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In two experiments, subjects monitored sequences of spoken consonant-vowel-consonant words and nonwords for a specified initial phoneme. In Experiment I, the target-carrying monosyllables were embedded in sequences in which the monosyllables were all words or all nonwords. The possible contextual bias of Experiment I was minimized in Experiment II through a random mixing of target-carrying words and nonwords with foil words and nonwords. Target-carrying words were distinguished in both experiments from target-carrying nonwords only in the final consonant, e.g., /bit/ vs. /bip/. In both experiments, subjects detected the specified consonant /b/ significantly faster when it began a word than when it began a nonword. One interpretation of this result is that in speech perception lexical information is accessed before phonological information. This interpretation was questioned and preference was given to the view that the result reflected processes subsequent to perception: words become available to awareness faster than nonwords and therefore provide a basis for differential responding that much sooner.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for establishing an operant response in goats. The operanda are two lucite panels which can be transilluminated. The goats press the panels with their muzzles and are reinforced with whole oats. All six subjects showed reliable and accurate performance in brightness discrimination, including cessation of responding during time-out periods.  相似文献   

An operant conditioning technique for use with passerine birds is described. Two redwinged blackbirds were successfully conditioned to perch-hop for food reinforcement. Continuous reinforcement and fixed-ratio schedules involving substantial ratio requirements were used to maintain this response. The behavior of the two redwinged blackbirds was comparable to that of more conventional organisms working on similar schedules of reinforcement.  相似文献   

Functional avoidance is considered as one of the key mechanisms underlying overgeneral autobiographical memory (OGM). According to this view OGM is regarded as a learned cognitive avoidance strategy, based on principles of operant conditioning; i.e., individuals learn to avoid the emotionally painful consequences associated with the retrieval of specific negative memories. The aim of the present study was to test one of the basic assumptions of the functional avoidance account, namely that autobiographical memory retrieval can be brought under operant control. Here 41 students were instructed to retrieve personal memories in response to 60 emotional cue words. Depending on the condition, they were punished with an aversive sound for the retrieval of specific or nonspecific memories in an operant conditioning procedure. Analyzes showed that the course of memory specificity significantly differed between conditions. After the procedure participants punished for nonspecific memories retrieved significantly more specific memories compared to participants punished for specific memories. However, whereas memory specificity significantly increased in participants punished for specific memories, it did not significantly decrease in participants punished for nonspecific memories. Thus, while our findings indicate that autobiographical memory retrieval can be brought under operant control, they do not support a functional avoidance view on OGM.  相似文献   

Six naive male subjects were reinforced for responses in the 20-30 microvolt range, and two each for those in 10-20 and 30-40 microvolt ranges. Records were taken of 15 min of "settling down," 15 min of initial operant level responding, 30 min of conditioning, and 45 min of extinction, 30 min with light present and 15 min without. The results were: (1) small-scale muscle potentials from the thenar eminence, in the 10-20, 20-30, and 30-40 microvolt ranges, were conditioned, using pointer movement as the reinforcement; (2) the response rate in adjacent ranges of greater and lesser amplitude also increased during such conditioning and decreased during the subsequent extinction; (3) during conditioning the frequency of response distribution shifted toward the reinforced range; (4) subjects were unaware of the reinforced response; (5) observing a noncontingent moving pointer increased the response rate in the 20-30 microvolt range, but did not lead to conditioning.  相似文献   

Operant conditioning of human anal sphincter pressure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anal sphincter pressure in a 13-yr-old encopretic boy was modified by reinforcing increases in pressure exerted on a fluid-filled balloon inserted into the rectum. It was found that pressure changes were a function of the reinforcement schedule and that baseline levels (resting pressure) during extinction conditions tended to increase throughout the experiment.  相似文献   

The numerous mechanisms of behavior change in infant development are sometimes difficult to distinguish. Although it is agreed that elicitation and reinforcement both influence infant learning, the distinction between these two learning mechanisms was clarified in response to K. Bloom's (1984, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 38, 93-102) commentary. The theoretical and methodological assumptions of an functional analysis of infant behavior were made explicit in the context of the C. L. Poulson study (1983, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 36, 471-489). The rationale for the use of DRO schedules to control for elicitation effects of continuous reinforcement and the inadequacy of noncontingent schedules for this purpose were also discussed.  相似文献   

Two groups of 20 Ss each were run individually in a soundproof chamber heated to 115 F and humidified to 100%. Ss in the experimental group received brief presentation of cool air contingent upon emitted GSRs during 20 min of acquisition. Control Ss were matched one at a time in operant rate and were yoked one at a time to receive the cool air on a response-independent schedule. Both groups increased significantly in rate of unelicited GSRs during acquisition, with the experimental Ss’ curve rising more rapidly and both groups attaining equivalent terminal levels. During extinction, the groups maintained high levels of responding and did not differ. Examination of basal skin conductance data ruled out an activation hypothesis. In the control Ss, terminal response frequency was significantly correlated with percentage of fortuitous response-contingent reinforcement. It was concluded that both groups were conditioned, with the controls receiving intermittent reinforcement sufficiently often to elevate their responding. The cool air was judged to be an effective reinforcer of unelicited GSRs, perhaps more effective than those used in previous studies.  相似文献   

Bats of the species Phyllostomus hastatus were trained to press a pigeon key with food as the reinforcer. Patterns of responding under fixed-ratio, fixed-interval, and variable-interval schedules of reinforcement were similar to those typically shown by other species. In a simple auditory discrimination, responding readily came under stimulus control. It is suggested that the behavioral method could be applied to various problem areas of bat behavior.  相似文献   

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