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Evidence suggests that a significant proportion of men who have been violent towards their partners desist from such violent behaviors; yet, research examining desistance from intimate partner violence (IPV) is limited. This omission is surprising given that an understanding of desistance processes is required to inform evidence-based IPV interventions. In this critical review of the empirical literature, eligible studies included 15 publications, identified through electronic databases and hand searches of bibliographies that directly investigated the cessation of physical violence against an intimate partner, by heterosexual men. No single theory was identified that explains desistance from IPV. However, empirical studies reveal that the severity and frequency of violence is associated with desistance, with those using moderate levels of violence being more likely to desist than those who engage in severe violence. Typology research suggests differences in individual characteristics (e.g., low psychopathology and impulsivity) can distinguish desisters from persisters. In addition, the nature of the dyad within which the violence occurs is also influential in desistance processes. It is concluded that much more research is needed to inform practice and in particular to examine the role of protective factors in mitigating risk and enabling individuals to desist from IPV.  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is endemic in societies around the world and detrimental to women's wellbeing. Abused women are frequent users of health services. Despite the recent World Health Organization guidelines on IPV and sexual violence, we need more evidence on effective responses to women in health care settings. Developing robust evidence with potential to inform policy and clinical practice requires greater clarity and consistency across studies in the selection and use of outcomes to evaluate interventions. Drawing on systematic reviews and individual trials aimed at reducing abuse and improving women's health, we discuss critical issues in respect of outcomes. We discuss primary, secondary, intermediate and proxy outcomes and measures used to evaluate interventions for women who experience IPV. We offer recommendations about which outcomes to assess and approaches to doing so within the context of trials in health care settings.  相似文献   

IntroductionIntimate partner violence (IPV) is a serious public health concern that has not received an immense amount of attention in the military community. It is well documented in military literature that rates of IPV across US military populations range from 13.5% to 58%, with considerably lower rates obtained among samples not selected on the basis of psychopathology (Marshall, Panuzio, & Taft, 2005). The main objectives are to address the this gap in literature concerning the definitions of violence used, prevalence of IPV in military intimate relationships, the nature and patterns of violence, risk factors, and theories that may help to provide a better understanding of the violence attached to this unique population.Methods and theoryCivilian and military communities are urged to work towards using common definitions and practices to facilitate comparison of rates among the populations. Furthermore, methodological tools should move towards using more multi-method and longitudinal designs, more theoretical model applications and more diverse sample selection as strategies to further our understanding of the structure and inner workings of IPV in military couples.Conclusion and recommendationsMore exhaustive research, especially in Canada, including consistent definitions and methodology needs to be conducted. Also, future research needs to address the gap in the literature regarding theory application, risk factors associated with this phenomenon, and prevention methods.  相似文献   

Not all women who apply qualify for a civil protective order. This study compares the type and severity of violence reported by women who qualified with that experienced by women who did not qualify. Ninety women seeking a protective order against a male intimate were interviewed. Findings indicated that 28% of women applying for a protective order did not qualify primarily because of cohabitation requirements or childbearing status. Actual and threatened violence was measured with the 46-item Severity of Violence Against Women Scale. A 17-item questionnaire measured stalking behavior. Levels of reported violence for the preceding 3 months were measured for the two groups. The symbolic threat behavior only of throwing, smashing, or breaking an object was significantly higher for qualifying women. The physical abuse behavior only of being pushed, shoved, or pulled was significantly higher. None of the stalking behaviors were significantly different. Data are urgently needed that document the barriers to abused women receiving protective orders, the relevancy of qualifying criteria, and the effectiveness of protective orders issued.  相似文献   

