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绩效考核中宽大效应的成因及控制方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绩效考核中宽大效应对于组织的人力资源管理有极大的危害性。该文从考核情境因素、考核工具因素以及考核者因素三方面分析了绩效考核中宽大效应的成因,考核情境因素主要包括组织文化、考核目的、考核的匿名性;考核工具因素主要指考核指标的清晰与结构化;考核者因素包括考核者的动机、认知过程、情感、情绪以及稳定的人格特质。同时,根据对成因的分析提出了对绩效考核中宽大效应的控制方法。最后,指出了以往研究的不足以及未来需要深入研究的几个问题  相似文献   

内隐绩效模型对绩效评估一致性的效应分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈学军  王重鸣 《心理科学》2003,26(2):212-214
本文在以往研究基础上,对评估者的内隐绩效模型进行了理论分析和实证研究。通过对上级、一级评估者的内隐绩效模型和对下级绩效评估的比较研究发现,上下级主估者的内隐绩效模型存在差异,并对绩效评估的一致性有重要的影响作用。本文还对内隐绩效模型的形成进行了探讨。  相似文献   

绩效归因过程及其对低工作绩效评估的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶映华 《应用心理学》2008,14(2):141-148
采用阈上启动方法和投射方法,以72名学校领导者为被试,对绩效归因过程及领导者有关下属低工作绩效归因和评估进行了探讨。研究表明:(1)绩效归因是双重过程:包括绩效外显归因和内隐归因;(2)外显因素影响领导者对下属低工作绩效行为的归因和评估,其中,领导者对下属低工作绩效行为的归因起中介作用;(3)绩效归因对低工作绩效评估的影响是双重过程:绩效外显归因和绩效内隐归因均影响了低工作绩效评估。  相似文献   

Kyle J. Emich 《人类行为》2013,26(3):235-254
In addition to self-efficacy, efficacy perceptions of others within a task environment influence task performance. I define such efficacy perceptions of single others as transpersonal efficacy and investigate it in two studies. The first shows transpersonal efficacy can drive performance. The second then builds upon the first by investigating how self- and transpersonal efficacy jointly influence task performance. Further, the role of the focal other within the task environment, as an outcome interdependent or noninterdependent partner, or as an opponent, is shown to moderate these relationships. The results are discussed in terms of the importance of investigating transpersonal efficacy due to the increasingly complex problems facing modern organizations necessitating task environments involving multiple individuals.  相似文献   

Despite their prevalence in performance appraisal systems and purported importance in theory, narrative performance appraisal comments have been rarely examined. This study aimed to contribute to the literature by developing and testing a theory of quality narrative feedback. The author argues that managerial feedback that is both directive (i.e., lengthy, specific, and includes goals) and motivational (i.e., positive and high in interactional justice) would be related to year-lagged performance. Negative and positive emotions are also proposed as mediators of this relationship. Performance appraisal comments were coded for a sample of 1,019 clinical nurses. The structural equations modeling results provided preliminary evidence that feedback favorability and interactional justice demonstrated significant direct and indirect (through positive and negative emotion) effects on year-lagged employee performance.  相似文献   

通过操作消费者的权力感,考察权力感如何影响消费者为自己和为他人消费的行为。实验1采用想象法启动149名被试的权力感,考察不同权力感下,消费者为自己和为他人消费的特点,结果发现,与为他人消费相比,被启动为高权力感的被试为自己花费更多金钱,而启动无权力感的被试为自己花费更少金钱。实验2采用角色扮演法启动对227名被试的权力感,进一步探讨消费者为自己和为他人消费差异的原因,结果发现,低权力者因对他人更依赖而为他人花费更多;而高权力者认为自己更重要,所以为自己花费更多。这些表明,权力感影响消费者为自己和为他人消费的金额。  相似文献   

This paper examines how the presentation of computer-monitored performance information affects performance judgments. Two factors were examined: the performance pattern and the information format. In a computer simulation, subjects were responsible for evaluating the performance of a computer-monitored typist. They were assigned to one of three format conditions: a periodic, delayed, or summarized format. The pattern of the typist's performance was also varied: It either improved, worsened, or remained about the same during the simulation. Results indicate that performance pattern affected subjects' ratings of overall performance, performance quality, and performance consistency. Both factors influenced ratings of future performance and recall of specific performance information. Implications of these results for performance appraisals and computerized performance monitoring systems are discussed.  相似文献   

A causal model of the performance evaluation process was proposed and tested in this paper. The proposed conceptualization incorporated social, situational, affective, and cognitive elements as they affect performance ratings, with particular emphasis on the role of subordinate influence behaviors. LISREL results demonstrated that the proposed model fit the data well, and reflected a better fit than several alternative models that were estimated. The contributions and limitations of the present study were discussed, in addition to challenges and directions for future research.  相似文献   

