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Recently researchers in the family therapy field have encouraged a focus on aspects of therapy common across all models that are important to therapeutic change. The purpose of this study was to build on the “common factors” literature by exploring clients' perspectives of what was useful to their therapeutic experience. Quantitative and qualitative measures were used to collect data from 41 clients who participated in therapy at a university-based family therapy clinic. Quantitative results indicated that therapeutic relationship, client motivation, extratherapeutic factors, and hope and expectancy accounted for 49% of the variance of clients' perception of change and 73% of the variance of clients' perceptions of therapy helpfulness. Qualitative results indicated the therapeutic relationship to be the most helpful aspect of clients' therapeutic experience.  相似文献   


This paper addresses the issues around considering clients' religious and spiritual functioning as a matter of client diversity. Such issues may be under appreciated by many clinicians. The introduction of a religious and spiritual problem V-Code (V62.89) into the DSM-IV provided a significant accommodation of client religious and spiritual functioning in contemporary psychodiagnostics. The V-Code allows for explicit identification of a non-pathological religious or spiritual focus in treatment. The nature of and history of the V-Code's inclusion in DSM-IV is briefly reviewed. The strengths and limitations of the V-Code for raising clinician awareness of the religious and spiritual domain of client functioning is discussed and illustrated by a number of case examples. The V-Code approach is contrasted with Hathaway's (2003) clinically significant religious impairment concept. Both are viewed as making complementary contributions to a religiously and spiritually sensitive clinical practice.  相似文献   

Aim: To determine whether or not clients' perceptions of microaggressions varied based on their own and the therapist's race/ethnicity and whether or not they would be negatively related to the effectiveness of therapy and if the working alliance would mediate this effect. Method: The study utilised a cross‐sectional, retrospective, methodology. Clients were recruited from a large university counselling centre in the United States (N=232 clients and 29 therapists). Results: Neither clients' race/ethnicity, therapists’ race/ethnicity, nor client‐therapist ethnic matching predicted perceptions of microaggressions. Clients' ratings of microaggressions were negatively associated with their psychological wellbeing; however, this effect was mediated by clients' ratings of the working alliance. Implications: Therapists should take into account the cultural messages they may be conveying to both white and racial/ethnic minority clients. Therapists should develop strategies that are consistent with a general therapeutic approach that promotes discussions about culture with their clients and, most importantly, should attend to the therapeutic relationship.  相似文献   

This study examined clients' perceptions of therapy outcome and how those perceptions related to therapist views. Additionally, the effects of client and therapist gender and ethnicity, and the match on these variables (e.g., female therapist-female client) were examined. Results showed that clients generally improved from both the client and therapist perceptions, although therapists' views were influenced by client ethnicity. There was no difference between gender or ethnicity matches on perception of outcome. Further examination showed that gender and ethnicity interacted to influence both client and therapist perceptions of outcome. The authors discuss the research and practice implications of these findings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to increase understanding of what clients perceive as hindering experiences in counselling. In‐depth interviews combined with concept mapping were used to gather, organize, and understand clients' perceptions of hindering aspects of therapy. In the initial data gathering stage, 8 adult client participants, aged 18 or older (average of 14.1 sessions) were asked to respond to the following open‐ended questions:


While some clients are confident self-advocates, many transgender individuals and loved ones find it difficult to advocate for themselves and turn to a trusted clinician for assistance. This article discusses the role of the health and social service clinician in transgender case advocacy. Although the setting, circumstances, and client needs vary greatly, the overarching goal of clinical advocacy is to address the societal barriers that interfere with clients' functionality and well-being. We suggest a protocol for advocacy assessment in the clinical setting and discuss trans-specific advocacy concerns relating to financial assistance, employment, changing identification, general advocacy, and outline concerns of specific populations within the transgender community.  相似文献   

Although a large body of research supports the use of behavioral staff management interventions in developmental disabilities, the nature of client outcomes associated with such interventions has not been systematically assessed. We reviewed 59 staff management studies published over 20 years (1971–1990) in order to determine the generality or scope of the research (i. e., range of settings, types and levels of clients' disabilities, clients' ages), the frequency of inclusion of client outcome measures, the types of measures and levels of analysis selected (i. e., individual groups, combination), and the effects of the interventions on client behavior. Results indicated that: (a) over two-third of the studies were conducted in institutional settings; (b) more than one-half involved clients with profound to severe mental retardation; (c) clients of various ages were served; (d) assessment of client outcomes increased progressively over the period; (e) engagement and skill acquisition were the most frequently used measures; (f) group data were presented twice as frequently as either individual or a combination of group and individual data; and (g) staff interventions were associated with either positive or mixed client outcomes in 80% or more of the cases, although maladaptive behavior went unchanged in one-fifth of the studies in which they were reported. Based on these findings, suggestions are made for how researchers might extend the generality of staff management research, improve client outcome assessment practices, and produce even more consistently positive results.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore specific behaviors and characteristics of counselors that relate to adult, female clients' disclosure of incest during counseling. A total of 37 female incest victims who had sought counseling within the previous 3 years completed the study. Information about disclosure of incest during counseling and perceptions of counselors' characteristics and reactions were gathered by a structured interview and the modified Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory. Results suggest that factors related to initial disclosure and exploration of incest are client readiness, direct questioning by the counselor, specific counselor characteristics, and positive counselor reactions to initial disclosure. Guidelines for assisting clients' disclosure of incest are presented.  相似文献   

