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This article summarizes research that challenges conventional wisdom about the early roots of marital distress and divorce. We abstract results from a 13-year study that focused on the extent to which long-term marital satisfaction and stability could be forecast from newlywed and early marital data. We explore the usefulness of three models emergent distress, enduring dynamics, and disillusionment designed to explain why some marriages thrive and others fail. The dominant paradigm, the emergent-distress model, sees newlyweds as homogeneously blissful and posits that distress develops as disagreements and negativity escalate, ultimately leading some couples to divorce. The results we summarize run counter to this model and suggest instead that (a) newlyweds differ considerably in the intensity of both their romance and the negativity of their behavior toward one another and, for those who remain married, these early dynamics persist over time; and (b) for couples who divorce, romance seems to deteriorate differently depending on how long the marriage lasts. Soon after their wedding, "early exiters" seem to lose hope of improving an unpromising relationship; "delayed-action divorcers" begin marriage on a particularly high note, yet quickly show signs of disillusionment. These delayed-action divorcers reluctantly give up on the marriage long after the romance has faded.  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify Marital Status Inventory (MSI) scores that could be used as cutoff points for degrees of marital distress. Cutoff scores are useful in clinical work as a way to estimate degrees of marital distress, differentiate couples for treatments, and to provide uniformity across studies. Subjects consisted of 474 couples requesting marital therapy at a university-based clinic. Based on their individual Marital Adjustment Test (MAT) scores, participants were placed in severely distressed, moderately distressed, and non-distressed groups. Using a discriminant analysis, MSI scores of 4 for husbands and 5 for wives were found to be useful cutoff points for severe distress.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the longitudinal relations among maternal emotional distress, marital conflict, and early adolescent externalizing behaviors and internalizing symptoms during the transition to adolescence. 3 years of self-report data were collected from 136 married mothers and their children, beginning when the children were in 5th grade. Structural equations modeling with latent variables were conducted to examine the nature and directionality of paths between constructs. For mothers, results indicated that marital conflict mediated the relation between prior maternal emotional distress and subsequent early adolescent externalizing behaviors and internalizing symptoms. For early adolescents, a mediating pattern was seen only for externalizing behaviors. In testing the reverse pattern of effects for mothers, marital conflict mediated the relation between prior early adolescent externalizing behaviors and subsequent maternal emotional distress whereas only an indirect pattern of effects existed for internalizing symptoms. Thus, we identified dynamic patterns of familial relations that accounted for the diminished well-being of both early adolescents and their mothers, suggesting that prevention and intervention work during the transition to adolescence should focus on multiple components of family functioning.  相似文献   

Test-retest stability of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) was investigated over a 512-month interval for 42 Mexican-American preschool/kindergarten children. The results indicated that the stability coefficients for K-ABC Global scales and subtests were generally of adequate magnitudes (e.g., .70s and .80s), providing some evidence that the K-ABC is a relatively stable instrument for the sample. The results are discussed in the context of a test-retest study reported in the K-ABC Manual. Global scale stability coefficients were found to range from .76 to .90, and for the subtests the coefficients ranged from .26 to .89. The patterns of gain scores were very similar to the patterns reported in the stability investigation in the K-ABC Manual.  相似文献   

This study examined psychometric characteristics of the Spanish translation of the Marital Satisfaction Inventory-Revised (MSI-R) in a community sample of 205 couples from Spain. Overall, analyses of the scales' internal consistency compared favorably with findings for both the English and Spanish versions of this instrument with U.S. samples. Confirmatory factor analyses revealed similar scale factor structures across the original measure and Spanish translation, lending further support to using the MSI-R with couples from diverse cultural backgrounds whose sole or preferred language is Spanish. Mean profile comparisons between the current Spanish sample and the original standardization sample revealed significant differences on several scales. Implications of findings for clinical applications and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Marital conflict is associated with multiple negative outcomes for couples, including marital dissatisfaction and divorce. Little research, however, has examined conflict in Hispanic/Latino couples or its association with marital satisfaction, which creates an unfortunate knowledge gap for clinicians working with diverse client groups. The present study sought to examine both marital conflict and satisfaction using a sample of 231 European American (EA;= 108) and Hispanic/Latino (H/L; = 123) couples. Through observational coding, couples were placed into four groups based on their type of conflict management strategies: Harmonious, Withdrawn, Conflictual-Expressive, or Conflictual-Hostile. For both ethnic groups, couples in the Harmonious group were nondistressed and couples in the Conflictual-Hostile group were in the distressed range of marital satisfaction. Cross-ethnic differences emerged. EA couples experienced distress when both hostile (Conflictual-Hostile) and nonhostile conflict (Conflictual-Expressive) communication types were observed, while only hostile conflict was associated with distress for the H/L group. H/L couples reported similar levels of satisfaction in both the Harmonious and Conflictual-Expressive groups. H/L couples also fell within the distressed range when withdrawn communication patterns were observed; however, this was not the case for EA couples. These differences suggest that both types of conflict are associated with marital distress for EA couples, whereas hostile conflict and withdrawn behavior appear to be more negatively associated with marital satisfaction in H/L couples. Results provide support for the use of an observational coding system with H/L and EA couples and also suggest the importance of understanding how differences in expressions of conflict across ethnicities may relate to marital satisfaction.  相似文献   

