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The dimension of obtained effect size (OES) was examined in this report. The 1977 volumes of Communication Monographs, Human Communication Research, and the Journal of Communication were reviewed, and a comparison of OES magnitude, reporting, and interpretation was conducted. Additional data gleaned from the 1975, 1976, and 1978 volumes of Human Communication Research were also included. The magnitude of experimental effects was relatively high in Communication Monographs and Human Communication Research. The number of authors reporting OES was most pronounced in Human Communication Research. The role of OES in relation to significance was discussed, and some recommendations for the reporting of data were advanced.  相似文献   

Effect sizes (e.g., Cohen's d, Glass's Δ, η2, adjusted R2, ω2) quantify the extent to which sample results diverge from the expectations specified in the null hypothesis. The present article addresses 5 related questions. First, is the advocacy for reporting and interpreting effect sizes part of the controversy over statistical significance testing? Second, why cannot p values be used as effect sizes? Third, what are the various categories of effect sizes and some commonly used examples of each type? Fourth, how should effect sizes be interpreted? Fifth, what are some recommendations for further reading?  相似文献   

A crisis of confidence in research findings in consumer psychology and other academic disciplines has led to various proposals to abandon, replace, strengthen, or supplement the null hypothesis significance testing paradigm. The proliferation of such proposals, and their often-conflicting recommendations, can increase confusion among researchers. We aim to bring some clarity by proposing five simple principles for the new era of data analysis and reporting of research in consumer psychology. We avoid adding to researchers' confusion and proposing more onerous or rigid standards. Our goal is to offer straightforward practical principles that are easy for researchers to keep in mind while analyzing their data and reporting their findings. These principles involve (1) interpreting p-values as continuous measures of the strength of evidence, (2) being aware of assumptions that determine whether one can rely on p-values, (3) using theory to establish the applicability of findings to new settings, (4) employing multiple measures of evidence and various processes to obtain them, but assigning special privilege to none, and (5) reporting procedures and findings transparently and completely. We hope that these principles provide researchers with some guidance and help to strengthen the reliability of the conclusions derived from their data, analyses, and findings.  相似文献   

Geoffrey Loftus, Editor ofMemory & Cognition from 1994 to 1997, strongly encouraged presentation of figures with error bars and avoidance of null hypothesis significance testing (NHST). The authors examined 696Memory & Cognition articles published before, during, and after the Loftus editorship. Use of figures with bars increased to 47% under Loftus’s editorship and then declined. Bars were rarely used for interpretation, and NHST remained almost universal. Analysis of 309 articles in other psychology journals confirmed that Loftus’s influence was most evident in the articles he accepted for publication, but was otherwise limited. An e-mail survey of authors of papers accepted by Loftus revealed some support for his policy, but allegiance to traditional practices as well. Reform of psychologists’ statistical practices would require more than editorial encouragement.  相似文献   

Media recommendations on suicide reporting are available in many countries and in different languages. Hong Kong newspapers have been found to be noncompliant with WHO recommendations. A booklet containing WHO media guidelines Preventing Suicide: A Resource for Media Professionals, and an awareness campaign were launched in November 2004 in Hong Kong. Content analysis was then conducted to compare the reporting of suicide news before and after the launch. Results indicate that certain reporting styles were changed in accordance with the recommendations; namely, lessened use of pictorial presentations and headlines mentioning suicides. Most of the changes were attributed to the tabloid‐style newspapers. This study suggests that programs to promote media recommendations tailored for journalists appear to be efficacious in altering their way of reporting.  相似文献   

People often test hypotheses about two variables (X andY), each with two levels (e.g.,X1 andX2). When testing “IfX1, thenY1,” observing the conjunction ofX1 andY1 is overwhelmingly perceived as more supportive than observing the conjunction ofX2 andY2, although both observations support the hypothesis. Normatively, theX2&Y2 observation provides stronger support than theX1&Y1 observation if the former is rarer. Because participants in laboratory settings typically test hypotheses they are unfamiliar with, previous research has not examined whether participants are sensitive to the rarity of observations. The experiment reported here showed that participants were sensitive to rarity, even judging a rareX2&Y2 observation more supportive than a commonX1&Y1 observation under certain conditions. Furthermore, participants’ default strategy of judgingX1&Y1 observations more informative might be generally adaptive because hypotheses usually regard rare events.  相似文献   


Beginning in 1953 the American Psychological Association (APA) has advanced twelve iterations of a professional ethical code. In recent years the adequacy of the Ethics Code as well as APA’s ethics enforcement has come under increased scrutiny. In 2015 the APA empaneled an Ethics Commission which made a series of recommendations; however, the Commission itself as well as its recommendations are also controversial. This paper presents criticisms of the Ethics Code that have generally not been discussed in the previous literature.  相似文献   

