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The A-theory of time says that it is an objective, non-perspectival fact about the world that some events are present, while others were present or will be present. I shall argue that the A-theory has some implausible consequences for inductive reasoning. In particular, the presentist version of the A-theory, which holds that the difference between the present and the non-present consists in the present events being the only ones that exist, is very much in trouble.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dilemmas psychodynamic clinicians face in dealing with the challenges of the current clinical climate. We look to our theories, to the evolution of psychodynamic technique and to the collaborative nature of the therapeutic endeavor as they relate to the goals of psychotherapy. A case illustration is provided, and guidelines are offered for current professional practice.  相似文献   

Time travel and its associated paradoxes are a topic of academic discussion that has historically been of interest only in physics and philosophy. This paper presents a new paradox of time travel that puts psychological issues at the forefront. The new time traveller faces conflicts between agency and agency awareness that are not addressed in other paradoxes. Further, in considering these other paradoxes it is seen how concerns about the time traveller's psychological state can lead to new challenges to the accepted deterministic paradox resolutions.  相似文献   

时间心理学的新探索   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
时间是心理过程的存在方式,也是人格特征的存在方式。本文在综述国内外有关研究成果的基础上,对时间心理学研究的最新领域和热点问题进行了探索,主要包括三个方面:(1)时间知觉与意识,主要研究时间知觉和意识过程的关系,特别是探讨意识过程的时限和时间整合问题;(2)时间认知的脑机制,主要利用事件相关电位和脑成像技术探索时间信息加工的时程和功能定位问题;(3)时间人格研究,主要探讨时间洞察力的内涵和时间管理倾向的理论及其应用。  相似文献   

The authors present definitions of the term harassment from the literature and government sources and propose a definition of disability harassment, Existing literature related to disability harassment is reviewed, including anecdotal accounts. Legal findings are summarized from several cases concerning disability harassment of federal employees, and data on disability harassment complaints filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission are provided. The authors suggest that the harmful psychological effects of any form of harassment are similar and a model from the literature on sexual harassment is used as a basis for understanding the effects. Implications for counseling practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Time perspective therapy (TPT) is a new time-based therapy that focuses on clients' perceptions of their past, present, and future. Based on Zimbardo's temporal theory and the utilization of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, the authors have developed this new narrative therapy approach for the purpose of treating clients diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder. The goal of TPT is to identify clients' six time perspective factors and then work with and balance these perspectives to promote a more positive future orientation, replace their traumatic past negativity, and thereby create a more responsive and healthier individual.  相似文献   

时空隐喻研究的新问题:时间表征的左右方向性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金泓  黄希庭 《心理科学进展》2012,20(9):1364-1371
传统的时空隐喻研究主要通过启动范式来研究空间中的前后轴线和上下轴线与时间表征的关系;而近年来,研究者们通过综合运用排序法、判断法、比较法和线索范式,证明了个体会用左右轴线来表征时间.由于传统的理论无法很好地解释时间表征的左右方向性,研究者们倾向于用具身理论(embodiment theory)来解释这一现象.为了深化对空间轴线和时间表征之间的关系的认识,需要统一研究方法、整合不同理论并在神经机制层面上开展新的研究.  相似文献   

Christopher New recently argued for the seemingly paradoxical idea that there is no moral reason not to punish someone before she commits her crime ('prepunishment'), provided that we can be sure that she will, in fact, commit the crime in the future. I argue that the air of paradox dissolves if we understand the possibility of prepunishment as relying on an anti-moral-luck position. However, New does not draw the full conclusions from such a position, which would allow prepunishment even prior to the formation of a wrongful intention, on the basis of the idea that bad character is enough to entail blameworthiness. I conclude by examining a legal system which seems to use the idea of prepunishment, i.e. the Talmudic idea that we might punish a child who has not yet sinned in order to save him from sinning in the future.  相似文献   

关于《黄老帛书》的成书年代,学界有五种意见。分别是“战国早中期之际说”、“战国说”、“战国末年说”、“秦汉之际说”和“汉初说”。比较各家考证过程,尽管结论不同,但在前提性的假设、目标追求和基本方法上却具有内在的一致性。前提性假设的相同。表现为考证者都设定:帛书代表着黄老学派的起点;目标追求上的共同性,在于考稽者都试图将帛书的成书时间框限在某个相对狭窄的时段内;在考证的方法上,各家都运用了比勘法和推测法。笔者认为,考证帛书的成书时间,必须打破上述三个方面的执著。帛书可能是自战国早中期之际到秦汉间,经过多人整理充实而形成的。本文于此谨就其成书于秦汉间的可能作两点补充论证。第一,帛书中对复国封国现象的肯定可能反映着秦汉间列国关系;第二,帛书中的黄帝形象在政治方面不排除影射秦汉问某些或某个历史人物的可能。  相似文献   

抑制是一种领域一般(domain-general)的认知过程,它使儿童和成人能够抗拒习惯、自动化、诱惑、分心物或干扰从而适应存在冲突的情境(Diamond,2013)。抑制控制模型认为儿童或成人在问题解决中的失败并非是缺少相关知识与概念,而是抑制控制失败造成的。研究者采用负启动研究范式和脑成像技术在类皮杰任务、数学和科学问题解决中证实了认知抑制的作用。未来研究应把认知抑制与元认知的研究结合起来,探究认知抑制的发展轨迹及二者在问题解决中的相对重要性。同时,针对认知抑制训练的干预研究也值得重视。  相似文献   

The original Meno problem is to explain why knowledge is more valuable than mere true belief. In this paper I argue that evidentialists face an additional Meno problem, a Meno problem that, to date, no evidentialist has considered. Specifically, evidentialists must account for the additional epistemic value of a doxastically justified doxastic attitude as compared to a doxastic attitude that is merely propositionally justified. I consider the nature of the problem facing evidentialism and critically discuss two attempts to account for this additional epistemic value. Then, I highlight the remaining options and present the alternative I favor. According to this alternative, while the nature of doxastic justification is analyzed in terms of propositional justification, the value of doxastic justification is not. Holding a doxastic attitude on the basis of propositionally justifying evidence is a fundamental epistemic good. In virtue of this, doxastically justified doxastic attitudes have fundamental epistemic value.  相似文献   

The causal exclusion argument suggests that mental causes are excluded in favour of the underlying physical causes that do all the causal work. Recently, a debate has emerged concerning the possibility of avoiding this conclusion by adopting Woodward's interventionist theory of causation. Both proponents and opponents of the interventionist solution crucially rely on the notion of supervenience when formulating their positions. In this article, we consider the relation between interventionism and supervenience in detail and argue that importing supervenience relations into the interventionist framework is deeply problematic. However, rather than reject interventionist solutions to exclusion wholesale, we wish to propose that the problem lies with the concept of supervenience. This would open the door for a moderate defence of the interventionist solution to the exclusion argument.  相似文献   

Works of art can be difficult in several ways. One important way is by making us face up to unsettling truths. Such works typically receive praise. I maintain, however, that sometimes they deserve moral censure. The crux of my argument is that, just as we have a right to know the truth in certain contexts, so too we have a right not to know it. Provided our ignorance does not harm or seriously endanger others, the decision about whether to know the truth ought to be left to us. Within this limit, therefore, difficult art is morally problematic if it intentionally targets those who have chosen not to know. To illustrate the problem, I discuss the literary writings of Søren Kierkegaard, which aim to deceive readers into seeing unpleasant truths about themselves that they seek to ignore.  相似文献   

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