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Pigeons searched computer screens for 1 of 4 letter targets among 55 alphanumeric distractors. In Experiment 1, valid-cue trials used distinctive patterns to signal the subsequent appearance of specific targets, whereas ambiguous-cue trials used a signal common to all targets. Search reaction times (RTs) after valid cues were shorter than after the ambiguous cue; increased target discriminability also reduced RT. In Experiment 2, when reinforcement for 2 targets shifted from 10% to 20%, RTs to those targets dropped, whereas RTs to the other 2 targets rose. RT distributions suggested that precues and discriminability both affect the momentary probability of finding a target, as embodied in the decay constant of an underlying exponentially distributed RT component. Reinforcement changes appeared to affect different components of the response process, embodied in changes in the mean of an underlying lognormal distribution.  相似文献   

In a delayed conditional discrimination task, pigeons can remember either some aspect of the conditional stimulus (i.e., they can code retrospectively) or some aspect of the stimulus to which they will respond at the end of the delay (i.e., they can code prospectively). To determine the nature of the memory code, we varied the number of possible sample stimuli (two or four) and the number of possible comparison stimuli (two or four) factorially across groups. Birds in all four groups were initially trained on a zero-delay, conditional discrimination with lines (vertical and horizontal) and/or shapes (circle and triangle), and were then tested with longer delays between sample offset and comparison onset. Acquisition of the conditional discrimination was affected by both the number of sample and comparison stimuli: birds were slower to reach criterion the greater the number in either stimulus set. During delay testing, however, only the number of comparisons affected performance. Overall, retention was poorer with four comparisons than with two. These data provide evidence for prospective coding in pigeon short-term memory.  相似文献   

To examine the mechanisms and time course of visual search behavior, we rewarded 6 experienced pigeons for locating and pecking at an odd target region randomly embedded in a larger rectangular array of contrasting distractor elements. On two-target test trials, a flanking secondary target region was briefly presented (100, 250, or 500 ms) after display onset with stimulus onset asynchrony values of 0, 50, 100, 175, 250, 375, 500, 1000, 2000, and 3000 ms. Two types of interference effects were possibly identified with target localization accuracy. One type occurred early in processing, where the secondary target appeared to interfere with search behavior, perhaps involving mechanisms similar to inhibition of return. A second type of interference was isolated that appeared to be time locked to responding and might occur at a postsearch stage of processing. Several possible connections of these effects to established mechanisms in human visual search and attention are suggested.  相似文献   

Pigeons searched computer screens for a grating target that varied in spatial frequency and orientation. In Experiment 1, a pretrial cue signaled that a particular target would appear. The cue speeded response to this primed target and to targets of the same orientation and similar spatial frequency to the primed target. However, the cue slowed search for targets differing from the primed target in orientation. In Experiment 2, pecks to a single target were reinforced. Responding generalized somewhat to targets of spatial frequency similar to the primed target and to targets of either orientation. Thus, stimulus aspects that affect detection may differ from those that affect recognition; if a common representation serves both, it functions differently in the 2 cases.  相似文献   

Responding of pigeons, maintained under a fixed-interval 3-minute schedule of food presentation, was decreased on days that the color of the lights illuminating the food magazine was changed and d-amphetamine (1.0 mg/kg, i.m.) was injected after the session. Responding was not decreased by keylight color changes paired with postsession d-amphetamine or by postsession injections of saline. Administration of pentobarbital (3.0 to 5.6 mg/kg), but not d-amphetamine (.3 to 3.0 mg/kg), before the session increased rates of responding suppressed by drug-paired magazine lights. Responding maintained under a fixed-ratio 30-response schedule was not decreased when differently colored magazine lights were paired with a low (.3 mg/kg) postsession dose of d-amphetamine; with high (3.0 mg/kg) postsession doses, however, responding was completely suppressed after two pairings. The effects of pairing magazine stimuli with an intermediate (1.0 mg/kg) postsession dose of d-amphetamine depended upon the magnitude of prior postsession doses. After being paired with a low dose, stimuli paired with 1.0 mg/kg did not suppress responding. After being paired with a high dose, stimuli paired with 1.0 mg/kg completely suppressed responding. The suppression of food-maintained responding by stimuli paired with postsession drug administration depends upon both behavioral and pharmacological variables.  相似文献   

