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现今科学哲学中的自然主义倾向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,科学哲学中的自然主义倾向愈益突出了。有人认为,现今科学哲学的特征就在于它转向了自然主义。一、现象科学哲学中的自然主义包括自然化(或自然主义化)科学哲学和部分自然化(或自然主义化)认识论。前者试图把科学认识作为一种自然现象用科学的方法加以研究,后者则试图把科  相似文献   

美国哲学整体论思潮发端于蒯因自然主义整体论,迄今在宏观上已形成自然主义与反自然主义两大分形;分形的依据是对黑格尔集大成的西方近代先验哲学的态度,反对者为自然主义,赞成者则为反自然主义.在微观上,自然主义分形囊括蒯因自然主义整体论、哈克温和自然主义整体论和前期库恩科学历史主义整体论等;反自然主义分形包括后期库恩理性重构主...  相似文献   

蒯因从关于自然主义的有关论述出发,探寻"自然主义"的恰当内涵,并给出如下定义:自然主义是实用的经验主义;自然主义的本体论是语境主义多元论;自然主义的认识论是休谟问题域中的认识论。然而,蒯因没有对自然主义做这样的哲学定位,而是在取消分析-综合二分法的基础上进而取消"第一哲学"和认识论,并以此作为自然主义的标志。现在看来,蒯因所说的自然主义转折实际上只是自然主义内部的一个转折,即在自然主义认识论上由积极的转变为消极的。消极的自然主义面临失范和矛盾的困境。  相似文献   

自然化认识论(naturalizedepistemology)是以美国哈佛大学教授W.V.则因和A·I·戈尔德曼(A.I.Goldman)为代表的自然主义哲学家所创立的认识论学说。本文将分别论述自然主义者对基础主义认识论的批评和自然主义认识论的兴起,进而阐明两种认识论之间的差别以及在现代西方认识论发展过程中二者的兴衰关系,最后简述利因自然主义纲领的基本内容。一、认识论的三个发展阶段在自然主义看来,关于感觉刺激与信念形成或知识获得、证据与理论、观察与科学之间的关系,在历史上有三种不同理解,关于这种关系的认识论理论有三个发展阶段。…  相似文献   

李侠 《学海》2006,(2):134-139
自然主义作为一种有影响的哲学运动的出现是很晚近的事情,文章详细梳理了自然主义与自然化认识论的历史发展与演化的轨迹,指出自然主义与自然化认识论的复兴,是科学哲学研究路线在当代发生转向的重要标志。  相似文献   

于金龙  吴彤 《哲学动态》2007,2(1):46-52
科学哲学的规范性研究包括规范性认识论和规范性问题两个基本论题的研究。一般来说,非自然主义科学哲学是理论优位的基础主义的规范学科,旨在形成规范性认识论。但规范性认识论寻求认知基础失败而陷入困境。20世纪60年代,奎因(W.V.O.Quine)旨在摆脱基础主义认识论困境提出认识论的自然化,使自然化的科学哲学面临规范性问题。所谓规范性问题,主要指的是关于事实的经验科学与关于行为的规范科学之间的关系问题。它首先由英国哲学家休谟提出,并提升为“是”与“应该”的关系问题。休谟由此推出著名的休谟法则,即从“是”不可能推出“应该”来…  相似文献   

自然主义认识论的实用主义承诺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自然主义认识论与实用主义有着天然的联系。作为美国思想大舞台上最著名和最具影响的哲学流派,实用主义奠定了自然主义认识论的理论基调或理论背景。通过分析三种不同的实用主义为自然主义认识论提供的理论承诺,我们可以更好地理解不同类型的自然主义认识论,厘清当前关于自然主义认识论的争论,从而更好地把握自然主义认识论的发展脉络和趋势。一、自然主义认识论的三种纲领对于自然主义认识论,我们很难给出一个简单明了的定义,这主要是因为“自然主义与其说是一个体系或一种学说,不如说是一种态度和方式:它本质上是一种哲学方法和方案”(Ra…  相似文献   

