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The conference on Innovations in Family Life Styles presented in March of this year by the Long Island Chapter of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy highlights the importance of a sociological and nonpathological perspective toward the family which is of critical importance for therapists. Only with such a perspective can one reasonably approach the tasks of marriage and family therapy, and the new awareness which is then possible for both therapists and families often leads to unexpected growth in unpredictable directions.

Dr. George Meyer, who chaired the conference, and who is Associate Professor of Psychology at Suffolk County Community College provides us with a rich review of the keynote address by Dr. Graham Spanier, and with cogent summaries of the other three presentations on the program.

I.A.  相似文献   


In this issue we are able to present reports from two very different meetings which, nevertheless, have particular significance for the developing field of family therapy, particularly as it relates to theory and practice. The first is a report by Professors Jeanne L. Thomas and Cecil J. Simons of West Virginia University on the eighth biennial conference on Life-Span Developmental Psychology, held in May 1982, in Mor-gantown, West Virginia. This conference was one of a series sponsored by West Virginia University since 1970 dealing with theoretical and empirical issues in the study of life-span human development. This particular conference highlighted two themes involving the impact of specific historical context on family development as well as the influence of the family on the individual's own experience of these historical events. This kind of broad and in-depth exploration of the multiple factors involved in the historical as well as the personal context of an individual's development promises to provide exciting new opportunities for clinicians and teachers in our field.

The second report from James E. Durkin, Ph.D., of Lincoln University deals with a recent conference on Epistemology, Psychotherapy, and Psychopathology in Houston, September 1982, sponsored by the Houston Galveston Family Institute. Outstanding theoreticans and clinicans in the field of family therapy and systems theory were present, and their exciting discussions have been put into an interesting framework by Dr. Durkin, who has his own way of integrating these issues based on his long work in the application of general systems theory to the field of group psychotherapy. —I. A.  相似文献   


This article is an edited version of four interviews conducted with Dr. Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy in the Spring of 1980. The interviews ranged in content from Dr. Nagy's early training and influences to the theoretical and clinical foundations of contextual family therapy. This article focuses on the major constructs of contextual family therapy. Since this approach is often viewed as highly theoretical and conceptual in nature, it may be helpful to the practitioner to see how Dr. Nagy uses these constructs in a clinical situation. As a practitioner, I have found his theory extremely useful in conceptualizing the family system, and also in developing a treatment strategy. Hopefully, the questions asked of Dr. Nagy in these interviews will be of interest to other family therapists who are concerned with the clinical aspects of family therapy theories.  相似文献   


Telephone cotherapy via three-way conference call of symbolic-experien-Hal family therapy is presented in a way that captures the spirit of a great pioneer, Carl Whitaker, M.D. The problems of the family, the process of therapy, and the beginning and ending are presented in a manner intended to bring the reader inside the experience. There are particular focuses on the use of family political power by both family therapists and an anguished family member in mobilizing the family for therapy. Impact is demonstrated in helping a family who felt hopeless become hopeful. The family attained a family spirit.  相似文献   


For many years the literature in the field of family therapy was silent as to the religious and spiritual aspects of clients' lives. During the past five years, however, many voices have come forth calling attention to the importance of bringing spirituality and religion into our conversations with clients. The result of these new voices has been a significant increase in attention to spirituality in journal articles, books, and presentations at national conferences. While there appears to be a strong movement in favor of bringing spirituality and religion into the therapy room, there have been no published studies in marriage and family therapy journals that explore marriage and family therapists' beliefs about the appropriateness of addressing spiritual issues in therapy. The purpose of this study was to fill this gap in the literature by examining the beliefs of a random sample of clinical members of AAMFT in respect to this issue.  相似文献   


This paper was given at a conference to celebrate Dr. John Bowlby's 80th birthday. The conference was organised by the External Organising Committee of the Association of Child Psychotherapists and was held at the London Zoological Society on 28th February 1987. The theme of the conference was ‘Clinical Applications of Attachment Theory’. In the paper I outline Dr. Bowlby's theory of mourning with particular reference to the processes of the second phase described by him as ‘yearning and searching’. A clinical account of once weekly psychotherapy with an adult patient is given in order to illustrate work on disordered mourning in which the patient had remained imprisoned in a suspended state of searching for her lost parent. Some resolution of this state is described together with the ensuing feelings of anger, sadness and depression as loss is comprehended.  相似文献   

Media reviews     

Dr. Maurizio Andolfi is Director of the Family Institute in Rome, Italy. He was trained in family therapy in the United States and now frequently returns to give seminars and demonstrations of his particularly gifted systems approach in the treatment of families, and in supervision of family therapists. Dr. Joel Bergman, a member of the senior faculty at the Ackerman Family Institute, reviews two of Andolfi's videotapes dealing with the supervisory process, and illustrated by actual clinical material.