The effect of intracouple coping concordance on psychological and marital distress was examined in a sample of 46 couples undergoing different stages of infertility treatment. Results indicate that the effect of coping similarity within couples is dependent on both the type of coping examined and the stage of the stressor. Specifically, for women the use of high levels of task-oriented coping by their partners and themselves is associated with the highest level of marital satisfaction. The findings also indicate that the use of high emotion-oriented coping by both partners is associated with the most psychological distress for men. Finally, the results show that marital satisfaction among women undergoing late stage treatment is highest in couples where the males are using low levels of emotion-oriented coping. Interestingly, the least satisfaction for women is evident when the woman is using less emotion-oriented coping while her partner is using more, rather than when both partners are using more emotion-oriented coping strategies. Clinical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Luria's neuropsychology has been particularly influential in the Spanish-speaking world. Its impact is observed with regard to not only assessment, but also rehabilitation, and, especially, neuropsychological theorization. In this article, Luria's approach to neuropsychological assessment is examined. A distinction between Luria's neuropsychological tests and Luria's neuropsychological approach is introduced. It is pointed out that, according to Luria, the specific tests used in the neuropsychological assessment are secondary; the theory supporting the neuropsychological testing is of primary importance. The development of neuropsychology in the Spanish-speaking world is briefly presented, and the use of Luria's neuropsychological assessment procedures in Latin America and Spain is analyzed. Finally, neo-Lurianism in the Spanish-speaking world is considered.  相似文献   

This paper examined six patterns of violent relationships (severe and mild victimization, perpetration, and mutual violence) and their associations with psychosocial outcomes in men and women (N = 3,519) using data from the National Comorbidity Survey. Violence patterns most frequently reported included mild and severe violence performed by both relationship partners. Some gender differences in frequency of patterns emerged. Main results showed gender differences and some similarities in associations between violence patterns and negative psychosocial outcomes. Women’s victimization, regardless of severity, was more strongly related to psychosocial outcomes than men’s. Yet, additional findings revealed gender similarities, with both men and women affected by mutual violence. Post hoc analyses further suggested that some individuals were satisfied and had relatively low distress, despite violence.  相似文献   

Assessment of Functional Impairment in Spanish Children   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Le pressent travaux vérifie l’applicabilité et la validité du CAFAS, un instrument pour évaluer l’incapacité fonctionnel dans une population espagnole. L’échantillon est formé par 441 malades ambulatoires psychiatriques d’entre 8 et 17 années et leurs parents, et aussi par un échantillon de 74 malades ambulatoires pédiatriques. On a applique différents instruments pour évaluer l’incapacité fonctionnel, la psychopathologie, et autres variables psychologiques. La fiabilité intra observateur varie entre modérée et bonne. L’accord entre les ponctuations obtenues avec l’information des parents et des infants varie entre faible et modérée. Les corrélations avec autres mesures d’incapacité et du fonctionnement sont significatives mais modérée. Les ponctuations CAFAS différencient significativement les enfants avec et sans psychopathologie. Les résultats obtenus avalisent l’utilisation du CAFAS pour les études en psychopathologie, en incapacité fonctionnel et pour planifier interventions et services de santé mental. The present work tests the applicability and validity of the CAFAS, an instrument for assessing functional impairment, in the Spanish population. The sample included 441 psychiatric outpatients from 8 to 17 years old and their parents, and a pediatric group of 74 outpatients. Different instruments for assessing functional impairment, psychopathology, and other related variables were used. Interrater reliability ranged from moderate to very good. Weak‐to‐moderate agreement between CAFAS scores based on information from parents and children was obtained. Correlations with other measures of impairment and functioning were moderate. CAFAS scores differentiated significantly between children with and without psychopathology. These results permit the use of the instrument for studies on psychopathology and functional impairment, and for planning intervention and mental health services.  相似文献   

