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SARS属中医"瘟疫"范畴.中药是以药性之偏来纠正人体之阴阳偏盛或偏衰,所以无论治疗还是预防用药,均应遵循中医学的因地、因时、因人制宜的辨证思想;并针对高危人群提出医护人员应当固护精气、老人注重补肾的预防用药思路.我们认为,清热解毒法为治疫常法,而非防疫常法,预防SARS应辨证用药.  相似文献   

从中医文化"形而上"的思辨原则、以"治未病"为逻辑起点的生命观和"兼内外"的养生追求,剖析中医文化辩证思维的优势价值与魅力。而在对中医文化定式思维的反思中,又发现中国传统思辨哲学对中医文化的思想束缚、中医文化"单向度"的思维定式以及中医文化的自我矮化,将是阻碍中医学融入现代医学发展之痹症。提出通过扬弃中医文化中的"精华"与"糟粕"、关注并注重中医文化意涵的多维性、实现中医文化积极性因素与现代医学文化价值的契合,完成中医学理性精神的重建,进而化解传统医学工具理性和现代医学价值理性之间的冲突。  相似文献   

辨证论治是中医学精髓.无证可辨的情况,究其原因,一方面与医者辨证方法和技能有关,另一方面确实存在无证可辨的现象.为提高辨证水平,医者既要重视病性特点、病因、六经病辨证特色;也要积极引入中医"病"的概念和微观辨证,因为中医辨病在特定情况下可弥补辨证的不足,而微观辨证的深入研究则可能为无证可辨提供客观依据.为此,才可在实践中正确处理无证可辨的尴尬,并使中医诊断学内容臻备.  相似文献   

在中西医比较中发展中医大连市传染病医院(116011)洪伟中西医学是在不同的时期,不同的文化环境,在各自的异质的土壤里形成的医学体系。一、中医是以朴素辩证的、宏观思辨的、定性描述的思维过程。以形象思维、类比方法为主要的方法论。从宏观角度认识人体,辨证...  相似文献   

辨证与辨病是两种不同的思维方式,西医辨病又辨证,中医辨证又辨病,辨病与辨证是中医与西医都遵循的诊治过程,在临床中辩证运用中医与西医有利于中西医结合临床思路的建立  相似文献   

中西医结合临床思路浅谈——论辨证与辨病的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辨证与辨病是两种不同的思维方式,西医辨病又辨证,中医辨证又辨病,辨病与辨证是中医与西医都遵循的诊治过程,在临床中辩证运用中医与西医有利于中西医结合临床思路的建立  相似文献   

礼治与法治是古代中国常被人对比的两种治国方法,然而追溯其源,礼治与法治在最初并不是截然对立的,造成后世以变法为变礼为法的关键,应该是刑律的公布与大量岀现。后人说商鞅"改法为律",其主要原因当是商鞅将刑罚转换为军律,或者说以军律统属赏罚。商鞅变法后,秦国逐渐强大,荀子入秦参观,称赞秦国风俗几乎"治之至",但认为因无儒,故不可王天下。然而当时人多认为儒术无助于治国。这是因为以军律统治国家,使老百姓被军队化,礼义廉耻围绕农战而展开,传统意义上的仁义道德没有了可以实行的基础。汉承秦制,儒生批评秦法的残暴,有些夸大,但后来儒术成为了统治思想,阳儒阴法成为了后世主流的统治法。  相似文献   

<医学与哲学>2004年第10期上,中医研究评估栏目中所刊登的,严健民同志"关于利用‘循经感传'探讨经络实体的思考"和章晓东同志"经络实质的思辨"两篇文章,似乎有些踢开红旗闹革命的味道,他们的目的是要否定经络的客观存在,乃至否定整个中医的理论体系,反复研读,思绪万千,为了现代中医经络的前途和命运,有义务站出来与两位同志再谈经络.  相似文献   

中医概念体系需要细化和重构,在对中医辨证、辨病内涵实质进行再分析基础上,认为目前中医辨病辨证认识存在着关系不清、临床功能定位模糊等问题,阐述了细化重构中医辨治理论模型的必要性,并初步探析了辨病与辨证二者的趋同关系、互补关系、矛盾关系等,给出了面对辨病、辨证、辨症等多重认识时的处理原则。  相似文献   

随着普通高等教育中医药类规划教材<中医诊断学>[1]的问世,中医诊断学知识体系日臻成熟和稳定,病与证的概念有了明确界定.作为诊断的高级阶段[2],辨病与辨证之间的关系亦显得日趋明晰.鉴于学科的教学特点,普通高等教育"十五"国家级规划教材<中医诊断学>[3]在详尽介绍"辨证"的同时,不忘渗透"疾病诊断思路",在一定程度上体现了中医诊断"病证结合"的基本原则.  相似文献   

辩证思维方式是中国古代哲学思维方式之一,它深刻地影响了中国古典建筑审美特征的形成,使其在有无相生、虚实相资,中庸为道、和美为贵,情理并重、礼乐相成三个方面体现出中国传统文化的特色。  相似文献   