Disulfiram is frequently prescribed to alcoholic patients as a deterrent to drinking. Although ingestion of ethanol by a disulfiram patient quickly results in an intense dysphonc reaction, the drug is not generally credited with significant value in alcoholism treatment (Mottin, 1973). It is suggested that most alcoholics simply stop taking the medication (Gerrein et al., 1973). and review articles conclude that motivation for abstinence is the crucial variable involved in successful disulfiram treatment (Ditman, 1966: Mottin, 1973).Motivation may be a characteristic of environmental contingencies rather than of individuals. If so, environmental contingencies should permit one to design into a disulfiram treatment progrim the requisite motivation to achieve therapeutic success. Contingency management procedures supporting disulfiram ingestion reported to date (Liebson et al., 1973: Haynes, 1973) have been of the sort to be imposed upon difficult populations rather than offered to general treatment applicants. Contingency contracting may represent a technique for supporting disulfiram ingestion appropriate to the broader general population of voluntary alcoholism treatment applicants. Contingency contract treatment (Homme, 1969; Stuart, 1971) is a procedure in which client and therapist mutually agree to establish an incentive for the client to achieve a behavioral goal. Contingency contracts can be viewed as a form of self-control therapy, and have been applied in a wide variety of problem areas, including school problems (Homme, 1969: Cantrell, et al., 1969). delinquency (Stuart, 1971),weight control (Mann, 1972). smoking reduction (Elliott and Tighe, 1968: Winett, 1973), drug abuse (Boudin, 1972), and alcoholism (Miller, 1972).Frequently contingency contracting involves the client's posting of a financial security deposit to serve as his incentive for achieving the agreed-upon therapeutic goal (Tighe and Elliot, 1968). This security deposit can be earned back consequent upon achieving specific goals, or sacrificed consequent upon failure. Controlled studies by Mann (1972) and by Winett (1973) have demonstrated this security-deposit procedure to be effective in enhancing weight loss and smoking reduction, respectively.We report here on our experience with application of the security deposit contracting procedure to maintaining routine disulfiram ingestion among outpatients in an alcoholism treatment program.  相似文献   

The author highlights the emerging interest in understanding religious beliefs as a resource for more fully conceptualizing clients' psychological functioning. Although various authors have explored religious theories of mental health in an effort to increase understanding of clients' problems, there is a dearth of information on the Bahá'í client and how this particular religion conceives of mental health. The purpose of this article is to create an initial formulation for a Bahá'í concept of mental health and to discuss its clinical implications to aid in counseling Bahá'í clients.  相似文献   

Participants were 12 counseling center psychologist and thir 257 college-student clients. Immediately after intake, clients indicated whether or not they would make an additional appointment, their reasons for not making another appointment, and the estimated number of sessions they would attend. Counselors rated clients' attractiveness and disturbance and estimated the number of sessions they would have with each client. Clients who did not make a second appointment were generally satisfied with the help they received in one session. Client estimates were more predictive than counselor estimates of actual number of sessions. Relative to less attractive and disturbed clients, more attractive and disturbed clients made and kept post-intake appointments.  相似文献   


The main point of this paper is that a client's suitability for brief or time-limited therapy is determined by various factors, including context. There is still agreement on the validity of Malan's selection criteria, which included ‘mild illness, recent onset, high motivation and response to trial interpretation’, yet many additional issues have since emerged and need to be considered. For instance, the counsellor's suitability, training and work experience, the counsellor's assessment skills and ability to establish a dynamic focus, the clients' capacity for self-reflection, their ego strength and their response to a trial therapy in the first session. Then there is the importance of the various contexts in which nowadays much brief counselling is offered free to clients, whether in education, at the workplace, in primary healthcare settings or by charitable organizations. This means that issues of money and markets have come to the fore and an initial differential assessment needs to be carried out in order to decide which method or model of therapy is best for the client. Matching the counsellor's personality to the needs and to the pathology of the client, and matching the treatment to the client's developmental stage or life stage crises are other aspects of the work, which determine the issue of suitability. In the end as always there is much that remains unknown about what works for whom and how the client's decision to take up help is made.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to determine the relationship between strength of the helping alliance and type of client termination (premature or with mutual knowledge of client and counselor). Participants were 102 client-counselors dyads at a university counseling center. After an average of 8 sessions, clients and couneselors completed Alexander & Luborsky's (1986) Helping Alliance Questionnaires. Clients terminated after an average of 19 sessions. Clients who later terminated with mutual knowledge of their counselors gave significantly higher strength of helping alliance ratings than did clients who later terminated unilaterally and prematurely. Counselors' ratings of strength of helping alliance were only modestly related to clients' ratings and unrelated to type of client termination.  相似文献   

