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高血压病和冠心病是与年龄密切相关的心血管疾病.老年人(包括年龄在80岁以上的)同时存在此两种疾病的情况正在逐渐增加.流行病学研究已经证明,高血压和冠心病有密切的联系.老年高血压患者药物的选择仍有一定的争议,而在合并冠心病时合理治疗的临床研究也不多.本文根据目前循证医学资料提出了可用于老年高血压合并冠心病患者合适的降压策略和冠心病的药物治疗.  相似文献   

从科尔伯格提出道德认知发展概念至今,已经出现对道德认知发展的几种不同解释,其中较为著名的包括阶段论、水平论和认知图式论.本研究通过对一份道德判断测验的数据进行分析,采用建立模型的实证方法,试图验证已有的几种道德认知结构理论的正确性.研究表明:道德发展过程的确包含六个阶段,它们是按照一定顺序发展的.同时,道德发展过程中还出现三个水平,并先后建立了三种不同的认知图式.  相似文献   

赵必雄 《天风》2007,(22):9
"有人计算过.人的身体各种物质若分解开来,不过是多少不等的一些水分子、碳、磷、钙、铁等元素而已,不过只值十几元。可是当它们奇妙地有机结合在一起,成为有生命的人时.它们的价值就无法计算了。也就是说.人的价值在于生命。但并不是人人都认识这奇妙生命的宝贵,知道珍惜生命。许多人以为最宝贵的东西是名利,享受、玩乐等.为之而丢失了生命.才有世上所谓"人为财死.鸟为食亡"的俗语。在电视专题片《大案纪实》中有一集报道全国最大的拐卖儿童妇女案的.几十人组成一  相似文献   

正智利大草原上有一种角山羊,它们性格温顺,也被叫作"傻羊"。而这个名字的得来,是因为它们平时经常犯低级的错误,让人哭笑不得。角山羊的低级错误主要有几种表现:一是不吃向阳一面的草,就算那里的草再茂盛,它们都不会跑到山的向阳一面吃草。二是只要刮风下雨,它们便几个堆在一起,头深深地埋在另一只的身  相似文献   

冠心病是严重威胁人们生命和影响生活质量的一种心身疾病,精神应激不仅是不可忽略的重要危险因素之一,而且是一种致病因素.但是精神应激不一定都会引起冠心病,这其中有个体的基因素质和心理素质的作用.它的中介机制主要有脂肪途径和非脂途径.  相似文献   

冠脉介入治疗是近几十年来发展迅速的一种治疗方法,使用该技术的数量在不断增长,但同时也存在着过度使用的情况.患者的主观意愿、医生过度追求经济效益、介入治疗适应证扩大等是其主要原因.加强宣传教育、完善卫生管理制度,提高医生职业道德修养、制定严格的冠脉介入治疗指南才能科学合理地应用介入治疗造福冠心病患者.  相似文献   

正B.威廉斯著、陈嘉映译《伦理学与哲学的限度》一书于2017年6月由商务印书馆出版。该书是当代著名伦理学家威廉斯最具代表性的著作。在书中,威廉斯检讨了伦理学的几种代表理论,如亚里士多德传统、功利主义传统和康德传统,指出传统伦理学都是以反思为特征的,它们认为通过反思可以发现道德生活的真实面貌。但是威廉斯指出,伦理学反思的对象应当是人的伦理生活,而不应是人的伦理反思。若把伦理学定位为后者,并且一定要在理论起点上为人的伦  相似文献   

韩振华 《美与时代》2005,(11):10-11
在对美学史作历时性考察时,我们经常会发现这样一种现象,即许多貌似一致或相近的理论提法往往具有不同的内涵,分别应对于各自的问题情境而各有所指.它们之间或者存在着某种影响关系,或者彼此不甚相干,因此需要认真地加以辨别.美学史上的诸种"关系说"("审美关系论")也是这样,本文选取其中有代表性的几种提法加以分析,目的在于从产生它们的语境出发,理清它们各自的侧重点,以及"关系"本身在其理论建构中的特殊地位和功能,以加深对它们的认识.  相似文献   

空名问题的几种解答   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍和讨论了近来几种关于空名问题的解答.尽管这些解答所依赖的理论机制各不相同,但是它们却都采用了一个共同的策略,那就是它们都假定一个空名的意义与和这个空名相连的所有摹状词都无关.我用各种具体的例子来辩论说这个共同策略是错误的,因而这些解答都是有缺陷的.  相似文献   

心血管疾病的防治不仅仅是心血管医生的问题,还是一个在循证医学引领下的一个全民生活方式改变的问题,也需要多学科相关专业的联盟,涉及心血管疾病治疗规范的形成与普及,对于疾病发生、发展各个阶段的科学管理更是冠心病的防治效果的重要保障.本文针对心血管病冠心病预防的具体实施,从几方面打开了一个全新的视野.  相似文献   

