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Differentiation of self in Bowen theory includes the effective pursuit of long-term, intrinsic goals while responsibly engaging with one's family and important others. This kind of goal direction is hypothesized to contribute to higher functioning families. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, this longitudinal study tested this hypothesis and found that participants with more goal effectiveness tended to have less symptomatic families of procreation, less increase in family symptomology over the fifteen years of the study, more strength of goal direction over time, and goal direction that was the same as or greater than their parents and siblings.  相似文献   

Bowen theory hypothesizes that undifferentiation or fusion between the generations influences nuclear family functioning. Using qualitative and quantitative methods this longitudinal study tested this idea with 49 newly developing nuclear families. Analysis of the first five years of data offered support to the hypothesis. Qualitative analyses of the participants' interviews gave the strongest support for higher levels of intergenerational fusion being associated with higher levels of nuclear family symptomology. Quantitative analyses also supported the hypothesis. The association between intergenerational fusion, as measured by couple-parent fusion and family financial dependence, and nuclear family functioning increased over the five-year period.  相似文献   

Little is known about how pediatric trichotillomania (TTM), a clinically significant and functionally impairing disorder, is impacted by, and impacts, family functioning. We explored dimensions of family functioning and parental attitudes in a sample of children and adolescents who participated in an Internet-based survey and satisfied conservative diagnostic criteria for TTM (ages 10–17, n = 133). Analyses reveal trends toward higher levels of dysfunction in families of TTM youth relative to normative samples, although no differences achieved statistical significance. However, scores on the Family Assessment Measure and the Attitudes Toward My Child scales were similar to those in clinical samples of youth with cystic fibrosis, an eating disorder, or an anxiety disorder. While these results indicate that family functioning and parental attitudes in TTM were not generally or extremely problematic, family issues may nevertheless warrant particular clinical evaluation and attention in more severe TTM cases.  相似文献   


Guided by ecological theory, we empirically explored how parents' psychological functioning, social relationships, and demographic characteristics related to family functioning. Our sample of 197 participants included both neglectful and control families. We found statistically significant associations between the predictor variables (i.e., maternal personal maturity, depression, stressful life events, social support, family of origin difficulties, education, income) and family functioning as rated by mothers, caseworkers familiar with the families, and observers who coded family interaction tasks. However, the exact pattern of significant associations differed as a function the rater of family health.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine how adolescent and parental perceptions of family system characteristics predict adolescent addictive behavior patterns. The sample consisted of 252 families. Questionnaires included measurements of family functioning using the FACES III instrument and addictive behavior using the Shorter Promis Questionnaire (SPQ). To predict addictive behavior we conducted step-wise regression analyses (forward method), with the dimensions of the four SPQs as dependent variables and individual (age and gender) and family functioning variables as predictors. Results: Data provide support for the proposal that family system characteristics could predict adolescent addictive behavior; despite our taking not only a normative sample, but also non-clinical families into consideration. Data in literature suggest that adolescent addictions increase in families characterized by weak emotional bonds (low cohesion) and the incapacity to change their power structure, role relationships, and relationship rules in response to situational and developmental stress (high adaptability). These findings reinforce the need to continue to explore family functioning and therefore may provide additional protection against adolescent addiction.  相似文献   

