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The increase in reported cases of Multiple Personality Disorder underscores a great need to differentiate clearly this from other psychiatric disorders and from simulation of Multiple Personality Disorder. Two sets of Rorschach signs have been advanced as clinical markers by their developers, namely Barach and also Wagner, Allison, and Wagner. As the Wagner signs are prevalent in much of the research on Rorschach responses in Multiple Personality Disorder, the purpose of the present study was to evaluate these signs using Wagner's administration and the resulting Rorschach protocols of 16 Multiple Personality Disorder patients and 16 psychiatric controls. Analysis indicated that this system was deficient in correctly classifying these 32 protocols. A new marker, the Splitting Response, emerged, however, which was more useful. This response, in combination with at least one Dissociative response, produced an accuracy rate of 94%. These new criteria may be useful aids in the detection of Multiple Personality Disorder from Rorschach protocols. Replication is urged.  相似文献   

In this study, I investigated the relationships among psychological test variables and schizophrenia spectrum diagnoses in a Russian sample of 180 psychiatric patients. Schizophrenia is understood somewhat differently in Russia than in the West. Analyses compared Rorschach (SCZI, PTI; Exner, 2001) and MMPI (Berezin, Mitroshinkov, & Sokolova, 1994) psychosis indicators (Sc, Sc3, Sc6, and BIZ) and 3 diagnostic systems: (a) Russian traditional, (b) the Russian-modified International Classification of Diseases (9th ed. [ICD-9]; Ministerstvo Zdravokhraneniya SSSR, 1982), and (c) the nonmodified ICD-10 (World Health Organization, 1992; comparable to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders [4th ed.], American Psychiatric Association, 1994). Results showed modest support for the SCZI and PTI but not the MMPI indicators. While the field awaits further evidence, psychologists should proceed with caution when using the Rorschach and MMPI to assess for psychosis among Russians.  相似文献   

Among 75 college students, response frequency from the Rorschach correlated significantly at .21 with Alternate Uses and at .20 with Match Problems (measures of divergent thinking), but not significantly (r = .07) with the Questionnaire (a self-report measure of flexibility) from the Test of Behavioral Rigidity. Contrary to hypothesis, the Active-Passive Movement Ratio from the Comprehensive System did not correlate significantly with any of these tests (r = .04-.11). Whereas Response Frequency can be seen as another reflection of ideational fluency or productivity, as long has been speculated, the conceptual and empirical links between flexibility and the ratio of active to passive movement are dubious.  相似文献   

The Beck and Exner systems of assigning Rorschach form quality were compared, There are some inherent differences in the form quality tables of these two Rorschach systematizers. The Beck system is more extensive and seems slightly biased toward-or "poor" form quality in comparison to the Exner system. When the Rorschach records of psychiatric patients were scored for form quality, the Beck system yielded a significantly lower Extended F+% than the Exner system. This effect is probably related to the inherent differences in the respective form quality tables which resulted from the different procedures used in deriving these listings of form quality.  相似文献   

Rorschach responses of three subjects were used to stimulate the type of role-playing popularized by Fritz Perls' Gestalt therapy. The standard Rorschachs were given first. Afterwards, each subject was presented with certain of his or her own images as a stimulus for the role-playing. The subjects consisted of a 19-year-old female with severe anxiety attacks, an 11-year-old lad diagnosed as having minimal cerebral dysfunction, and a 46-year-old man who had undergone two years of successful psychotherapy. It is proposed that the resulting data are valuable in expanding and clarifying the psychological meaning of the Rorschach images. Further, the procedure can be utilized, if desired, as a spur to therapeutic involvement.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, the free-recall performance of young children, college students, and older adults was examined. Subjects encoded words by simply learning them, by studying them in either base or elaborate sentence frames, or by constructing sentences. Overall recall was better for the college students than for the children or for the older adults, and the college students recalled best in the simple learning condition. The young children recalled best in the sentence construction condition; recall by older adults did not vary as a function of the encoding tasks. In Experiment 2, college students and older adults recalled a categorized list, encoding the words by simply learning them, by studying them in elaborate sentence frames, or by completing word fragments. For both age groups, simple learning produced the highest level of recall. These results suggest that organization provides the most effective encoding system and that older adults may need a more obvious basis for organization than do younger adults. Younger and older adults recalled equally well only when organization was discouraged by conceptual processing.  相似文献   

The developmental priority of identity conservation as contrasted with equivalence conservation theorized by Elkind (1967) was investigated using quantity and number conservation tasks. Subjects were 60 four-, five-, and six-year-old children of middle socioeconomic class background. All children received a battery of tasks which included qualitative identity, quantitative identity, and equivalence conservation of quantity and number problems. For the quantity battery, under the without justification condition, conditional probabilities and significant performance differences in the mean number of trials passed indicated that the order of acquisition of quantity tasks did conform to the hypothesized sequence: qualitative identity, quantitative identity, and equivalence conservation. No significant performance differences for number concepts were noted for both justification and without justification conditions. Scalogram analyses performed upon the combined quantity number task array indicated a scale or quasi-scale in the predicted order of difficulty. It was concluded that identity concepts develop prior to equivalence concepts when the content area is quantity conservation. In contrast, clear-cut conclusions cannot be made about number conservation.  相似文献   

The study investigated the relation of cognitive impulsivity (Kagan, 1966) to color responding on the Rorschach. Chromatic Rorschach Plates II, III, VII, IX and X were administered to 30 male and 43 female subjects. Subjects were then categorized as Impulsive or Reflective according to performance on the Matching Familiar Figures Test.Impulsive subjects made more C and CF responses than Reflective subjects. They also responded more quickly than Reflectives though that difference did not reach significance. The data supported the hypothesis relating impulsivity to color responding. Implications for theories of emotionality and color shock were discussed.  相似文献   

A national sample of incarcerated violent female offenders (N = 45) and a sample of female non-offenders (N = 30) were compared on nine selected Rorschach CS (Exner, 2003) variables and three of the aggression variables of Gacono and Meloy (1994). The results indicate that an avoidant and inconsistent coping style was more characteristic of the offenders than the non-offenders. The offenders were characterized by social immaturity and limited capacities to cope with stress as compared with the non-offenders. No significant differences were found between the two groups in handling intense emotions. Although the aggressive scores revealed no discrimination between the groups, significant correlations were found between the aggressive content score and childhood victimization. An inverse relation was found between the aggressive past score and the emotional intensity of the violent offense. The study indicates that the selected RCS variables related to adaptive resources for coping discriminate between violent offenders and non-offenders, but that the variables related to affective features need further examination.  相似文献   

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