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The present study examined developmental changes in the ability to recognize face parts. In Experiment 1, participants were familiarized with whole faces and given a recognition test with old and new eyes, noses, mouths, inner faces, outer faces, or whole faces. Adults were above chance in their recognition of the eye and mouth regions. However, children did not naturally encode and recognize face parts independently of the entire face. In addition, all age groups showed comparable inner and outer face recognition, except for 8‐ to 9‐year‐olds who showed a recognition advantage for outer faces. In Experiment 2, when participants were familiarized with eyes, noses, or mouths and tested with eyes, noses, or mouths, respectively, all ages showed above‐chance recognition of eyes and mouths. Thirteen‐ to 14‐year‐olds were adult‐like in their recognition of the eye region, but mouth recognition continued to develop beyond 14 years of age. Nose recognition was above chance among 13‐ to 14‐year‐olds, but recognition scores remained low even in adulthood. The present findings reveal unique developmental trajectories in the use of isolated facial regions in face recognition and suggest that featural cues (as a class) have a different ontogenetic course relative to holistic and configural cues. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The sudden inability to recognize individual faces following brain damage was first reported in a scientific journal 150 years ago and termed ‘prosopagnosia’ 70 years ago. While the term originally identified a face‐selective neurological condition, it is now obscured by a sequence of imprecisions. First, prosopagnosia is routinely used to define symptoms of individual face recognition (IFR) difficulties in the context of visual object agnosia or other neurological conditions, or even in the normal population. Second, this over‐expansive definition has lent support to a long‐standing within‐category recognition account of prosopagnosia, that is, that the impairment of IFR reflects a general impairment in recognizing within‐category objects. However, stringent experimental studies of classical cases of prosopagnosia following brain damage show that their core impairment is not in recognizing physically similar exemplars within non‐face object categories. Instead, the impairment presents specifically for recognizing exemplars of the category of faces. Moreover, compared to typical observers, the impairment appears even more severe for recognizing individual faces against physically dissimilar than similar distractors. Here, I argue that we need to limit accordingly our definition of prosopagnosia to a clinical (i.e., neurological) condition in which there is no basic‐level object recognition impairment. Other criteria for prosopagnosia are proposed, with the hope that this conservative definition enables the study of human IFR processes in isolation, and supports progress in understanding the nature of these processes.  相似文献   

本文研究了不同的短期学习时间对陌生面孔的绝对辩认绩效的影响。结果表明:(1)0.5分、1分、5分这三种不同的短期学习时间对陌生面孔的绝对辩认绩效没有明显的影响。(2)人们对人脸结构信息的改变非常敏感,当结构信息变动4.88个象素(或9.13’)时,被试对陌生面孔的平均正确绝对辩认率可达到75%以上。(3)在对陌生人脸的绝对辩认中,被试的正确辩认率随着结构信息变化量的增加而提高,趋势分为快速增长区和迟滞增长区两个区域。  相似文献   

The other-race effect (ORE) reflects poor recognition of faces of a different race to one's own. According to the expertise-individuation hypothesis, this phenomenon is a consequence of limited experience with other-race faces. Thus, similar experience with own and other-race faces should abolish the ORE. This study explores the ORE in a multi-racial country (i.e., Malaysia) by comparing Malaysian observers' face recognition for faces of a predominant racial group in Malaysia (i.e., Chinese) with faces from an uncommon group (i.e., Caucasian). Malaysian Chinese, Malays, and Malaysian Indians completed the Cambridge Face Memory Test (CFMT) and the CFMT-Chinese. Compared with the normative scores, Malaysian observers showed poor performance in the CFMT-Caucasian. Interestingly, Malays and Malaysian Indians observers' performance was identical to that of Malaysian Chinese in the CFMT-Chinese and to the normative scores of the test. These results demonstrate the relevance of experience in shaping the ORE.  相似文献   

面孔识别异族效应的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨红升  黄希庭 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1450-1453
异族效应是面孔识别过程中一种非常稳定的现象,表现为对本族面孔的识别与再认成绩显著高于异族面孔.脑成像研究也证实了这两类面孔在神经表征上的差异.关于该效应主要有知觉经验说与社会分类说两种理论解释,但围绕着其心理机制仍然存在着很多争议然,未来的研究需要考虑族群认同等社会-人格因素对于异族效应的影响,并注意考察本族面孔与异族面孔有提取阶段可能存在的神经活动的差异.  相似文献   

为了探究内隐面孔再认在记忆形成过程中的认知加工状态,该实验以陌生面孔为刺激,采用事件相关电位(ERP)技术,并结合相继记忆(Dm)范式和迫选再认测验,把学习阶段的面孔分为相继记住、相继启动及相继忘记三类,以相继记住与相继启动的 ERP 差异为外显记忆 Dm 效应,以相继启动与相继忘记的差异为内隐记忆的 Dm效应。结果表明,内隐记忆表现为400~500 ms额中央区负走向的 Dm效应,可能反映了额叶皮层对信息的精加工过程,而外显记忆表现为400 ms开始顶区正走向的Dm效应,可能反映了记忆系统对加工后信息的自动登记过程。由此推测,只有经过额叶加工并被内侧颞叶自动登记的信息,随后才能被有意识地提取出来,而未进入内侧颞叶的信息在随后测验中不可能产生有意识地记忆提取现象,但储存的知觉表征可能触发微弱的记忆痕迹,从而产生内隐面孔记忆。  相似文献   