Moray revisited: High-priority affective stimuli and visual search   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous research offers conflicting suggestions about whether “high-priority” verbal stimuli such as an individual's own name or emotionally charged words automatically grab attention and/or can be detected without the usual capacity limitations. Nine experiments investigated this issue, using visual search through displays of words. In speeded search tasks, the subject's own name was detected more quickly than other targets, but in no case were search slopes flat enough to suggest parallel search or “pop-out”. Further, names were not found to be unusually potent distractors. Emotionally charged words were neither more readily detected as targets nor more potent as distractors than neutral words. Acomparison of observers' accuracy in searching briefly exposed simultaneous vs. successive displays provided further evidence that search for “high-priority” word targets is subject to the same severe capacity limitations as those that are found with search for neutral words.  相似文献   

Klein (1988) reported that inhibitory tagging (i.e., inhibition of return in visual search) made reaction times for the detection of small probes increase at locations where there had previously been rejected items in serial visual search. It is reasonable that the attended and rejected locations are inhibited. However, subsequent studies did not support Klein's idea. In these studies, inhibitory tagging was tested after removing the items from the search tasks. The paradigms in these studies were not appropriate for testing an object-based inhibitory effect because the objects (i.e., items) were removed from the display. In the present study, we found that evidence of inhibitory tagging could be observed only when the items of the search tasks were maintained until the responses for the small probes were made. This appeared to be an object-based effect.  相似文献   

When a subject searches through a list of letters of mixed case in a letter cancellation task search is slowed if the background items include the target letter in the other case. This effect is largest when target and confusing background have visual analogue similarity (e.g., cC) but still obtains when no special visual similarity exists (e.g., aA). In searches for two targets, one of either case, search is facilitated when the targets are both cases of the same letter.  相似文献   

To learn more about the mechanism (or mechanisms) involved with postresponse stimulus processing during discrimination learning, a series of studies was conducted with monkeys to determine why the combined relevant and irrelevant stimuli impair learning more than irrelevant stimuli appearing alone. It was found that: (a) the greater size and complexity of the combination of stimuli were not responsible for the greater deficit, while the presence of the relevant stimuli (SD and SΔ) within the stimulus combination apparently was; (b) the more similar the postresponse irrelevant stimuli were to the relevant stimuli the greater the deficit that resulted; and (c) monkeys that had earlier learned to discriminate the relevant and irrelevant features of a combination showed no learning impairment when this same stimulus combination was later presented after the response during a new learning problem. These results were interpreted as evidence that: (1) processes associated with learning a discrimination problem do not end with the execution of a choice response; (2) postresponse stimuli produce greater impairment in discrimination learning when they are distorted versions of the relevant stimuli; and (3) the impairment resulting from postresponse irrelevant stimuli occurs primarily when this misinformation is processed and misperceived as being relevant to learning the discrimination problem.  相似文献   

It has been argued that phylogenetic fear-relevant stimuli elicit preattentive capture of attention. To distinguish between fear relevance and time of appearance in evolutionary history, the authors compare phylogenetic and ontogenetic fear-relevant and fear-irrelevant stimuli in a visual search task. The authors found no evidence for a special role of phylogenetic fear-relevant stimuli; it seems that fear relevance in general is more important than is the evolutionary age. The pattern of results indicates that attention toward threatening stimuli is mainly affected by a late component that prolongs the disengagement of attention.  相似文献   

Subjects localized a small letter that appeared inside one of three large circles that was either validly or invalidly cued. The results indicated that, although unattended stimuli were localized fairly accurately, attention still improved localization. Moreover, the results revealed a greater dispersion of localization responses along the horizontal axis and also showed that mislocalization of attended peripheral stimuli is biased toward the periphery.  相似文献   

It remains unclear how memory load affects attentional processes in visual search (VS). No effects, as well as beneficial and detrimental effects of memory load, have been found in this type of task. The main goal of the present research was to explore whether memory load has a modulating effect on VS by means of a different attentional set induced by the order of trials (mixed vs. blocked) and by the time presentation of visual display (long vs. short). In Experiment 1, we randomized the order of type of trial (5, 10 and 15 items presented in the display) while it remained constant (10 items) in Experiments 2A and 2B. In the later experiments, we also changed time presentation of visual display (3000 vs. 1300 ms, respectively). Results showed no differential effects of memory load in Experiments 1 and 2A, but they showed up in Experiment 2B: RTs were longer in the attentional task for trials under high memory load conditions. Although our hypothesis of the attentional set is supported by the results, other theoretical implications are also worth discussing in order to better understand how memory load may modulate attentional processes in VS.  相似文献   