This paper presents a qualitative observational study aimed at exploring microtransitions in the relational dynamics of family functioning when the children are adolescents. Three concurrent levels were considered central for family functioning in this period: the acknowledgment of emerging competences, the redefinition of the power structure, and the regulation of interpersonal distances. Twenty-eight non-clinical Italian families with at least one adolescent child were interviewed and video-recorded in their homes. A stance-taking process analysis was carried out on the family interactive sequences arising in the course of the interviews. This analysis was based on the stances taken by all family members in relation to their reciprocal evaluations, positions, and alignments, which allowed us to point out the interlocking of competences, power and distances. Out of all the possible theoretical combinations of these three dimensions, we identified four forms of interaction. In two forms, the emerging changes were not incorporated in the families’ interactive repertoires by either reconfirming family stability or resisting family changes. In these ways of interacting competences, power, and distances were not reorganized. In the other two forms, instead, family microtransitions were observable in the extent to which family members either explored family changes or legitimated family reorganizations. In these processes, they could redefine and readdress their ways of interacting.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between adult offspring's perception of family functioning and of parental use of topic avoidance to maintain secrecy regarding the use of donor assistance to conceive. A cross‐sectional design was used to study a convenience sample of 69 young adult donor offspring who completed a demographic questionnaire, a topic avoidance scale relative to each of their rearing parents, and the Beavers Self Report Family Instrument. Findings indicated that participants perceived both parents as avoiding the topic of donor assistance more than other topics, mothers as avoiding all topics less than fathers, and topic avoidance was negatively associated with family functioning. Mothers' general topic avoidance was the strongest predictor of family functioning. Parents' disclosing together was predictive of higher family functioning. Implications for practice and future research are suggested.  相似文献   

This study examined the degree to which self-differentiation as related to family functioning is valued differently by Korean and European-American university students. The main findings confirm that the level of family functioning reported by European Americans is greater than for their Korean counterpart; family functioning is associated with differentiation measures (total score, emotional reactivity, and emotional cutoff) to a different extent across the two groups; and controlling for the effect of family functioning, the added contribution of a country variable explained further variance in self-differentiation. The importance of addressing the issue of similarities and differences between cultures in the assessment and treatment of individuals with problems related to their families of origin is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of twenty years' work in the development of the Family Assessment Measure (FAM), based on the Process Model of Family Functioning. The Process Model describes a conceptual framework for conducting family assessments according to seven key dimensions: task accomplishment, role performance, communication, affective expression, involvement, control, values and norms. The FAM provides measures of these dimensions at three levels: whole family system (general scale, fifty items), various dyadic relationships (dyadic scale, forty-two items) and individual functioning (self-rating scale, forty-two items). In addition, the general scale includes social desirability and defensiveness response style measures. Brief FAMs (fourteen items) are available for each scale as well. The measurement properties of FAM have been evaluated in a variety of clinical and non-clinical settings. Reliability estimates are very good in most contexts. FAM's validity has been supported using a number of techniques. Overall, the weight of the evidence is that FAM's effectively and efficiently assess family functioning and provide strong explanatory and predictive utility. This empirical evidence reinforces experiences of clinicians, indicating that FAM provides a rich source of information on family functioning.  相似文献   

The present study tested with 142 families a structural model of the interplay of perceived dyadic and collective forms of efficacy within the interdependent family system, and how these different forms of efficacy are structurally related to quality of family functioning and satisfaction with family life. Dyadic parent–child efficacy, dyadic spousal efficacy, and filial efficacy were linked to family satisfaction through the mediating impact of collective family efficacy. A high sense of collective family efficacy was accompanied by open family communication and candid disclosure by adolescents of their activities outside the home. Collective family efficacy contributed to parents' and adolescents' satisfaction with their family life both directly and through its impact on quality of family functioning. An alternative structural model in which quality of family functioning affects the different forms of perceived family efficacy and family satisfaction provided a poorer fit to the data.  相似文献   


Bowen theory hypothesizes that a nuclear family's level of functioning is influenced by the stability or functioning of previous generations. This longitudinal study tested this hypothesis with 49 newly developing nuclear families and their multigenerational families. Family functioning was measured using a composite of physical, emotional, social, and marital symptoms of the family members of the current and previous generations. The quantitative analysis supported the hypothesis. In a correlation analysis of the first five years of this twenty-year study, multigenerational functioning, especially nuclear family of origin functioning, was associated with nuclear family functioning.  相似文献   