This review systematically investigates rates of physical intimate partner violence for both sexes in international samples. Surveys that accessed nationally representative samples, used gender inclusive methodology and neutral contexts are reviewed to determine 12-month and lifetime victimization and perpetration rates. Discrepancies between international rates, and the impact that gender equality may have upon these differences is also investigated. Electronic databases were systematically searched to identify surveys that met inclusion criteria. Eleven surveys were reviewed. Of these, Family Violence surveys had the highest methodological quality and showed equal rates for both sexes. Surveys of lesser quality typically showed higher female victimization and male perpetration rates. Countries at the extremes of gender empowerment measure scores differed in their patterns of rates. Gender equality in the US was associated with symmetry for the sexes, and inequality in Uganda associated with higher female victimization. However, as countries tended to use different methods to investigate the problem it was not possible to compare the effects of gender equality on differences in international rates of IPV. It is concluded that survey methodology needs to be consistent across nations, and specifically target family violence if true rates are to be determined and compared across the globe.  相似文献   

Public interventions are considered to be an important means of preventing intimate partner violence (IPV). What people believe about the nature of IPV is likely to determine their propensity to intervene, but little is known at present about IPV beliefs among the general public. In a survey of 650 Swedish citizens, beliefs about the prevalence and causes of IPV, and viable means of intervention were assessed. Respondents estimated, on average, that IPV occurs in almost one quarter of all intimate relationships in Sweden, and that IPV is particularly prevalent in low‐income groups, among non‐European immigrants, in suburban areas, and in couples under the age of 50 years. Physical violence was believed to be the most frequent form of abuse in male offender–female victim cases, whereas psychological violence was considered most frequent in other combinations of offender and victim gender. Female respondents estimated a higher prevalence of IPV, attributed less blame to IPV victims, and suggested more means of intervention, than did male respondents. The findings are discussed in relation to empirical prevalence estimates, and implications are proposed.  相似文献   

Psychopathy reflects a pathological form of personality that predisposes individuals to risk for perpetration of chronic and severe violence across their lifespan. The violence attributable to psychopathic persons constitutes a substantial portion of the societal burden to the public health and criminal justice systems and thus necessitates significant attention by prevention experts. However, there is a relatively nascent literature that has examined psychopathic persons' response to treatment, especially considering violence as an outcome. Nevertheless, there have been repeated averments about the amenability (or lack thereof) of psychopathy to treatment. In the present paper, we attempt to provide a comprehensive review of studies assessing the relation of psychopathy to violence outcomes following intervention. Our review of studies suggests there is reason to suspect that specific and tailored interventions which take into consideration psychopathic persons' unique patterns of behavioral conditioning and predispositions may have the potential to reduce violence. However, equally important, certain interventions may potentially exacerbate these persons' violent behavior. The nature of the outcomes is likely highly dependent on the specific components of the intervention itself. We conclude that future research should increase methodological rigor by striving to include treatment control groups and increasing the transparency of the implemented interventions.  相似文献   

Perpetrators of intimate partner violence (IPV) represent a heterogeneous group who engage in a variety of aggressive acts which often co‐occur. However, few studies take this co‐occurrence into consideration. Failure to consider overlapping forms of IPV confounds understanding of risk factors for physical IPV, which in turn undermines identification, prevention, and intervention efforts. Though rarely studied in emerging adults, personality variables have recently been identified as important correlates of IPV. The primary aims of the current studies are to identify distinct subgroups of moderate and severe psychological and physical IPV and personality covariates of class membership. Two studies were conducted at different public regional universities in the northeast (n = 500; n = 497). Both samples were about two‐thirds female, approximately one‐half White, one‐fifth Black, and one‐quarter Latino, of any race. Latent Class Analysis identified three subgroups in both studies: low, moderate, and severe IPV. The severe and moderate IPV groups included those who reported threats and moderate physical IPV while the severe IPV group also included those who engaged in severe and injurious forms of physical IPV. Multinomial regression analysis showed that impulsive aggression discriminated moderate and severe from low IPV (Study 1), and more frequent emotionally abusive and controlling behavior, a hostile‐dominant interpersonal style and trait aggression discriminated among all three groups, with severe IPV having the greatest likelihood of controlling behavior and aggression (Study 2). IPV is represented by distinct subgroups that vary by severity of IPV with different personality covariates. General aggressive and domineering tendencies in relationships characterize those engaging in severe IPV.