在对待规范性问题上,自然主义者内部大致分化成了不同的两派,即科学自然主义和开明自然主义。科学自然主义通过否定、消除或者还原的方式拒绝承认规范事实的存在,受到诸多诟病;也正因为科学自然主义受到的攻击及其解释力的单薄,一些自称自然主义者的哲学家打出了开明自然主义的旗号,他们承认规范事实的存在,试图克服自然与规范之间的紧张,挽救自然主义的声誉。本文在澄清自然主义两种路径的基础上,重点讨论开明自然主义能否化解规范性带给自然主义的威胁问题。  相似文献   

如何在自然主义的科学世界中为道德找到一处安身之所成为20世纪以来元伦理学关注和研究的一个核心问题。60年代之后,随着自然主义本体论、认识论和语义学的兴起,道德哲学家开始求助于科学事业的哲学基础试图为该问题提供一个答案,康奈尔道德自然主义即是其中的一个重要流派。该派由  相似文献   

科学合理性即工具合理性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提倡自然化的科学哲学,我打算向半个世纪以前就被公认为学术专业的科学哲学中占统治地位的概念提出挑战。这种挑战并不新鲜,在维也纳学派内部,O.诺伊拉特提出过,而后奎因又提出过(1969)。库恩的处女作(1962)中的自然主义倾向曾在科学哲学家中引起了很多对其著作最初的消极的反应。而自然主义已经吸引了许多当代著名的拥护者(丘奇兰,1989;胡克,1987;赫尔,1988;鲁斯,1986)。由于不承认科学哲学的自然主义方法,H.西格尔(Siegel)在捍卫这种占支配地位的传统时,不仅反对我专门提出的一种自然主义选择论,而且也反对长期存在而且发展着的少数派观点。我认为,问题的核心正在于此。根据这种占支配地位的传统,西格尔相信,从科学中可能发现自主的认识论原理。这些原理会给科学家们应该怎样引动的规范主张提供自主的依据,并在科学家中间提供绝对的或无条件的合理性标准。  相似文献   

水污染问题源于不按规范行事:不该降生的企业"准生"了,本该达标排放的却没有达标;污染发生后,因为取证困难等原因,污染问题难于解决;虽个别情况作出赔偿的,却又难于执行;对污染责任人的处理也相机行事.对此的解释是:人通常在有外在约束下才会守规范,但现行体制缺乏监督;现代社会是一个人工系统,系统的运转要求系统内的成员必须按规范行动,但目前我们仍倾向于依情景而非依规范行动.  相似文献   

Regularity Theories Reassessed   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For a long time, regularity accounts of causation have virtually vanished from the scene. Problems encountered within other theoretical frameworks have recently induced authors working on causation, laws of nature, or methodologies of causal reasoning – as e.g. May (Kausales Schliessen. Eine Untersuchung über kausale Erklärungen und Theorienbildung. Ph.D. thesis, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, 1999), Ragin (Fuzzy-set social science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000), Graßhoff and May (Causal regularities. In W. Spohn, M. Ledwig, &; M. Esfeld (Eds.), Current issues in causation (pp. 85–114). Paderborn: Mentis, 2001), Swartz (The concept of physical law (2nd ed.). http://www.sfu.ca/philosophy/physical-law/, 2003), Halpin (Erkenntnis, 58, 137–168, 2003) – to direct their attention back to regularity theoretic analyses. In light of the latest proposals of regularity theories, the paper at hand therefore reassesses the criticism raised against regularity accounts since the INUS theory of causation of Mackie (The cement of the universe. A study of causation. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974). It is shown that most of these objections target strikingly over-simplified regularity theoretic sketches. By outlining ways to refute these objections it is argued that the prevalent conviction as to the overall failure of regularity theories has been hasty.  相似文献   

