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Fragile X speech phonology in Finnish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fragile X syndrome is a recently discovered relatively common syndrome linked with an anomaly of the X chromosome and causing handicaps of cognitive development especially in males. In the present phonological analysis we will discuss the sound patterns of two Finnish fragile X speakers, a five (borderline intelligence)- and an eight (mildly mentally retarded)-year-old boy. The fragile X syndrome is not necessarily linked with any anomalies of speech organs. The subjects could produce all Finnish speech sounds in isolated test words. However, in the present samples of connected speech they exhibited general dysphonology. What is noteworthy is that their phonological error patterns resembled each other to a great extent. Among the common features were the tendencies to substitute and omit phonemes. As for vowels, our results showed about one-half of the errors to be omissions. Labiality and quantity oppositions were quite resistant to substitution. Most substitution errors of place of consonants occurred in dentals. As for the feature of manner, /r/ and /s/ were the phonemes most prone for substitution. A tendency toward spirantization or /h/ sation was common for both patients. The number of additions was clearly lower than has been reported for English-speaking developmentally dyspraxic children and also for Finnish Broca's aphasics. The speech problems of our patients seemed to indicate higher level motor encoding problems of linguistic information rather than peripheral articulatory deficits.  相似文献   

Mersad K  Nazzi T 《Memory & cognition》2011,39(6):1085-1093
The present study explored the influence of a new metrics of phonotactics on adults’ use of transitional probabilities to segment artificial languages. We exposed French native adults to continuous streams of trisyllabic nonsense words. High-frequency words had either high or low congruence with French phonotactics, in the sense that their syllables had either high or low positional frequency in French trisyllabic words. At test, participants heard low-frequency words and part-words, which differed in their transitional probabilities (high for words, low for part-words) but were matched for frequency and phonotactic congruency. Participants’ preference for words over part-words was found only in the high-congruence languages. These results establish that subtle phonotactic manipulations can influence adults’ use of transitional probabilities to segment speech and unambiguously demonstrate that this prior knowledge interferes directly with segmentation processes, in addition to affecting subsequent lexical decisions. Implications for a hierarchical theory of segmentation cues are discussed.  相似文献   

The behavior of individual subjects is compared with a hierarchical control system model of behavioral organization. Subjects varied the position of two control handles simultaneously to keep the distance constant between two pairs of lines. Three variations on this basic experiment that illustrate some fundamental properties of coordinated action are shown: first, how independent actions, compensating for unpredictable and undetectable disturbances, can produce a single behavioral result; second, how the ability to produce a particular result is maintained when the connection between action and result is changed; and third, how two independent outputs can appear to be related as coordinative structures when one output disturbs a result being controlled by the other. The correlation between the behavior of subjects and model in all experiments is typically on the order of .99. A detailed examination of the operation of the model shows that actions are structured by perception, not by central commands or equations of constraint.  相似文献   

A central question in psycholinguistic research is how listeners isolate words from connected speech despite the paucity of clear word-boundary cues in the signal. A large body of empirical evidence indicates that word segmentation is promoted by both lexical (knowledge-derived) and sublexical (signal-derived) cues. However, an account of how these cues operate in combination or in conflict is lacking. The present study fills this gap by assessing speech segmentation when cues are systematically pitted against each other. The results demonstrate that listeners do not assign the same power to all segmentation cues; rather, cues are hierarchically integrated, with descending weights allocated to lexical, segmental, and prosodic cues. Lower level cues drive segmentation when the interpretive conditions are altered by a lack of contextual and lexical information or by white noise. Taken together, the results call for an integrated, hierarchical, and signal-contingent approach to speech segmentation.  相似文献   

Evidence for a cascade model of lexical access in speech production   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
How word production unfolds remains controversial. Serial models posit that phonological encoding begins only after lexical node selection, whereas cascade models hold that it can occur before selection. Both models were evaluated by testing whether unselected lexical nodes influence phonological encoding in the picture-picture interference paradigm. English speakers were shown pairs of superimposed pictures and were instructed to name one picture and ignore another. Naming was faster when target pictures were paired with phonologically related (bed-bell) than with unrelated (bed-pin) distractors. This suggests that the unspoken distractors exerted a phonological influence on production. This finding is inconsistent with serial models but in line with cascade ones. The facilitation effect was not replicated in Italian with the same pictures, supporting the view that the effect found in English was caused by the phonological properties of the stimuli.  相似文献   

