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In the research paradigm known as effort justification, people engage in an effortful activity in order to attain a goal. As a result, the goal becomes more attractive. Two experiments were conducted to test the notion that the effort justification sequence can account for the positive changes that result from psychotherapy. In the first experiment, subjects who were afraid to approach a snake underwent one of two types of effortful therapy. One was a modified form of an anxiety-producing therapy known as “implosive therapy”; the other was merely a set of physical exercises. It was reasoned, on the basis of cognitive dissonance theory, that the expenditure of effort would lead to a positive change in the ability to approach the snake but only under conditions of high decision freedom. Half of the subjects in each of the therapy conditions participated with high choice; the other half with low choice. Subjects' improvement in their approach to snakes was assessed. A main effect for decision freedom was predicted and found independently of the type of effort that subjects expended. A second experiment conceptually replicated the findings of the first experiment. Subjects who wanted to become more assertive participated in an effortful, physical exercise therapy or in a modified form of the standard treatment for fear of assertiveness. The results of the 2 × 2 factorial experiment again showed a main effect for decision freedom such that high choice subjects became more assertive. The findings were discussed in terms of dissonance and attribution theories as well as for implications for future consideration of psychotherapy.  相似文献   

The ability of anterior aphasics and patients with right-hemisphere damage to comprehend both the literal and nonliteral readings of indirect speech acts was examined. Subjects viewed videotaped episodes in which one actor asked another “Can you X?” and the second actor responded with either an action or a simple “Yes.” Subjects judged whether the response was appropriate given its context. Anterior aphasics could comprehend the nonliteral but not the literal reading, supporting models that posit that people have direct access to nonliteral but conventional readings. Patients with right-hemisphere damage could appreciate the direct reading, but failed to distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate action-responses. This finding suggests that it may be possible to dissociate the pragmatic and syntactic aspects of comprehension of indirect speech acts.  相似文献   

If people are motivated to elicit attributions from others, are they capable of using attribution theory as a means to this end? To explore this question, subjects were asked to select information to disclose to hypothetical target persons in order to have those target persons make specific attributions about the subjects' traits and abilities. The disclosures conformed well to a model sensitive to the principles of augmentation and discounting. The model considers the causal relevance and value of personal information and whether the self-presenter is given the opportunity to engage in behavior that accomplishes some specific self-presentational objective. The results, in line with the model, showed that subjects having the opportunity to engage in such “correspondent” behavior, are subsequently eager to disclose impediments that highlight the likely presence of highly valued behavioral causes. Subjects without such an opportunity seek to disclose facilitating causal factors that would make an effective performance appear to be more likely should the opportunity later arise.  相似文献   

Ronis and Greenwald (Dissonance theory revised again: Comment on the paper by Fazio, Zanna, and Cooper. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 15, 1979, 62–69) question our integrative formulation of dissonance and self-perception processes. We argue that our formulation provides an explanation of both the full range of results in the literature and our own experimental data, while neither dissonance nor self-perception theory can singly explain the existing data.  相似文献   