Scanpaths have played an important role in classic research on reading behavior. Nevertheless, they have largely been neglected in later research perhaps due to a lack of suitable analytical tools. Recently, von der Malsburg and Vasishth (2011) proposed a new measure for quantifying differences between scanpaths and demonstrated that this measure can recover effects that were missed with the traditional eyetracking measures. However, the sentences used in that study were difficult to process and scanpath effects accordingly strong. The purpose of the present study was to test the validity, sensitivity, and scope of applicability of the scanpath measure, using simple sentences that are typically read from left to right. We derived predictions for the regularity of scanpaths from the literature on oculomotor control, sentence processing, and cognitive aging and tested these predictions using the scanpath measure and a large database of eye movements. All predictions were confirmed: Sentences with short words and syntactically more difficult sentences elicited more irregular scanpaths. Also, older readers produced more irregular scanpaths than younger readers. In addition, we found an effect that was not reported earlier: Syntax had a smaller influence on the eye movements of older readers than on those of young readers. We discuss this interaction of syntactic parsing cost with age in terms of shifts in processing strategies and a decline of executive control as readers age. Overall, our results demonstrate the validity and sensitivity of the scanpath measure and thus establish it as a productive and versatile tool for reading research.  相似文献   

Regularity theories of causation are guided by the idea that causes are collectively sufficient for their effects. Following Mackie [1974], that idea is typically refined to distinguish collections that include redundant members from those that do not. Causes must be collectively sufficient for their effects without redundancy. While Mackie was surely right that the regularity theory must distinguish collections that are in some sense minimally sufficient for an effect from those that include unnecessary hangers-on, I believe that redundancy is the wrong mark of that distinction. I propose a way to develop the regularity theory without it. Instead of distinguishing minimal from mere sufficiency in terms of redundancy, we should look to the influence that events have in the world. Causes, so construed, must have just enough collective influence to ensure that an effect occurs. I argue that such an account provides a uniform solution to the problem of epiphenomena and to a pair of related problems that arise for prior iterations of the regularity theory.  相似文献   

The Regularity Account of Relational Spacetime   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Huggett  Nick 《Mind》2006,115(457):41-73

The issue of regular-irregular past tense formation was examined in a cross-modal lexical decision task in Modern Greek, a language where the orthographic and phonological overlap between present and past tense stems is the same for both regular and irregular verbs. The experiment described here is a follow-up study of previous visual lexical decision experiments (Tsapkini, Kehayia, & Harema, 2002) that also addressed the regular-irregular distinction in Greek. In the present experiment, we investigated the effect of input modality in lexical processing and compared different types of regular and irregular verbs. In contrast to our previous intra-modal (visual-visual) priming experiments, in this cross-modal (auditory-visual) priming study, we found that regular verbs with an orthographically salient morphemic aspectual marker elicited the same facilitation as those without an orthographically salient marker. However, irregular verbs did not exhibit a different priming pattern with respect to modality. We interpret these results in the framework of a two-level lexical processing approach with modality-specific access representations at a surface level and modality-independent morphemic representations at a deeper level.  相似文献   

王蕴 《学海》2005,5(4):140-144
自认为各国立法所普遍规定,最高人民法院《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》亦作了原则规定,但基于理论上缺乏对该问题的深入和系统的探索,以及司法实践中的职权主义模式求真观点的流行,终致该问题在实际工作中仍有分歧与困惑。本文拟从司法实践视角,谈谈拙见。  相似文献   

道德信仰的演变既表现为共时态的亢进律、波动律、蜕变律,又表现为历时态的崇拜、服从、自由。两交织使道德信仰的演变呈现出复杂性。  相似文献   

The regularity of stress patterns in a language depends on distributional stress regularity, which arises from the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables, and durational stress regularity, which arises from the timing of syllables. Here we focus on distributional regularity, which depends on three factors. Lexical stress patterning refers to normal stress patterns within words; interlexical stress patterning refers to patterns that arise from word combinations; and contextual stress patterning refers to adjustments in normal lexical stress patterns (such as the well-known phenomenon of “stress clash avoidance”). A corpus study was done to assess the effect of these three factors on distributional stress regularity in conversational and formal spoken English, by comparing the degree of stress regularity in stress-annotated corpus data to randomly manipulated versions of the data and to “citation-form” stress patterns drawn from a phonetic dictionary. The results show that both lexical and interlexical patterning contribute significantly to stress regularity in English; contextual stress patterning does not, and in fact significantly reduces regularity in comparison to citation-form stress patterns.  相似文献   

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