Edward Schillebeeckx has consolidated the theoretical and practical dimensions of the Christian approach to human suffering in his theological method, specifically his theology of suffering for others. The various elements and sources of his method can be gleaned from his later writings, especially those published during the 1970s and 1980s. Schillebeeckx's theology is anchored in (1) the Thomist-phenomenological approach of Flemish philosopher Dominic De Petter; (2) the historical-experiential theology of Marie-Dominique Chenu; and (3) the social theory of the Frankfurt School. De Petter's perspective on Aquinas integrated a Thomist epistemology with the phenomenological notion that concepts cannot ultimately capture the reality of human experience. From Chenu, Schillebeeckx acquired his commitment to both solid historical research and engagement with socio-political problems facing church and world.
The problem of suffering, which constitutes an essential dimension of Schillebeeckx's theological ethics with its dual emphasis on theory and praxis, raises the question of human responsibility in the face of unjust and needless suffering. His theoretical-practical approach to the alleviation of human suffering evolved within the framework of social critical theory, specifically: (a) Schillebeeckx's theological integration of Theodor Adorno's negative dialectics into his own method of correlation, which promotes various forms of critical resistance to socio-political injustice rather than a single program; and (b) the unification of theory and praxis, a priority of Jürgen Habermas's 'new' critical theory that Schillebeeckx endorses. Both principles of critical theory — negative dialectics and the union of theory and praxis — inform Schillebeeckx's eschatological orientation and his conception of liturgy as a form of social ethics.  相似文献   

绩效评价的若干问题   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对绩效的内涵、绩效评价标准的确定、评量指标体系的构建以及多样性评量指标的整合意义与方法等四个绩效评价的最基本问题进行反思 ,提出如下观点 :(1 )对绩效进行考量时必须同时考虑时间、方式和结果三个维度。 (2 )绩效评价标准的确定应先于具体评量指标的选择 ,且应保持一定的稳定性 ,不可随意增删 ;(3 )评量指标体系的构建应本着贵精不贵多、贵明确不贵模糊、贵敏感不贵迟钝 ,贵关键不贵空泛的原则进行 ;(4)多样性评量指标是否整合需根据具体的需要而定 ,整合时要考虑评量指标本身的权重差异以及不同评价者由于对标准尺度掌握的松紧不一和评判角度不同所带来的对最终评价结果的影响。  相似文献   

The relationship between attitudes and beliefs regarding performance appraisal and its organizational context and three measures of rating quality (i.e., rating level, discrimination among ratees, discrimination among rating dimensions) were examined. Eighteen of twenty-four directional predictions about the correlations between attitudinal measures and rating behavior measures were supported. However, because of the expected weak to moderate relationships between predictors and criteria and the use of small samples, statistical power was generally low, and many of the individual observed correlations failed to reach significance. Nevertheless, the consistent pattern of support for the directional predictions suggests that the attitudes and beliefs studied here provide a useful basis for understanding performance appraisal behaviors.  相似文献   

薪酬体系框架与考核方式对个人绩效薪酬选择的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贺伟  龙立荣 《心理学报》2011,43(10):1198-1210
研究从行为决策视角, 采用情景实验法探讨了薪酬体系框架与绩效考核方式对个人绩效薪酬选择的影响。结果表明:(1)个体根据实际收入水平低于/高于内心预期收入参照点将分别形成损失/收益性的预期收入框架, 在损失性收入框架下选择风险性绩效薪酬的几率更高; (2)底薪加提成的薪酬支付模式会让个体形成收益框架, 薪酬打包的支付模式会让个体形成损失框架, 个体在薪酬打包模式下选择绩效薪酬体系的几率更高; (3)与封闭式目标的考核体系相比, 企业采用开放式目标的绩效考核会抑制预期收入框架和薪酬支付框架对个人绩效薪酬选择的影响。  相似文献   

Much of the prior research investigating the influence of cultural values on performance ratings has focused either on conducting cross-national comparisons among raters or using cultural level individualism/collectivism scales to measure the effects of cultural values on performance ratings. Recent research has shown that there is considerable within country variation in cultural values, i.e. people in one country can be more individualistic or collectivistic in nature. Taking the latter perspective, the present study used Markus and Kitayama's (1991) conceptualization of independent and interdependent self-construals as measures of individual variations in cultural values to investigate within culture variations in performance ratings. Results suggest that rater self-construal has a significant influence on overall performance evaluations; specifically, raters with a highly interdependent self-construal tend to show a preference for interdependent ratees, whereas raters high on independent self-construal do not show a preference for specific type of ratees when making overall performance evaluations. Although rater self-construal significantly influenced overall performance evaluations, no such effects were observed for specific dimension ratings. Implications of these results for performance appraisal research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to take an inductive approach in examining the extent to which organizational contexts represent significant sources of variance in supervisor performance ratings, and to explore various factors that may explain contextual rating variability.