The research examines the consequences of making two reinforcement contingencies simultaneously available for the same bar-pressing response. Specifically, two experiments are described which concern the effects of reinforcement rate upon force proportional reinforcement (FPR). In Experiment 1, reinforcement rate was constrained by combining differential reinforcement of low rate with a force-proportional reinforcement contingency. The group of rats exposed to this regimen eventually showed a significant increase in response force compared to control groups. Experimental vs control response rates were not significantly different. In Experiment 2, reinforcement rate was affected through the expedient of relating the probability of obtaining a single pellet to the response force. The group for which the probability-force relationship was discontinuous came to exert higher forces than either a group for which the relationship was fairly continuous or an ordinary variable ratio control group. Response rate was significantly higher for the control group.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the impact of the perception of emotion on attitude change in active participation situations. Subjects wrote counterattitudinal statements while their emotional experiences were independently manipulated by altering their facial expressions. Subjects who were led to experience additional negative affect changed their attitudes significantly more than did subjects who experienced no added emotional input. Conversely, subjects who were led to experience additional positive affect changed their attitudes significantly less than subjects in the other conditions. These results and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The pigeon's keypeck was investigated in a variety of multiple schedules of response-independent or -dependent reinforcement. Experiments 1 and 2 found that keypecking developed to a reinforcement-associated cue that signaled an increase in local rate of reinforcement, but signaled either no change or a decrease in the overall rate of reinforcement, defined as that prevailing in the cue's absence. In Experiment 3 a greater rate of responding to a target stimulus was observed when it was preceded by a second signal—associated with the same, or a lower, rate of reinforcement—and followed by extinction than when this temporal sequence was reversed. In Experiment 4 responding to a target cue increased when either a temporally prior or a subsequent reinforcement-associated cue was changed to signal extinction. Experiment 5 examined the conditioned reinforcing effectiveness of target cues in two types of situations varying the local context of reinforcement. Stimuli associated with selected target components of a response-dependent multiple schedule of reinforcement could appear as the terminal-link consequences in a two-link chain schedule. Enhanced responding during a target cue which accompanied the introduction of an extinction period following this cue was paralleled by an increase in the conditioned reinforcement effects of this cue. No such increase was found for target cues in which an enhancement of responding had been produced by the interposition of an extinction period prior to the cue.  相似文献   

Wolff (1979) has recently reinterpreted the data of Lee (1951). The Lee data, according to Wolff, indicate that Black migration from the south to Philadelphia had been selective in an IQ-relevant manner. Thus, according to Wolff, north- south differences in mean IQ among Blacks are at least in part a consequence of selective migration. However, Wolff's deduction from Lee's data is shown to depend entirely upon an insupportable assumption about cumulative IQ deficit in southern Black children.  相似文献   

Cognitive and linguistic factors affect visual feature integration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Five experiments investigated the influence of cognitive and linguistic factors on the integration of color and letter-shape information. Subjects were briefly presented strings of colored letters that varied in pronounceability and familiarity. Detection and search tasks required subjects to identify the color of predesignated target letters. It was proposed that errors in integrating color and shape would be less likely with items from different perceptual units than from items within the same perceptual unit. If words, at some level of perceptual analysis, are processed as units whereas nonwords are processed by individual letters, then there should be more letter-shape and color feature integration errors with words than with nonwords. The first two experiments tested this prediction by comparing feature integration errors with words and nonwords. The remaining experiments manipulated letter-string pronounceability, familiarity, and the presence of vowels to isolate the factors that may influence feature integration. The results demonstrate that cognitive and linguistic factors, such as familiarity and pronounceability, can influence the combination of colors and shapes in perception.  相似文献   

The role of effort justification in psychotherapy was examined. It was hypothesized that the effort involved in therapy, plus the conscious decision to undergo that effort, leads to positive therapeutic changes through the reduction of cognitive dissonance. An experiment was conducted in which overweight subjects attempted to lose weight through one of two forms of “effort therapy”. These therapies were bogus in that they were based solely on the expenditure of effort on a series of cognitive tasks that were unrelated to any existing techniques or theory addressing weight loss. One of the therapies called for a high degree of effort while the degree of effort in the second therapy was low. A no-treatment control group was also included. It was predicted that greater weight loss would occur for high-effort than low-effort or control subjects, and that this weight loss would be maintained or increased over time. Results supported these predictions. Over an initial 3-week period, high-effort subjects lost slightly more weight than low-effort subjects or controls. A 6-month follow-up revealed that the effects of effort on weight loss had increased and were highly significant. Reliable differences remained even 1 year after the initial experimental sessions. Possible mechanisms mediating the dissonance effect were discussed, as were several alternative explanations.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to demonstrate that human infants 3 months of age perceive color in a normal, trichromatic manner. In the first experiment, the visual attention of 30 infants was monitored in a habituation-dishabituation paradigm that used spectral and white lights with brightness factors eliminated. Infants discriminated white from monochromatic light in a region of the spectrum (490–500 nm) where color-normal adults can but color-deficient adults cannot. In the second experiment which also used a habituation paradigm, eight infants showed good discrimination between hues in a region of the spectrum (560–580 nm) where color-deficient adults typically show no hue discrimination. Results from these studies of the neutral zone and hue discrimination evidence trichromatic vision in infancy and are discussed in the context of their several clinical, social, and intellectual implications.  相似文献   

