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There is recent evidence that perceptual processes are influenced by culture. Westerners tend to engage in context-independent and analytic perceptual processes by focusing on a salient object independently of its context, whereas Asians tend to engage in context-dependent and holistic perceptual processes by attending to the relationship between the object and the context in which the object is located. Recent research has explored mechanisms underlying such cultural differences, which indicate that participating in different social practices leads to both chronic as well as temporary shifts in perception. These findings establish a dynamic relationship between the cultural context and perceptual processes. We suggest that perception can no longer be regarded as consisting of processes that are universal across all people at all times.  相似文献   

Stochastic interactive processes and the effect of context on perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of context on perceptual identification responses given without time pressure are well-described by classical models in which contextual and stimulus information exert independent effects. A recent article by Massaro (1989) raises the possibility that interactive models, such as the TRACE model of speech perception, are inherently incompatible with these classical context effects. The present article shows that this incompatibility hypothesis can be rejected. Mathematical analysis and computer simulation methods are used to show that interactive models can exhibit the classical effects of context, if there is variability in the input to the network or if there is intrinsic variability in the network itself. A variety of interactive models which incorporate variability can all produce the classical context effects, at least under some conditions; the conditions are rather general in the case of one of the variants. The findings suggest that interactive models should not be viewed as alternatives to classical accounts, but as hypotheses about the dynamics of information processing that lead to the global asymptotic behavior that the classical models describe.  相似文献   

A series of five experiments used the method of magnitude estimation to assess how height and width are integrated in perceptual and in memorial judgments of area. Separate groups of subjects estimated the areas of perceived or remembered rectangles produced by a symmetrical 4 X 4 factorial design of height and width. Additional independent groups of observers made area judgments, based on special mixes of perceptual and memorial information referring to the height and width components of the to-be-judged rectangles. Both perceptual and memory data obeyed the bilinear interaction prediction of the normative multiplicative model. The relation between perceived and actual area as well as the relation between remembered and actual area could both be described by a compressive power function, with the exponent being reliably smaller for remembered than for perceived area. These results seem to imply a principle of integration rule invariance across perceptual and memorial estimates of a given set of stimuli, in conjunction with characteristically different valuation operations.  相似文献   

In complex social interactions, such as co‐operation or competition with another person on an ability test, people tend to activate stereotypes strategically in order to achieve their self‐enhancement goals. If multiple ways of categorizing the target person are available, the selected stereotypical traits that serve their motives might also depend on the specific task context in which the interaction is situated. We assumed that people selectively process trait information in order to increase their perceived chances to win in a currently performed task. We tested this hypothesis in a study in which participants were told to perform an analytical or emotional skills task having as a co‐operator or rival, a multiple categorizable target person (female computer science student). In the analytical task context, we found stronger inhibition of stereotypically female traits in the co‐operation than in the competition condition. In the emotional skills task context, we found stronger inhibition of computer scientist traits in the co‐operation than competition condition. The interactive nature of goals and context influences on stereotype activation is discussed and some theoretical implications about the dynamics of stereotype activation processes are drawn. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the New Look literature of the 1950s, it has been suggested that size judgments are dependent on the affective content of stimuli. This suggestion, however, has been 'discredited' due to contradictory findings and methodological problems. In the present study, we revisited this forgotten issue in two experiments. The first experiment investigated the influence of affective content on size perception by examining judgments of the size of target circles with and without affectively loaded (i.e., positive, neutral, and negative) pictures. Circles with a picture were estimated to be smaller than circles without a picture, and circles with a negative picture were estimated to be larger than circles with a positive or a neutral picture confirming the suggestion from the 1950s that size perception is influenced by affective content, an effect notably confined to negatively loaded stimuli. In a second experiment, we examined whether affective content influenced the Ebbinghaus illusion. Participants judged the size of a target circle whereby target and flanker circles differed in affective loading. The results replicated the first experiment. Additionally, the Ebbinghaus illusion was shown to be weakest for a negatively loaded target with positively loaded and blank flankers. A plausible explanation for both sets of experimental findings is that negatively loaded stimuli are more attention demanding than positively loaded or neutral stimuli.  相似文献   

A simulated lie detection procedure was used to investigate skin conductance responsivity among self-reported skin responders. Subjects were grouped according to reported trait anxiety as measured by Lykken's Activity Preference Questionnaire and then engaged in either a mock crime or a neutral activity. The “crime” gave subjects “guilty knowledge,” and the neutral task provided “innocent associations” to relevant stimuli imbedded in each scenario. Subjects were then interrogated using Lykken's Guilty Knowledge technique. Anxiety classification, guilty vs. innocent treatment, and type of stimulus were manipulated in a 2 × 2 × (2) factorial design. Results for differential responsivity scores showed significant main and interaction effects. Low-anxiety subjects showed almost no effects, but highly anxious subjects responded strongly in the “guilty” rather than the “innocent” treatment. Contrary to previous findings, results showed a substantial—but qualified—relationship between self-reported anxiety and electrodermal responsivity. Also, the Guilty Knowledge technique with rank scoring yielded 97.5% correct classification.  相似文献   

