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Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics - Simple reaction time (RT) to a sinusoidal grating was analyzed in terms of a linear filter model of the detection process. First, RT contrast functions...  相似文献   

This article reports four experiments on the ability to inhibit responses in simple and choice reaction time (RT) tasks. Subjects responding to visually presented letters were occasionally presented with a stop signal (a tone) that told them not to respond on that trial. The major dependent variables were (a) the probability of inhibiting a response when the signal occurred, (b) mean and standard deviation (SD) of RT on no-signal trials, (c) mean RT on trials on which the signal occurred but subjects failed to inhibit, and (d) estimated RT to the stop signal. A model was proposed to estimated RT to the stop signal and to account for the relations among the variables. Its main assumption is that the RT process and the stopping process race, and response inhibition depends on which process finishes first. The model allows us to account for differences in response inhibition between tasks in terms of transformations of stop-signal delay that represent the relative finishing times of the RT process and the stopping process. The transformations specified by the model were successful in group data and in data from individual subjects, regardless of how delays were selected. The experiments also compared different methods of selecting stop-signal delays to equate the probability of inhibition in the two tasks.  相似文献   

Kornblum's time estimation paradigm, together with the so‐called ‘race model’, provides an appealing alternative for measuring the ‘cut‐off’ which separates ‘true’ reaction times from anticipatory reaction times. However, the model is not precise enough to reveal the relation between the signal intensity and the ‘cut‐off’. Accordingly, Kornblum's model is extended with an emphasis on the measure of the ‘cut‐off’. Another aspect of the extension is to use a parametric method to analyse the data. In particular, it is assumed that the time estimation‐induced latency is gamma distributed and the signal‐induced latency is Weibull distributed, with the latter shifted by the ‘cut‐off’. The rationale behind the parametric assumption is discussed. For illustrative purposes, two pieces of experimental work are presented. Since the core of the race model is the assumption of an independent race between the time estimation process and the detection process, the first experiment tests whether, for the same signal intensity, the signal‐induced latency distribution is invariant across different time intervals; the second experiment tests whether, for the same time interval, the time estimation‐induced latency distribution is invariant across different signal intensity conditions. The data from the second experiment are also used to test various parametric assumptions in the model, which include the signal effect on the ‘cut‐off’. The new model fits the data well.  相似文献   

Response latencies to the onset, offset, and contrast reversal of sinusoidal gratings over a range of spatial frequencies were measured. For gratings of constant physical contrast, RT was monotonically related to spatial frequency regardless of presentation mode. Comparison of RTs to 1.0- and 9.0-cycle/deg gratings adjusted to equal apparent contrast showed that the RT shifts cannot be directly attributed to contrast sensitivity differences. It is concluded that spatial-frequency-dependent processing delays occur regardless of which temporal property of the stimulus the subject must respond to.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported in which high-compatibility reaction time (RT) tasks were performed with, and without, a concurrent secondary task. In both experiments, the secondary task interfered to a greater extent with simple RT than with choice RT. In fact, the effect of adding a secondary task was to eliminate the advantage of simple RT over two-alternative-choice RT. Previous studies of this phenomenon employed a task in which subjects raised a finger when it received tactile stimulation, while engaging in continuous reading aloud. The present experiments show that the effect can be obtained using a different stimulus modality (vision) as well as other responses (vocal) and secondary tasks (shadowing, auditory step-tracking). The paradigm provides a means of isolating preparatory processes that are peculiar to the simple RT task.  相似文献   

Laws of the simple visual reaction time   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

A new paradigm for simple reaction time is described in which signal detection and time production trials are interleaved. A model is proposed which views the signal detection and time production processes as independent and engaged in a race whose outcome determines the observed response latencies. The model also allows the distribution of detection latencies to be extracted from the data.  相似文献   