We know from previous research that unfamiliar face matching (determining whether two simultaneously presented images show the same person or not) is very error-prone. A small number of studies in laboratory settings have shown that the use of multiple images or a face average, rather than a single image, can improve face matching performance. Here, we tested 1,999 participants using four-image arrays and face averages in two separate live matching tasks. Matching a single image to a live person resulted in numerous errors (79.9% accuracy across both experiments), and neither multiple images (82.4% accuracy) nor face averages (76.9% accuracy) improved performance. These results are important when considering possible alterations which could be made to photo-ID. Although multiple images and face averages have produced measurable improvements in performance in recent laboratory studies, they do not produce benefits in a real-world live face matching context.  相似文献   

面孔偏好和吸引力偏好是新生儿(0~1个月)面孔识别中两种重要的偏好现象。面孔偏好(face preference)是指呈现面孔和非面孔刺激时个体偏好面孔的现象;吸引力偏好(attractiveness preference)是指呈现面孔刺激时个体偏好有吸引力面孔的现象。文章从行为研究和原因探析两个方面对新生儿面孔偏好和吸引力偏好的研究概况进行了介绍,认为主体、客体、环境三方面都在不同程度上影响着新生儿的面孔识别行为,指出未来的研究还应在实验对象、实验材料等方面进一步努力。  相似文献   

面孔识别的本族效应指,个体对本族面孔总是比不熟悉的异族面孔有更好的再认。研究者对该效应提出多种解释。这些理论可分成三大类:侧重于社会认知的接触假说、效用分析;侧重于面孔表征的多维空间理论、整体/部分假说;侧重于加工过程的认知忽视和注意、加工水平说、内群/外群模型、双加工理论。每种观点与其他观点既有区别,又有联系,但均不能很好地解释现有的研究结果。未来的研究需致力于直接操纵可能影响本族效应的因素  相似文献   

Researchers often assume a critical band of spatial frequencies is required for face recognition. Also, many studies have not measured the contrast required for recognition. On Day 1, observers viewed high-pass-filtered (HP), low-pass-filtered (LP), or unfiltered (UF) faces. On Day 2, they viewed a variety of faces, some of which were LP filtered, HP filtered, and UF. Observers adjusted contrast until they achieved both detection and recognition. Observers were most accurate and sensitive when filtered faces agreed in spatial-frequency content across days. Faces differing in spatial-frequency content were least well recognized. Unfiltered faces always fell between the 2 extremes. Observers generally used less contrast to recognize unfiltered than filtered faces. Correspondence of information between inspection and testing seemed more important than any particular range of frequencies.  相似文献   

本研究记录了16名被试在完成有整体结构变化和局部特征变化的面孔/房屋图片的一致性判断时的脑内时程变化,以期对面孔识别的特异性本质进行探讨。结果显示,N170波幅和潜伏期的刺激类型主效应显著;面孔/房屋所诱发的N170成分在波幅和潜伏期上均不存在加工方式上的显著差异。晚期成分(300~700ms)上也得到类似的结果。这表明:面孔与房屋(非面孔)的加工在早期和晚期成分上都有差异性,体现出面孔的加工在早期视觉刺激的加工和晚期识别的加工上都具有特异性;晚期识别加工的脑电结果不支持"面孔识别是整体的,结构的,而非面孔客体的识别是局部的,基于特征的"加工观点。  相似文献   

视觉统计学习是指个体依据视觉刺激之间的转接概率来掌握统计规律的过程。本研究通过5个实验探讨了个体基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息进行视觉统计学习的加工机制。每个实验均包括熟悉(学习)和测试两个阶段:在熟悉阶段, 让被试观看名人面孔并完成重复图片探测的无关任务; 在测试阶段, 让被试进行二选一迫选任务。其中, 实验1和2分别考察基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息的视觉统计学习效果; 实验3分别考察基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息视觉进行统计学习的精确性; 实验4进一步考察基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息进行视觉统计学习的时间特征; 实验5验证基于名人面孔视觉特征的视觉统计学习具有面孔特异性。结果表明:个体能同时基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息进行精确的视觉统计学习; 基于正立名人面孔的视觉统计学习效果显著高于基于倒置名人面孔的视觉统计学习效果; 虽然基于视觉特征和语义信息的统计加工都具有一致的精确性, 但后者需要更多的加工时间。这提示:基于名人面孔视觉特征的视觉统计学习具有面孔特异性, 个体基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息的视觉统计学习过程是分离的, 统计运算发生于面孔特征加工完成之后。  相似文献   

