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Four experiments investigated the role of reference frames during the acquisition and development of spatial knowledge, when learning occurs incrementally across views. In two experiments, participants learned overlapping spatial layouts. Layout 1 was first studied in isolation, and Layout 2 was later studied in the presence of Layout 1. The Layout 1 learning view was manipulated, whereas the Layout 2 view was held constant. Manipulation of the Layout 1 view influenced the reference frame used to organize Layout 2, indicating that reference frames established during early environmental exposure provided a framework for organizing locations learned later. Further experiments demonstrated that reference frames established after learning served to reorganize an existing spatial memory. These results indicate that existing reference frames can structure the acquisition of new spatial memories and that new reference frames can reorganize existing spatial memories.  相似文献   

This study examined forgetting in spatial memories acquired in a virtual environment. In the two experiments, participants learned the locations of eight objects. In Experiment 1, the objects were presented as photographs in either a laboratory or in an equivalent virtual environment. Irrespective of learning condition, accuracy of recall of the locations was found to deteriorate after a retention interval of approximately 1 week. In Experiment 2, following virtual learning, three groups of participants performed a series of non‐spatial tasks of low, intermediate or high difficulty. The tasks were presented in a retention interval of 2 hours. A comparison of recall accuracy before and after presentation of the interference tasks indicated that that the groups were not differentially affected by the difficulty of the retroactive interference tasks. However, the groups differed in their subjective assessment of the mental workload involved in the tasks. The results are discussed with reference to a prominent theory of forgetting. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined reference systems in spatial memories acquired from language. Participants read narratives that located 4 objects in canonical (front, back, left, right) or noncanonical (left front, right front, left back, right back) positions around them. Participants' focus of attention was first set on each of the 4 objects, and then they were asked to report the name of the object at the location indicated by a direction word or an iconic arrow. The results indicated that spatial memories were represented in terms of intrinsic (object-to-object) reference systems, which were selected using egocentric cues (e.g., alignment with body axes). Results also indicated that linguistic direction cues were comprehended in terms of egocentric reference systems, whereas iconic arrows were not.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that spatial reference frames with which object locations are specified in memory are intrinsic to a to-be-remembered spatial layout (intrinsic reference theory). Although this theory has been supported by accumulating evidence, it has only been collected from paradigms in which the entire spatial layout was simultaneously visible to observers. The present study was designed to examine the generality of the theory by investigating whether the geometric structure of a spatial layout (bilateral symmetry) influences selection of spatial reference frames when object locations are sequentially learned through haptic exploration. In two experiments, participants learned the spatial layout solely by touch and performed judgments of relative direction among objects using their spatial memories. Results indicated that the geometric structure can provide a spatial cue for establishing reference frames as long as it is accentuated by explicit instructions (Experiment 1) or alignment with an egocentric orientation (Experiment 2). These results are entirely consistent with those from previous studies in which spatial information was encoded through simultaneous viewing of all object locations, suggesting that the intrinsic reference theory is not specific to a type of spatial memory acquired by the particular learning method but instead generalizes to spatial memories learned through a variety of encoding conditions. In particular, the present findings suggest that spatial memories that follow the intrinsic reference theory function equivalently regardless of the modality in which spatial information is encoded.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the reference frame used in spatial updating when idiothetic cues to self-motion were minimized (desktop virtual reality). In Experiment 1, participants learned a layout of eight objects from a single perspective (learning heading) in a virtual environment. After learning, they were placed in the same virtual environment and used a keyboard to navigate to two of the learned objects (visible) before pointing to a third object (invisible). We manipulated participants’ starting orientation (initial heading) and final orientation (final heading) before pointing, to examine the reference frame used in this task. We found that participants used the initial heading and the learning heading to establish reference directions. In Experiment 2, the procedure was almost the same as in Experiment 1 except that participants pointed to objects relative to an imagined heading that differed from their final heading in the virtual environment. In this case, pointing performance was only affected by alignment with the learning heading. We concluded that the initial heading played an important role in spatial updating without idiothetic cues, but the representation established at this heading was transient and affected by the interruption of spatial updating; the learning heading, on the other hand, corresponded to an enduring representation which was used consistently.  相似文献   

Children 1 and 3 years of age were given a two-choice spatial discrimination task. They were placed in front of a barrier and encouraged to walk around it; one route around the barrier was blocked. Three experiments studied the effects of different types of experience with this spatial problem. The first examined trial and error experience, in which the child was allowed to walk the route he or she had chosen. Although most children readily learned to choose the open route, the pattern of choices indicated that 3-year-olds were more likely to achieve a learning criterion after an error than 1-year-olds. A second experiment looked at the effects of showing the children the layout of the problem prior to trial and error experience. The 3-year-olds were again more likely than the 1-year-olds to achieve criterion after an error; furthermore, they were likely to know the correct route on the first trial. The third experiment let the children watch their parents take the correct route. This procedure eliminated age differences in performance. The initial choices of the 1-year-olds indicated that they were likely to know the correct route, and if they did not, they were just as likely to learn from their mistakes as the 3-year-olds. The data were interpreted within a mathematical model of learning. Based upon these analyses, we propose two developmental trends. One involves a growth in sensitivity to the consequences of a choice of route. The other is a progression from social learning to more independent and ideational methods of spatial problem solving.  相似文献   