The mirroring and reduplication of patterns often occurs when systems interface. Family dynamics repeat themselves across generations, and therapists and therapeutic teams easily become enmeshed in the powerful intricacies of family systems. The work of Andolfi highlights the importance of using the therapist's self-experience to illuminate and effect change in the family interactions, and the awareness of the contextual complexities of the supervisory process provides further possibilities for more enlightened intervention.—I. A.  相似文献   


A round-table discussion of the Rorschach test was held at Albany, New York, on May 8, 1937, in connection with the eighth annual meeting of the Association of Consulting Psychologists. There were 32 persons present at this conference with Dr. Bruno Klopfer, of Teachers College, Columbia University, presiding. Dr. Klopfer opened the discussion with a brief survey of the development of the Rorschach method. He presented figures to show the growth of the Rorschach Research Exchange which started with 14 subscribers in the Summer of 1936 and has now reached a total of more than one hundred subscribers in the United States and Europe. He then introduced the various speakers.  相似文献   

Media reviews     

Dr. H. James Lurie, reviewer of the videotape “Sybil's Plight” is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington School of Medicine, in Seattle. His expertise in the development of training and educational audio-visual materials, as well as his long teaching experience with both primary care physicians and family therapists, makes his assessment especially valuable. The importance of family concepts in the treatment and management of patients and families who must cope with chronically disabling medical illnesses has reached a new level of concern, and has resulted in renewed interest in the fields of consultation-liaison and family medicine.


Sibyl's Plight, black and white videotape, Library, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, 3811 O'Hara Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213.  相似文献   


The client-centered movement has made significant contributions to our understanding of psychotherapy. Recently, with the increased interest in family therapy, a number of family interventions have been developed by workers operating from a client-centered perspective. This trend was noted as one receiving increasing emphasis in a recent review of new directions in the marital and family intervention field (Olson, 1976).  相似文献   


Two important continuing education conferences are highlighted in this section. The first was held in New York in November, and was organized and is being reported by Anita Menfi, Director of the Family Studies Section, Bronx Psychiatric Center, New York. Since 1964 this center has trained therapists, supervisors and administrators who function within the mental health system, with a focus on a systems approach towards patients, their families, the service agencies that assist them, and the community in which they live. The conference keynote speaker, noted anthropologist Ray Birdwhistell headed a faculty of experienced family therapists who led multiple workshops on the theme, The Clinical Challenge of Working with Families in Today's Community.

The second conference held in December in Phoenix, Arizona was organized by Jeffrey Zeig, a Director of the Milton H. Erickson Foundation, and is reported by Miriam Cohen, a resident psychiatrist at Good Samaritan Hospital, who participated in the conference. Keynote speakers Jay Haley and Carl Whitaker led a large faculty presenting over 50 papers in a tribute to the life and work of Milton H. Erickson. Of special interest to our readers is the application of Erickson's ideas to family treatment. Haley has written widely on this, and Leveton and Lustig among others presented their understanding and application of Ericksonian principles.  相似文献   


For several decades family theorists, researchers, and clinicians have attempted to describe healthy and dysfunctional family functioning. The numerous articles and studies with this focus have been reviewed elsewhere (Riskin & Faunce, 1972; Jacob, 1975). Until recently a disproportionate amount of attention has been given to pathology. Several volumes in the past few years have tried to redress this bias by focusing primarily on healthy family functioning (Kantor & Lehr, 1976; Lewis, Beavers, Gossett & Phillips, 1976).  相似文献   


Background: Previous research has suggested that gender diversity affects everyone in the family, with positive mental health and global outcomes for gender diverse youth reliant on receiving adequate family support and validation. Although the individual mental health, treatment and outcomes for gender diverse youth have received recent research attention, much less is known about a family perspective. Hence, a review of the literature exploring youth gender diversity from a family perspective is warranted.

