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研究者发现经济人信念会破坏一般信任。由于不同的活动领域有不同的交往规则,信任主题可能会调节经济人信念对信任的影响。基于所属领域(经济与社会)与风险程度(高与低)两个维度,本研究分析了借钱、消费、捐赠、选举等主题对经济人信念影响信任的调节作用。结果发现,对经济人信念的直接学习(研究1)和间接激活(研究2)都只破坏了消费主题下的信任,经济人信念对经济领域中风险程度较低的主题下的信任有破坏作用。  相似文献   

经济人信念认为人是自私的与理性的,研究者发现,经济人信念会破坏人际信任。然而,以上研究均是以大学生为被试的启动研究,限制了结论的可推广性。本研究编制了经济人信念量表,测量了351名成年被试的经济人信念及他们在投资博弈中的信任水平,以及其子女的信任水平,以考察父母的经济人信念对自身信任和其子女信任的影响。结果发现:(1)研究所编制的经济人信念量表信效度良好;(2)父母和儿童在投资博弈中均表现出了一定水平的信任;(3)父母的经济人信念能够预测其在投资博弈中的信任水平;(4)父母的经济人信念能够预测男孩在投资博弈中的投资额,主要表现为父亲的经济人信念能够负向预测男孩的投资额。  相似文献   

以274名初中二年级学生为被试,采用验证性因素分析和多元回归方法对教师期望、自我价值感及目标取向的关系进行研究。结果表明:(1)人口统计学变量(性别和班别)对教师期望、自我价值感及目标取向有影响。(2)教师期望与自我价值感和目标取向相关显著:积极效应与自我价值感及目标取向的各维度呈显著正相关,消极效应与自我价值感及目标取向各维度呈显著负相关。(3)在控制了人口统计学变量后,教师期望与自我价值感仍对目标取向各维度具有较强的预测作用。(4)自我价值感在教师期望对目标取向各维度的影响上起到了中介作用。  相似文献   

该研究采用自编的初中生认识论信念问卷、R-LPQ-2F问卷等工具,对557名初中生一般领域的认识论信念、学习方式、学业成就之间关系进行调查研究。结果表明:1)不同类型学校、年级、性别的初中生在认识论信念的某些维度上存在差异,学校与年级两个变量在接受-建构信念上存在交互效应,学校与性别两个变量在零散-联系信念上存在显著的交互效应;2)认识论信念对学业成就既有直接作用,又有间接作用;3)学习方式在认识论信念对学业成就的影响中发挥着中介作用。  相似文献   

<正>1998年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者阿马蒂亚.森(Amartya Sen),是对经济学"自利最大化"理性观最强有力的当代批判者之一。在森过去40年所作的经济理性批判和人类行为分析中,"承诺"行为(commitment behavior)是一个基石性的范畴。本文的主要目的是分析指出:森对"承诺"行为——尤其是他所谓超越"自我目标选择"的"承诺"行为——的理论解释,尽管极具"现象学价  相似文献   

行为金融学与心理学   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
由于理性经济人假设与实际的偏差,经典现代金融学遇到了一些被称为“未解之谜”的现实问题。行为金融学是从人们的实际决策行为出发来研究和解释金融市场的相关问题。因此,心理学的研究成果就成为行为金融学研究必不可少的基础。与投资者信念、偏好以及决策相关的情感心理学、认知心理学和社会心理学的研究成果在行为金融学各领域得到了广泛的应用。金融学与心理学两个领域的密切合作将推动行为金融学的进一步发展。  相似文献   

在西方主流经济学理论中,只有明确地从自身利益出发进行的选择,才被认为是理性的选择。而为他人利益着想的心理或行为,如同情心理或行为,则因其与自利不相容而被认为是非理性的。森通过分析同情心理或行为中的利己主义因素,反驳了将理性仅限于自利心理或行为的狭隘认识,为经济学以及伦理学理论在利己与利他、经济理性与道德情感上的问题提供了新的视野,为弥合社会科学领域的"斯密问题"提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

权力和地位对自利行为的影响不同。权力能够降低认知性观点采择水平,进而使个体更加关注自身利益;地位能够提升认知性观点采择水平,进而使个体推测他人思想与感受,考虑他人利益。然而,权力和地位通过认知性观点采择对自利行为的影响可能受到情境性质的调节。今后的研究应该对这些关系和解释进行验证,探索共情性关心的中介作用,以及权力和地位影响认知性观点采择的调节变量;探究权力和地位拥有者对群体内、外他人的自利行为差异;探讨权力和地位的交互作用对自利行为的影响。  相似文献   

