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Treatment with the phenylpiperazine DU 27716 (fluprazine hydrochloride) inhibited the predatory killing of albino mice by northern grasshopper mice (Onychomys leucogaster) and of frogs by rats. This treatment had no effect on cricket predation by grasshopper mice or worm predation by rats. The prey-specific effect of fluprazine did not seem to result from a decreased tendency to attack nor was its effect restricted to prey showing characteristic rodent defensive responses. Rather, the drug seemed to increase fearfulness when the prey exhibited vigorous defensive behavior. It is possible that increased fearfulness induced by treatment with this drug may also contribute to its antioffensive effect during conspecific encounters.  相似文献   

Preweaning exposure to cricket killing and consumption, but not consumption alone, facilitated postweaning cricket predation. This facilitatory effect did not result from kill-sharing by the parents or from food competition among the offspring. The results were strongly influenced by litter size. Small litters (N = 3–4) were strongly facilitated in all measures of predatory behavior when compared to litters of five to six mice. Since smaller litters of this species also show much higher levels of play behavior, it is suggested that play frequency may strongly facilitate later predatory behavior.  相似文献   

The body targets contacted, the type of contact made, and the patterns of defense and counterattack elicited by those attacks are examined in the play fighting of captive male and female pairs of grasshopper mice. The nape was the most frequently contacted body target, irrespective of the type of contact made, be it nosing, allogrooming, biting, or striking with a forepaw. The types of defense varied with both body area contacted and type of attack performed. Based on the topography and pattern of contact, it was concluded that grasshopper mice, as is the case for many other muroid rodents, primarily attack and defend targets otherwise contacted during precopulatory encounters. However, grasshopper mice, which are obligate carnivores, also attack and defend predatory targets, although less frequently than sociosexual targets. Surprisingly, predatory attacks were more likely to be counterattacked with predatory attacks, whereas sociosexual attacks were more likely to be counterattacked with sociosexual attacks. Conspecific aggression involves bites directed at the face, lower flanks, and dorsum. Neither the biting of these areas nor the tactics of attack and defense usually associated with such bites were observed during the juvenile interactions. There were no sex differences in either frequency or patterns of attack and defense in play fighting. The data presented for grasshopper mice shed light on the issue of mixing behavior patterns from multiple functional systems during play. Aggr. Behav. 26:319–334, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The audiograms of two wood rats and three grasshopper mice were determined with a conditioned avoidance procedure. The wood rats were able to hear tones from 940 Hz to 56 kHz at a level of 60 dB (SPL), with their best sensitivity of -3 dB occurring at 8 kHz. The hearing of the grasshopper mice ranged from 1.85 kHz to 69 kHz at 60 dB (SPL), with their best sensitivity of 9 dB also occurring at 8 kHz. These results support the relation between interaural distance and high-frequency hearing and between high- and low-frequency hearing. The inability of the grasshopper mouse to hear low frequencies as well as other desert rodents such as kangaroo rats and gerbils demonstrates that not all rodents found in deserts have developed good low-frequency hearing. The degree to which general and specific selective pressures have played a role in the evolution of rodent hearing is discussed.  相似文献   

The southern grasshopper mouse (Onychomys torridus) is a predatory and aggressive rodent native to the semi-arid scrub deserts of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Its natural diet consists primarily of arthropods and small vertebrates. In this study, we have evaluated the effects of food deprivation on the predatory behavior of adult male and female grasshopper mice to crickets (Acheta domesticus) and laboratory mice (Mus musculus). Subjects that were food-deprived for 48 hours spent more time eating dead but not living crickets than did controls that were provided free access to laboratory chow. There were no sex differences in the predatory behavior of grasshopper mice to living or dead crickets. Food deprivation also influenced the predatory behavior of grasshopper mice toward laboratory mice. With laboratory chow available ad lib, 6 of 43 (14%) male and 22 of 45 (49%) female grasshopper mice killed and ate laboratory mice within 48 hours of pairing. When deprived of food for 48 hours, 16 of 36 (44%) males and 15 of 19 (79%) females that did not kill in the previous experiment killed and ate laboratory mice. We concluded that food deprivation and type of prey are two variables which influence the frequency and intensity of predatory behaviors of grasshopper mice.  相似文献   

