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We used a systems perspective to examine relationships between adolescents’ perceptions of overall family system functioning and selected parental behaviors. Self-report questionnaire data from 160 ninth and tenth grade students were analyzed using MANCOVA and discriminant analysis. The results showed two parental behaviors, support and monitoring distinguished between types of overall family system functioning. Adolescents in balanced and moderately balanced overall family functioning reported greater parental support, while adolescents in balanced and extreme overall family functioning reported greater parental monitoring. We present the implications of our findings for parent education and assessment.  相似文献   

The author used two translated measures (Self-Report Family Inventory; D. T. L. Shek, 1998); and Family Assessment Device; N. B. Epstein, L. M. Baldwin, & D. S. Bishop, 1983) and a locally developed scale (Chinese Family Assessment Instrument; D. T. L. Shek, in press-a) to assess 3,649 Chinese adolescents' perceptions of how well their families function. He found that boys perceived their families to function worse than did girls and that younger adolescents perceived their families to function better than did older adolescents. Perceived family functioning was negatively related to grade level; students attending schools with higher academic standards perceived their families to function better than did students attending schools with lower academic standards; and students attending government and aided schools had higher levels of family functioning than did students attending private schools. Family types (intact vs. nonintact families) and the duration of parents' stay in Hong Kong were also related to the adolescents' perceptions of family functioning. Findings for the personal, school-related, and family correlates of perceived family functioning were statistically significant and stable across different measures of family functioning, but the practical significance of the findings was not high.  相似文献   


As a result of the passage of Public Law 96-272, home-based family services have proliferated throughout the United States, with family therapy playing a vital role. Voices of therapists providing these services have been absent from literature. Ten therapists participated in this study; each had experience providing home-based and clinic-based family therapy. A qualitative strategy was used to explore therapists' perspectives on factors regarding home-based family preservation services. Four themes emerged from semistructured interviews: the home environment, safety, context preference, and efficiency and effectiveness. Three recommendations are drawn from results and discussed.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that recollections of an individual's parental behaviour towards them is associated with their view of their current family functioning. This hypothesis was tested for using data provided by 213 men and 270 women drawn at age 50 from the Newcastle Thousand Families Study. Relationships between retrospective reports of parental behaviour during childhood and perceptions of current family functioning at age 50 were investigated using a univariate regression analysis in order to explore the relationship between scores on the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) and the McMaster Family Assessment Device (FAD). Where a significant association was observed the relationship between subscale scores was further examined using a multivariate regression analysis including gender and self‐reported psychological well‐being (as measured by the General Health Questionnaire‐ GHQ) as covariates. Several statistically significant associations between PBI and FAD subscale scores were observed. Four of these remained statistically significant once gender and self‐reported psychological well‐being were adjusted for. In this population sample, aspects of recalled parental behaviour were associated with the health of current family functioning in several domains as reported by the FAD. These associations appear to be partly mediated by current psychological well‐being.  相似文献   

This paper explores therapists'perceptions of their assessment and treatment of new immigrant families from two very distinct populations: the former Soviet Union and Ethiopia. Some 145 professionals, approximately 70 per cent of those who treat new immigrants in the northern part of Israel, were questioned about various aspects of their assessment and treatment process. The differences between therapists and client families regarding the client's similarity to or difference from the majority culture are discussed. Of particular concern is whether therapists favour personal rather than contextual formulations of client problems. The results indicate that the wider the gap between the cultural background of the therapist and the immigrant families, the more sensitive and contextual the therapist's assessment and intervention choices.  相似文献   

This study examined the usefulness of the Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Functioning for discriminating between families of healthy adolescents and families of adolescents with functional somatic complaints. The findings did not support the expected curvilinear relationship between symptomatology and the FACES II family dimensions of cohesion and adaptability. Questions are raised regarding the degree of correspondence between the constructs of enmeshment and rigidity as assessed clinically and as measured by the Circumplex Model.  相似文献   