The American Psychological Association's (APA's) as well as other professional organizations' (e.g., American Psychiatric Association) removal of homosexuality as a mental disorder represented a paradigmatic shift in thinking about exual orientation. Since then, APA (2000) American Psychiatric Association. 2000. Position statement on attempts to change sexual orientation (conversion and reparative therapies).. American Journal of Psychiatry, 157: 17191721. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] disseminated guidelines for working with lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) clients, and a variety of scholars and researchers alike have advocated affirmative therapeutic interventions with LGB individuals. Despite these efforts, the controversy over treating individuals with LGB orientations using nonaffirmative techniques continues. In this discussion, the limited evidence regarding the efficacy and effects of conversion therapy is surveyed, particularly in the context of empirically supported treatment criteria summarized by Division 12 (clinical psychology) of the APA. Authors then consider the resulting ethical considerations in performing conversion therapy and propose alternative uses of affirmative therapy on the basis of ethical standards defined by APA. Finally, options for treating LGB individuals who are coming to terms with their sexual orientations are discussed.  相似文献   

As advances in computer-based systems (CBS) have continued, development problems can occur which can adversely affect systems developers and users of these technologies, especially those designed to improve or affect decision making. One major difficulty concerns the legal liability that can occur as a result of defective or flawed systems development efforts. This article discusses several types of decision-enhancing technologies and how problems associated with the adequacy of testing of system design and appropriateness of warnings and directions/instructions dealing with CBS could adversely affect CBS developers from a legal perspective. Several propositions and suggested research perspectives are also presented. He received his Ph.D. in computer information systems from Arizona State University. His research interests include the impact on organizations and individuals of information systems and the potential legal liability to systems developers brought about by defective computer-based systems. His research has appeared inMIS Quarterly, Information & Management, AI Expert, AI & Society, Educational andPsychological Measurement andInformation Resources Management Journal. Kathleen Mykytyn is a consultant and research specializing in the impact of information systems and technologies on individuals and organizations. Her research has been published inMIS Quarterly, AI & Society, AI Expert, andInformation & Management.  相似文献   

Recent work in the general recognition theory (GRT) framework indicates that there are serious problems with some of the inferential machinery designed to detect perceptual and decisional interactions in multidimensional identification and categorization (Mack, Richler, Gauthier, & Palmeri, 2011). These problems are more extensive than previously recognized, as we show through new analytic and simulation-based results indicating that failure of decisional separability is not identifiable in the Gaussian GRT model with either of two common response selection models. We also describe previously unnoticed formal implicational relationships between seemingly distinct tests of perceptual and decisional interactions. Augmenting these formal results with further simulations, we show that tests based on marginal signal detection parameters produce unacceptably high rates of incorrect statistical significance. We conclude by discussing the scope of the implications of these results, and we offer a brief sketch of a new set of recommendations for testing relationships between dimensions in perception and response selection in the full-factorial identification paradigm.  相似文献   

This study examined the psychological processes that might underlie the relationship between procedural justice and organizational citizenship behaviour using an integrative approach. In doing so, we focused on the mediating effects of perceived organizational support and organizational identification in the relationship simultaneously. Framed as an integrated test of social exchange and social identity predictions, the hypotheses were tested using two cross-cultural samples (i.e., South Korea and the United States) as well as different operationalizations of the constructs of interest, which meets the criterion of a constructive replication (Lykken, 1968 Lykken, D. 1968. Statistical significance in psychological research. Psychological Bulletin, 70: 151159. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) by two samples (N = 130, 135). Interestingly, the results showed convergence in support of the mediating role of organizational identification, but not perceived organizational support, when the two mediators were included in the model concurrently. These findings indicate that social identity may be the dominant psychological mechanism underlying the relationship between procedural justice and organizational citizenship behaviour in workplaces.  相似文献   

O'Donohue and Dyslin [W. O'Donohue & C. Dyslin (1996) Abortion, boxing and Zionism: Politics and the APA, New Ideas in Psychology, 14, 1–10] discuss the legitimacy of certain political statements made by the American Psychological Association (APA). Their paper makes a significant contribution to the debate over the role of organized psychology in social issues. Although we concur with their demand for honesty in the APA's organizational behavior, we disagree with their conclusion that the APA should restrict its political statements only to those justified by hard data. To believe that politics can be divorced from psychology is to confine the field to artificial boundaries that limit its potential for improving human well-being and social justice.  相似文献   

We are reporting what we believe to be the first published case of patient initiated direct to consumer (DTC) genetic testing to test for the presence of a known familial mutation. Our client in this case is from a known MSH2 family; both his/her parent and associated grandparent have previously tested positive for the known familial MSH2 mutation. Using 23andme’s “family inheritance genome-wide comparison” option we were able to determine that our client most likely inherited the known familial MSH2 mutation without pursuing single site genetic testing. Our client pursued DTC genetic testing instead of single site genetic testing due to the fear of genetic discrimination. This case shows that patients are still fearful of genetic discrimination, despite the passage of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), and that DTC genetic testing may be useful despite the overall negative feeling towards this type of testing in the genetic counseling community.  相似文献   

