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Investigations of the individual and interpersonal coping resources of depressed persons are underrepresented in the field of research on depression. Whereas some studies have been conducted on depressed couples evaluating individual coping or social support from others, only a few studies have addressed the topic of dyadic coping, or the way both partners cope together. In the present effort, male and female participants with a current or past diagnosis of depression, all of whom were married or cohabiting in a close relationship, reported on their individual and dyadic coping and were compared on these variables with a matched group of control participants. Results corroborate previous findings on deficits in individual coping, and to a lesser degree in dyadic coping.  相似文献   

The aim was to study coping strategies among hearing-impaired individuals by using a validated coping instrument—The Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WOCQ; S. Folkman & R. Lazarus, 1988)—and to relate the use of coping with anxiety sensitivity and experience of hearing impairment. A questionnaire booklet was sent out to the members of the local branch of the Swedish Hard of Hearing Association. Ninety-four members responded to the questionnaire, yielding a 53% response rate. Primary outcome measures were the WOCQ, the Anxiety Sensitivity Index, and visual analogue scale rating of discomfort from hearing impairment. Repeated measures analysis of WOCQ subscales showed that the participants used planful problem solving and self-controlling coping strategies whereas escape/avoidance responses were less frequently used than the other coping strategies. Anxiety sensitivity was associated with escape/avoidance coping (r = .63, p < .0001). In conclusion, hearing-impaired individuals do not use escape/avoidance coping more than other coping strategies. However, escape/avoidance coping is associated with anxiety sensitivity, suggesting that sensitivity to anxiety sensations is an important associated factor. Coping strategies were not associated with discomfort from hearing impairment in any meaningful way.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to explore the process of self-transformation as a result of coping with a major life event, and to address the role, if any, that spirituality plays within the coping and transformational process. Using grounded theory methodology, six participants were interviewed over a period of 6 months. The findings, supportive of previous research, produced a preliminary model illustrating transformation as a gradual process. The core category was identified as “openness,” in that by being open to others or to the “Transcendent,” the participants were able to let go and transform. It was theorized that openness, in this sense, enables acceptance of material deriving from a realm of self beyond the everyday ego. Indeed, such a journey of transformation crucially seems to entail expanding the conception of self beyond customary limits. Understood in this way, transformation may be conceptualized as a process of continual movement into the unconscious, where the totality of the self is awakened, resulting in a reinterpretation of life purpose. The consequences of the transformation for participants were positive in nature. The role that spirituality plays within the coping and transformation process was seen to manifest as being subtle and unfolding and/or supportive.  相似文献   


Negative urgency, which is the tendency to act impulsively under the influence of negative emotions, is a risk factor for various psychological disorders including anxiety and depression. In contrast, proactive coping is a future oriented coping strategy that aims to prepare the self for future stressors by reappraising the stressors as challenges or keep oneself prepared for impending losses. Although the effect of proactive coping and preventive coping strategies on reducing depression and anxiety has been consistently documented, the association of their interaction with risk factors received little attention. In the current study, the moderator roles of two dimensions of Proactive Coping strategies in the association of negative urgency with anxiety and depression, is examined. Data were collected from 404 individuals (255 women) aged 18 to 59 (M?=?31.29, SD = 11.70) through scales assessing negative urgency, proactive coping, anxiety and depression from a community sample. The results revealed that the interaction of proactive coping with negative urgency to be significantly associated with individual differences in depression scores, indicating that appraising the threats as challenges may have potential for buffering the effects of negative urgency on depression. However, a similar pattern was not observed for anxiety or preventive coping.  相似文献   

预先应对:一种面向未来的应对   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
预先应对是个体针对未来的潜在压力源所提前采取的预防性措施。文章阐述了预先应对的概念及特点,分析了预先应对的发展阶段和影响因素并讨论了预先应对对个体的利与弊。  相似文献   


Using a disgust-inducing film, Gross (1998) showed that the instruction to suppress mimic expression (suppression) triggered physiological arousal, while the instruction to think about the film in order to adopt a detached and unemotional attitude (reappraisal) reduced affective strain compared to a condition instructing subjects simply to watch the film (watch). The present paper investigates, if disgust sensitivity has a moderating role in this context. Physiological, subjective, and behavior responses were recorded in 120 males divided according to high/low disgust sensitivity who were exposed to the disgust-inducing film used by Gross. The instruction effects reported by Gross could not be replicated. However, high disgust-sensitive subjects were more physiologically and emotionally aroused than low disgust-sensitive subjects. Interactions between disgust sensitivity and the three film instructions can possibly be traced back to a repressive coping style of subjects with low disgust sensitivity.  相似文献   

