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A sample of 50 college students responded to a questionnaire measuring perceptions of alienating behaviors on the part of their parents and their current relationship with each parent. Data revealed a higher degree of alienating behavior by divorced parents when compared to non-divorced parents. Mothers and fathers were rated about equally likely to engage in such behaviors. A higher incidence of alienated parent-child relationships in divorced homes approached, but did not reach, statistical significance. Students who were alienated from one parent report higher levels of alienating behaviors on the part of their parents. The results suggest that parental alienating behaviors, and the phenomenon of a child becoming alienated from a parent after divorce, are departures from the norm and worthy of attention and concern.  相似文献   


Transsexual persons are frequently married and are parents prior to the decision for gender transition. Divorce and issues of child custody or child access follow. This typically volatile area is made the more incendiary when one parent is transgendered. Parental Alienation Syndrome is an unique alliance between one parent and child of denigration and hostility to the other parent. When the transgendered parent is the target, Courts may collaborate in destruction of the transsexual parent-child relationship.  相似文献   

abstract   This essay considers the moral status of certain practices that aim to enhance offspring traits. I develop an objection to offspring enhancement that draws on an account of the role morality of parents. I work out an account of parental ethics by reference to premises about child development and to observations about parenting culture in the United States. I argue that excellence in parenthood consists in a dual responsibility both to guide children toward the good life and to accept them as they are. I conclude that prenatal manipulation of healthy and normal characteristics in human offspring fails to balance the dispositional extremes of control and restraint to which many parents today are susceptible. I apply this account of good parenting to the challenging case of height enhancement for short but otherwise healthy children. Finally, I reply to objections, first, about the phenomenology of bearing normative obligations to people who do not yet exist and, second, about the moral logic of criticizing embryo selection in the context of assisted reproduction when we accept child selection in the context of adoption.  相似文献   

Neuropsychological methods and techniques have much to offer in the evaluation of the individual suspected as having Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). After a review of the historical evolution of the ADHD concept, incidence and prevalence, and DSM-IV criteria for diagnosis, especially as regards omission related to gender differences, and other associated cultural, familial, socioenvironmental, and subject influences, this paper describes a number of dilemmas and obstacles encountered in clinical practice. Included are the confounds associated with the wide range of possible comorbidities, the insufficiency of current DSM-IV criteria, the emergence of subtype differentiation and its impact on diagnosis and treatment. The complex relationship between neuropsychological constructs and ADHD, and obstacles to valid assessment are also addressed. The complexities associated with a thorough ADHD evaluation are viewed within an impressive and expansive existing scientific framework and recommendations are made for future directions.  相似文献   


Maladaptive efforts to adjust to remarriage can provoke or exacerbate parental alienation syndrome. The remarried parent, the other parent, the stepparent, and the child each may contribute to the disturbance. Underlying dynamics include jealousy, narcissistic injury, desire for revenge, the wish to erase the exspouse from the child’s life in order to “make room” for the stepparent, competitive feelings between the exspouse and stepparent, the new couple’s attempt to unite around a common enemy and avoid recognition of conflicts in the marriage, the child’s attempt to resolve inner conflict, and parent-child boundary violations. These dynamics are discussed and suggestions for treatment are offered.  相似文献   

The dual purpose of this study was to first test the acceptance of the concept of parental alienation among therapists, and secondly, to assess the validity of parental alienation as a syndrome among therapists who are familiar with this phenomenon. The study measured the independent variable, symptoms of parental alienation syndrome, and the dependent variable, therapists' perception of the syndrome.

The respondents analyzed five cases using Dr. Richard Gardner's differential diagnosis chart built into a questionnaire for the potential alienator and the child. For the measurements of reliability and inter-rater reliability, the researcher used Microsoft Excel and Kendall's coefficient of concordance.

The findings showed a significant level of concordance among raters in all five cases except in Case 2, where there was a lower consensus on the presence of parental alienation syndrome or meeting Dr. Gardner's criteria due to the complexity of the case presentation. Similarly, findings also reflect the relatively recent discovery of this phenomenon, evidenced by some level of apathy from the general population of therapists to get involved.