By presenting a Poisson process of flashes to observers who hit a button as quickly as possible after each, the authors identified the system involved in simple reaction time (RT). The nonlinear kernels up to 2nd order were measured from the stimulus and response point processes. The 1st-order kernel is analogous to a histogram of simple RTs. The 2nd-order kernel shows complex patterns of nonlinear suppression and facilitation between pairs of flashes. Simple RT measured as the lag of the 1st-order kernel's peak agrees with RT from conventional discrete trial experiments. RTs are shorter and less variable when the flashes are separated by uniform rather than exponential delays, which shows that observers use the stimulus hazard function to become prepared to detect and respond to the flash.  相似文献   

The present study proposes a new executive task, the one-back choice reaction time (RT) task, and implements the selective interference paradigm to estimate the executive demands of the processing components involved in this task. Based on the similarities between a one-back choice RT task and the n-back updating task, it was hypothesized that one-back delaying of a choice reaction involves executive control. In three experiments, framed within Baddeley's (1986) working-memory model, a one-back choice RT task, a choice RT task, articulatory suppression, and matrix tapping were performed concurrently with primary tasks involving verbal, visuospatial, and executive processing. The results demonstrate that one-back delaying of a choice reaction interferes with tasks requiring executive control, while the potential interference at the level of the verbal or visuospatial working memory slave systems remains minimal.  相似文献   

The present study proposes a new executive task, the one-back choice reaction time (RT) task, and implements the selective interference paradigm to estimate the executive demands of the processing components involved in this task. Based on the similarities between a one-back choice RT task and the n-back updating task, it was hypothesized that one-back delaying of a choice reaction involves executive control. In three experiments, framed within Baddeley's (1986) Baddeley, A. 1986. Working memory, Edited by: Baddeley, A. Oxford, , UK: Oxford University Press.  [Google Scholar] working-memory model, a one-back choice RT task, a choice RT task, articulatory suppression, and matrix tapping were performed concurrently with primary tasks involving verbal, visuospatial, and executive processing. The results demonstrate that one-back delaying of a choice reaction interferes with tasks requiring executive control, while the potential interference at the level of the verbal or visuospatial working memory slave systems remains minimal.  相似文献   

Two experiments explored a surprising result reported by Emmerich, Pitchford, and Becker (1976): Simple reaction time (RT) to an auditory stimulus can be facilitated by the presence of a tonal background (or masker). In the first experiment, simple RT to a tonal signal was investigated for a variety of background frequencies and loudness levels, and significant facilitation of RT was found for low levels of the background. In the second experiment, no evidence of facilitation was found when the background stimulus was a randomly varying narrow-band noise, although evidence for facilitation was again found with a constant tonal background.  相似文献   

Evidence is still inconclusive regarding the locus of the stimulus intensity effect on information processing in reaction tasks. Miller, Ulrich, and Rinkenauer (1999) addressed this question by assessing the intensity effect on stimulus- and response-locked lateralized readiness potentials (LRPs) as indices of the sensory and motor parts of reaction time (RT). In the case of visual stimuli, they observed that application of brighter stimuli resulted in a shortening of RT and stimulus-locked LRP (S-LRP), but not of response-locked LRP (R-LRP). The results for auditory stimuli, however, were unclear. In spite of a clear RT reduction due to increased loudness, neither S-LRP nor R-LRP onset was affected. A reason for this failure might have been a relatively small range of intensity variation and the type of task. To check for this possibility, we performed three experiments in which broader ranges of stimulus intensities and simple, rather than choice, response tasks were used. Although the intensity effect on the R-LRP was negligible, S-LRP followed RT changes, irrespective of stimulus modality. These findings support the conclusion that stimulus intensity exerts its effect before the start of motoric processes. Finally, S-LRP and R-LRP findings are discussed within a broader information-processing perspective to check the validity of the claim that S-LRP and R-LRP can, indeed, be considered as pure estimates of the duration of sensory and motor processes.  相似文献   