Does the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (M-ABC) measures what it claims to measure? The concurrent validity of the total impairment score and some of the item scores of the second and third age band of the M-ABC test were investigated. One hundred thirty three children, between 7- and 9-year-old, were assessed with the M-ABC test, a ball catching test and two tasks measuring dynamic balance. Ninety of these children were identified as children with a poor ball catching skill and 43 children were typically developing children. One hundred and seven children were assessed with the second age band of the M-ABC (the 7- and 8-year-old children) and 26 with the third age band (the 9-year-old children). The results of the correlation analysis between the ball catching test, the two dynamic balance tasks and the corresponding items of the M-ABC, varied from non-significant to a highly significant correlation coefficient of -0.74. For some items concurrent validity was established but other items seemed less valid, probably due to a lack of discriminative power. The concurrent validity of the total impairment score of the M-ABC was confirmed for the second age band. Correlation coefficients between the ball catching test, the dynamic balance skills and the M-ABC varied between -0.72 and -0.76. The results for the third age band have to be interpreted with prudence because they were based on only 26 children.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to examine the mean scores and predictive validity coefficients obtained from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R), the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC), and the Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT). The K-ABC and the WISC-R were administered 1 week apart in counterbalanced order to 35 Navajo children aged 6–1212 years (mean 8–9 years), followed 1012 months later by administration of the PIAT. The K-ABC yielded an overall mean of 95.0, which is significantly higher than the WISC-R Full Scale IQ mean of 86.9. All WISC-R and K-ABC global scores correlated significantly except the WISC-R Verbal and K-ABC Nonverbal scales. The WISC-R Verbal and Full Scale IQs and all five K-ABC scales correlated significantly with the PIAT Total Test standard scores. However, the K-ABC Achievement scale correlated significantly higher with the PIAT Total Test than with the WISC-R Verbal and Full Scale IQs. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) has been touted in the popular press and the publisher's advertising as a nonbiased measure of children's intellectual functioning. The claims are based substantially on a reduction of the mean differences in overall test performance between blacks and whites on the K-ABC. However, mean differences are the most often rejected indicators of test bias by most serious psychometricians, and while the issue of bias is complex and requires multiple approaches, one necessary test of bias requires a comparison of the predictive validity of the scale for blacks and for whites. The present study reports on the results of an investigation of the criterion-related validity of the K-ABC, predicting reading comprehension, arithmetic, and general achievement, for large samples of blacks and whites tested during the standardization of the battery. The statistical technique of Potthoff is used to test for bias under the regression definition of Cleary. The results are reported separately for several age groups. The Sequential and Mental Processing Composite scales tended to overpredict black children's academic levels, especially on the K-ABC achievement scales. Some differences also occurred with the Simultaneous Processing scale but with less frequency.  相似文献   

Little research has examined the influence of social cognition on communicative behaviors that spouses exhibit in conversational interactions. The present study examined the associations between interpersonal cognitive complexity and three marital communication skills: communication effectiveness (generating messages that have the desired outcome), predictive accuracy (anticipating accurately the effects of a message on a receiver), and perceptual accuracy (correctly inferring the intent of a message source). The study also evaluated whether marital distress moderated associations between cognitive complexity and communication skills. Participants (60 couples) discussed a problem from their own marriage and a vignette from the Inventory of Marital Conflicts ( 32 ) using the communication box. Cognitive complexity was moderately associated with perceptual accuracy, weakly associated with communication effectiveness, and not associated with predictive accuracy. Subsidiary analyses revealed that associations between cognitive complexity and the communication skills were generally stronger in the sub-sample of distressed couples than in the subsample of nondistressed couples.  相似文献   

Negy C  Snyder DK 《心理评价》2000,12(4):425-430
This study examined the reliability and linguistic equivalence of the Spanish translation of the Marital Satisfaction Inventory--Revised (MSI-R) in a sample of 86 bilingual Mexican American couples. Overall, findings provided preliminary support for using this translation of the MSI-R with respondents whose preferred language is Spanish. Coefficients of internal consistency and temporal stability for scales constituting the Spanish MSI-R averaged .72 and .75, respectively. Linguistic equivalence coefficients for respondents completing the MSI-R in both languages averaged .69. Multivariate analyses of variance indicated no significant effect for language of administration on MSI-R scale scores. Discussion emphasizes caveats in using the Spanish MSI-R and directions for further research.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Much of the research and thinking in the area of childhood temperament has been guided by the structural and measurement model of Thomas, Chess, and colleagues. Recently, researchers have called into question this structural conception and have explored the factor structure of the instruments based on the Thomas and Chess model. A review of the literature indicates that there are few studies at any one age level, and that much of the research is limited by small samples. The results of a large sample factor analysis of parent and teacher ratings of preschool children are reported. A five-factor solution was judged most appropriate for parent ratings, and a three-factor solution seemed most appropriate for teacher ratings. Relations of these factors to the Big Five personality factors found in adult personality research are discussed.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) was conducted to ascertain the numbers of factors in the mental processing subtest of the K-ABC. After a summary and synthesis of the psychometric literature, a pooled correlation matrix was computed and a factor analysis applied. Two and 3-factor extraction (rotated by varimax) methods using principal axis factor analysis and principal component analysis consistently yielded 2 factors-namely, sequential and simultaneous processing. The results suggest that the original K-ABC theory was not supported.  相似文献   

This research investigates relationships between differentiation of self, mate selection, and marital adjustment in a Spanish sample of 118 heterosexual couples (N = 236). In line with Bowen theory, greater differentiation of self and greater similarity in partners' differentiation of self levels each predicted greater marital adjustment. Contrary to theory, gender differences were observed on the S-DSI, with males showing higher total differentiation scores than females, and hypothesized links between differentiation of self and mate selection were not observed. Implications for therapy and suggestions for future research with the S-DSI are discussed.  相似文献   

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