The dual-representation model of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD; Brewin, Gregory, Lipton, & Burgess, Psychological Review, 117, 210-232 2010) argues that intrusions occur when people fail to construct context-based representations during adverse experiences. The present study tested a specific prediction flowing from this model. In particular, we investigated whether the efficiency of temporal-lobe-based spatial configuration learning would account for individual differences in intrusive experiences and physiological reactivity in the laboratory. Participants (N = 82) completed the contextual cuing paradigm, which assesses spatial configuration learning that is believed to depend on associative encoding in the parahippocampus. They were then shown a trauma film. Afterward, startle responses were quantified during presentation of trauma reminder pictures versus unrelated neutral and emotional pictures. PTSD symptoms were recorded in the week following participation. Better configuration learning performance was associated with fewer perceptual intrusions, r = ?.33, p < .01, but was unrelated to physiological responses to trauma reminder images (ps > .46) and had no direct effect on intrusion-related distress and overall PTSD symptoms, rs > ?.12, ps > .29. However, configuration learning performance tended to be associated with reduced physiological responses to unrelated negative images, r = ?.20, p = .07. Thus, while spatial configuration learning appears to be unrelated to affective responding to trauma reminders, our overall findings support the idea that the context-based memory system helps to reduce intrusions.  相似文献   

In order to study the influence of intentional and incidental learning conditions on route learning, young adults walked a route through a university building. Half of the participants focused their attention on the route (intentional learning condition), while the other half did not (incidental learning condition). Five tests of spatial knowledge were employed: a route-length-estimation, landmark recognition, landmark ordering, map-drawing and navigation task. The intentional group performed better than the incidental group on the map-drawing and navigation task. No difference between the intentional and incidental group was found on the landmark-recognition and landmark-ordering task. Moreover, the intentional group overestimated the walking distance, while the incidental group underestimated it. These results suggest that route knowledge (landmark recognition and landmark ordering) requires less effortful processing than survey knowledge (developing a map-like representation and actual navigation).  相似文献   

It has been established that spatial representation in the haptic modality is subject to systematic distortions. In this study, the haptic perception of parallelity on the frontoparallel plane was investigated in a bimanual matching paradigm. Eight reference orientations and 23 combinations of stimulus locations were used. The current hypothesis from studies conducted on the horizontal and midsagittal planes presupposes that what is haptically perceived as parallel is a product of weighted contributions from both egocentric and allocentric reference frames. In our study, we assessed a correlation between deviations from the veridical and hand/arm postures and found support for the role of an intermediate frame of reference in modulating haptic parallelity on the frontoparallel plane as well. Moreover, a subject-dependent biasing influence of the egocentric reference frame determines both the reversal of the oblique effect and a scaling effect in deviations as a function of bar position.  相似文献   

The phenomenology of autobiographical memories varies on a number of dimensions: some memories are vivid and others dim; some are emotionally intense and others lack emotional content. The present research sought to develop a psychometrically-sound scale to assess the entire range of dimensions on which autobiographical memories differ. We reviewed the literature on memory experiences and identified 10 relevant dimensions: Vividness, Coherence, Accessibility, Time Perspective, Sensory Details, Visual Perspective, Emotional Intensity, Sharing, Distancing, and Valence. We constructed a comprehensive item pool to assess these dimensions and, using data from several large samples (Ns=941; 510; 212), we showed that: (a) all 10 scales had adequate reliability (median alpha=.87; range=.72 to .97), (b) the 10-factor structure provided a good fit to the data, and (c) gender, personality, and memory recency had theoretically meaningful relations with the 10 scales. For example, gender and ethnicity differences in phenomenology were mediated by memory content, and early and recent memories had distinct phenomenologies. The discussion focuses on the theoretical and practical utility of the 10 scales.  相似文献   

The human visual system can represent an object's spatial structure with respect to multiple frames of reference. It can also utilize multiple reference frames to mentally transform such representations. Recent studies have shown that performance on some mental transformations is not equivalent: Imagined object rotations tend to be more difficult than imagined viewer rotations. We reviewed several related research domains to understand this discrepancy in terms of the different reference frames associated with each imagined movement. An examination of the mental rotation literature revealed that observers' difficulties in predicting an object's rotational outcome may stem from a general deficit with imagining the cohesive rotation of the object's intrinsic frame. Such judgments are thus more reliant on supplementary information provided by other frames, such as the environmental frame. In contrast, as assessed in motor imagery and other studies, imagined rotations of the viewer's relative frame are performed cohesively and are thus mostly immune to effects of other frames.  相似文献   