Clinical and counseling literature indicates that practicing psychologists often observe different mental health standards for women and men. Most of this research has examined mental health in terms of personality attributes, and as such there is a noticeable lack of research concerned with mentally healthybeliefs. The present research was concerned with the investigation of a possible gender bias in therapists' mental health standards, defined in terms of personal beliefs. For this purpose, the Irrational Beliefs Test (IBT; Jones, 1969) was completed three different times by a group of licensed psychologists in private practice, measuring their beliefs of how (1) a mentally healthy sex-unspecified adult, (2) a mentally healthy male adult, and (3) a mentally healthy female adult would respond to the IBT. The results indicated that both women and men therapists associated unique beliefs with women's and men's mental health.The late Dr. Frank B. Lambert studied the philosophical foundations of psychotherapy theory and was concerned about value issues in the practice of psychotherapy. He was pursuing his Ph.D. in counseling psychology at the time of his untimely death.Portions of these data were presented at the 1985 annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, California. Graditude is extended to Lucia Gilbert and Mark R. Leary for their helpful comments on an earlier version of this article.  相似文献   

This research examined how family roles, gender of family leadership, beliefs about the consequences of maternal employment, and family history of parental division of responsibility related to young adults' perceptions of family and individual family member functioning. One hundred seven (107), predominantly Anglo American undergraduate students completing courses in educational psychology at a large midwestern university rated two videotaped family interviews. One interview demonstrated a matriarchal style of family interaction and the second demonstrated a patriarchal style. It was found in perceptions of family functioning that a personal family history characterized by elevated paternal involvement in family tasks and child care in combination with traditional gender-related attitudes was associated with views favoring male family leadership. In ratings of individual family member functioning, it was found that individuals whose family history was characterized by elevated paternal involvement and whose gender attitudes were more traditional held more favorable views of the matriarchal mother than the mother in the patriarchal interview in comparison to adults whose fathers were less involved and whose attitudes were less traditional regarding gender roles. It was also found that individuals whose family history was characterized by elevated paternal involvement and whose gender attitudes were more traditional held more favorable views of the father in the patriarchal interview than the matriarchal father in comparison to adults whose fathers were less involved and whose attitudes were less traditional regarding gender roles. These findings suggest that adults may be vulnerable to biased views of families and individuals within family settings related to gender roles, personal history, and attitudes.  相似文献   