The completed surveys were from therapists familiar with parental alienation syndrome, which indicated their level of understanding of the phenomena and how their views differed from other therapists who were unfamiliar with PAS. The data gathered from the completed surveys was sufficiently reliable to suggest a wider study for the purpose of classification in the next edition of the DSM.  相似文献   


This study examined five alienated fathers' and one alienated mother's perception of parental alienation syndrome (PAS). The data were collected via semistructured, open-ended interview questionnaires to determine if there were shared characteristics among alienated families, common issues in the marital conflicts that contributed to the marriage dissolution, the nature of the participants reports of alienation, similarities in the experience of alienation, and what things a lost parent might do differently. The findings are discussed along with limitations of the study.  相似文献   


In the Netherlands, about 20% of children do not have any contact with their non-resident parent after parental divorce. There are often many reasons underlying the broken contact, but one might well be the process of parental alienation, when the child denigrates and excludes the non-resident parent. This article presents the results of two studies conducted among divorce experts and divorced, non-resident parents. A total of 138 respondents co-operated in our studies. Of the respondents, 58% thought PAS either does not, or rarely occurs in the Netherlands, and 42% thought it does occur. The extent of parental alienation was classified as mild (33%) or moderate (9%). From our factor analysis, it became clear that Gardner's classification of eight separate symptoms of parental alienation was not evident in our research data. We were able to distinguish four separate aspects: two of them concerning alienation due to the resident parent and two concerning alienation due to the child. Our results underpin the importance of mediation, since it seemed that parental alienation syndrome (PAS) occurred significantly more often when decisions with relation to the children were not taken together by the parents but were determined in court. We consider that compulsory mediation and better communication during divorce would prevent many cases of PAS.  相似文献   


Denying reality is obviously a maladaptive way of dealing with a situation. In fact, denial is generally considered to be one of the defense mechanisms, mechanisms that are inappropriate maladaptive, and pathological. In the field of medicine to deny the existence of a disease seriously compromises the physician's ability to help patients. If a physician does not believe that a particular disease exists, then it will not be given consideration when making a differential diagnosis, and the patient may then go untreated. This is in line with the ancient medical principle that proper diagnosis must precede proper treatment. Or, if for some external reason the physician recognizes the disorder, but feels obligated to use another name, other problems arise, for example, impaired communication with others regarding exactly what is going on with the patient, and hence improper treatment. This is what is occurring at this point with the parental alienation syndrome, a disorder whose existence has compelling verification. In this article I discuss the reasons for denial of the PAS and the ways in which such denial harms families. Particular emphasis will be given to the ways in which this denial harms women, although I will certainly comment on the ways in which the denial harms their husbands and children. In the past, denial of the PAS has caused men much grief. Such denial is now causing women similar grief.  相似文献   

Families characterized by parental alienation present problems that are extremely difficult to resolve through conventional methods of family therapy. Court appointed parenting coordinators (P.C.) are in the very best position to make effective interventions in these cases. The authors use genograms to illustrate the difficulties of establishing normal visitation and re-negotiating binuclear families in five different cases: (1) Divorced family, minimal conflict, (2) Divorced family, conflicted relationship, (3) Divorced family, child in alignment with mother, (4) Divorced family, child estranged from father, and (5) Divorced family, parental alienation. The authors then use the genograms to suggest interventions for PC's in five areas: (1) Creating a buffer zone to facilitate crossing the co-parental boundary, (2) Helping the child separate from the enmeshment with the alienating parent, (3) Blocking intrusions from the alienating parent, (4) Strengthening the bond with the targeted parent, and (5) Weakening the coalition around the alienating parent-child dyad.  相似文献   

This study examined associations between exposure to parental alienation behaviors (PA) and anxiety and depression in a community sample of Italian adults. Data were examined by the gender of the alienating parent and the gender of the respondent/adult child. Five hundred nine adults were administered the Baker Strategy Questionnaire (BSQ), the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-Y); and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II). Results revealed that exposure to PA was associated with higher ratings of anxiety and depression. The data add to the growing body of knowledge regarding the long-term negative impact of exposure to parental alienation.  相似文献   

