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The author defines the characteristics of the psychological analysis of work as it is practiced in France, pointing out those characteristics which distinguish it from the taxonomic types of analysis more common in the Anglo-Saxon countries. He recalls some of the general traits, presents the analysis of work in the perspective of cognitive psychology, and emphasizes the difficulties compared to other, more classical, analyses. Some particular methods of the psychological analysis of work are presented by analysing the significance of accidents and errors. He emphasizes the many theoretical and methodological problems as well as the role of the analysis of work as a necessary condition previous to any intervention.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2015,21(2):105-120
The present study aimed to assess workaholism in the light of job demands (psychological demands, efforts, emotional dissonance) and job resources (control, social support, rewards). The study was conducted among 342 employment counselors. The results revealed that the employment counselors would have all the more workaholism behaviors that the organizational context expose them to high levels of psychological demands and efforts, high levels of over-commitment and emotional dissonance and low levels of social support and rewards. Multiple regressions highlighted the central role of psychological demands, over-investment and emotional dissonance to reveal workaholism.  相似文献   

This article investigates the links between personalization, workplace attachment and perceived workplace quality. Participants (N = 116) work in the same office building. This investigation focus also about the office ability to improve intimacy and appropriation by owners (open space, individual office, shared office). As we were expecting, we observe an effective link between personalization and workplace attachment, and perceived workplace quality. The overall results lead to the conclusion of a solid link between attachment and perceived workplace quality. We will discuss our conclusions furthermore and we will offer recommendations.  相似文献   

An action research using three classical models of occupational stress enabled us to verify the impact on the results obtained from the choice of model and paradigm: psychosocial risks versus Quality of work life. Four hundred and thirty-six supermarket employees answered a questionnaire including these three measures of stress, the outcomes (satisfaction, fatigue) and a possible cause (role strain). Our results validate the hypotheses of significant differences in stress prevalence levels according to the model, such as links to the factor and the consequences, as well as the importance of the perception of stress to explain the negative experience.  相似文献   

The goals of this study consist, on the one hand, to verify the relationship between psychological empowerment and behavioural empowerment, and on the other hand, to verify whether employees’ empowerment may be positively influenced by different components of work climate, including job enrichment, role clarity, coworker support, leaders’ empowering practices, top management's empowering practices, and resources accessibility. This study also aims to test the mediating role of psychological empowerment in the relationships between the components of work climate and employees’ behavioural empowerment. The data were collected from 227 employees without managerial responsibilities. Results showed that psychological empowerment may intervene as a mediator between some work climate components (job enrichment, role clarity, and coworker support) and employees’ behavioural empowerment. The theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2022,28(3):157-175
IntroductionThe Covid-19 pandemic disrupted the organization of work and represented a turning point in the deployment of mediated and remote work. Wherever the continuation of the activity was possible at a distance, telework was imposed. Nevertheless, it is exercised in new conditions and the organization of work modalities is defined according to the evolution of the situation and governmental health measures.ObjectiveIn this context, the objective of this study is to understand what are, from the point of view of middle managers, the impacts of telework in confinement and then during the progressive re-establishment of the activity on site, on the one hand, on the work, its organization and its conditions of realization and, on the other hand, on the work collectives, the relationship to work and the quality of life of the employees.MethodIn this perspective, we carried out an exploratory and comprehensive study through semi-structured interviews with 17 directors of service in a French public organization.ResultsThe lexical and morphosyntactic analysis performed shows that the modalities of work organization/reorganization at different moments of the crisis, their impact on work activity, the psychosocial experience of telework within the services and the managerial practices deployed (3 classes) could constitute opportunities but also generate risks.ConclusionThe results of this study allow us to identify the benefits but also the potentially deleterious effects of the use of telework in times of crisis and provide elements for consideration in its post-pandemic deployment.  相似文献   

This article aims to inform the intervention process and the institution of conflictuality around the criteria on quality of work in an Activity Clinic perspective. From the example of a recent intervention in sanitary service of a big city, this article instructs this process when the conflictuality around the criteria of quality of work can be instituted in the organization. When field professionals can do more authority on their activity in the organization, we then witness in action a modification of their role in decision process, regarding their own work. The article concludes with the contribution of the results produced to current reflections on the union work actuality.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the mediating role of reflexivity (West, 1996) and climate to innovation (Anderson & West, 1998) between power distances and effectiveness of work teams of engineers training. Regression analysis (Baron & Kenny, 1986) reveals a total mediation of climate and a partial mediation of reflexivity. These results are discussed from a practical perspective.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2019,25(4):383-397
The psychological assessment is a widespread approach in child and adolescent psychology, but few studies have examined the experiences of the main stakeholders during this process. This study was conducted among 105 parents consulting for their child in a psychological counseling centre, and investigated by ad-hoc questionnaires the dimensions that can be involved at different moments of the assessment: expectations and perceptions, motivation for change, working alliance, and satisfaction with care. The results highlight the importance of parents’ initial representations and the quality of first contact with psychologists. This study enhances our understanding of procedural elements little studied and yet determinant for the engagement of parents in the psychological assessment and the intervention that would follow.  相似文献   

