦、悲伤两种艺术情绪判断正确率呈极显著差异,学前儿童情绪判断正确性喜悦大大高于悲伤。进入小学学习后的儿童对悲伤情绪判断正确率迅速提高。儿童想象指数随年龄缓慢增加。情绪正确判断人数与产生想象人数呈显著相关。  相似文献   

目的根据馬克思列宁主义反映论的观点,記忆过程和其他心理过程一样,是客观現实在人脑中的反映。客观現实的对象和現象对人的作用,不外是形象的与語詞的两种主要形式,因此,形象的东西利語詞的材料,就构成了記忆过程和其他心理过程反映的主要內容。形象的、語詞的材料,不仅是人的記忆的主要內容,而且从个体記忆的发展来看,形象  相似文献   


一、前言 学前儿童有沒有因果思維?因果思維在学前儿童身上究竟是怎样形成起来的?带有因果性质的实践动作究竟是怎样向因果性思維活动轉化的?各年龄阶段的学前儿童的因果思維的发展究竟有那些显著的特点?学前儿童因果思維的发展究竟能达到什么样的水平等等,都是学前儿童思維心理学中的一些重要問題。  相似文献   

学龄儿童汉语正字法意识发展的研究   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
李娟  傅小兰  林仲贤 《心理学报》2000,32(2):121-126
该研究以小学一年级、三年级、五年级儿童及大学生为被试,让他们对左右、上下和半包围三种结构类型的90个真字、假字和非字进行词汇判断,以探讨儿童正字法意识的发展,结构类型的相应影响,以及年龄对汉字识别中结构类型效应的作用。结果表明;(1)儿童正字法意识的形成是以识字为基础的逐步发展的过程。小学一年级儿童已萌发了正字法意识,但至五年级时才基本达到了成人水平。(2)只有小学一年级被试的真字识别受结构类型影响。汉字识别中是否存在结构类型效应可能与被试识字经验、材料熟悉性等因素有关.(3)年级内部正字法意识的萌发和年级之间正字法意识发展的差异不受结构类型的影响,但萌发之后各年级内部均是对左右结构汉字正字法意识优于上下结构和半包围结构。  相似文献   

小学儿童奖赏公平性的认知发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方富熹  王文忠 《心理学报》1994,27(4):354-361
采用信息加工研究途径并假设故事情境探索小学儿童对奖赏公平性的社会认知发展,并将儿童的发展与成人作对比。研究结果表明,7,9岁儿童容易将"均等"与"公平"混淆,还没形成一个稳定的分配模式,而12岁儿童已能运用"努力"、"成果"、"能力"等规则较为稳定地作出公平奖赏决定或评价,但还没达到对更高层次的社会准则的理解和掌握。儿童这一发展制约于他们的信息加工能力以及获得有关社会价值观的社会化过程。  相似文献   

Abstract— Intensity (loudness), frequency (pitch), and duration discrimination were examined in 41 normal-hearing children, aged 4 to 6 years, and 9 adults. A second study retested 25 of the youngest children 12 to 18 months later. Intensity discrimination showed the least improvement with age and was adultlike by age 5 for most of the children. In contrast, frequency and duration discrimination showed highly significant improvement with age, but remained poorer than adults' discrimination for many 6-year-olds. Large individual differences were observed within alt tasks and age groups.  相似文献   

Six institutionalized children, aged 7–11, with little or no spontaneous vocal manding, were trained to request food items under appropriate natural conditions when snacks were presented. “I want a” was appropriate when an adult presented food in the playroom. “Out” was appropriate when the items were displayed in the hallway, across a half-door barrier from the child. A sequence of steps was trained, through increasingly naturalistic setting and cuing conditions. The two mands were trained in sequence, not concurrently. To encourage “spontaneous” productions, no vocal cuing was provided by the adult. After criterion performance in each step, several probe sessions were conducted for various cuing conditions, adults, and settings. Probes after imitation training showed no spontaneous manding. Thus, failure of manding was not due to production difficulties. In probes after training for “approximately” natural cues, most children showed little transfer to the natural cues. This implies that training for the specific appropriate cues may often be required. However, good transfer generally occurred across persons, and from training room to playroom. Probes also showed that most children did not use one of the trained mands in the stimulus conditions that were appropriate for the other mand. Thus, adding a second mand did not generally disrupt use of the first. However, significant disruption occurred for two children. Finally, at the end of training, extinction training was given for one mand in one setting. Performance of the other mand was litle affected. In sum, the appropriate form of a mand depends on specific stimulus and setting characteristics, and these characteristics must be considered in training.  相似文献   

微山湖区儿童智力状况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梅建  扬育林 《心理科学》1993,16(1):34-37
本文依据环境与儿童智力发展关系的理论对微山湖区船、陆两地生活的2318名5~16岁儿童少年进行了智力状况调查。并对其中298名儿童进行了较详细的影响因素调查,发现生长、生活在陆地儿童的智商明显高于生长、生活在船上的儿童,又一次证实了生活环境对儿童智力发展有直接影响.  相似文献   

初生到三岁儿童言语发展记录的初步分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
我们用纵向法对五个婴儿从初生到三岁这一期间的言语发展作了记录(采用录音和文字记录),其中三个男孩、两个女孩。但这五个婴儿的记录并不都全,有的缺某一个时期)。记录用两种方式:一种是隔一定时间(一周或更长些日子)作一次记录,每次约半小时。为了使儿童比较自然,不影响他们发音或说话,我们尽可能事先和儿童熟悉,而且一  相似文献   

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