Therrien ME  Collin CA 《Perception》2010,39(8):1043-1064
Visual navigation is a task that involves processing two-dimensional light patterns on the retinas to obtain knowledge of how to move through a three-dimensional environment. Therefore, modifying the basic characteristics of the two-dimensional information provided to navigators should have important and informative effects on how they navigate. Despite this, few basic research studies have examined the effects of systematically modifying the available levels of spatial visual detail on navigation performance. In this study, we tested the effects of a range of visual blur levels--approximately equivalent to various degrees of low-pass spatial frequency filtering--on participants' visually guided route-learning performance using desktop virtual renderings of the Hebb-Williams mazes. Our findings show that the function of blur and time to finish the mazes follows a sigmoidal pattern, with the inflection point around +2 D of experienced defocus. This suggests that visually guided route learning is fairly robust to blur, with the threshold level being just above the limit for legal blindness. These findings have implications for models of route learning, as well as for practical situations in which humans must navigate under conditions of blur.  相似文献   

《Brain and cognition》2010,72(3):272-278
Neural resources subserving spatial processing in either egocentric or allocentric reference frames are, at least partly, dissociated. However, it is unclear whether these two types of representations are independent or whether they interact. We investigated this question using a learning transfer paradigm. The experiment and material were designed so that they could be used in a clinical setting. Here, we tested healthy subjects in an imagined viewer-rotation task and an imagined object-rotation task. The order of the tasks was counterbalanced across subjects. The results showed that subjects who did the viewer-rotation task first had fewer errors and shorter latencies of response in the object-rotation task, whereas subjects who did the object-rotation task first had little if any advantage in the viewer-rotation task. In other words, the results revealed an asymmetric learning transfer between tasks, which suggests that spatial representations are hierarchically organized. Specifically, the results indicate that the viewer-rotation task engaged allocentric representations and egocentric representations, whereas the object-rotation task engaged only egocentric representations.  相似文献   

Neural resources subserving spatial processing in either egocentric or allocentric reference frames are, at least partly, dissociated. However, it is unclear whether these two types of representations are independent or whether they interact. We investigated this question using a learning transfer paradigm. The experiment and material were designed so that they could be used in a clinical setting. Here, we tested healthy subjects in an imagined viewer-rotation task and an imagined object-rotation task. The order of the tasks was counterbalanced across subjects. The results showed that subjects who did the viewer-rotation task first had fewer errors and shorter latencies of response in the object-rotation task, whereas subjects who did the object-rotation task first had little if any advantage in the viewer-rotation task. In other words, the results revealed an asymmetric learning transfer between tasks, which suggests that spatial representations are hierarchically organized. Specifically, the results indicate that the viewer-rotation task engaged allocentric representations and egocentric representations, whereas the object-rotation task engaged only egocentric representations.  相似文献   

Five experiments tested a haptic analog of optical looming, demonstrating string-mediated haptic distal spatial perception. Horizontally collinear hooks supported a weighted string held taut by a blindfolded participant's finger midway between the hooks. At the finger, the angle between string segments increased as the finger approached collinearity with the hooks, just as the optical angle subtended by an approaching object increases. The vertical force component at the finger is potentially informative for perception, approaching zero at finger-hook collinearity. In Experiment 1, participants judged hook height reasonably accurately. To retain force relationships but eliminate immediate skin contact, Experiment 2 employed a hand-held rod; results replicated those of Experiment 1. Experiment 3 replicated Experiment 2 using a ring instead of a rod. In all three experiments, estimated hook height closely paralleled actual height, r > .9. Experiments 4 and 5 showed that participants could project impending finger-hook collinearity when finger contact with the string was interrupted during its traverse. Perceivers' estimate errors were nearly perfectly predicted by height-force ratio relationships (Rs > .96). Outcomes are related to optical and acoustic looming, dynamic touch, tau theory, and Gibsonian perceptual theory.  相似文献   

The effects of electroconvulsive shock (ECS) on spatial memory first reported by Shavalia, Dodge, and Beatty (1981, Behavioral and Neural Biology, 31, 261-273) were systematically replicated in two experiments. Rats acquired concurrent spatial memories in two 8-arm radial mazes. Each rat was allowed four choices in Maze 1 and then, after 2 h, four choices in Maze 2. After 2 h each rat was tested for retention in Maze 1 and, after 2 more h, was tested for retention in Maze 2. A single ECS was administered immediately after the fourth choice in Maze 2. Retention (as measured by accuracy of Choices 5-8) was diminished for Maze 1 but not for Maze 2. In the second experiment, the delay between the retention tests was eliminated (thus holding the ECS-Choice 5 interval constant for the two mazes). Once again retention of Maze 1 was impaired and retention of Maze 2 was spared; that finding suggests that ECS does not proactively affect radial-arm maze performance. The results of a third experiment converge on the same conclusion; ECS failed to reduce levels of spontaneous alternation. Therefore, ECS appears to interfere retroactively with relatively old spatial memories and newly established memories appear to be immune to the amnestic effects of ECS. Implications and various explanations are considered.  相似文献   

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