The Family Assessment Device (FAD) was used to compare patterns of family functioning in two cultural settings, North America and Hungary. The sample size consisted of 95 nonclinical North American families and 58 nonclinical Hungarian families. No cross-cultural differences were found in the families' general functioning nor in their affective involvement or affective responsiveness as measured by the FAD. Hungarian families, however, perceived their functioning as significantly better than the North American families in problem-solving and in communication. North American families rated themselves significantly better than the Hungarians in setting family rules and boundaries and in meeting their family responsibilities. Results from this study suggest that cultural values can affect a family's functioning and that differences in areas of family functioning can be captured using the FAD. A discussion of broad societal values of the two cultures was used to interpret the contrasting patterns of family functioning.Cross-cultural studies serve many purposes. In general they provide knowledge about the different cultures under investigation. As such, they broaden and enrich our perspectives of ourselves and the world around us. More specifically they highlight similarities and differences across cultures, information that can be helpful in further refining our understanding of the impact of diverse and varying socio-political forces.A topic of particular interest to family therapists and researchers is family functioning in different cultural settings. In spite of continuing research in this area, few studies examine cross-cultural patterns of family interactions and even fewer do so with instruments specifically designed to assess family functioning.From a family perspective, particularly looking at pathology in family functioning, cross-cultural comparisons can be used to highlight areas of dysfunction common to families irrespective of the cultural context. From a cross-cultural perspective, family comparisons can be used to point out the cultural effects and emphases given to different dimensions of functioning within a common system (i.e., the family unit).Both conceptual and methodological problems have contributed to shortcomings in previous cross-cultural studies (Fabrega, 1974; Kleinman, 1987; Flaherty et al., 1988; Rogler, 1989). A basic criticism of such studies has been the assumption that meanings and values in one culture are equivalent to those in another.Another issue, which is particularly pertinent to our study, is the use of an instrument which is developed in one culture and administered in another cultural setting. A potential problem this raises is inferring cultural differences between groups when the translated and the original instruments are not actually comparable in meaning. In fact, one objective of the study was to see whether our own self-report measure of family functioning, the Family Assessment Device (FAD, Epstein et al., 1978, 1983), could be successfully used in another cultural setting.The following report is part of a larger research project, conducted in 1986–87, that compared depressed and nonclinical families across two cultures. The findings presented here are comparisons between nonclinical Hungarian and nonclinical North American families. In our earlier study differences in family interactions between clinically depressed and nonclinical families were evident in both cultural settings (Keitner et al., in press). It was not clear, however, if significant cross-cultural differences in family functioning would be found for the normal group of families and, if so, how these would differ from their ill counterparts. Inclusion of the normal families thus served two purposes, as controls in the larger study to test within cultural differences and as comparison groups in a separate analysis to test between cultural differences.A specific objective of this study was to contrast patterns of perceived family functioning in nonclinical Hungarian families and North American families. Another objective was to determine if the Family Assessment Device (FAD), a self-report measure of family functioning, could be successfully used in different cultural contexts. Hungary was chosen as an appropriate country of study for several reasons. It is at the crossroads of East and West, sharing enough similarities with western culture to validate comparisons, yet different enough in both its cultural and sociopolitical system that some differences could be expected to emerge. Because it is likely that the Hungarian social system is less familiar to readers than that of North American, the results are discussed with particular reference to Hungary.We would like to thank Drs. J. Furedi and T. Kurimay for help in translating the Family Assessment Device and Professors J. Szilard and Muszong-Kovacs for their support of this study. This work was supported in part by the Firan Foundation.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study evaluated the relationship between family functioning and family racial socialization processes in a clinical sample of African American youth referred for drug abuse treatment. Participants were 77 African American adolescents and their parents. Results showed that participants assigned to structural ecosystems therapy experienced a greater increase in family racial socialization processes during treatment than participants assigned to the treatment as usual in community settings condition. Participants in structural ecosystems therapy also demonstrated a greater increase in family functioning than participants in community settings condition, and this improvement in family functioning mediated the relationship between treatment condition and family racial socialization processes. Research and clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study tested Bowen theorys assumption that stressors in the interdependent multigenerational family influence variation in nuclear family functioning. Forty-nine newly developing nuclear families and their multigenerational families were studied over five years. Quantitative analysis demonstrated an association between the perceived impact of multigenerational stressors and variation in nuclear family functioning. Multigenerational stressors, as compared to individual or nuclear family stressors, had a stronger association with nuclear family functioning. The stress response was manifested in symptomatic outcomes of the nuclear family emotional process. Generally, the number of stressors and the total impact of stressors increased over time, stressors in some years associated with functioning in subsequent years, nuclear family-of-origin stressors demonstrated a decreasing association over time, and developing nuclear family stressors demonstrated a somewhat increasing association over time.  相似文献   

The Georgia family Q-sort: an observational measure of family functioning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of a new observational measure of family functioning using a Q-sort methodology is described. The Q-sort is one way of obtaining observer measures of family that complements both microcoding and global ratings of family processes. Evidence for construct validity is presented along with a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the Q-sort approach to family observation.  相似文献   


Three categories of instruments or methods have been used to assess family functioning: unstandardized measures of total family functioning; instruments which measure family subsystems or unitary processes; and standardized total family assessment procedures. Six methods, comprising the standardized total family functioning category, are reviewed and compared. It is concluded that methods of total family assessment are nearing the formation of a family systems paradigm, although the psychometric qualities of the instruments lag behind theoretical development. Recommendations are made for further development of procedures to assess family systems.  相似文献   