Family competence and family style are the two main dimensions of the Beavers Systems Model of Family Functioning. The competence dimension ranges from optimal through adequate, midrange and borderline to severely dysfunctional. The style dimension ranges from centripetal to centrifugal. When the two dimensions are combined, they diagramatically define nine distinct family groupings, three of which are relatively functional and six of which are thought to be sufficiently problematic to require clinical intervention. A family's status on the competence and style dimensions may be established with the Beavers interactional scales. The self-report family inventory may be used to evaluate family members' perceptions of their status on the competence dimension. The reliability and validity of the self-report instrument and observational rating scales have been documented in over thirty papers and books published by the Beavers research team since 1970. The model has proved useful in training, research and clinical work.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effects of various predictor variables on dimensions of functioning within alcoholic families. Participants were 173 college student volunteers from alcoholic families who completed a measure of family functioning, demographic questions, and questions related to experiences in their families of origin. Child abuse, spousal violence, parental divorce, length of time living with an alcoholic parent, parental marital status, and parental availability and predictability significantly affected family functioning, whereas frequency of parental drinking did not. Results suggest that quality of parental interactions with children is more important for functioning in alcoholic families than frequency of parental drinking.  相似文献   

李彩娜  邹泓  张春妹 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1492-1495
采用家庭功能评价量表(FAI),Rosenberg自尊量表,对北京和西安4所普通中学的1317名初高中生及其父母进行调查。结果发现:(1)亲子间的家庭功能知觉存在中等程度的相似性,青少年与父亲和青少年与母亲间知觉的相似性无显著差异;(2)亲子间家庭功能知觉相似性的性别和年级差异显著,女孩与父母间知觉的相似性高于男孩,高一年级与父母知觉的相似性高于其他三个年级;家庭功能不同维度知觉相似性的表现不同;(3)不同性别和不同知觉相似性水平的青少年自尊得分差异显著;低相似性组个体的自尊分数显著低于高相似性组和一般组;亲子间在整体家庭功能和父母关注维度的相似性可显著预测青少年自尊。  相似文献   

The symptoms of bipolar disorder affect and are affected by the functioning of family environments. Little is known, however, about the stability of family functioning among youth with bipolar disorder as they cycle in and out of mood episodes. This study examined family functioning and its relationship to symptoms of adolescent bipolar disorder, using longitudinal measures of family cohesion, adaptability, and conflict. Parent- and adolescent-reported symptom and family functioning data were collected from 58 families of adolescents with bipolar disorder (mean age = 14.48 ± 1.60; 33 female, 25 male) who participated in a 2-year randomized trial of family-focused treatment for adolescents (FFT-A). Cohesion and adaptability scores did not significantly change over the course of the study. Parent-reported conflict prior to psychosocial treatment moderated the treatment responses of families, such that high-conflict families participating in FFT-A demonstrated greater reductions in conflict over time than low-conflict families. Moreover, adolescent mania symptoms improved more rapidly in low-conflict than in high-conflict families. For all respondents, cohesion, adaptability, and conflict were longitudinally correlated with adolescents’ depression scores. Finally, decreases in parent-reported conflict also predicted decreases in adolescents’ manic symptoms over the 2-year study. Findings suggest that family cohesion, adaptability, and conflict may be useful predictors of the course of adolescent mood symptoms. Family conflict may be an important target for family intervention in early onset bipolar disorder.  相似文献   

The triangle, a concept in Bowen theory, is the emotional molecule in the family system that shapes the human over the course of life. This longitudinal study explored the influence of the family of origin primary triangle on 51 couples’ family of procreation functioning over 10 years. The quantitative analysis found associations between family of procreation functioning and three variables: distance versus openness in the family of origin primary triangle, the degree of inside and outside positions in the primary triangle, and the degree of family projection as expressed in worry. In addition, the three triangle relationships correlated with each other, supporting the idea that each relationship influenced the other. Using qualitative methods, a focused analysis elaborated on the quantitative findings.  相似文献   

本文对西方有关家庭功能理论进行综述。西方关于家庭功能的理论取向可分为两类:一类是以环状理论以及系统理论为代表的结构取向;另一类是执行过程取向。影响家庭功能的因素可分为横向因素与纵向因素两类。此外,通过对我国已有家庭功能理论的研究回顾,指出了未来我国家庭功能理论的研究方向。  相似文献   

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