Three studies were designed to investigate the interrelationships among coping styles, gender roles, and level of depression for early adolescents. Girls displayed more depression than boys, and more highly depressed girls demonstrated coping patterns similar to those of depressed adolescent and adult women. Individuals who identified with the feminine gender role showed increases in depression with age. Participants' implicit beliefs about what constituted appropriate coping behavior were also linked to gender. Both genders believed that men should not ruminate but that they should distract themselves from problems. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors examined the roles of reasons for living and coping in protecting against suicidal behaviors among 361 Black college students. Results of a path analysis revealed that reasons for living mediated against suicidal ideation through an inverse effect on depression. Results also indicated that greater use of emotion‐oriented coping may lead to suicidal ideation through increased depression and decreased reasons for living, whereas avoidance‐oriented coping protected against suicide. Implications for these results are further discussed.  相似文献   

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for those ages 13–25 in the United States. Coping is a mediator between stressful life events and adverse outcomes, and coping skills have been incorporated into interventions (e.g., cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, safety-planning interventions) for suicidal populations. However, longitudinal research has not directly examined the prospective associations between multiple coping styles and suicide-related outcomes in high-risk samples. This study identified cross-sectional and 4-month longitudinal associations of coping styles with suicide risk factors (i.e., depression, suicidal ideation, suicidal behavior) in a sample of 286 adolescent and young adult psychiatric emergency patients. Positive reframing was the coping style most consistently associated with positive outcomes, whereas self-blame and disengagement were consistently associated with negative outcomes. Active coping protected against suicidal behavior for males, but not for females. This was the first study to examine longitudinal relationships between coping and suicide-related outcomes in a high-risk clinical sample. Findings suggest that clinical interventions with suicidal adolescents and young adults may benefit from a specific focus on increasing positive reframing and reducing self-blame.  相似文献   


Using a transactional model of stress and coping, we examined the general (i.e., Problem-Focused, Emotion-Focused) and religious (i.e., Self-Directing, Collaborative, Deferring) coping strategies used by 64 caregivers to spouses with dementia to cope with their most significant, albeit uncontrollable, caregiving hassle over a two-month period. With respect to general coping, we hypothesized that caregivers who used Emotion-Focused coping would demonstrate fewer Depressive Symptoms at Month 2 after controlling for Depressive Symptoms at Month 1. With respect to religious coping, we hypothesized that care-givers who used Deferring Coping would also demonstrate fewer Depressive Symptoms. Results revealed interesting patterns between caregivers' use of general and religious coping strategies. Contrary to our hypotheses, caregivers who used Emotion-Focused and Collaborative coping reported greater Depressive Symptoms. Implications for the empirical study of stress and coping and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

支气管哮喘伴发抑郁与人格、应对和社会支持的关系分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究分析支气管哮喘伴发抑郁与人格、应对和社会支持的关系。对216例支气管哮喘患者应用自评抑郁量表、大五人格量表、特质应对方式问卷和社会支持评定量表进行调查,对收集到的数据进行Pearson相关分析、多元逐步回归分析和路径分析。结果显示49.1%的支气管哮喘患者存在不同程度的抑郁情绪;哮喘患者的抑郁程度、人格、应对方式和社会支持之间存在着不同程度的显著相关;人格、应对和社会支持都是影响支气管哮喘伴发抑郁的影响因素,人格的神经质是其重要的预测因素,它除了能直接影响哮喘患者的抑郁程度,还能通过社会支持和应对方式对其起间接的作用。研究提示人格的神经质、公正严谨性和消极应对方式是支气管哮喘伴发抑郁的直接的预测因素。  相似文献   

为了解心理干预对急性冠脉综合征(ACS)伴抑郁患者应对方式的影响,对42名ACS伴抑郁患者随机分为干预组和对照组,在入组时、入组3月后和6月后分别进行HAD(d)、MCMQ测评。结果显示入组3月后和6月后,干预组HAD(d)总分、回避因子分、屈服因子分较对照组降低,面对因子分较对照组升高,与入组时相比干预组HAD(d)...  相似文献   

Drawing from minority stress theory and the systemic–transactional model, we examined whether perceptions of partner's dyadic coping behavior moderated the association between sexual orientation discrimination stress and symptoms of depression among individuals in a same-sex relationship. Data from 95 same-sex couples revealed that, overall, sexual orientation discrimination stress was positively associated with depressive symptoms; however, perceived partner emotion-focused supportive dyadic coping weakened this association. Specifically, higher sexual orientation discrimination stress was associated with greater depressive symptoms only for individuals perceiving low partner emotion-focused supportive dyadic coping. Implications for researchers and clinicians are presented.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between religious coping, coping resources, and depressive symptoms. The authors tested whether coping resources explained the link between religious coping and depressive symptoms in a sample of 349 college students. Results indicated that coping resources partially mediated the relationship between negative religious coping and depressive symptoms, primarily through decreased social ease. The results offered no evidence that coping resources mediated the relationship between positive religious coping and depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore whether coping self-efficacy mediates between various distress related variables on the one hand (symptoms of stress and depression), and the degree of psycho-social well-being as measured on the upper end of the mental health continuum on the other hand. Participants were two multi-cultural student groups (n1 = 568; n2=1480) as well as two community samples of Setswana speaking adults (n3=477; n4=1275). Students completed the English versions of measures, and the community samples of adults the Setswana versions. Mediation was evaluated through the testing of structural equation models. Coping self-efficacy mediated significantly between distress and wellbeing, although stressors also influenced the level of psychosocial well-being directly.  相似文献   