This study reports the findings of a 16-session parallel group therapy program for 22 children with parental alienation and their parents. The children's level of anxiety and depression decreased significantly following the therapeutic intervention. Families who had participated in the treatment protocol were found to have improved practical parameters of parental collaboration 12 months following the completion of treatment than a control group of families with parental alienation treated with standard community treatment. Parental object relation scores were negatively correlated with children's level of anxiety and depression at pretreatment and with the decrease in anxiety and depression level along the treatment.  相似文献   

Journal of Child and Family Studies - The present study aimed at understanding the personality features of mothers and fathers engaged in parental alienation—a family dynamic in which one...  相似文献   

Facebook is, nowadays, the most used social networking site worldwide and adolescents are increasingly engaging in this form of communication. Despite increasing attention of researchers to computer-mediated communication, there are few studies using an interpersonal and family relationships perspective on how adolescents relate to the Internet, and particularly to Facebook use. The aim of the present study was to test whether peer alienation mediates the link between parental attachment and problematic Facebook use. To this purpose we used a sample of 761 adolescents (53.7% boys, mean age?=?15.8), from the North region of Portugal. We also tested if the mediational model was invariant for boys and girls. The results showed that peer alienation plays a mediating role in the relationship between parental attachment and problematic Facebook use. The mediational models were, however, not invariant for boys and girls. Considering parental attachment, quality of emotional bond directly predicted problematic Facebook use only for boys. These results provide relevant clues for understanding predictors of problematic Facebook use in adolescents and also enlighten psychological intervention, particularly in parental education and school intervention programs.  相似文献   


This study explored the experience of adults who had experienced parental alienation during childhood. Ten alienated adult children participated in 60 to 90-minute semi-structured interviews about their experience of parental alienation. Using Braun and Clarke (2006 Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77101. https://doi.org/10.1191/1478088706qp063oa[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) thematic analysis framework, seven themes were identified. Participants described experiencing abuse perpetrated by the alienating parent. They described experiencing anxiety, depression, low self-worth, guilt, attachment problems, difficulty in other relationships, and reduced or delayed educational and career attainment that they attributed to their experience of parental alienation. These results demonstrated that children’s exposure to parental alienation may have lifelong ramifications for their psychological well-being.  相似文献   

This article describes a self-help model for adolescents with ADHD that draws on the 12-Steps. The model uses a modified form of the 12-Steps that incorporates parents into the process with the goal of inculcating some of the executive functioning that is absent in their adolescent by consistently using some of the 12-Steps as part of their daily routine. The model proposes that parents assume a coaching role with their adolescent to teach increased self-awareness, organization, accountability, and behavioral inhibition that, hopefully, will have a reparative effect on their child's immature neurological functioning.  相似文献   


This paper documents preliminary examination of the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Parental Attitudes and Behaviors Scale (PABS), an OCD-specific measure of parental attitudes, beliefs, and behavioral strategies related to childhood OCD. Employing a sample of 123 youth (mean age = 11.7; 59% male, 79% Caucasian) diagnosed with OCD in an outpatient child anxiety clinic, we used exploratory factor analysis to produce a 3-factor solution representing the following domains of parental responses to childhood OCD: accommodation, empowerment, and hostility/blame. These scales demonstrated adequate internal consistency and concurrent validity, providing preliminary evidence for the psychometric integrity of the PABS.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationship between adolescents' attachment to parents and their feelings of alienation in the school context by considering the mediating role of adjustment and self-esteem. It was proposed that the degree of attachment to one's parents was associated with adjustment and self-esteem, which in turn predicted possible school alienation. A total of 227 students completed self-report measures on parental attachment, adjustment, self-esteem, and alienation from school. Results were consistent with the attachment theory and related literature that posits that (a) secure attachment to parents was associated with adjustment and self-esteem, (b) secure attachment to parents was negatively associated with feelings of school alienation, and (c) adjustment and self-esteem were a crucial mediators between attachment to parents and school alienation. In addition to enhanced adjustment, the self-esteem of adolescents may be an additional factor in reducing alienation at school. The results also supported the mediator role of self-esteem in the relationship between attachment to parents and adjustment. Finally, the relationship between self-esteem and school alienation were shown to be fully mediated by adjustment. The results were discussed in the context of responsibilities of teachers and school counselors, which may provide both students and parents with the skills to improve social functioning in the school context.  相似文献   

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