This study examined the extent to which adolescents' perceptions of their family environments were associated with suicidal behavior. Fifteen suicidal adolescents, 14 psychiatric controls, and 14 normal controls rated their families on cohesiveness, adaptability, parent-adolescent communication, parental caring, and parental over-protectiveness. Suicidal adolescents rated their families as the least cohesive and most rigid of the 3 groups, suggesting that adolescent suicidal behavior may occur when isolation is experienced within an inflexible family system. Suicidal and psychiatric control adolescents rated their families as similarly dysfunctional along the remaining variables, and as more dysfunctional than families of normal control adolescents. The implications of these findings are discussed, and it is suggested that several characteristics commonly attributed to families of suicidal adolescents may actually be general risk factors for adolescent psychopathology, rather than for suicidal behavior specifically.  相似文献   

A factor analysis of self-report measures of family functioning   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
B L Bloom 《Family process》1985,24(2):225-239

The purpose of this study was to identify parent and family characteristics related to juvenile firesetting and antisocial behavior among severely disturbed children. Hospitalized children (ages 6–12) identified as firesetters (n=27) and nonfiresetters (n=27) were compared in terms of parental psychopathology, dyadic adjustment, and family environment. To separate the impact of conduct disorder in contributing to group differences, diagnosis and firesetting status were separated in the data analyses. The results indicated that parents of firesetters showed significantly greater dysfunction in terms of psychiatric symptoms, and higher levels of depression, and reported lower levels of affectional expresssion, consensus, and overall adjustment in their dyadic relationships. The findings suggest that among a clinical sample, specific parent and marital characteristics delineate firesetters. The contribution of parental and marital influences to antisocial behavior more generally and the need to focus specifically on firesetting in relation to these variables are discussed.Completion of this research was supported by grants (MH39976, MH35408) and by a Research Scientist Development Award (MH00353) from the National Institute of Mental Health. The authors appreciate the assistance of Debra Colbus and Antoinette Rodgers and the clinical research team of the Child Psychiatric Treatment Service.  相似文献   

Harvey M  Byrd M 《Adolescence》2000,35(138):345-356
This study examined the relationship between university students' perceptions of their familial attachment and the manner in which their families cope with life's difficulties. It was hypothesized that individuals with high levels of secure attachment would perceive their families as using more active coping strategies (e.g., mobilizing the family to deal with a problem and making efforts to acquire social support). The results supported this hypothesis. Further, individuals with high levels of anxious/ambivalent attachment perceived their families as using a passive appraisal coping strategy, possibly because of a desire to avoid confrontation for fear of disturbing family accord. The findings are discussed in terms of individuals' dispositional coping styles formed as a function of type of familial attachment, as well as situational factors that might serve to mitigate the use of their basic coping strategies.  相似文献   

In this cross-sectional study, the authors attempted to identify correlates of family functioning in 86 couples with a depressed member during the acute phase of the patient's depression. Demographic variables, psychiatric status, and personality traits of both the patient and spouse were investigated as potential predictors of family functioning. Regression analyses indicated that lower levels of personality pathology in the patient, higher levels of patient conscientiousness, and less psychological distress in the spouse were associated with healthier family functioning. Future research implications and clinical importance of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The adjustment and family functioning of grandmothers who were rearing one or more of their grandchildren were examined in two studies. One study used the Dyadic Adjustment Scale and the Family Assessment Device. There were no differences between guardian and non-guardian grandmothers on the seven FAD scales, but guardians were higher on the DAS Dyadic Cohesion and lower on Dyadic Consensus. The second study used a 4-hour individual, structured interview to identify personal adjustment difficulties and coping strategies resulting from having to rear a grandchild. Results indicate that guardian grandparent families frequently may provide therapeutic challenges and that they have the potential to provide unique insights into transgenerational family processes.Study one is based on the first author's master's thesis submitted to the Graduate School of Texas Woman's University in December, 1986. The second study was supported by a grant to the second author from the Office of Research and Grants, Texas Woman's University. The authors express their gratitude to Dr. Jack Sibley for coining the terms puervinism and puervitic.  相似文献   

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