Paid medical institutions which are entitled to work conditions corresponding to the respect of their basic right with which it must be articulated. Which is the exact extent of the medical secret? Can it go until allowing the neutralization of the right of the workers organisms?  相似文献   

This article examines the impacts of the changes in the labor market and organizations as well as their effects on women executives’ job retention and professional mobility. This research is rooted in a qualitative approach based on 51 individual interviews with female executives. The results reveal that the work of women executives is organized around financial goals and could entail risks such as loss of meaning. In these contexts, women developpe resistance or collaboration strategies to integrate and stay at work. These strategies have consequences on their professional mobility.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2023,29(3):193-206
The guidance design for unemployed people in changing career must increasingly take into account their existential concerns about career meaning. The literature about life and work meaning has highlighted the multifactorial complexity of meaning definition and determinants of meaning. This fact does not facilitate their use in counselling design. Bernaud et al. (2020) “Guidance for life and work meaning” device takes into account this problem; it offers many thinking prospects that organize meaning questioning in order to help people who loosed professional and personal markers. By analyzing an application of this device with the multiple cases method, our article examines how a meaning guidance helps unemployed people in giving a new direction of their career. The study of five cases with chronologic analysis unities shows how various meaning dimensions help people to clarify, to enrich and to transform their initial problematic during accompaniment and how they progress with different rhythms to major personal and vocational decisions.  相似文献   

«quo On disait autrefois, en Angleterre, que le Droit est un âne. S'agissant de l'indemnisation du dommage corporel, la France a fait beaucoup mieux : notre droit est franchement imbécile. Il s'agit maintenant de se donner les moyens de se sortir de cette situation : cela est tout à fait à notre portée ». C'est sur ces mots que s'achève le percutant rapport du docteur Louis Mélennec Pour une loi unique d'indemnisation du handicap et du dommage corporel, et pour l'abolition des systèmes actuels (responsabilité civile, accidents du travail, pensions d'invalidité dont Médecine & Droit publie ici quelques bonnes pages. L'auteur y analyse et dénonce avec force les incohérences du système français d'indemnisation du handicap et du dommage corporel et préconise la reconstruction d'un système unitaire harmonieux et cohérent. « Ce rapport, d'une inexorable sévérité, étayée par l'analyse intellectuelle et l'expérience personnelle de l'auteur, devrait-il obliger aussi bien les pouvoirs publics2 que les spécialistes du droit social et les juristes du dommage corporel à une réflexion sans concession sur toutes les incohérences ainsi stigmatisées åquo.  相似文献   

In order to examine the reasons of the choice and the effectiveness of the strategies of conciliation related to the adaptation of working time, we present two empirical studies which investigate the relationships between the level of maternal separation anxiety and the choice of the duration of the schedules of work. The first study was conducted among two groups of working mothers, one of 41 mothers working at full-time, the other of 33 mothers having chosen to work part-time. The second study relates to 45 employees of mass marketing having the possibility of choosing nonstandard work schedules (early the morning, late the evening) or in day. The results confirm that, on a psychological level, the question of worked time is crucial for the active mothers. They illustrate how the new constraints related to the changes of the world of work (flexibility and precariousness) can be sometimes undergone by the women, sometimes appropriated by them in order to reconcile work and their family role.  相似文献   

Our organisations have been severely shaken by the COVID-19 pandemic and the world of work has not been spared. Only essential activities continued in order to maintain a minimum level of functioning, just like in hospitals or in local authorities. During the first five months of the crisis in 2020 (from March to July), 34 interviews were conducted in these two public service entities in order to examine the management of urgent matters in the light of “activity” and at the heart of the crisis. The results show that while the emergency is mainly managed by an improvisation activity based on the intuition of the actors in the field, the crisis is managed by governance in a rational manner leading to the drafting of procedures after the event. This crisis situation pushed organisations to reconfigure themselves in an emergency, allowing the development of new professional practices. The strategies of damage control and proceduralization will be discussed. Perspectives are opened on the questions of training for these crisis situations against a background of developing presumption of ignorance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to measure the relationships between organizational recognition and workplace psychological health for emergency dispatchers by a predictif correlational design. Data collected from a secure online questionnaire sent to dispatchers via four emergency call centers (n = 155) measured psychological health at work (Gilbert et al., 2011) and organizational recognition (Brun and Dugas, 2005). The results of multiple linear regression analyses partially confirmed the hypothesized links between the two variables: they attested that organizational and co-worker recognition partially explained psychological well-being at work (R2 = .25, p < .001) and psychological distress at work (R2 = .30, p < .001) among emergency dispatchers.  相似文献   

Job interview is a standardized situation that carries high stakes and involves impression management tactics. When an incident occurs in such a situation it could create embarrassment. Usually the expression of this self-conscious emotion positively affects others’ judgment. The aim of this study is to know whether this positive effect could also be observed in a job interview and whether it may vary depending on how embarrassment is expressed and with the personality of the job applicant. Contrary to what it is observed in an ordinary context, the absence of expression is favored by the recruiters; the expression of embarrassment is rather negatively perceived, especially when it is not controlled. The issue of emotional expressivity during interview will be discussed.  相似文献   

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