Comparisons of tactics of fighting between species are often difficult to make since the body targets attacked may differ. Thus it becomes difficult to assess whether differences in fighting tactics are due to species-specific differences in the tactics themselves or due to the different targets attacked. A solution to this problem is to analyse the tactics of a species that attacks different targets under different circumstances. In this way, differences in tactics can be more readily attributed to differences in targets. In this study, resident male northern grasshopper mice (Onychomys leucogaster) were tested against intruding male conspecifics and against laboratory mice (Mus musculus domesticus). Conspecifics were mainly bitten on the lower dorsum, whereas prey were bitten and killed by bites to the nape of the neck. Therefore, it was possible to analyze the tactics of attack by grasshopper mice when attacking different body targets. For example, in order to defend the lower dorsum and the nape, both intruding conspecifics and prey adopted an upright defensive posture. Resident grasshopper mice used the lateral attack tactic to gain access to the lower flanks but not the nape. This illustrates that the lateral attack tactic is not merely a tactic suitable for overcoming the upright defense tactic, but is used in this context only when the target attacked is on the opponent's posterior dorsum. Such withinpecies comparison enables the identification of the contextual rules which govern the use of fighting tactics. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Onychomys leucogaster (northern grasshopper mice) were induced to kill mice with response-contingent shock, and the effects of several physiological, pharmacological, and endocrinological variables were assessed. Lesions of the septum facilitated mouse killing, while lesions of the amygdala abolished spontaneous mouse killing and delayed shock-facilitated killing. Chlorpromazine (2.5–5 mg/kg) and chlordiazepoxide (5–10 mg/kg) facilitated mouse killing on postdrug trials but did not affect killing when the animals were drugged. Adrenalectomy, castration, and castration adrenalectomy did not alter the frequency of kill nor were sex-related differences in killing noted. These results were compared to those found by others studying the effects of lesions and drugs on mouse killing by rats.  相似文献   

In grasshopper mice, the consequences of feeding and state of hunger affect the predatory attack to a limited extent. The purpose of this study was: (1) to establish other ways that attack and feeding were connected besides the two effects already mentioned; and (2) to determine if caching of dead prey could account for the limited connection between attack and feeding. Experiment 1 showed that attack and feeding were connected as part of a reaction chain. Experiment 2 showed that both shared a common maturational process despite the fact that each response achieved an improved efficiency in a different way. Experiment 3 showed that caching prey was not correlated with the killing of a prey and thus could not account for the limited connection between attack and feeding. It is proposed that a highly canalized attack response specifically buffered against the effects of feeding and hunger plays an important role in the mouse's carnivorous life style.  相似文献   

Adult male and female southern grasshopper mice (Onychomys torridus) were tested for predatory aggression toward cricket prey 1 hr after single injections of d-amphetamine (1 or 10 mg/kg) or 1-amphetamine (1 or 10 mg/kg). At the lower dose, d-amphetamine decreased feeding behaviors, while I-amphetamine altered attack-related behaviors. At the higher dose, both stereoisomers appeared to be equipotent in significantly decreasing 5 measures of predatory aggression. These results suggest that brain dopamine and norepinephrine play important roles in the regulation of predatory aggression of Onychomys torridus.  相似文献   

Animal Cognition - Innovation is the ability to use a new behaviour, or use an existing behaviour in a new context. Innovation, as an aspect of behavioural flexibility, could be important for...  相似文献   

The passive sound-localization acuity of Egyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus) was determined using a conditioned-avoidance procedure. The mean minimum audible angle for left-right discrimination for 3 bats was 11.6 degrees--very near the mean for terrestrial mammals. The bats also were able to localize low- and high-frequency pure tones, indicating that they can use both binaural phase-difference and binaural intensity-difference cues to localize sound. Moreover, they were able to use the binaural phase-difference cue up to at least 5.6 kHz, which is higher than other mammals yet tested. The width of the Egyptian fruit bats' field of best vision was 27 degrees. This value is consistent with the hypothesis that the role of passive sound localization is to direct the eyes for visual scrutiny of sound sources. Thus, the passive localization abilities of these echolocating megachiropteran fruit bats do not deviate from the patterns established for nonecholocating mammals.  相似文献   

African four-striped grass mice,Rhabdomys pumilio, are potentially valuable animals for laboratory studies of behavior. In nature, they live in the grasslands of much of Africa. In the laboratory, striped mice adapt well to a number of behavioral testing situations. Ten male grass mice tested in running wheels displayed a mean of approximately 10,000 revolutions per day, with a diurnal-crepuscular pattern characterized by sharp peaks near the time of light onset and offset and a generally greater level of wheel running in light than in darkness. The retinal anatomy of this species is characterized by a cone-like organization of the outer segment layer and unusual thickness of the inner plexiform layer, suggesting an unusual high amount of retinal data processing for a muroid rodent. The copulatory pattern ofR. pumilio is characterized by no lock, no intravaginal thrusting, multiple intromissions preceding ejaculation, and multiple ejaculations. The number of intromissions preceding the first ejaculation is unusually high, and postejaculatory intervals are unusually long. Grass mice display intermediate levels of open-field activity, but little climbing or digging.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure the effects that toxicosis had on the hamster's predatory behavior and to compare these results with those found in previous studies with grasshopper mice. A 0.15 M LiCl injection caused hamsters to develop a greater aversion and to inhibit their feeding and attack responses more frequently toward a house cricket than did a similar injection of NaCl. The added presence of an almond coating on the cricket prolonged the number of days that a hamster exhibited an aversion toward the prey and an inhibition to attack. Essentially, the inhibitory effects from toxicosis in the hamster paralleled those found with the grasshopper mouse. The differences in these inhibitory effects are attributed to inherent differences in the attack responses of the two rodents.  相似文献   