The behavior of a hierarchy of control systems can be simulated with an electronic-spreadsheet. Each control system is a column of three cells representing the reference signal, perceptual signal, and output variable of the system. All of the control systems are closed-loop, the input to each system being a function of its output. The circular references in the spreadsheet are resolved through iterative recalculation. When the parameters of each control system (amplification and slowing factors) are set to appropriate values, all control systems in the hierarchy continue to match perceptual signals with reference signals. A three-level hierarchy with four systems at each level is simulated in the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet model makes it possible to observe the dynamic behavior of the control systems as they correct for the effects of environmental disturbance and changes in higher order reference signals. It is possible to “reorganize” the system by changing the perceptions controlled by systems at different levels of the hierarchy. The user can also test to determine the variables being controlled by the system.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between dyslexia and three aspects of language: speech perception, phonology, and morphology. Reading and language tasks were administered to dyslexics aged 8-9 years and to two normal reader groups (age-matched and reading-level matched). Three dyslexic groups were identified: phonological dyslexics (PD), developmentally language impaired (LI), and globally delayed (delay-type dyslexics). The LI and PD groups exhibited similar patterns of reading impairment, attributed to low phonological skills. However, only the LI group showed clear speech perception deficits, suggesting that such deficits affect only a subset of dyslexics. Results also indicated phonological impairments in children whose speech perception was normal. Both the LI and the PD groups showed inflectional morphology difficulties, with the impairment being more severe in the LI group. The delay group's reading and language skills closely matched those of younger normal readers, suggesting these children had a general delay in reading and language skills, rather than a specific phonological impairment. The results are discussed in terms of models of word recognition and dyslexia.  相似文献   

Current models of word production assume that words are stored as linear sequences of phonemes which are structured into syllables only at the moment of production. This is because syllable structure is always recoverable from the sequence of phonemes. In contrast, we present theoretical and empirical evidence that syllable structure is lexically represented. Storing syllable structure would have the advantage of making representations more stable and resistant to damage. On the other hand, re-syllabifications affect only a minimal part of phonological representations and occur only in some languages and depending on speech register. Evidence for these claims comes from analyses of aphasic errors which not only respect phonotactic constraints, but also avoid transformations which move the syllabic structure of the word further away from the original structure, even when equating for segmental complexity. This is true across tasks, types of errors, and, crucially, types of patients. The same syllabic effects are shown by apraxic patients and by phonological patients who have more central difficulties in retrieving phonological representations. If syllable structure was only computed after phoneme retrieval, it would have no way to influence the errors of phonological patients. Our results have implications for psycholinguistic and computational models of language as well as for clinical and educational practices.  相似文献   

Postma A 《Cognition》2000,77(2):97-132
In this paper three theories of speech monitoring are evaluated. The perception-based approach proposes that the same mechanism employed in understanding other-produced language, the speech comprehension system, is also used to monitor one's own speech production. A conceptual, an inner, and an auditory loop convey information to a central, conscious monitor which scrutinizes the adequacy of the ongoing speech flow. In this model, only the end-products in the speech production sequences, the preverbal (propositional) message, the phonetic plan, and the auditory results, are verified. The production-based account assumes multiple local, autonomous monitoring devices, which can look inside formulation components. Moreover, these devices might be tuned to various signals from the actual speech motor execution, e.g. efferent, tactile, and proprioceptive feedback. Finally, node structure theory views error detection as a natural outflow of the activation patterns in the node system for speech production. Errors result in prolonged activation of uncommitted nodes, which in turn may incite error awareness. The approaches differ on the points of consciousness, volition and control, the number of monitoring channels, and their speed, flexibility, and capacity, and whether they can account for concurrent language comprehension disorders. From the empirical evidence presently available, it is argued for a central perception-based monitor, potentially augmented with a few automatic, production-based error detection devices.  相似文献   