曹晓华  曹立人 《心理科学》2007,30(2):316-319
通过眼动数据的分析,探讨人脸图形识别的取样特征。实验为2×2的被试内设计,自变量为显示条件(良好显示和不良显示)和显示方式(旋转显示和非旋转显示)。实验的因变量有反应时、总注视时间、注视比率、首视点注视时间、注视点数量、扫视总距离、扫视平均距离、正确率等8个指标。被试为12名大学生,刺激材料为10幅中国人脸部图形,主要实验设备是一台Eyelinkll型服动仪。结果发现,显示条件和显示方式对人脸图形识别绩效的影响显著;随着作业难度加大,被试图形识别的首视点注视时间显著增加;人脸图形识别中,显示条件对信息取样注视比率影响显著.而显示方式显著影响信息取样点数量.  相似文献   

Matching unfamiliar faces is known to be difficult. Here, we ask whether performance can be improved by asking viewers to work in pairs, a manipulation known to increase accuracy for low‐level visual discrimination tasks. Across four experiments we consistently find that face matching accuracy is higher for pairs of viewers than for individuals. This ‘pairs advantage’ is generally driven by adopting the response of the higher scoring partner. However, when the task becomes difficult, both partners' performance is improved by working in a pair. In two experiments, we find evidence that working in a pair can lead to subsequent improvements in individual performance, specifically for viewers whose accuracy is initially low. The pairs' technique therefore offers the opportunity for substantial improvements in face matching performance, along with an added training benefit.  相似文献   

自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)是一种心理状况的谱系障碍,其症状是社交及沟通上的广泛性异常、异常局限性的兴趣和高度重复性的刻板行为。包括自闭症、亚斯伯格症候群和待分类的广泛性发展障碍3类。研究主要以事件相关电位和功能性磁共振成像两种技术为线索,通过深入分析ASD患者在面孔识别认知过程中脑的异常变化,探讨其面孔识别障碍的神经机制问题。研究表明,ASD患者面孔识别能力的损伤主要与N170、N300、P400和Nc等ERPs成份异常及梭状回面孔区和杏仁核的低激活有关。研究推论ASD患者面孔识别障碍是多个异常脑区联合作用的结果,且主要受异常脑区的数量和损伤程度的影响。  相似文献   

面孔信息的分类方法一直复杂多样, 相关研究数据丰富, 但所用概念混杂。构形加工与特征加工作为使用最频繁的分类方法, 其可靠性越来越受研究者们关注。从近40年来的相关文献中选择引用率高的文献做参考, 遵循不同研究方法相互印证的原则分析数据, 提出构形加工与特征加工的区分是面孔识别中重要并且可靠的加工类型划分, 但确认两者在知觉加工上的先后关系以及在个体发展上的先后顺序尚缺乏稳定一致性的实验依据。  相似文献   

Recognising identity and emotion conveyed by the face is important for successful social interactions and has thus been the focus of considerable research. Debate has surrounded the extent to which the mechanisms underpinning face emotion and face identity recognition are distinct or share common processes. Here we use an individual differences approach to address this issue. In a well-powered (N?=?605) and age-diverse sample we used structural equation modelling to assess the association between face emotion recognition and face identity recognition ability. We also sought to assess whether this association (if present) reflected visual short-term memory and/or general intelligence (g). We observed a strong positive correlation (r?=?.52) between face emotion recognition ability and face identity recognition ability. This association was reduced in magnitude but still moderate in size (r?=?.28) and highly significant when controlling for measures of g and visual short-term memory. These results indicate that face emotion and face identity recognition abilities in part share a common processing mechanism. We suggest that face processing ability involves multiple functional components and that modelling the sources of individual differences can offer an important perspective on the relationship between these components.  相似文献   

In the current study, we evaluated the own-age face recognition bias by using various encoding tasks to evaluate the robustness and potential limitations of the own-age bias. One hundred sixty young adults studied photographs of children, young adults, middle-aged adults, and older adults and were assigned to one of four encoding conditions (i.e., age estimate, attractiveness rating, friendliness rating, and a face search task). Subsequent recognition tests revealed a robust own-age bias such that participants recognized own-age faces better than other-age faces regardless of encoding task. The current study showed that encoding tasks that focus on socially relevant characteristics (i.e., attractiveness ratings and friendliness ratings) do not eliminate or weaken the own-age bias compared to tasks that specifically focus on the age of the face. These findings indicate that in-group/out-group categorization requires little conscious processing and may be automatic, which is consistent with Sporer's (2001) in-group/out-group model (IOM) of facial processing.  相似文献   

弱智儿童视觉图形辨认的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究探讨了不同智商水平的弱智儿童的视觉图形辨认能力的差异,并与同龄正常儿童作了比较。结果表明,智商在31-51,平均智商为41.6,均龄为11.7岁的弱智儿童,在图形以0.05秒速度的呈现条件下,平均辨认正确率为21.4%;在以0.01秒速度呈现的条件下,平均正确率为20.7%。智商在55-75,平均智商为62.0,均龄为10.2岁的弱智儿童,图形以0.05秒速度呈现时,平均辨认正确率为48.5%;在以0.01秒速度呈现时,平均正确率为45.0%。与同均龄的正常儿童比较,无论在哪一种呈现速度条件下,对图形辨认正确率均明显低于正常儿童。  相似文献   

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