The responsiveness of adult male spiny mice (Acomys cahirinus) to both their own and alien precocial young was investigated. Paternal behavior was manifested primarily by the males huddling with their offspring and the coordination of pup attendance between adult males and females. With less than 2 days exposure to their own neonates, males were found to discriminate between their own and alien young. Experience plays an important role in the development of paternal behavior in spiny mice. Males who have never had pups of their own sniff and attack unfamiliar neonates more than males who have fathered pups. The adaptive significance of paternal investment in this uniquely precocial murid rodent was discussed.  相似文献   

The authors examine the relative roles of vision and chemoreception and the influence of previous experience with prey on the predatory behavior of Iberian wall lizards (Podarcis hispanica). Experiment 1 compared the responses to visual, chemical, and a combination of visual and chemical cues of a familiar prey by 2 groups of lizards that had been kept in captivity for either 3 months or 21 days. Experiment 2 assessed the responses of lizards kept in the laboratory for more than 3 months to a novel prey species. The results reveal that feeding on a prey species affects the lizards' responses to chemical stimuli from that prey. The response to chemical cues of a novel prey requires a 1st-feeding experience with that prey. Lizards that have been fed the same prey species for several months cease responding to the chemical stimuli of that particular prey.  相似文献   

Annual variation in day length (photoperiod) triggers changes in the immune system of seasonal breeders. The rationale behind this study was to delineate any sex differences in immune responses of photoperiodically entrained animals challenged against lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammatory stress. We observed that photoperiodically entrained [short day, SD, 10?h light (L):14?h dark (D); long day, LD, 16?h L:8?h D; and natural day length, NDL, 12?h L:12?h D] male and female Indian palm squirrels, Funambulus pennanti, presented sexual dimorphism in immune status after LPS-induced stress. Females presented high humoral (anti-keyhole limpet hemocyanin immunoglobulin) and cellular immunity (lymphocyte proliferation) compared with the males of all photoperiodic conditions. Female squirrels showed reduced pro-inflammatory cytokine levels (interleukin-1β, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α) than the males suggesting their high efficiency to recover from LPS-induced inflammatory stress. Increased duration of melatonin secretion and corticosterone concentration in squirrels experiencing SD evidently supported survival of squirrels as compared with control (NDL) and LD squirrels of both sexes. Decreased immune status in both sexes under LD condition might be due to a short melatonin signal mimicking the LDs of summer. Thus, we infer that photoperiodic entrainment via the levels of melatonin and corticosterone synergistically supported more the survival of female squirrels under LPS-induced stress.  相似文献   

Wild animals face the challenge of locating feeding sites distributed across broad spatial and temporal scales. Spatial memory allows animals to find a goal, such as a productive feeding patch, even when there are no goal-specific sensory cues available. Because there is little experimental information on learning and memory capabilities in free-ranging primates, the aim of this study was to test whether grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus), as short-term dietary specialists, rely on spatial memory in relocating productive feeding sites. In addition, we asked what kind of spatial representation might underlie their orientation in their natural environment. Using an experimental approach, we set eight radio-collared grey mouse lemurs a memory task by confronting them with two different spatial patterns of baited and non-baited artificial feeding stations under exclusion of sensory cues. Positional data were recorded by focal animal observations within a grid system of small foot trails. A change in the baiting pattern revealed that grey mouse lemurs primarily used spatial cues to relocate baited feeding stations and that they were able to rapidly learn a new spatial arrangement. Spatially concentrated, non-random movements revealed preliminary evidence for a route-based restriction in mouse lemur space; during a subsequent release experiment, however, we found high travel efficiency in directed movements. We therefore propose that mouse lemur spatial memory is based on some kind of mental representation that is more detailed than a route-based network map. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Ingestion of novel prey by vertebrate predators that is followed by illness typically decreases the predators' eating the prey more readily than their pursuing or killing it. We used artificial prey-food items (rolling ball bearings that predicted food pellets) to model and extend this finding in laboratory rats. During daily experimental sessions presentations of a novel bearing-food combination were intermixed with presentations of a familiar bearing-food combination. The poisoned animals received lithium chloride injections after each session. Experiment 1a showed that: (a) Poisoning markedly decreased ingestion of the novel food without decreasing the frequency of contact (nose, seize, carry, or chew) with the novel bearing predicting that food. (b) However, poisoning did significantly decrease the average duration of contact with the novel bearing. (c) Poisoning did not decrease behavior toward the familiar food and bearing. Experiment 1b showed that after moderate exposure to pairings of the novel food and bearing, poisoning decreased behavior toward both novel and familiar food and bearings. The results indicate that important aspects of predation can be simulated and examined in the laboratory by using artificial prey-food items. These results also support the conclusions that predatory behavior and ingestion reflect separable modes of behavior and that the presence of novel prey interferes with the generalization of poisoning effects to familiar prey.  相似文献   

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