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This research compared trends from 1981 to 1993 in several mental health professional training programs at the University of Houston Clear Lake, surveying graduates from three professional mental health master's programs—clinical psychology, school psychology, and family therapy—with the goal of identifying trends in the status of their professional credentialing and current employment. Four mental health groups have attained licensure since a 1981 survey, resulting in graduates now seeking professional licenses and perform psychotherapy more exclusively than other mental health activities. Interdisciplinary training has become increasingly important due to the introduction of managed care and other insurance regulating entities.  相似文献   

Randomized clinical trial (RCT) research has come to dominate the research landscape of marriage and family therapy (MFT). Despite becoming the ‘gold standard’ for evaluating clinical research and clinical practices, there is a growing debate regarding the reliance on RCTs as the primary basis for evaluating clinical intervention in MFT. Given the natural diversity of clients, settings and clinical problems faced by practitioners and the relational and recursive interactional process of MFT, one of the major challenges for the field of MFT will be to come to grips with the research–practice gap by moving beyond a single methodological standard through adopting a ‘levels of evidence’ approach as a framework that promotes diverse research methods, different methodological criteria (depending on the method), and evaluation based on the accumulated type of evidence needed to answer a specific policy, clinical practice choice, or within a model clinical decision.  相似文献   

This paper is intended to serve as a stimulus to the thinking of students regarding ways in which they might better organize their symbolic training experiences. It illustrates how one supervisee derived a conceptual framework from the literature that made it easier to track process events and organize her training experiences. The authors believe it is important to discover ways to facilitate the learning process without operationalizing the approach.director of training and research and professor of family therapy in the same department.  相似文献   


When a child is the identified patient, people often expect individual sessions to be a part of treatment. Yet, family therapists routinely violate this expectation by working with children solely in the context of the family. This article discusses how the therapeutic process can be facilitated by conducting at least a small number of individual sessions with children. Such behavior by the therapist communicates to children, parents, and involved referral sources a respect for their opinions and lays the groundwork for cooperation. The advantages and disadvantages of such an approach are discussed.  相似文献   

This report is intended to inform the reader—as fully as is compatible with examination security—about the Examination in Marital and Family Therapy used by most of the states licensing marital and family therapists in the United States. The rationale for the examination is given, its development and validation are described, and the knowledge base that it samples is provided. The examination is presented as a necessary and logical component in the development of marital and family therapy and as an essential part of the implicit contract that exists between professionals and the community.Although a great many people labored on the Examination in Marital and Family Therapy, and continue to do so, the National Exam largely was founded and developed under the leadership of Carl F. Johnson of Atlanta, Georgia.  相似文献   

Nelson TS  Smock SA 《Family process》2005,44(3):355-362
Marriage and family therapy (MFT) and marriage and family therapy education (MFTE) have undergone many changes during the short history of MFT. This article describes the current trends and controversies in MFTE, including shifts toward outcome-based education (OBE). We present recommendations for MFTE, including the move toward OBE, the development of core competencies of MFT, attention to interdisciplinary issues, and recognition of the need for both foundational education and encouragement of trainees' unique styles and approaches.  相似文献   

The emphasis in family therapy literature on brief therapy has given a false sense of what family therapy can accomplish. While it has helped to develop different theories of change and refine techniques to deal with resistance, it has caused many clinicians to mistake technique for treatment. A long term developmental approach is advocated in which the family therapist is the general practitioner rather than the specialist. This paper is the result of a 30-year caseload in which there was a group of multi-therapy families.  相似文献   


Gestalt psychotherapy is presented as a synthesis of a number of psychological traditions. Two particular techniques are described in detail: the empty chair technique which is a strategy that focuses on the parents' internalized object relations which are played out between themselves and with their children; and the Gestalt experiment which is a strategy that focuses on the contact boundaries between family members.  相似文献   

The paucity of literature addressing mental health issues concerning geriatric populations represents the perpetuation of ageist practices and beliefs in the field of marriage and family therapy. The purpose of this study was to assess whether client age and clinical training relate to the evaluation of couples who present for conjoint therapy. Written vignettes describing two couples, one older and one younger, who report issues involving the absence of sexual intimacy, increased frequency of arguments, and increased use of alcohol were evaluated by practicing marriage and family therapists, therapists-in-training, and individuals with no clinical background. It was hypothesized that respondents' views would vary in connection with the age of the couple and with the three levels of participant training. Results indicate that client age and participant training are associated with perceptions of individual and couple functioning. Our findings suggest that the relational and mental health concerns experienced by elder couples are not perceived as seriously as are identical concerns experienced by younger couples. Contrary to our expectations the observed differences between views of the two age conditions did not significantly differ between levels of participant training. Training and experience in marriage and family therapy may not significantly mitigate vulnerability to age-discrepant views.  相似文献   