Aims: To systematically identify, appraise and summarize all published literature primarily exploring gender diversity in young people under the age of 18?years, as well as selected literature pertaining to a family understanding.

Methods: Six electronic databases (CINAHL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, SCOPUS, Web of Science) were searched for relevant literature pertaining to youth under the age of 18?years.

Results: Research evidence was consistently found to support the beneficial effects of a supportive family system for youth experiencing gender diversity, and a systemic understanding and approach for professionals. Conversely, lack of family support was found to lead to poorer mental health and adverse life outcomes. Few articles explored the experience of siblings under the age of 18?years.

Discussion: This literature review is the first to critically evaluate and summarize all published studies which adopted a family understanding of youth gender diversity. The review highlighted a lack of current research and the need for further targeted research, which utilizes a systemic clinical approach to guide support for gender diverse youth and family members.  相似文献   


This article synthesizes social construction theory and the Satir approach to family therapy in terms of therapy as a process of cocreation of reality, the use of language and narrative, and the therapist's role as a participant-facilitator. Social constructionism has a tremendous impact on the present ideological shift in family therapy. The Satir model is a powerful approach to family therapy and has had a wide influence on generations of therapists. Although existing literature has well documented the influence of social construction theory on the postmodern school of thinking in family therapy, there is no literature exploring the compatibility of the Satir model with social construction theory. This research presents a theory-building process of the Satir approach to family therapy.  相似文献   


Background: Transgender children/youth demonstrate the best possibility for resilience and positive mental health when they are part of an affirming and supportive family. To optimize families in supporting transgender children/youth, parents/caregivers need to be supported. Transgender children/youth and their families regularly navigate a myriad of challenges through society.

Aims: Within the extant literature on transgender children and youth, relatively little attention is focused on the experiences of parents/caregivers and how their close family relationships are affected. The present qualitative study addresses this gap in knowledge through its exploration of the experiences, identities, and views of parents/caregivers of transgender children/youth.

Method: The study is longitudinal and this article represents the first wave. Fourteen parents of 12 transgender children/youth, aged 6–17, participated in in-depth semistructured interviews. Participants were recruited via social media and at an on-site conference for transgender youth and their families. All children/youth had socially transitioned. Those who were eligible for puberty suppression and/or hormone therapy were receiving those. The interviews were inductively coded for themes by two coders using the constant comparative method.

Results: Participants' reports on their experiences yielded three themes: (1) transgender issues as the family's focus; (2) proactivity, child-focused: preemptive actions to prevent adverse consequences; and (3) self-care. These themes included subthemes on effective coping strategies to mitigate struggles. Three themes related to participants' identity and views emerged: (1) identity reformation, (2) self-evaluation, and (3) views of future. These themes included subthemes that reflected how participants viewed themselves, their child, and the future.

Discussion: A transgender identity in one family member affects all household members. Parents/guardians may experience guilt and self-doubt over decisions. Factors that may improve outcomes with extended family and schools include families' preemptive dissemination of information on transgender identities and explicating expectations of respect and nonintrusion. Ingrained traditions may force life-altering decisions.  相似文献   


The role of sibling dynamics in group psychotherapy has received relatively little attention in the literature. Our clinical experience suggests that sibling issues regularly arise in the practice of group psychotherapy. This article provides an integrative view of sibling relationships from a family systems and self psychology orientation to group therapy. Special emphasis is placed on developmental and cultural differences as they affect sibling dynamics and the group leader’s role. A number of case examples are offered to illustrate ways to view clinical challenges in a manner consistent with the influence of sibling relationships on group members and group process.  相似文献   


This article will focus on the life of the late Dr. E. Kitch Childs and her impact on Feminist Therapy. It seeks to celebrate and pay homage to her as one of the pioneers who helped pave the way for women in therapy. Dr. Childs was an African American lesbian woman who stood in the gap for social justice with her intellect, tenacity, and bravery and took the lead as a radical visionary.  相似文献   

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