Problematic drinking has long been established as an important antecedent to the perpetration of intimate partner violence (IPV). As little research has evaluated individual differences beyond anger in this association, this research examines problematic drinking and IPV perpetration through the lens of self-determination theory (SDT), the relational perspective suggesting individuals are motivated to be in their relationship for autonomous (i.e., self-driven) and controlled (i.e., guilt-driven) reasons. We test the hypothesis that problematic drinking is more strongly associated with IPV among those who are controlled in their motivation in four independent samples (N?=?617). College students in relationships completed measures of alcohol consumption, negative alcohol-related consequences, relationship motivation, and IPV perpetration. Results generally suggested that the association between both alcohol consumption and negative alcohol-related consequences and IPV perpetration is only significant among those endorsing greater controlled motivation. This study supports problematic drinking as not being an equal risk factor for all individuals, and suggests that some people may be more vulnerable to problematic drinking resulting in relationship aggression.  相似文献   


Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a widespread phenomenon. Despite the prevalence of IPV in Western societies, most cases remain unnoticed or at least unreported to authorities. Social psychologists have been investigating bystanders’ reactions to IPV, to understand which factors may influence the willingness to intervene in support of a female victim of violence. We review a research programme that directly investigated personal and situational factors that make potential bystanders believe a woman victim of IPV deserves and needs (their) help and support, and what, on the contrary, makes them deny any such willingness to help. We present evidence about the situational antecedents of bystander’s reaction, the underlying mechanisms of this intervention, and an extension of such evidence to non-prototypical cases, i.e., to an IPV episode occurring within a same-sex couple. We conclude by discussing future directions, and by highlighting the theoretical and practical contributions of this programme of research to the understanding of IPV for both researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

We examined correlates of intimate partner violence (IPV) in a military Veteran sample (N = 129) using Finkel's (2007) framework for understanding the interactions between impelling and disinhibiting risk factors. Correlates investigated included head contact events (HCEs), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, and antisocial features. Results indicated that antisocial features were significantly associated with IPV at the bivariate level. PTSD symptoms also were associated with IPV, but this association was marginally significant. Tests of moderation provided support for the expectation that HCEs would potentiate associations between antisocial features and IPV. HCEs also moderated the association between PTSD symptoms and IPV. However, contrary to expectations, the opposite pattern emerged such that PTSD symptoms were associated with a higher rate of IPV for those without a history of HCEs. Study findings have potentially important implications for furthering our understanding of the complex etiology of IPV in this population.  相似文献   

Research over the past 30 years has established that exposure to intimate partner violence poses significant risks to children's adjustment and functioning. It is also clear, however, that there is considerable variability in children's outcomes, and research in the past decade has increasingly focused on understanding this variability. This paper provides a review of recent research that examines relations between children's exposure to intimate partner violence and their psychological adjustment, cognitive functioning, and social competence. Emphasis is placed on studies that examine risk and protective factors for children's functioning in the context of exposure to intimate partner violence. In addition to highlighting strengths of recent studies, limitations of existing research and future directions are considered.  相似文献   

I argue that Gondolf, Johnson and Dekeseredy, in a recent issue of Aggression and Violent Behavior: A Review Journal, presented one sided arguments and misleading evidence for the role of gender in intimate partner violence (IPV). Johnson and Dekeseredy use only female victim samples and Gondolf only a male perpetrator sample. These methods generate spurious support for the gender paradigm. Better methodology; longitudinal and laboratory studies indicate that bilateral IPV, matched for level of severity is the most common form of IPV. Our policies should be directed towards this most common form not the relatively rare "wife battering". The stereotype of IPV proffered by the gender paradigm has obscured the dyadic patterns and psychological profiles of IPV so that a "one size fits all" approach has been the normative response. The future of IPV policy lies in prevention and in models that treat abusive families as coherent systems.  相似文献   

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