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In this study the notion of mechanistic entities is analyzed as it has been conceptualized by Hermann Lotze in his article Life. Vital Force (1842), the metaphysical foundation of which has recourse to his Metaphysik (1841) and Logik (1843). According to Lotze, explanations in the sciences are arguments which have a syntactic and a semantic structure—similar to that which became later known as the DN-model of explanation. The syntactic structure is delineated by ontological forms, the semantic by cosmological ones; the latter comprise the preconditions for the construction of appearances in accord with the ontological forms. Mechanisms are embedded into this logical framework by representing the more complex spatio-temporal arrangements of cosmological entities. The coordinated model of a mechanism is a reductive type of explanation. This study also demonstrates how Lotze made use of his concept of mechanisms in order to explain law-like and probabilistic events in organic and inorganic nature, thereby establishing an original ‘oligomeric’ (i. e., a fraction of the parts of a system determines its development) variant of a preformative theory of ontogenesis which anticipates modern concepts of genetic determination. In this context, Lotze alludes to paradigms of dissipative structures. The relevance of these reflections for subsequent theories is shown by contrasting them with Schrödinger’s theory of organisms. Finally, a comparison of some aspects of Lotze’s concept of mechanisms with equivalent aspects of current normative approaches confirms that essential elements of the latter versions can be retrieved in the former one. Above that, Lotze employs the teleological aspect of ontological forms in order to determine the extent of the mechanistic system under consideration. He further differentiates three modal states of mechanisms and includes a concept to explain exceptions or irregularities. The concept of ‘activity’ is strictly excluded from his account and shown to be a metaphysical illusion.  相似文献   

康德与形而上学问题——评海德格尔对康德的解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,一方面,海德格尔在他的《康德与形而上学问题》中所发挥的对康德的解释,没有停留在单纯字句,而是带有大胆的探索性质,带有真正哲学探索的标记,它始终让我们置身于问题本身,并使这些问题保持着真正的力量和自身的原初性。然而,另一方面,由于海德格尔的解释在最重要的方面采取了“武力索取”的方法,它没有公正对待康德明确坚持的感性与知性的二元论原则,就此而言,海德格尔的解释无异于是在用武力侵犯康德思想,强行让其屈从于自己的形而上学问题。本文坚持认为,领会康德思想的最确定的出发点就是要坚持康德的认识能力二元论原则,以及由此派生的“现象”与“自在之物”、“感性世界”与“理智世界”和“经验”与“理念”的二元区分。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung. Die Autorin stellt einige überlegungen bezüglich einer arglistigen, sch?dlichen und, ihrem Eindruck nach, heutzutage weit verbreiteten Pathologie vor, die sich von F?llen entschiedener klinischer H?rte bis zu anderen an der Grenze der Normalit?t, erstreckt. Sie verwendet von Beginn an den Terminus der Unaufrichtigkeit (italienisch: malafede; spanisch: mala fe’), den sie von Madeleine Baranger entlehnt, wobei sie betont, dass er der Bedeutung der von ihr vorgestellten St?rung nur ann?herungsweise entspricht. Ausgangspunkt für ihre überlegungen bildeten Behandlungsschwierigkeiten mit Patienten, die stark widersprüchliche Aspekte in sich vereinigten, ohne Anzeichen von Konfliktualit?t oder Unbehagen zu manifestieren. Diese Besonderheit tritt vor allem bezüglich moralischer Fragestellungen in Erscheinung, bezüglich abstrakter Moralvorstellungen oder Ideologien, die von einigen Patienten in scharfem Kontrast zu ihrem Verhalten und ihren Gefühlen verkündet werden.
Dishonesty as a neurosis and as a crime
Summary. In this essay, reflections about a malicious and in the view of the author nowadays wide-spread pathology are presented. It occurs in a large variety of forms from serious clinical disturbances to almost-normality. The author designates this pathology by the term „dishonesty”, a term borrowed from Madeleine Baranger, emphasizing however, that it is merely an approximation to the presented disorder. The starting-point for her reflections were the difficulties she has experienced with patients having strongly contradictory aspects in their personality without the slightest sign of conflict or uneasiness. This peculiarity manifested itself first of all in moral questions as a contradiction between the abstract moral concepts and ideologies and the behaviour and emotions of the patient.

A part of the research project made at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München about Childhood during World War II is reported here about the comments of psychoanalysts who were children at the time of World War II, about their life story, their individual development, their psychoanalytic socialization and their present professional practice. Special attention is paid to the question whether and how the war and National Socialism have influenced training analysis as it is represented in the memory of the former analysands, in which war and National Socialism represent a common experiential background both of analysands and training analysts.  相似文献   

W. Esch 《Synthese》1937,2(1):443-448

The paper describes the historical moment of the birth of group analysis during the Second Word War in Great Britain. With reference to a hypothesis of Robert Hinshelwood, the historical group dynamics in Northfield are outlined and the consequences for the further development of the group models associated with W.R. Bion and S.H. Foulkes are elucidated.  相似文献   

The concept of healing as a collective achievement starts from the premise that developing mental disorders is an unwanted and unconscious collective endeavor and that healing mental disorders equally requires a (conscious and planned) collective endeavor again. In practice this concept underlies various conjoint therapy approaches. The methods, indications and potential to be combined with individual therapies are briefly introduced and the training of skills needed to conduct conjoint therapy sessions and the financing of conjoint therapy sessions are discussed.  相似文献   

Erich Fromm (1900?C1980) was a co-founder of the Frankfurt Psychoanalytic Institute and the William Alanson White Institute in New York and finally he founded a training institute of his own in Mexico. However, he never intended to create a therapeutic school of his own. Furthermore, he published hardly anything about the so-called psychoanalytic techniques. All the more informative is the report of Ruth Lesser about her supervisions with Fromm. She describes how Fromm reacted to the presented cases, what kind of a role repression, resistance, transference and countertransference play in the therapeutic relationship and how strongly interested he was in the socially shaped unconscious intentions of the patient. The straightforwardness of the intervention style of Fromm is impressively described both in his empathy and in his confrontation with the unconscious reality. In the last part of the article Fromm??s understanding of the psychoanalytic situation is reflected and the characteristics of his psychoanalytic treatment method are outlined.  相似文献   


The menopause is like puberty a period of life, which implies an interaction between hormonal changes and personal reorientation. In addition to the hormonal changes a variety of psychosocial changes occur. Complaints may indicate a lack of orientation in this phase. One third of German women experience a significant deterioration in life quality because of their complaints related to menopause. These women attribute their complaints mainly to their individual life-attitudes and the hormonal changes. The gynaecologist has, therefore, a high responsibility in counselling, since empirical studies have shown, that psychosocial factors like self-confidence, quality of partnership, job-satisfaction and family network substantially influence the occurrence of specific complaints and the life-quality during that time. Furthermore, social aspects are very important. The results of the German cohort study of women’s health, showing a generally better psychological well-being as compared to younger women, are remarkable in this context. The present generation of women perceive midlife positively as a period of life allowing a fresh start.  相似文献   

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