The marriage and family therapy (MFT) field has made tremendous progress in acknowledging the importance of multicultural training. Nevertheless, multiculturally committed MFT trainers still struggle with issues of multicultural course design and delivery. In a subject so controversial and which requires a great deal of experience and skills to teach, little has been done in terms of sharing different multicultural course designs and working towards their implementation in MFT programmes. This paper presents a prototype curriculum of an introductory course in multiculturism in counselling for marriage and family therapy students with the overall goal of making trainees more multiculturally aware. It includes a few examples of strategies designed to aid the continuing infusion of multiculturalism into MFT programmes.  相似文献   


Family psychology differs from family therapy on a variety of dimensions. Philosophically, family psychology emphasizes the relationship of the individual to the family rather than considering the family as a system, deemphasizing the individual, as in systems family therapy. In addition, family psychology is interested in the whole spectrum of functionality-dysfunctionality, while family therapy is interested mainly in dysfunctional families. Substantively, in terms of differences in training, family psychology stresses the importance of theory testing, evaluation of process and outcome of interventions, and prevention with functional or at-risk families. An academic curriculum in family psychology, which has been operational at Georgia State University for the last 10 years, is presented. Clinical training follows a gradual approach, starting with relatively simple Structured Enrichment, progressing to more complex training in Covenant Contracting and Systematic Homework Assignments, and finally family therapy.  相似文献   


Incongruency in role expectations produces strain in the marriage. But this doer not mean that spouses seeking marriage counseling experience more role incongruency than others. By studying 104 couples divided into experimental and control groups, it was found that there was no more. role expectation incongruency in the couples seeking marriage counseling than in those not seeking counseling. It might be that the major difference lies in how couples of both groups handle whatever incongruency may exist. What occurs between spouses can be easily applied to role incongruency among all members of the family.  相似文献   

马丁·路德的婚姻家庭观探略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文主要从马丁·路德本人的婚姻与家庭生活、路德的婚姻观、路德对离婚的态度与观点、路德的家长制传统观点等四个方面对路德的婚姻家庭观进行了介绍与评析,并指出路德的婚姻家庭观不仅在当时、而且在今天都同样具有积极意义.  相似文献   

Premarital counseling and marriage enrichment are viewed as two areas of a life continuum prevention program. Premarital counseling is seen as the first step in preparation for marriage, to be followed six months to a year after marriage by a neomarital counseling experience. Content and process for the counseling are elaborated. Marriage enrichment groups are recommended at various points during the life of a marriage. Three models for enrichment are presented. Prevention programs are viewed as vital experiences for personal and relationship maintenance and growth.He is also a member of the faculty of Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, Waterloo, Ontario.  相似文献   

This article reports on results of a mail questionnaire study conducted among 257 members of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (132 respondents, response rate of 51%) on their attitudes toward alcoholism issues (acceptance of alcoholism as a disease, treatment philosophies used with clients and/or families, and acceptance and use of Alcoholics Anonymous as a resource). Results indicated that 69% of respondents (as compared with 42% formerly) considered alcoholism a disease after MFT education. A combination of individual, family therapy, and AA (81.1%); family therapy (66.7%); and AA only (60.6%) were most often used. Controlled use of alcohol by clients in treatment was believed to be unethical by 43.2%, legal by 39.4% and ineffective by 54.5%.  相似文献   

An integrated model of a behavioural and systems approach to family therapy is presented, the main premise being that family interactions are affected by reciprocal determination of cognitions, feelings and behaviours in relation to the environment. Assessment involves a systematic exploration of the interaction and transactional patterns within the family, and the identification of the dysfunctional aspects of such patterns. The main aim of the intervention is to produce change in family behaviour by addressing the important cognitive and affective issues. This entails techniques such as cognitive restructuring, social modelling and operant conditioning which can be used separately, in parallel, or in combination. Whether one or more of these techniques is used depends on the nature of the family's problems and the aims of treatment.  相似文献   

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