Sixty-hertz raster scan monitors provide relatively inexpensive solutions to problems associated with presenting complex visual stimuli. However, they restrict the user to displays in which stimulus characteristics cannot be changed more often than once every 16.67 msec. Calligraphic monitors allow very high frame rates, but not the generation of complex or chromatic images (unless very expensive monitors are purchased). A method is reported for increasing the frame rate of some raster monitors at the expense of the number of lines that are painted. Also, data relating to the influence of such a modification on visual performance is presented.  相似文献   

The perception of face gender was examined in the context of extending “face space” models of human face representations to include the perceptual categories defined by male and female faces. We collected data on the recognizability, gender classifiability (reaction time to classify a face as male/female), attractiveness, and masculinity/femininity of individual male and female faces. Factor analyses applied separately to the data for male and female faces yielded the following results. First, for both male and female faces, the recognizability and gender classifiability of faces were independent—a result inconsistent with the hypothesis that both recognizability and gender classifiability depend on a face’s “distance” from the subcategory gender prototype. Instead, caricatured aspects of gender (femininity/masculinity ratings) related to the gender classifiability of the faces. Second, facial attractiveness related inversely to face recognizability for male, but not for female, faces—a result that resolves inconsistencies in previous studies. Third, attractiveness and femininity for female faces were nearly equivalent, but attractiveness and masculinity for male faces were not equivalent. Finally, we applied principal component analysis to the pixel-coded face images with the aim of extracting measures related to the gender classifiability and recognizability of individual faces. We incorporated these model-derived measures into the factor analysis with the human rating and performance measures.  相似文献   

Recent data from various sources converge in pointing to constitutional constraints and genetic influences in behavioral development. What are the mechanisms that mediate such constraints and influences? Are they expressed through mechanisms of behavior acquisition and learning? Or are they expressed through genetically determined perceptual capacities and response propensities that guide behavior along species-typical and ontogenetically adaptive developmental trajectories? These alternatives are examined in the context of genetically and environmentally manipulated stimulus preferences and perceptual imprinting in Japanese quail chicks (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Data indicate that the genotype is a source of variation in unconditional stimulus preferences and that there are inhibitory and facilitative interactions between different unconditional preferences and also between unconditional and acquired preferences. Variations in stimulus-specific and stimulus-general learning may guide behavioral development in ways that are genetically preadapted, yet individually variable, and ontogenetically adaptive. Interpretation of data favors a synthesis of earlier psychological and biological concepts of canalization.  相似文献   

We explore the recent finding (Newman & Dell, 1978) that the time needed to detect a target phoneme in a phoneme monitoring task is increased when the preceding word contains a phoneme similar to the target. Normal adult native speakers of English monitored auditorily presented sentences and responded as quickly as possible whenever they detected a specified phoneme. We found that preceding word-initial phonemes, despite being processed more quickly, increased the response latency to the following target phoneme more than did preceding word-medial phonemes. There was also an increase in response latency even when the subject could be highly certain that the similar preceding phoneme was not an instance of the target phoneme. We argue that the interference effects are due to fundamental characteristics of perceptual processing and that more time is needed to categorize the target phoneme. We present a computer simulation using an interactive activation model of speech perception to demonstrate the plausibility of our explanation.  相似文献   

A central aim of cognitive psychology is to explain how we integrate stimulus dimensions into a unified percept, but how the dimensions of pitch and time combine in the perception of music remains a largely unresolved issue. The goal of this study was to test the effect of varying the degree of conformity to dimensional structure in pitch and time (specifically, tonality and metre) on goodness ratings and classifications of melodies. The pitches and durations of melodies were either presented in their original order, as a reordered sequence, or replaced with random elements. Musically trained and untrained participants (24 each) rated melodic goodness, attending selectively to the dimensions of pitch, time, or both. Also, 24 trained participants classified whether or not the melodies were tonal, metric, or both. Pitch and temporal manipulations always influenced responses, but participants successfully emphasized either dimension in accordance with instructions. Effects of pitch and time were mostly independent for selective attention conditions, but more interactive when evaluating both dimensions. When interactions occurred, the effect of either dimension increased as the other dimension conformed more to its original structure. Relative main effect sizes (| pitch η(2) - time η(2) |) predicted the strength of pitch-time interactions (pitch?×?time η(2)); interactions were stronger when main effect sizes were more evenly matched. These results have implications for dimensional integration in several domains. Relative main effect size could serve as an indicator of dimensional salience, such that interactions are more likely when dimensions are equally salient.  相似文献   