Increased general interest among counselors in the way language, narratives, and stories influence clients' personal and social realities has drawn particular attention to metaphorical language and its facilitative role in counseling. In this article, the authors suggest that metaphors and metaphorical knowing may play a significant role in facilitating at least 5 developmental change processes in counseling: relationship building, accessing and symbolizing client emotions, uncovering and challenging clients' tacit assumptions, working with client resistance, and introducing new frames of reference.  相似文献   


Most therapists are chosen to work with refugees because they speak the language or come from the same cultural or racial background and/or have had experiences which resonate with those of the client. They are often people who can easily understand the clients' experiences, which creates interesting and potent therapeutic dynamics. They can offer a great deal of support to the person, but often with the high risk of over-identification. This paper is an attempt to examine from the therapist's perspective the complex dynamics involved in working with refugee clients. It is a collection of thoughts and feelings expressed in psychotherapeutic and supervisory work by different types of refugee mental health workers. It is an attempt to understand the therapeutic relationship further by focusing on the therapist's psychological response to the client. The paper will outline briefly some of the common themes reported by refugees, but the primary aim is to focus on the therapist's countertransference feelings. Countertransference in this context is defined as a personal psychological response, as well as consisting of socio-political components.  相似文献   

Aims: This study surveys the childhood experiences of treatment‐seeking young adult offspring of problem drinkers (AOPDs) and their psychological state at treatment baseline. Methods: Clients (N=502) entering a Danish nationwide treatment facility for young AOPDS completed the survey. Clients completed the Adult Children of Alcoholics Trauma Inventory, The Family Tree Questionnaire, the CORE–OM 34, Major Depression Inventory, and the Work and Social Adjustment Scale at treatment start. Results: A total of 48% of the clients' mothers and 75% of the clients' fathers were problem drinkers. Both parents were problem drinkers in 25% of cases, and 27% had at least one problem drinking stepparent. Mothers had on average drunk during 11.4 years of the clients' childhood (0–18 years). Fathers had on average drunk during 13.4 years; 46% knew or believed that at least one of their parents suffered from a psychiatric illness; 44% reported physical violence; 63% reported psychological abuse; and 38% had not spoken to anyone about their family's problem. A further 20% had only spoken to a parent or sibling. Conclusions/implications: The study highlights the high degree of variation in AOPD clients' childhood experiences and in their levels of distress, corresponding with studies of non clinical samples. The study offers a bleak image of the extent of parental drinking and of other negative factors in these clients' childhood homes, coupled with the finding that clients have often not spoken to others about their parents' drinking. Mentioning parental drinking to a counsellor is thus a potentially highly significant counselling event, demanding counsellor sensitivity and attention.  相似文献   

Currently considerable research is being directed toward developing methodologies for controlling internal processes. An applied branch of the basic field of psychophysiology, known as biofeedback, has developed to fulfill clinical needs related to such control. Current scientific and popular literature abounds with numerous examples of how biofeedback is being used. For example, germinal studies by Kamiya (1962), and later work by Lynch and Paskewitz (1971), and Beatty (1973), as well as many others have shown that the EEG alpha rhythm (8–13 Hz) recorded from occipital regions of the human brain can be behaviorally manipulated when feedback or reward is provided for changing the density of this activity. Other researchers have provided evidence that theta activity (4–7 Hz) and the beta activity (greater than 14 Hz) can also be controlled by humans and analogs of this activity have been conditioned in animals as well, (Green, Green and Walters, 1971). In addition to the work that has been carried out with the EEG, researchers such as Engle and Bleecker (1973) have indicated that it might be possible to control cardiac arrhythmias through biofeedback. Studies by Elder,et al. (1973), have provided some hope that blood pressure in humans might also be conditioned. Also, considerable effort has been directed to the control of responses from single muscles with particular applied emphasis in neuromuscular rehabilitation, control of muscle tension for tension headaches and the management of migraine headaches through vasomotor conditioning (Brudny,et al., 1974; Basmajian, 1963, 1971; Sargent, et al., 1973).  相似文献   


This paper is an attempt to address the issue of trust in the therapeutic relationship from the counsellor's perspective, with a particular reference to working with drug addicts. It is a personal reflection on previous work with drug addicts in which a cognitive-behavioural approach was used. The comparison will be made, in a post hoc, reflective manner, on the issue of trust from a very different perspective; namely psychodynamic. It is suggested that the counsellor's trust in their own ability to contain the patient's often projected anxiety, is a central element or variable that can be seriously disrupted by the process of projective identification. And, moreover, it may have some explanatory power for the choice of method of working with this particular client population, that the issue of trust and its containment says as much, if not more, about us as counsellors, as it does about the client. It is argued that our anxieties may lead us to adopt a certain course of action in the therapy, rather than to address the possible meaning of these anxieties in terms of the relationship regarding the clients' needs.  相似文献   

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