A core area of phonology is the study of phonotactics, or how sounds are linearly combined. Recent cross-linguistic analyses have shown that the phonology determines not only phonotactics but also the articulatory coordination or timing of adjacent sounds. In this article, I explore how the relation between coordination and phonotactics affects speakers producing nonnative sequences. Recent experimental results (Davidson 2005, 2006) have shown that English speakers often repair unattested word-initial sequences (e.g., /zg/, /vz/) by producing the consonants with a less overlapping coordination. A theoretical account of the experimental results employs Gafos's (2002) constraint-based grammar of coordination. In addition to Gafos's Alignment constraints establishing temporal relations between consonants, a family of Release constraints is proposed to encode phonotactic restrictions. The interaction of Alignment and Release constraints accounts for why speakers produce nonnative sequences by failing to adequately overlap the articulation of the consonants. The optimality theoretic analysis also incorporates floating constraints to explain why speakers are not equally accurate on all unattested clusters.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence for a new model of the functional anatomy of speech/language (Hickok & Poeppel, 2000) which has, at its core, three central claims: (1) Neural systems supporting the perception of sublexical aspects of speech are essentially bilaterally organized in posterior superior temporal lobe regions; (2) neural systems supporting the production of phonemic aspects of speech comprise a network of predominately left hemisphere systems which includes not only frontal regions, but also superior temporal lobe regions; and (3) the neural systems supporting speech perception and production partially overlap in left superior temporal lobe. This model, which postulates nonidentical but partially overlapping systems involved in the perception and production of speech, explains why psycho- and neurolinguistic evidence is mixed regarding the question of whether input and output phonological systems involve a common network or distinct networks.  相似文献   

Although it is relatively well established that access to orthographic codes in production tasks is possible via an autonomous link between meaning and spelling (e.g., Rapp, Benzing, & Caramazza, 1997), the relative contribution of phonology to orthographic access remains unclear. Two experiments demonstrated persistent repetition priming in spoken and written single-word responses, respectively. Two further experiments showed priming from spoken to written responses and vice versa, which is interpreted as reflecting a role of phonology in constraining orthographic access. A final experiment showed priming from spoken onto written responses even when participants engaged in articulatory suppression during writing. Overall, the results support the view that access to orthography codes is accomplished via both the autonomous link between meaning and spelling and an indirect route via phonology.  相似文献   

Shortlist B: a Bayesian model of continuous speech recognition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Bayesian model of continuous speech recognition is presented. It is based on Shortlist (D. Norris, 1994; D. Norris, J. M. McQueen, A. Cutler, & S. Butterfield, 1997) and shares many of its key assumptions: parallel competitive evaluation of multiple lexical hypotheses, phonologically abstract prelexical and lexical representations, a feedforward architecture with no online feedback, and a lexical segmentation algorithm based on the viability of chunks of the input as possible words. Shortlist B is radically different from its predecessor in two respects. First, whereas Shortlist was a connectionist model based on interactive-activation principles, Shortlist B is based on Bayesian principles. Second, the input to Shortlist B is no longer a sequence of discrete phonemes; it is a sequence of multiple phoneme probabilities over 3 time slices per segment, derived from the performance of listeners in a large-scale gating study. Simulations are presented showing that the model can account for key findings: data on the segmentation of continuous speech, word frequency effects, the effects of mispronunciations on word recognition, and evidence on lexical involvement in phonemic decision making. The success of Shortlist B suggests that listeners make optimal Bayesian decisions during spoken-word recognition.  相似文献   

When subjects repeated short alphabetic sequences at experimenter-controlled rates while retaining consonant trigrams, subsequent recall was unrelated to speech rate if single letters or a long sequence was repeated, but recall was inversely related to speech rate for sequences three or five letters in length. The latter effect was predicted by a model in which sequences were organized as single response units in a central phonetic processor but independently executed by means of mechanisms not requiring the services of the central processor. Quantitative predictions were generated from this model by estimating organization time for the sequences and assuming that the probability of forgetting would be equal to the organization time/execution time ratio. All obtained recall probabilities were as predicted for sequences three of five letters in length with both experimenter- and subject-controlled speech rates. Repetition of a nine-letter sequence from the end of the alphabet produced forgetting patterns clearly out of accord with any organization time/execution time ratio, but a similar sequence from the beginning of the alphabet produced evidence of being a marginal case with unstable organization.  相似文献   