A central aim of cognitive psychology is to explain how we integrate stimulus dimensions into a unified percept, but how the dimensions of pitch and time combine in the perception of music remains a largely unresolved issue. The goal of this study was to test the effect of varying the degree of conformity to dimensional structure in pitch and time (specifically, tonality and metre) on goodness ratings and classifications of melodies. The pitches and durations of melodies were either presented in their original order, as a reordered sequence, or replaced with random elements. Musically trained and untrained participants (24 each) rated melodic goodness, attending selectively to the dimensions of pitch, time, or both. Also, 24 trained participants classified whether or not the melodies were tonal, metric, or both. Pitch and temporal manipulations always influenced responses, but participants successfully emphasized either dimension in accordance with instructions. Effects of pitch and time were mostly independent for selective attention conditions, but more interactive when evaluating both dimensions. When interactions occurred, the effect of either dimension increased as the other dimension conformed more to its original structure. Relative main effect sizes (| pitch η2 – time η2 |) predicted the strength of pitch–time interactions (pitch?×?time η2); interactions were stronger when main effect sizes were more evenly matched. These results have implications for dimensional integration in several domains. Relative main effect size could serve as an indicator of dimensional salience, such that interactions are more likely when dimensions are equally salient.  相似文献   

Simonson et al. propose a framework that emphasizes the roles of context and fluency in perception and choice. The importance of context has been emphasized throughout a very long tradition of research, and fluency has been a more recent and active topic of investigation. Simonson et al. combine them in a way that should organize a multitude of studies and make new predictions possible. However I suggest two portions of their framework that might be pruned without jeopardizing the value of their model: their motion of “latitude of acceptance” and the System1/System 2 distinction.  相似文献   

In this study the influence of irrelevant stimulus changes from one trial to another in a serial reaction time task was investigated. Two experiments were performed in which subjects were required to respond to stimulus colour. Four colours were mapped on two response keys, so that colour and response repetition effects could be dissociated. In Experiment 1, the irrelevant stimulus dimension was location and in Experiment 2 it was shape. Both experiments were performed with a short and a long response-stimulus interval (RSI)-condition. In both experiments, the irrelevant dimension influenced the response repetition effect but not the colour repetition effect. In the reaction times, a response alternation effect was observed only when the irrelevant location of the stimulus changed in the long RSI-condition. The error rates showed a response alternation benefit for both irrelevant dimensions, in the short and the long RSI-condition. The benefit for response alternations is explained in terms of a response bias towards change that is triggered by a changing stimulus feature. We assume that the response bias is stronger for location than for colour and that accuracy is more sensitive to this bias than response latencies.  相似文献   

Under orthographic projection, biological motion point-light walkers offer no cues to the order of the dots in depth: Views from the front and from the back result in the very same stimulus. Yet observers show a bias toward seeing a walker facing the viewer (Vanrie, Dekeyser, & Verfaillie, 2004). Recently, we reported that this facing bias strongly depends on the gender of the walker (Brooks et al., 2008). The goal of the present study was, first, to examine the robustness of the effect by testing a much larger subject sample and, second, to investigate whether the effect depends on observer sex. Despite the fact that we found a significant effect of figure gender, we clearly failed to replicate the strong effect observed in the original study. We did, however, observe a significant interaction between figure gender and observer sex.  相似文献   

本文通过3个研究探究了交互自然性的心理结构及其影响。研究1通过开展字典检索, 文献回顾和专家访谈, 得到了包含有9个条目的初始量表。研究2问卷调查了353名智能网联汽车用户, 探索性因素分析发现了两因素结构 (“通达舒畅”和“随景应人”)。后续分析表明这两个因素对满意度等关键效标有显著独特的预测作用。研究3使用新样本(n = 349) 验证了双因素模型的稳定性, 还发现这两个交互自然性体验维度对推荐意愿、忠诚感等重要变量也有显著预测作用, 此外还发现, 通达舒畅更多受到基本驾驶辅助系统等功能的影响, 而随景应人更多受到交互和智能相关功能的影响。本文进一步讨论了该量表如何用于未来的人机交互研究。  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to examine how verbal context and sensory stimulation interact to influence odor hedonic perception. Eight common odors were presented in their natural and synthetic forms, and verbal labels designating name and source (natural, synthetic) information were either explicitly given, self-generated, falsely provided, or not provided. Results revealed that verbal information about source influenced hedonic ratings whether or not the odorant itself was also present. When odorants were presented without verbal labels, olfactory evaluations were based in sensation. Name and source information contributed different levels of meaning and influence to perceptual evaluations. The findings are discussed with reference to an experiential-collocation model for odor-label interactions and a dual-coding hypothesis for olfactory perception.  相似文献   

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