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Evidence of the analyst's inner processing and self-analysis is built into his choice and use of words. The dyadic context in which he speaks and the internal formation of his words are examined and considered for their implications for the analytic process.  相似文献   

The space the analyst creates in his consulting room gives expression to the most primitive elements in his personality. It does this despite, and even by means of, the professional conventions it incorporates. This phenomenon is first apparent in Freud's office where the space of the psychoanalytic situation originated. Here the room itself--filled with the antiquities he collected so passionately--met important narcissistic/symbiotic needs. In this sense it encodes a very early, unanalyzed level of relationship with his mother. It is suggested here that these phenomena, visible in Freud's office, are continuing elements of the analytic frame. Because of the character of the analyst and the structure of the relationship, the room becomes a mise-en-scène in which the narcissistic/symbiotic layers of both participants' characters are played out. Failing to recognize this may lead the analyst to treat seemingly regressive behavior as resistance and to intervene at developmental levels the patients has not achieved. Indeed, such "regressions" can only be understood as products of the situation itself. Phenomenologically, the analyst has become the corner in which he took refuge as a child; the corner to which the patient now comes for sanctuary. Because this connection is unconscious it cannot be called an alliance. Rather, it is a fortuitous interlocking that--like mother-child symbiosis--constitutes a matrix for new growth.  相似文献   

The patient's fresh perceptions of himself come through mutative work shared with the analyst in the focused intimacy of their interaction. In finding transferential expectancies realized, the patient can experience these as yet different, providing he has the analyst's optimal participation. In this concurrence of crucial differences he can discount and discard the old perceptions that had shaped his psychic reality, and build out of them fresh insights. The analyst's regressive lapses in his best work are a liability inherent in the compromise formations comprising his work ego, built as it is out of the needs and motives of his own transferential past. The stagnation and tensions his regressive transferences contribute to the analytic work produce vivid actualization of the intrapsychic conflicts of both, now intertwined and mutually reinforcing. The analyst's self-analysis at such times can lead to resolving insights about himself that redress the impasse and restore the analytic work both must do.  相似文献   

The analyst's active though silent witnessing of the patient's self-inquiry is presented as an essential aspect of the analytic process. Witnessing, though rooted in the analyst's empathy and holding, represents a more advanced development of those functions based on relational muturation from union to self-other differentiation. Self-definition and regard for otherness are seen as intrinsically unitary. Psychoanalytic witnessing is first illustrated and defined, then located as a derivative of negation in the unfolding of the analytic process, next considered in relation to current concerns for intersubjectivity, and finally linked to current shifts in philosophical thought.  相似文献   

Compiled and edited from lectures on psychoanalytic technique given by the late Karen Horney at the American Institute for Psychoanalysis during the years 1946, 1950, 1951, and 1952. Further lectures in this series will appear in subsequent issues of the Journal.  相似文献   

The analyst's trust, a neglected topic in psychoanalytic discourse, participates in therapeutic action--through the analyst's emotional openness, "unobjectionable positive counter-transference" (see Fox 1998), the holding environment, and the promoting of adaptive internalizations, among other ways. When the analyst's trust--in the patient, in the analyst's self, and/or in the psychoanalytic process--fails, crucial interactions may occur, capable of destroying treatment, or alternatively, of restoring mutual regulatory functions and potentially leading to important mutative processes. Patients benefit from analysts' becoming sensitive to, having useful ways of thinking about, and working with their states of trust and distrust. The author presents clinical examples to illustrate these points.  相似文献   

The increased acceptance of medication in psychoanalysis has occurred with too little consideration of possible complications. The potentially adverse psychological effects and disintegrative aspects of this important technical modification require further examination. While the use of phenomenologically defined diagnostic criteria provides valuable guidance to the clinician, the decision to include pharmacotherapy in a psychoanalysis must be understood also as a transference-countertransference enactment. The analyst's attitude toward pharmacotherapy is an essential element in some defensive and gratifying enactments, resistances that can interfere with psychoanalytic processes. Clinical material is presented illustrating narcissistic and perverse resistances that might be facilitated by analysts' attitudes toward pharmacotherapy, attitudes often tacitly communicated in decisions to use combined treatment.  相似文献   

Given the decline in the average psychoanalytic practice, it is crucial to examine the variables affecting the individual analyst's practice. One such variable is the analyst's reluctance to begin a new analysis. Literature exploring its origins, possible manifestations, and effects on the analyst's thinking and practicing is reviewed. The analyst's reluctance is considered (1) as a defense against powerful affects, (2) as a co-created resistance, and (3) as a manifestation of the analyst's conflicts. Two clinical examples illustrate how this reluctance and its subsequent recognition influence the analyst's work. It is suggested that the present reality of a socioeconomic climate adverse to psychoanalysis, with fewer patients willing to engage in analysis from the outset, might be used to rationalize the analyst's reluctance to begin. It is also suggested that the analyst's reluctance to begin a new analysis is much more pervasive and influential than is presently recognized.  相似文献   

Over the past fifteen years or so, advocates of a relational theory of psychoanalytic process have developed a compelling challenge to the classical approach to clinical work. Their critique of a fixed "standard technique," applicable across the board to all analyzable patients, has been particularly effective. The new approach opens the possibility of tailoring technique to individual analysands, negotiating the best way of working within each unique analytic dyad. But despite the openness of relational theory, many of the most influential clinical vignettes in the recent literature emphasize the analyst's risk-taking, engaging patients in a highly personal way that breaks the traditional analytic frame. Various implications of the tendency of relational analysts to emphasize this sort of intervention are discussed, and questions raised about the way this may affect how relational thinking is received.  相似文献   

There is countertransference, not just to individual patients, but to the process of psychoanalysis itself. The analytic process is a contentious topic. Disagreements about its nature can arise from taking it as a unitary concept that should have a single defi nition whereas, in fact, there are several strands to its meaning. The need for the analyst's free associative listening, as a counterpart to the patient's free associations, implies resistance to the analytic process in the analyst as well as the patient. The author gives examples of the self‐analysis that this necessitates. The most important happenings in both the analyst's and the patient's internal worlds lie at the boundary between conscious and unconscious, and the nature of an analyst's interventions depends on how fully what happens at that boundary is articulated in the analyst's consciousness. The therapeutic quality of an analyst's engagement with a patient depends on the freeing and enlivening quality, for the analyst, of the analyst's engagement with his or her countertransference to the analytic process.  相似文献   

This article describes a psychic function common to analysts that was gradually revealed through clinical work with children. It is a psychic quality derived from function α, which involves analysts’ capacity for reverie – their narrative function. The author presents two clinical situations where this function developed in the analytic field in relation to patients’ difficulty in symbolizing. In the first case there was an early traumatic experience unavailable for representation. The analyst lent the patient her ability to represent and produced a narrative that made it possible to create a world of phantasies and transform nightmares into ‘dreamable’ dreams. In other words, she removed the quality of unbearable, irrepresentable reality that characterized those raw experiences encrypted in the psyche. In the second case the analyst's narrative function sought to connect with the isolation, the shell that housed a child suffering from an autistic disorder whose ability to represent had not been established. The analyst provided meaning for the patient's repetitive, stereotyped play, thus weaving the child's subjectivity and gradually introducing a notion of alterity. The author seeks to show how this function, in the thematic construction of the session, facilitated both the working‐through of a traumatic situation (with the ability to share representations) and the constitution of the psychic fabric.  相似文献   

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