The procedures 1- to 3-year-old children use to group simple sets of objects are analyzed in an investigation of cognitive change in early representational intelligence. Forty children spontaneously manipulated two-class arrays and participated in two experimental probes of object grouping. Children 1 to 2 years of age group classes by looking for one kind of thing at a time. Consistent with this, they verbally mark single classes. Children from 212 to 3 years old employ spatial grouping procedures that require simultaneous consideration of two classes, and they refer to relations between classes. Advances made during the second year are consistent with other initial signs of representational-symbolic intelligence. The advances in the third year are unaccounted for by traditional cognitive-developmental theories, but they are congruent with late-emerging patterns in natural representational systems such as language, suggesting the presence of broad changes in mental organization shortly after the onset of representational intelligence.  相似文献   

An alternating sort/recall task was employed to train fourth graders and college students in organizational strategies. Free-sorting Ss, at both age levels, sorted a group of words into two to seven categories. Analyses of final sorting patterns indicated reliable differences between the children and adults. The organizational schemes thus developed by the free-sorting Ss were taught, by means of a yoking procedure, to other Ss. Results indicated that the recall of fourth graders was improved when they were forced to learn the sorting patterns developed by the older Ss. Similarly, impairment in the recall of college students was observed when they were required to sort according to the organization employed by the fourth graders. These findings imply that changes in organization can result in changes in recall performance.  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that aversive behavioral consequences affect the magnitude of dissonance reduction. The present experiment was conducted to help clarify the meaning of an aversive consequence. In previous research, an aversive event was manipulated by having a subject believe that a counterattitudinal speech he had delivered was successful in convincing one of the subject's colleagues. In the present study, it was argued that convincing a colleague is aversive only to the extent that the colleague is liked. This reasoning was tested in a 2 × 2 factorial experiment in which subjects delivered a counterattitudinal speech to a recipient whom either was or was not liked by the subject and either was or was not convinced by the subject's speech. It was predicted and found that the subject would evidence attitude change only in the condition in which the speech led to the aversive event of successfully convincing an esteemed other. The results were discussed in terms of refining the relationship between attitude discrepant behavior and attitude change.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether arousal is a necessary component of the motivation to reduce dissonance. Alternative responses to attitude-behavior inconsistency include attitude change, explaining the behavior by a consonant cognition (i.e., low choice), and attributing the dissonance-induced state to an alternative source, such as the purported side effects of an ingested “drug.” For conditions in which there are few consonant cognitions (i.e., high choice), a comparison of different “drug” conditions in which attitude change does or does not occur was expected to clarify which components of the dissonance-induced state mediate attitude change. Attitude change occurred in high choice conditions where the “drug” was described as pleasant, but not in high choice conditions where the “drug” was described as unpleasant or in a low choice condition. In addition, when the “drug” was descibed as arousing there was, if anything, more attitude change than when the “drug” was described as nonarousing. These results suggest that unpleasantness and not arousal per se is the motivating factor in dissonance reduction. The effects of the passage of time and reinstating the counterattitudinal behavior on the alternative responses to attitude-behavior inconsistency were also examined. Subjects returned 2 weeks later, stated their attitudes, recalled their original counterattitudinal essay, and again stated their attitudes. Although there was a general decrease in attitude change during this period, the pattern of attitude change remained basically the same. Attitude change following reinstatement increased from its original level only in those conditions where it had been initially attenuated through misattribution or a consonant cognition.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have documented the effect that expectancies have on perceivers' perceptions of targets, but in few of these studies have the targets been aware of the perceivers' expectancies. In the present study, some perceivers were led to believe that their future interaction partners had a cold personality while others held no such expectancy. Orthogonal to this manipulation, some targets were told that their partners expected them to be cold while others received no such information. Results indicate that expectancy confirmation occurs only when perceivers with expectancies interact with naive targets. Targets who were told that the perceiver held an expectancy about them were able to overcome this expectancy. The relevance of these findings to the process of expectancy confirmation is discussed, and some predictions are made about the conditions under which expectancy confirmation will and will not occur.  相似文献   

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