K. Rastle and M. Coltheart (1999) challenged parallel models of reading by showing that the cost of irregularity in low-frequency exception words was modulated by the position of the irregularity in the word. This position-of-irregularity effect was taken as strong evidence of serial processing in reading. This article refutes Rastle and Coltheart's theoretical conclusions in 3 ways: First, a parallel model, the connectionist dual process model (M. Zorzi, G. Houghton, & B. Butterworth, 1998b), produces a position-of-irregularity effect. Second, the supposed serial effect can be reduced to a position-specific grapheme-phoneme consistency effect. Third, the position-of-irregularity effect vanishes when the experimental data are reanalyzed using grapheme-phoneme consistency as the covariate. This demonstration has broader implications for studies aiming at adjudicating between models: Strong inferences should be avoided until the computational models are actually tested.  相似文献   

A theory of speech monitoring, proposed by Levelt (1983), assumes that the quality of one's speech is checked by the speech comprehension system. This system inspects one's own overt speech but would also inspect an inner speech plan ("the inner loop"). We have elaborated and tested this theory by way of formalizing it as a computational model. This model includes a new proposal concerning the timing relation between planning the interruption and the repair: the proposal that these two processes are performed in parallel. We attempted to simulate empirical data about the distribution of error-to-cutoff and cutoff-to-repair intervals and the effect of speech rate on these intervals (these intervals are shorter with faster speech). The main questions were (1) Is an inner monitor that utilizes the speech perception system fast enough to simulate the timing data? (2) Can the model account for the effects of speech rate on these intervals? We conclude that including an inner loop through the speech comprehension system generates predictions that fit the empirical data. The effects of speed can be accounted for, given our proposal about the time course of planning interruption and repair. A novel prediction is that the error-to-cutoff interval decreases with increasing position in the phrase.  相似文献   

At the behavioral level one of the primary disturbances involved in congenital dyslexia concerns phonological processing. At the neuroarchitectural level autopsies have revealed ectopies, e.g., a reduced number of neurons in the upper layers of the cortex and an increased number in the lower ones. In dynamic models of interacting neuronal populations the behavioral level can be related to the neurophysiological level. In this study an attempt is made to do so at the cortical level. The first focus of this model study are the results of a Finnish experiment assessing geminate stop perception in quasi speech stimuli by 6 month old infants using a head turning paradigm and evoked potentials. The second focus of this study are the results of a Dutch experiment assessing discrimination of transients in speech stimuli, by adult dyslexics and controls and 2 month old infants. There appears to be a difference in the phonemic perceptual boundaries of children at genetic risk for dyslexia and control children as revealed in the Finnish study. Assuming a lowered neuronal density in the 'dyslexic' model, reflecting ectopies, it may be postulated that less neuronal surface is available for synaptic connections resulting in a lowered synaptic density and thus a lowered amount of available neurotransmitter. A lowered synaptic density also implies a reduced amount of membrane surface available for neurotransmitter metabolism. By assuming both, a reduced upper bound of neurotransmitter and a reduced metabolic transmitter rate in the dynamic model, the Finnish experimental results can be approximated closely. This applies both to data from behavioral head turning and that of the evoked potential study. In the Dutch study adult dyslexics show poor performance in discriminating transients in the speech signal compared to the controls. The same stimuli were used in a a study comparing infants from dyslexic families and controls. Using the same transmitter parameters as in modeling the results of the Finnish study, also in this case the experimental results for adults and infants can be approximated closely. Simulation of behavioral and pharmaceutical interventions with the model provide predictions which can be put to the test in experiments.  相似文献   

Indclas: A three-way hierarchical classes model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A three-way three-mode extension of De Boeck and Rosenberg's (1988) two-way two-mode hierarchical classes model is presented for the analysis of individual differences in binary object × attribute arrays. In line with the two-way hierarchical classes model, the three-way extension represents both the association relation among the three modes and the set-theoretical relations among the elements of each model. An algorithm for fitting the model is presented and evaluated in a simulation study. The model is illustrated with data on psychiatric diagnosis. Finally, the relation between the model and extant models for three-way data is discussed.The research reported in this paper was partially supported by NATO (Grant CRG.921321 to Iven Van Mechelen and Seymour Rosenberg).  相似文献   

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