The effects of memory load in visual search (VS) have shown a diversity of results from the absence through beneficial and detrimental effects of a concurrent memory load in VS performance. One of the hypotheses intended to explain the heterogeneity of results follows the idea proposed by certain models in the context of VS that the contents of working memory (WM) can modulate the attentional processes involved in VS (Desimone & Duncan, 1995; Duncan & Humphreys, 1989). In four experiments, we manipulated the similarity of information maintained in WM and those materials playing the role of target and distractors in the VS task. The results showed a beneficial effect in the first two experiments, where the materials in WM matched the target in VS. However, when they matched the distractors in the attentional task there is no effect in the slope of the search function. Present results strengthen those theories supporting that visual working memory is fractionated to allow for maintenance of items not essential to the attentional task (Downing & Dodds, 2004).  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted in order to compare the effects of stimulus redundancy on temporal order judgments (TOJs) and reaction times (RTs). In Experiments 1 and 2, participants were presented in each trial with a tone and either a single visual stimulus or two redundant visual stimuli. They were asked to judge whether the tone or the visual display was presented first. Judgments of the relative onset times of the visual and the auditory stimuli were virtually unaffected by the presentation of redundant, rather than single, visual stimuli. Experiments 3 and 4 used simple RT tasks with the same stimuli, and responses were much faster to redundant than to single visual stimuli. It appears that the traditional speedup of RT associated with redundant visual stimuli arises after the stimulus detection processes to which TOJs are sensitive.  相似文献   

A substantial amount of data has accumulated demonstrating that emotionally disordered subjects are prone to bias their attention toward threatening, emotionally relevant stimuli. Little attention has been reserved for the study of cognitive processes involved in anger arousal. In the present study, we investigated whether mood-congruent attentional biases could be demonstrated in subjects of varying levels of trait anger using a visual search task. This task also assessed whether mood-congruent biases diminished with repeated exposure to specific emotion stimuli. To investigate state-trait interaction effects, a naturalistic, anger-inducing insult was administered to half the subjects. There was a positive relation between participants' level of trait anger and their degree of mood-congruent attentional bias toward anger-related cues only after an insult. As predicted, this effect diminished across blocks of trials. Aggr. Behav. 24:399–409, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Reports that visual search is more efficient for vertically than for horizontally shaded objects suggested that search is influenced by a priori knowledge about the source of light. In this study, we examined search for targets defined by the orientation of luminance gradients and measured event-related brain potentials (ERPs). In Experiment 1, we examined search for stimuli that comprised gradual luminance differences. Response times showed the expected orientation anisotropy effect. ERP amplitudes in the P1 latency range were slightly more positive in response to horizontally oriented stimuli, whereas P3 amplitudes were more positive in response to nonsingleton vertically oriented stimuli. Experiment 2 compared search for stimuli that comprised gradual versus step differences in luminance. All the anisotropies that we observed in Experiment 1 could be replicated in Experiment 2. Moreover, these anisotropies were not dependent on the type of the luminance gradient. This finding is inconsistent with the view that search efficiency is influenced by a priori knowledge about the source of light. The behavioral and electrophysiological data are consistent with a context model of visual search. We propose that contextual modulation reduces redundancy and contributes to computing the saliency of visual information by implementing divisive normalization and multiplicative filtering.  相似文献   

Previous reports suggest that distractor familiarity plays an important role in determining visual search efficiency. However, the specific tasks used in those studies limit the extension of their findings to real-world situations and everyday images. In the present study, subjects engaged in a prolonged period of search experience as a control of their level of familiarity with a large set of target and distractor images. Reaction times and search slopes decreased dramatically over this period, especially for trials with a large target eccentricity and many distractors. Following extended practice, search among familiar distractors was more efficient than search among unfamiliar distractors. Furthermore, we found that familiar targets were located more efficiently than unfamiliar targets and that subjects were faster at locating targets that they had experienced in the majority of the search trials. These results show that prolonged visual experience facilitates processing of both target and distractor items during search.  相似文献   

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