In the present study, an attempt was made to replicate the preparedness effect reported by Öhman, Fredrickson, Hugdahl, & Rimmö (1976). Following Öhman et al. (1976) as closely as possible, a differential conditioning procedure was carried out in which subjects'skin conductance responses (SCRs) were conditioned either to stimuli of evolutionary significance (slides of snakes and spiders) or to evolutionally neutral stimuli (slides of mushrooms and flowers). The experiment consisted of 8 habituation, 12 acquisition, and 20 extinction trials. Electric shock served as an unconditioned stimulus during the acquisition phase. Although SCRs showed significant decreases during habituation and were significantly influenced by the conditioning procedure during acquisition, they were not found to extinguish significantly more slowly in the group that saw slides of snakes and spiders. This result contradicts the earlier results reported by Öman and colleagues. Possible explanations for this failure to replicate their results are discussed.  相似文献   

This study presents the adaptation of the Affective Norms for English Words (ANEW; Bradley & Lang, 1999a) for European Portuguese (EP). The EP adaptation of the ANEW was based on the affective ratings made by 958 college students who were EP native speakers. Subjects assessed about 60 words by considering the affective dimensions of valence, arousal, and dominance, using the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) in either a paper-and-pencil or a Web survey procedure. Results of the adaptation of the ANEW for EP are presented. Furthermore, the differences between EP, American (Bradley & Lang, 1999a), and Spanish (Redondo, Fraga, Padrón, & Comesa?a, Behavior Research Methods, 39, 600–605, 2007) standardizations were explored. Results showed that the ANEW words were understood in a similar way by EP, American, and Spanish subjects, although some sex and cross-cultural differences were observed. The EP adaptation of the ANEW is shown to be a valid and useful tool that will allow researchers to control and/or manipulate the affective properties of stimuli, as well as to develop cross-linguistic studies. The normative values of EP adaptation of the ANEW can be downloaded at .  相似文献   

There are few studies on the development of anxiety and depression in orthopaedics and trauma (O&T) inpatients. We designed a cross-sectional study aimed at comparing the prevalence of depression and anxiety in 100 O&T inpatients and 100 clinical inpatients in the same hospital. O&T patients were divided into subgroups: trauma and non-trauma (arthroplasty, tumour, and infection sub grouping). We measured anxiety and depression by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and co-morbidities by the Charlson age-adjusted comorbidity index (CCI). For the trauma subgroup, AO/OTA fracture classification and Gustillo and Anderson grade of open fractures classification was applied. The prevalence of anxiety and depression was 35% and 28%, respectively for the clinical sample, and 44% and 33% for the O&T sample. Compared with the clinical sample, anxiety scores were higher in the O&T sample (p = .047), and in arthroplasty (p = .020) and trauma subgroups (p = .031). In the O&T sample, high CCI scores were associated with high anxiety scores (p = .033).  相似文献   

The discovery of a genetic marker linked to the Huntington disease (HD) gene made it possible to perform presymptomatic genetic testing for this late onset disorder. The first two pilot research programs in the United States, at Massachusetts General Hospital and Johns Hopkins Hospital, began offering testing in the Fall of 1986. Twenty-three centers are now offering this testing as part of their clinical service. As testing for this and other late onset diseases becomes more widespread, it is important to assess what we have learned about offering this test to those at risk. This article presents recommendations based on the author's 5 years of experience offering presymptomatic testing for HD in order to alert counselors to the complexities of offering this type of service.  相似文献   

Estimation based on effect sizes, confidence intervals, and meta‐analysis usually provides a more informative analysis of empirical results than does statistical significance testing, which has long been the conventional choice in psychology. The sixth edition of the American Psychological Association Publication Manual now recommends that psychologists should, wherever possible, use estimation and base their interpretation of research results on point and interval estimates. We outline the Manual's recommendations and suggest how they can be put into practice: adopt an estimation framework, starting with the formulation of research aims as ‘How much?’ or ‘To what extent?’ questions. Calculate from your data effect size estimates and confidence intervals to answer those questions, then interpret. Wherever appropriate, use meta‐analysis to integrate evidence over studies. The Manual's recommendations can assist psychologists improve they way they do their statistics and help build a more quantitative and cumulative discipline.  相似文献   

Feedback administered to eyewitnesses after they make a line‐up identification dramatically distorts a wide range of retrospective judgements (e.g. G. L. Wells & A. L. Bradfield, 1998 Journal of Applied Psychology, 83(3), 360–376.). This paper presents a meta‐analysis of extant research on post‐identification feedback, including 20 experimental tests with over 2400 participant‐witnesses. The effect of confirming feedback (i.e. ‘Good, you identified the suspect’) was robust. Large effect sizes were obtained for most dependent measures, including the key measures of retrospective certainty, view and attention. Smaller effect sizes were obtained for so‐called objective measures (e.g. length of time the culprit was in view) and comparisons between disconfirming feedback and control conditions. This meta‐analysis demonstrates the reliability and robustness of the post‐identification feedback effect. It reinforces recommendations for double‐blind testing, recording of eyewitness reports immediately after an identification is made, and reconsideration by court systems of variables currently recommended for consideration in eyewitness evaluations. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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