Using archival field performance rating data from a large state law enforcement organization, we used a multilevel modeling approach to partition the variance in ratings due to ratees, raters, as well as rating contexts.


Results suggest that much of what may often be interpreted as idiosyncratic rater variance, may actually reflect systematic rating variability across contexts. In addition, performance-related and non-performance factors including contextual rating tendencies accounted for significant rating variability.


Supervisor ratings represent the most common approach for measuring job performance, and understanding the nature and sources of rating variability is important for research and practice. Given the many uses of performance rating data, our findings suggest that continuing to identify contextual sources of variability is particularly important for addressing criterion problems, and improving ratings as a form of performance measurement.


Numerous performance appraisal models suggest the importance of context; however, previous research had not partitioned the variance in supervisor ratings due to omnibus context effects in organizational settings. The use of a multilevel modeling approach allowed the examination of contextual influences, while controlling for ratee and rater characteristics.

Hybrid accounts of folk psychology maintain that we sometimes theorize and sometimes simulate in order to understand others. An important question is why this is the case. In this paper, I present a view according to which simulation, but not theory, plays a central role in empathy. In contrast to others taking a similar approach to simulation, I do not focus on empathy’s cognitive aspect, but stress its affective-motivational one. Simulating others’ emotions usually engages our motivations altruistically. By vicariously feeling what others are feeling, we directly come to be motivated by their projects and concerns. Simulation contrasts with more theoretical approaches to psychological attribution that help us understand and explan others, but that do not move us altruistically. This helps us see why we would posit two different folk psychological approaches instead of merely one.  相似文献   

This experiment investigated the effects of three factors on performance appraisal ratings: self-appraisal information, appraisal purpose, and feedback target. Two hundred and three subjects rated a subordinate's performance on a clerical task subsequent to receiving either a high or low self-assessment. They were told they would provide performance feedback either to the experimenter (organizational agent) or their subordinate, and their ratings would be used either for an administrative decision or developmental feedback. Performance ratings were significantly higher when subjects received a favorable subordinate self-assessment than when self-assessments were unfavorable. A significant interaction was found between feedback target and the appraisal purpose. Implications for the use of self-appraisals in organizations were discussed.  相似文献   

该研究采用四因素混合实验设计考察不同的问题呈现方式对不同视空间能力、场认知方式以及不同年级小学生的数学应用题解题水平的影响情况,研究得出以下结论:有一定视觉提示的问题呈现方式在不同程度上促进了小学生数学应用题解题水平的提高,但不同的问题呈现方式对不同被试影响情况不同;低空间能力-场依存型被试在图形提示的呈现方式下解题水平提高程度最大。  相似文献   

The multiple uses of performance appraisal (PA) have been the focus of much research, often yielding conflicting findings and conclusions. This study used an untreated control group design to examine the effects of separating the developmental and evaluative PA uses (in time and by person) on employee attitudes and behavioral intentions. Results indicated no effect on employee attitudes, however, employees in the separated PA group reported they were less likely to use development in the future.  相似文献   


The Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory (PFAI) is a multidimensional measure of cognitive-motivational-relational appraisals associated with fear of failure (FF). College students ( N = 544) completed the PFAI and a variety of other measures. Calibration sample analyses reduced the PFAI to 25 items measuring five appraisals in a higher-order factor structure that demonstrated tight cross-validity in the second half of the sample. The five aversive consequences of failure assessed by the PFAI included (a) experiencing shame and embarrassment, (b) devaluing one's self-estimate, (c) having an uncertain future, (d) important others losing interest, and (e) upsetting important others. A five-item short form also demonstrated tight cross-validity. FF was associated with (a) high levels of worry, somatic anxiety, cognitive disruption, and sport anxiety, and (b) low levels of optimism. General FF was unrelated to either perceived competence or fear of success.  相似文献   

Despite claims that computerized performance monitoring (CPM) systems provide objective performance data and thus foster accurate employee evaluations, few research studies have examined the impact of CPM data on the performance appraisal process. A laboratory experiment was conducted to assess the impact of prior performance level on requests for computerized performance information, and the influence of both prior performance level and requested information on performance evaluation. Forty-four male and female undergraduates electronically monitored four simulated employees whose prior performance was either high or low and whose performance during the monitoring period was either high or low. Results indicated that prior performance level and employee performance during the monitoring period independently influenced both current and future performance ratings. Further, when the simulated employee performed at a level incongruent with her prior performance, subjects requested more data about the employee's performance, were less certain about their ratings of the employee's current and future performance, and rated the employee's current performance as more variable than when the employee performed at a level congruent with prior performance. These results indicate that use of CPM systems that allow on-line access to employee performance and that record requested information may increase performance evaluation accuracy by facilitating the implementation of search strategies best suited to specific appraisal tasks and minimizing memory-related biases. However, such systems may not eliminate the effects of attention/encoding biases.  相似文献   

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