Cognitive dysregulation, often characterized by extreme, nondialectical thinking, is a core problem area identified in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and is posited to contribute to pervasive emotional and behavioral dysregulation. However, cognitive flexibility is understudied and rarely considered a direct treatment target in DBT. This paper provides clinical guidelines for increasing dialectical thinking with patients in DBT. We review the historical context of dialectical thinking in DBT and present the results of a survey examining DBT therapists’ perspectives on nondialectical thinking as a treatment focus. We describe cognitive restructuring strategies from cognitive therapy models, and compare these with techniques targeting cognitive dysregulation in DBT. We highlight the rationale for incorporating dialectical thinking as a direct treatment focus in DBT, and offer strategies derived from cognitive restructuring to incorporate directly targeting dialectical thinking in conceptualization, treatment planning, and in session. These strategies are demonstrated with clinical vignettes and examples.  相似文献   

刘鹤丹 《周易研究》2007,4(2):80-88
有学者依据列维·布留尔的原始思维理论,认为《易经》属于原始思维。但事实上,《易经》无论从创作时代还是思维内容上都与原始思维有着本质上不同,《易经》包含着原始思维所不具备的理性思维。之所以误解《易经》为原始思维,主要是投有真正理解《易经》的“立象以尽意”的思维表达方式。《易经》以其意象表达了辩证、整体的宇宙观,并以此指导现实的人世生活,开创了中国人“推天道以明人事”的形而上学。  相似文献   

Whether language shapes cognition has long been a controversial issue. The present research adopts a functional approach to examining the effects of language use on personality perception and dialectical thinking. We propose that language use activates corresponding cultural mindsets, which in turn influence social perception, thinking, and behavior. Four studies recruited Chinese‐English bilinguals (N = 129 in Study 1, 229 in Study 2, 68 in Study 3, 106 in Study 4) and used within‐subjects and between‐subjects design, written and behavioral reports, and self‐ and other perceptions. The four studies converged to show that Chinese‐English bilinguals exhibit higher dialectical thinking and more variations in self‐ and observer ratings of personality when using the Chinese language than when using English. Furthermore, dialectical thinking predicted more self‐ and other‐perceived variations in personality and behavior across bilingual contexts. These results highlight the important role of culture in understanding the relations between language and cognition, and attest to the malleability of personality perception and dialectical thinking within and across individuals in response to culture‐related linguistic cues.  相似文献   

探讨自恋影响道德虚伪的内在机制和边际条件。通过对200名金融行业员工的问卷调查,发现个体的自恋倾向能正向预测道德虚伪水平,是权谋术而不是印象管理在自恋与道德虚伪之间起中介作用。进一步的分析还发现辩证思维调节着自恋与道德虚伪之间的关系——对辩证思维水平低的人而言,自恋正向影响道德虚伪; 而对辩证思维水平高的人而言,自恋不影响道德虚伪。结果对理解当代中国人自恋人格与道德特性的关系有重要意义。  相似文献   

中药在心血管疾病中应用现状与反思   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
具有悠久历史的中医药在现代医学中有鲜明的时代特点。心血管疾病是现代社会严重威胁生命及健康的病患。本文总结分析了古老中药在现代心血管疾病中应用的现状,并深入分析其影响因素,从而提出扬长避短的未来心血管疾病应用中药的思路。  相似文献   

We examined the effect of language priming on na?ve dialecticism, with special attention paid to effects on dialectical beliefs about the self. European Americans responding in English and bilingual Chinese responding in either Chinese or English completed several measures designed to tap dialectical thinking and dialectical self-perceptions, including tolerance of contradiction, change in thoughts and behavior over time and context, holistic beliefs, and self-concept inconsistency. As expected, those answering in Chinese reported greater dialecticism on most of these measures, relative to those responding in English. European American responses were highly similar to those of bilinguals responding in English. We discuss advantages of language priming and offer directions for future research.  相似文献   

文化对中国人思维方式的影响   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
侯玉波  朱滢 《心理学报》2002,34(1):107-112
文化对生活于其中的人们的心理与行为有影响已是公认的事实 ,但不同的学科对文化通过什么起作用却一直存在争论 ,文化心理学的兴起对回答这个问题提供了一条值得借鉴的思路。该文通过分析 90年代以来文化心理学研究的思路、方法以及这种思路与方法在研究中国人的思维特性时的发现 ,指出对中国人思维特性的探讨能够使我们在更深的的层次上理解中国文化的影响以及东西方文化差异的根源。  相似文献   

Peng and Nisbett found that Chinese people are more apt to engage in dialectical thinking (DT) than Americans. We gave the Dialectical Self Scale questionnaire and 10 pairs of opposing opinions to high school and university students of Japanese, Chinese, and British nationality. We asked them to fill in the questionnaire, to rate how strongly they agreed with each opinion, and to rate how wise it is to think dialectically. The scores on the questionnaire were higher among Easterners than among Westerners and higher among university students than among high school students. But the results of opinion agreement indicated that the dialectical tendency was stronger among the Chinese and British than among the Japanese. Furthermore, however, Japanese participants judged DT as wiser than Chinese and British did, and Chinese university students believed it was wiser than Chinese high school students did. We propose that this effect is attributed to Marxist education in China.  相似文献   

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