幼儿二级错误信念认知、亲社会行为与同伴接纳的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨了113名3~6岁儿童的二级错误信念认知、亲社会行为与同伴接纳之间的关系,结果表明:在总体上,儿童的亲社会行为是其同伴接纳的最佳预测变量;二级错误信念认知和亲社会行为对儿童同伴接纳的影响存在一定的年龄效应,二级错误信念认知是年幼组儿童同伴接纳的最佳预测变量,而亲社会行为则是年长组儿童同伴接纳的最佳预测变量。  相似文献   

1990年末,上海交通大学、同济大学,华东化工学院,上海师大等高校马列部与上海哲学学会联合召开了哲学与社会主义信念理论讨论会。会议就哲学理性在确立信念中的思维功能问题进行了讨论,现将有关论点介绍如下。 一、对“信念”范畴的哲学分析 有的同志认为,信念作为对必然性和确定不移的趋势的认识,是以理性为主导的理性与情感的统一。在信念中包含着知识,情感,意志与价值四要素。其中对被信念事物的科学认识(知识)是信念得以确立的基本条件,而情感、意志、价值则是信念得以确立的辅助条件,其中价值取向则是辅助因素中最重要的因素,它是情感、意志得以生成的源头。也有的同志不赞成把情感、意志这类非理性因素包括在作为理性范畴的“信念”之中,但都承认,“信念”的确立,既有一个知识的前提,又有一个价值观。  相似文献   

Discoveries in environmental science become the raw material for constructing social attitude objects, individual attitudes, and broad public concerns. We explored a model in which individuals construct attitudes to new or emergent attitude objects by referencing personal values and beliefs about the consequences of the objects for their values. We found that a subset of the major clusters identified in value theory is associated with willingness to take proenvironmental action; that a biospheric value orientation cannot yet be discerned in a general population sample; that willingness to take proenvironmental action is a function of both values and beliefs, with values also predicting beliefs; and that gender differences can be attributed to both beliefs and values. Our model has promise for explicating the factors determining public concern with environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Using constructs from theories of social identity and collective action, hypotheses were developed concerning variables that predict pro-feminist orientation among those who resist the feminist label, as compared to variables that predict willingness to identify as a feminist. Predictors that were expected to be important to the latter, but not the former group, included (1) positive evaluation of feminists, (2) belief in collective action, (3) recognition of discrimination, and (4) previous exposure to feminist thought. The sample consisted of 47 male and 94 female college students (60% Anglo, 16% Asian-American, 7% African-American, 9% Hispanic, and 7% “Other”), aged 17–50 years. Using separate multiple regressions, support for the differential inclusion of all but the third variable was found. Also as predicted, the genders did not differ in pro-feminist orientation, although college women were more willing than college men to identify as feminist. Results are discussed as potentially important to understanding willingness to engage in collective advocacy.  相似文献   

Neo-liberalism is now a dominant ideology and sociopolitical-economic organizing principle. Following Nancy Hollander’s (this issue) illuminating foray into its psychological demi-monde, and in full agreement with the understanding that the subject contains and reflects the social, my commentary aims to elaborate on neo-liberalism’s subjective and intersubjecrive correlates. I also raise some more general questions about the relations between the subjective and the social, and our ways of thinking about them. I begin in exploring the value attached to caregiving and attachment. Attachment as goods exchanged and as investment. I follow by highlighting the slippage between ethical and economic meanings in terms such as “value,” “debt,” “guilt,” and “redemption,” a slippage that points to the the probable co-emergence of ethics and markets. Leaning on Foucault’s notion of homo economicus and on the psychoanalytic concept of libidinal economy, I outline some questions about the psychology of the homo economicus of neo-liberalism. I question what seems to me a nostalgic sentiment that runs through neo-liberalism as well as recent psychoanalytic theories, suggesting that this similarity demonstrates how psychoanalytic thinking itself reflects the current order of things. Finally, I wonder whether, under this ideology, we are encountering not only a new kind of subjectivity but also the end of subjectivity as a fundament of human life.  相似文献   