细菌鉴定有着悠久的历史。随着现代科学技术的快速发展,许多新方法、新技术在细菌鉴定中广泛应用,大大提高了鉴定水平。细菌鉴定技术的发展历程,引发我们探索系统化细菌鉴定的新方法,并带给我们对认识事物、看待问题、进行科学思维、继承与创新等方面的哲学思考。  相似文献   

盆腔炎是育龄期妇女的常见病和多发病,常见的病原体有细菌、念珠菌、解脲脲原体、沙眼衣原体等。结合临床检测及文献报道,发现年轻女性盆腔炎解脲脲原体感染率较高,是盆腔炎的高发人群。解脲脲原体感染患者合并其他病原微生物感染的情况相当严重。对患者进行全面系统的病原生物检测,对于预防和有效治疗盆腔炎感染十分重要。  相似文献   

Fraser Watts 《Zygon》2019,54(4):965-983
This article describes some key features of the distinctive approach to issues in science and religion of the Epiphany Philosophers (EPs), and introduces a set of articles from a recent meeting. The objective of the EPs is not merely to establish harmonious coexistence between science and religion. Rather, they are dissatisfied with both, and have a reformist agenda. They see science as unduly constrained by arbitrary metaphysical assumptions, predominantly of an atheist kind, and wish to see it liberated from such constraints. They are also interested in the potential contribution of contemplative enquiry to scientific research. They see no reason why science should not engage with the transcendent, but they do not support any simplistic argument from scientific research to religious belief. They wish to see an approach to religion that is rooted more firmly in the contemplative path.  相似文献   

N. Gisin 《Synthese》1991,89(2):287-297
Propensities are presented as a generalization of classical determinism. They describe a physical reality intermediary between Laplacian determinism and pure randomness, such as in quantum mechanics. They are characterized by the fact that their values are determined by the collection of all actual properties. It is argued that they do not satisfy Kolmogorov axioms; other axioms are proposed.  相似文献   

Emergent themes and roles in short-term loss groups   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clinical observations regarding themes and roles that are characteristic of short-term, psychoanalytically oriented therapy groups for loss patients are presented. They reflect aspects of both the therapy and the patients. Themes refer to the content of a recurrent conflict in the group. They include trust, survivor guilt, mortality, and termination. Roles refer to a set of patient behaviors that represent a shared conflict. They include the apparition, monk, professor, professional nurturer, emotional conductor, and cruise director. Challenges that the themes and roles present to the therapist and clinical guidelines for addressing them are offered. Awareness of characteristic themes and roles and possible therapist responses are regarded as important parts of the preparation and training of therapists who plan to conduct short-term loss groups.  相似文献   

Meet the Sorbs. They are a Slavic people in Germany who number around sixty thousand. They are not mistreated or oppressed by the German government. They live in two German states, but they are interspersed with other Germans. Do the Sorbs deserve special, group rights to help maintain their culture? The recent arguments of many theorists suggest that they do. Iris Marion Young has recently argued that all marginalized groups should have group rights. Avishai Margalit and Moshe Halbertal maintain that all cultural groups have certain rights. Will Kymlicka suggests that all ‘societal cultures’ have group rights, which might include the Sorbs.  相似文献   

A.G.P.A. News     
Clinical observations regarding themes and roles that are characteristic of short-term, psychoanalytically oriented therapy groups for loss patients are presented. They reflect aspects of both the therapy and the patients. Themes refer to the content of a recurrent conflict in the group. They include trust, survivor guilt, mortality, and termination. Roles refer to a set of patient behaviors that represent a shared conflict. They include the apparition, monk, professor, professional nurturer, emotional conductor, and cruise director. Challenges that the themes and roles present to the therapist and clinical guidelines for addressing them are offered. Awareness of characteristic themes and roles and possible therapist responses are regarded as important parts of the preparation and training of therapists who plan to conduct short-term loss groups.  相似文献   

The perspective and size-constancy theories of illusions are described. They both imply that illusory distortions arise as a consequence of mistaken perceptual impressions of depth. Predictions from these theories are tested in six experiments and several ancillary studies. They show that although differences in apparent distance may be sufficient for the appearance of illusions their presence is not a necessary condition. Detailed theoretical implications of these results are considered in discussion.  相似文献   

Our actions, individually and collectively, inevitably affect others, ourselves, and our institutions. They shape the people we become and the kind of world we inhabit. Sometimes those consequences are positive, a giant leap for moral humankind. Other times they are morally regressive. This propensity of current actions to shape the future is morally important. But slippery slope arguments are a poor way to capture it. That is not to say we can never develop cogent slippery slope arguments. Nonetheless, given their most common usage, it would be prudent to avoid them in moral and political debate. They are often fallacious and have often been used for ill. They are normally used to defend the moral status quo. Even when they are cogent, we can always find an alternate way to capture their insights. Finally, by accepting that the moral roads on which we travel are slippery, we become better able to successfully navigate them.  相似文献   

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