The way patients cope with the experience of having an episode and being hospitalized for psychiatric disorder may relate to symptom severity, social functioning, and psychological well-being. Coping was assessed among 70 psychiatric inpatients diagnosed primarily with schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, and schizoaffective disorder. The Brief COPE—a questionnaire developed in health psychology (C. S. Carver, 1997)—was administered in interviewer-assisted format during patients' stay on the ward. Thirty patients were re-interviewed an average of 6 weeks after discharge. Among patients with schizophrenia, schizophrenia symptom severity correlated inversely with adaptive coping (e.g., acceptance, planning, seeking support) but did not correlate with maladaptive coping (e.g., self-blame, denial). Among those with schizophrenia, deficits in adaptive coping also predicted relative increases in schizophrenia symptoms over time, controlling for intake symptom severity. Among patients without schizophrenia, maladaptive coping correlated concurrently with depressive symptoms. Several hypothesized associations between concurrent coping, functioning, and well-being were also documented.  相似文献   

Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is an invasive and taxing treatment for certain cancers. This study investigated the psychological constructs of optimism and dispositional coping and their relative predictive role for situational coping. Participants were 85 cancer patients enrolled in a randomized clinical trial of T-cell depletion for prevention of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) who completed baseline and 1-year interviews. Results of simultaneous regression analyses showed that optimism did not predict situational instrumental or palliative coping strategies but was negatively predictive of situational avoidant coping. Each of the three situational coping strategies was most strongly predicted by the corresponding dispositional coping strategy. This research was sponsored by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute: N01-HB-47095, N01-HB-47097, N01-HB-47094 and N01-HB-47098.  相似文献   

压力和应对策略在女性大学生负性情绪产生中的作用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘霞  陶沙 《心理学报》2005,37(5):637-649
通过对239名女性大学生的问卷调查,探讨了不同类型的压力和应对策略在负性情绪产生中的作用及其特点。结果表明:(1)压力和应对策略作用于负性情绪的过程模型既存在差异性又存在一致性。学业压力可以直接作用于负性情绪,也可通过消极解决问题策略的中介间接作用于负性情绪;经济压力主要通过消极解决问题和寻求支持策略的中介间接作用于负性情绪;人际压力对负性情绪的产生具有直接作用,也通过消极解决问题和寻求支持策略的中介间接作用于负性情绪;(2)在三种压力情境下,消极解决问题和寻求支持策略对负性情绪的产生均具有重要作用。  相似文献   

积极的应对研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
积极心理学是当前心理学的趋势,应激与应对研究中亦体现着这种特点。从应激源、应对方式与过程以及应对后果(复原力)三方面,综合探讨了当前应激与应对研究领域内的新变化,认为应激与应对研究正处于积极的应对研究潮流中,并展望了对未来应激与应对的研究发展。  相似文献   

This study describes utilization of coping strategies and evaluates the interaction between coping strategies, depression, and quality of life (QOL) in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) who are being considered for neurosurgical intervention. Eighty patients (mean age 61.7 years) with PD being evaluated for possible deep brain stimulation completed self-report instruments of coping strategies (Coping Responses Inventory), depression (Beck Depression Inventory), and disease-specific QOL (Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire-39). Analyses showed that patients with PD cope with the acute stressor of approaching neurosurgery through a variety of strategies, but particularly avoidant and behavioral strategies. When the correlated but apparently opposing effects of cognitive and behavioral strategies were teased apart, greater use of cognitive strategies was associated with more severe depressive symptomatology (and poorer QOL), while greater use of behavioral strategies appeared to be associated with less depression. Depressive symptomatology, in turn, was associated with poorer QOL. However, coping had minimal direct association with QOL. From this it was concluded that patients with advanced PD generate a variety of coping responses to an acute stressor such as surgery, and the use of behavioral strategies, in particular seeking of alternative enjoyable activities, may be associated with better mood if salutary effects are not overwhelmed by less helpful cognitive coping techniques. The minimization of depressive symptomatology, in turn, is associated with better QOL.  相似文献   

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