Although early economic approaches to misbehavior merely compare the monetary utility of accessible options, self-concept maintenance models introduce moral considerations to the equation. These assume that people trade off possible gains to be made from moral transgressions with associated decreases in self-esteem. On the basis of the assumption that the development of moral values among children is weaker than in adults, we expected children's behavior to be close to that of the hypothetical homo economicus, with their decisions as to whether to cheat therefore being influenced by decision theory elements: normative elements such as temptation magnitude, and behavioral elements such as framing. As children should pay no heed to moral considerations in dynamic multiple task settings, behavior opposite to “moral cleansing” was expected, with a first lie predicting later lies. In addition to testing the above ideas, the present study adopted a novel methodology. Our hypotheses were tested in a lab-in-the-field study using a modified “roll a die” method in a naturalistic setting for children of ages 7 to 10. We modified the method to identify both true and declared values of die rolls (a novel DICE+ electronic die was used). As expected, children were sensitive to temptation and cheated more willingly for more attractive prizes. Girls (but not boys) lied more (in terms of both frequency and magnitude) to avoid losses (with loss framing) than to make gains (with gain framing). Previous lying correlated positively with lying on subsequent tasks.  相似文献   

We often prefer non-deferential belief to deferential belief. In the last twenty years, epistemology has seen a surge of sympathetic interest in testimony as a source of knowledge. We are urged to abandon ‘epistemic individualism’ and the ideal of the ‘autonomous knower’ in favour of ‘social epistemology’. In this connection, you might think that a preference for non-deferential belief is a manifestation of vicious individualism, egotism, or egoism. I shall call this the selfishness challenge to preferring non-deferential belief. The aim of this paper is to meet the selfishness challenge by arguing that non-deferential belief is (pro tanto) socially valuable.  相似文献   

中国背景下建言行为研究:结构、形成机制及影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
建言行为研究伴随角色外行为研究而兴起, 对其研究顺应了知识管理等管理新理念的要求, 也与弘扬自主创新的时代主题一致。相比国外的盛行, 国内对该主题的本土化实证研究尚待加强。经对以往研究的总结分析, 结合本土化研究取向, 本研究拟采用半结构化访谈、配对成组问卷的现场研究和实验室模拟研究等方法, 以特质激活理论、社会认同理论和经济理性观为基础, 探索中国背景下企业员工建言行为的构思、形成机制及其对组织创新的影响。具体包括以下三个方面:(1)中国背景下建言行为结构研究; (2)建言行为多层次动态形成机制研究, 包括基于特质激活的个体特征对建言行为的影响研究, 基于个人认同的领导行为对建言行为的影响研究, 基于社会认同的组织因素对建言行为的影响研究, 及基于经济理性的个体与情境因素对建言行为交互影响的实验模拟研究; (3)建言行为对组织创新的影响研究。  相似文献   

辛自强 《心理科学进展》2019,27(12):1951-1966
在中国的市场化进程中, 我们正在面对一个确定的事实:人际信任逐年衰落。虽然已有研究一致证明信任可以促进经济发展, 然而, 很少有文献阐明市场经济发展对信任的影响。整合近年来各种新获得的宏观和微观证据可以发现, 市场化对信任存在抑制作用。具体来说, 我国的市场化进程中, 市场的动力属性充分彰显, 鼓励人们逐利和竞争, 激活了人们的创富热情, 但也造成经济人信念的流行, 破坏了信任者对人性的乐观预期; 然而, 相应的市场规则和社会规则发育不足, 无法充分保护信任者。最终, 市场化在消蚀经济赖以发展的基础——信任, 致使信任下滑。因此, 建立基于规则的、诚信的市场经济是阻遏信任衰落乃至重建信任的必要路径。  相似文献   

The purpose was to study motivation for creativity in design students in the framework of the cognitive orientation theory which defines motivation as a function of beliefs of four types (about goals, norms, oneself and reality) concerning themes identified as relevant for creativity. It was hypothesized that scores of the four belief types would enable predicting creativity. The participants were 52 design students who were administered an actual design task and questionnaires: The Survey about Attitudes, Questionnaire about Designing and the Cognitive Orientation of Creativity (COQ-CR). The independent variables were the scores of the belief types based on the COQ-CR. The dependent variables were the evaluation of the creativity of the designs by four expert architects, and various variables based on self-evaluation of the students in the questionnaires referring to the design and designing process: fluency, flexibility, elaboration, fulfilling requirements, considering the context, having a central idea, meaningfulness of the task, involvement of feelings in designing, and handling constraints. Regression analyses showed that the majority of variables referring to creativity were predicted significantly by the predictors. The findings support the validity of the COQ-CR for assessing motivation for creativity and of the cognitive motivational approach to creativity.  相似文献   

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