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This article addresses the important issue of intergenerational similarities and differences among women's rights activists. We examined the attitudes, emotions, and experiences of three generations of reproductive rights activists, born between 1925 and 1975. Across generations, the participants were strongly pro-choice and identified as feminists. Despite these similarities, there were several differences that could be explained by considering the sociohistorical circumstances faced by each cohort. For example, the Civil Rights generation activists came of age during the boycotts and marches of the 1950s and showed the highest level of civil rights activism. Reflecting the coincidence of their young adulthood with the 1970s women's movement, the Protest generation activists identified the most with the label "feminist." Finally, the Poshvomen's movement activists, raised in the 1970s and 198Os, were the most likely to have taken college-level women's studies classes.  相似文献   

The fidelity of a translated survey instrument used to measure attitudes toward mental health was evaluated using statistical methods based on item response theory. Data from French and German versions of the attitude survey were analyzed, and items that displayed differential item functioning (dif) were identified. Item characteristic curves (ICCs) were examined to determine whether the source of dif could be attributed to errors in translation or differences in cultural experiences or knowledge. The proposal by Humphreys and Hulin for using ICCs to determine the source of dif is evaluated.  相似文献   

本文采用问卷调查的形式,研究了上海中学教师的进修心态。调查表明.教师认为进修能够增加知识和提高教学水平,进修时心情比较愉快.即使碰到心情不好也能坚持去进修;听课时能记笔记,希望多讲少考.多采取开卷考试,在阅卷考试时.希望考前复习的“透明度”越高越好;教师对其注意力、记忆和理解力的自我评价比较积极,他们的进修动机主要是满足个人的求知欲和提高教学水平。  相似文献   

Multidimensional attitude change models propose that (1) stimuli defining the domain of attitudes may consist of a multidimensional rather than unidimensional pattern; (2) stimuli associated with each other in the persuasion process will converge with each other in the multidimensional attitude domain. These two propositions receive clear support from three of the hypotheses tested in four-panel cohort data, which analyses show to be multidimensional. The sources of a persuasive message converge on the position they advocate. Multiple sources converge on each other. The findings provided partial support for two other hypotheses on the convergence of self-concept with advocated position and with sources of a persuasive message. A final, somewhat tangential hypothesis also receives clear support: existential associations of concepts are more effective than hortatory associations. These results support further development of multidimensional attitude change models.  相似文献   

Abstract: Democracy is regularly heralded as the only form of government that treats political subjects as free and equal citizens. On closer examination, however, it becomes apparent that democracy unavoidably restricts individual freedom, and it is not the only way to treat all citizens equally. In light of these observations, we argue that the non-instrumental reasons to support democratic governance stem, not from considerations of individual freedom or equality, but instead from the importance of respecting group self-determination. If this is correct, it implies that a state may choose democracy, but its right to self-determination means that it is also free, in principle, to decide in favor of some nondemocratic alternative.  相似文献   

态度的自动激活效应的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究探讨了态度的自动激活效应,通过考察先期呈现的图片对后续词汇分类判断的影响,以判断阈下呈现图片是否自动激活其在记忆中储存的评价,结果发现积极图片促进了个体对后续积极词汇的反应.消极图片促进了对后续消极词汇的反应,对象一评价联结强度不是影响态度自动激活效应的因素之一。从而支持Bargh提出的态度自动激活效应是自动化和无条件的这一结论。  相似文献   

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