This essay reviews research on interhemispheric transfer time derived from simple unimanual reaction time to hemitachistoscopically presented visual stimuli. Part 1 reviews major theoretical themes including (a) the significance of the eccentricity effect on interhemispheric transfer time in the context of proposed underlying neurohistological constraints; (b) the significance of gender differences in interhemispheric transfer time and findings in dyslexics and left-handers in the context of a fetal brain testosterone model; and (c) the significance of complexity effects on interhemispheric transfer time in a context of dynamic vs. hard-wired concepts of the underlying interhemispheric communication systems. Part 2 consists of a meta-analysis of 49 published behavioral experiments, in view of drawing a portrait of the best set of experimental conditions apt to produce salient, reliable, and statistically significant measures of interhemispheric transfer time, namely (a) index rather than thumb response, (b) low rather than high target luminance, (c) short rather than prolonged target display, and (d) very eccentric rather than near-foveal stimulus location. Part 3 proposes a theoretical model of interhemispheric transfer time, postulating the measurable existence of fast and slow interhemispheric channels. The proposed mechanism's evolutionary adaptive value, the neurophysiological evidence in its support, and favorable functional evidence from studies of callosotomized patients are then presented followed by proposals for critical experimental tests of the model.  相似文献   

What is the time course of human attention in a simple auditory detection task? To investigate this question, we determined the detectability of a 20-msec, 1000-Hz tone presented at expected and unexpected times. Twelve listeners who expected the tone to occur at a specific time after a 300-msec narrowband noise rarely detected signals presented 150-375 msec before or 100-200 msec after that expected time. The shape of this temporal-attention window depended on the expected presentation time of the tone and the temporal markers available in the trials. Further, though expecting the signal to occur in silence, listeners often detected signals presented at unexpected times during the noise. Combined with previous data, these results further clarify the listening strategy humans use when trying to detect an expected sound: Humans seem to listen specifically for that sound, while ignoring the background in which it is presented, around the time when the sound is expected to occur.  相似文献   

In the between-S design, 20 Ss had a visual ready signal presented on each trial; for another 20 Ss, the ready signal was always absent. The within-S design consisted of 40 Ss that experienced both ready-signal conditions in semirandom order. Two intensities of a 1,000-Hz tone were used as the response signals Ready-signal manipulation had pronounced effects under the within-S but not the between-S design irrespective of response-signal intensity  相似文献   

Summary Motor processes partly determine reaction time (RT) in both choice reaction time and in binary classification tasks. These latter tasks are popular in cognitive psychology because the experimenter believes that he has kept the motor component simple and constant and therefore can attribute changes in RT to perceptual or cognitive processes. In this paper we used the P3 component of the event-related potential (ERP) as a time marker indicating the duration of perceptual and cognitive processes. The latency of this component is believed to reflect stimulus evaluation time independent of response selection and organization time.Two types of tasks were used: a choice-reaction time task and a binary classification task. Signal similarity and S-R compatibility additively affected RT, but only signal similarity affected P3 latency. The number of items in the positive set and response type affected both P3 latency and RT. Relative response frequency changed the bias in the cognitive evaluation of the stimulus, reflected in the latency of the P3 component, and affected RT only if the subjects preset their motor system (indexed by the late CNV). A model was presented which proposes that motor processes may partially overlap with the perceptual and cognitive evaluation of the stimulus. Both ERPs and RT are necessary tools in the study of the relative timing of these processes.  相似文献   

The variable-criterion theory of simple reaction times proposed by G. R. Grice is briefly summarized. Grice's method of parameter estimation is described, and it is shown how these procedures can be converted to a least-squares estimation. Finally, the likelihood function is derived from the theory, thereby permitting use of the method of maximum likelihood for estimating the Grice parameters in experiments of simple reaction times.  相似文献   


Driving is a complex everyday task. Every year a huge number of driving accidents around the world causes serious physical and mental injuries and deaths. The correct estimation of the remaining time to reach the other vehicles on the road, known as time to collision (TTC), is an important factor to avoid accidents. In this study, we aimed to use a drift-diffusion model (DDM) to better understand the participants’ estimation of TTC in two driving experiments. Both experiments were the same, except that in one of them participants were asked to finish the experiment as fast as they could, while in the other experiment there was no time constraint. DDM fitted the data from all participants well in both experiments according to the chi-square goodness of fit criterion. Also, results showed that time pressure increases subjects’ estimated TTC, the rate of accumulation of sensory information and the response threshold.  相似文献   

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